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Round 2: The Night vs The Light

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Round 2: The Night vs The Light Empty Round 2: The Night vs The Light

Post by CainVulsore March 31st 2013, 1:11 am


He had won, he had defeated the female brute after one hell of a fight, literaly. It had not been an easy task at all to defeat her with the speed and creativity she used but he had done it and was now to move onto the next round. This next fight would be agaisnt yet another apponent he knew nothing about, a fire manipulator who had burnt through their competition as if they were nothing. Sure, they had faced an archer with wings and Cain was sure he could have just as easly defeated the fool but it was interesting in how the man had completed the act. Using the archer’s own wings agaisnt him and having them hurtle down to earth before crashing into the ground. While Cain himself had only beaten the girl by shoving the Kilij of Shadows into her gut. Not as interesting but still certainly worked, and she was fine what with the Tournament healers and all.

He knew not where his next fight was to commince but as soon as he stepped onto the teleporter he blinked in astonishment, he could tell just from the movement of the shadows and their positioning that they were not on the Coloseeum anymore. No, wherever they he was this time it certianly was not the giant floating Coloseeum in the sky anymore, this arena was the real deal and not some remake or modle. He wasn’t sure where he was exactly but he could see some torches hanging from the walls on all sides, even some torches along the ground shooting up from poles, of the big room that seemed to be made out of either clay…or sand. Kneeling down as his oppent hadn’t yet arived, he felt the brown substance he was standing on and chuckled slightly. It seemed this was sand, hard sand sure, but sand nontheless. The square room and an opening leading to a halway meant this arena kept going…but to where and how far he wondered.

He didn’t have very long to wonder though as by the time he stood up he smelt something in the air, it was the same smell of blood he noticed on the platform. The boy leader, Phoenix he called himself, he could have sworn he smelt the hero’s blood but upon looking over his opponent his hopes were dropped. It seemed it wasn’t him after all, and his senses must be failing him. The fire manipulator of whom he was to face had arrived and the robotic camera men started flying around them, things would soon begin. “I hope you don’t mind dying tonight…” Cain said with a grin, his perly whites reflecting off of what little light the torches were providing. The lights struck down, one, two, three they went and out shot Cain’s right hand. From it spout out three shadow whips and a wall fromed behind the fire manipulator hurtiling twoards him.

Last edited by CainVulsore on April 2nd 2013, 4:52 pm; edited 1 time in total

Cain Vulsore
Round 2: The Night vs The Light Pbucket

Creatures of the night
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Quote : "Bitch, I am the Lord of Shadows."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Registration date : 2011-08-21

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Round 2: The Night vs The Light Empty Re: Round 2: The Night vs The Light

Post by Andrew April 1st 2013, 9:27 pm

Phoenix felt himself begin to divide to molecules as he stepped over the transporter.
He appeared in some dark room with his opponent in front of him. His foe seemed to recognize him as Andrew, but then looked as if he thought other wise. This sent a a pulse of relief throughout the body of The Phoenix.
While he had succeeded in his previous bout with Seraph, to his dismay he wasn't able to catch any of Cain's previous fight.
The hero wasn't worried though, he had heard of this fellow before. The lord of shadows as they called him.
From what he knew the guy was really strong, and brutal too. The dark manipulation certainly didn't help wither.
Nonetheless, Andrew had a fight to participate in, and he was excited.

As Cain fired the first shot, only three words registered in Andrew's head.
"Here we go."
He completely covered himself in fire, and did a back handspring through the wall of shadows approaching from behind him. With that out of the way, he was able to begin his attack.
With a deep breath, the hero began scorching the room with a lot of power.
As the room lit up, it was apparent they were inside a pyramid.
"No way." The Phoenix thought as he blasted fire behind himself, to expose some daylight.
Leaping out of the hole, Andrew took a look around the area.
"So I guess we are at the pyramids after all."
Phoenix began his first strategy, lightening the darkness.
Pulling his sword of his back, he began running around the narrow point of the pyramid, slashing into the hard stone as he moved.
After he made his lap around, he threw a ferocious kick at the area of pyramid he just cut at, and sent it tumbling down the side, also causing some more damage to the rest of the structure.

With light, Phoenix would be able to focus on the fight, and not his blind spots.
"Phase two." the hero thought to himself as he took in a deep breath. He began wondering if the shadow lord had made it out of blaze, or if this match would be over early. Either way, he was prepared for the worst.
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Quote : "We Fight For Those Who Can't."

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Round 2: The Night vs The Light Empty Re: Round 2: The Night vs The Light

Post by CainVulsore April 2nd 2013, 3:54 pm

The fire manipulator standing before him was crafty, smart, and fast, this was not going to be an easy fight at all. Just the way Cain liked it, this man was going to give him a challenge and he was going to overcome that challenge. He covered his eyes with his arms letting them adjust as the flames lit up the darkened room and gave light to his opponent allowing him to see better. This would certainly not bode well for Cain. The man’s next tactic was something Cain expected but it wasn’t at all what he wanted to ever happen, as sun light flooded into the pyramid he threw up a shadow wall to block him from its burns and used a shadow to fling himself backwards and near the door that lead farther up into the pyramid.

As he was about to climb further up he felt the Pyramid shift and fall down, nearly cutting off his exit and allowing all light to rush into the room. Blinding Cain and lighting his body on fire he screamed out in pain sending shadow whips out at about fifteen yards in every direction before dashing up through the door himself and running as fast as he could to get away from the light flooded room. He wasn’t sure if the upper rooms would have as much light in them or would be better suited for him, but he knew that if he stayed in the first room he would surely die then and there, and that was not something he wanted to do at all. You wouldn’t think that sunlight would hurt someone like Cain but it was a disease he was born with and also what led him to believe he was a vampire; Sunlight of any kind would burn his skin and being exposed too long could kill him.

That was why he ran, that is why the Lord of Shadows, The New York Vampire, The King of Darkness, showed fear in this battle of Champions. Clenching his fists together he stood in a darkened corner on the second floor of the Pyramid, eyeing the splotches of light that were all over the place and allowed his body to melt into the shadow that rested on the wall behind him. He became one with the shadow, hiding in it and catching his breath as he waited for the fire manipulator to follow him up or not, either way he was not going back down to the first level of this Pyramid. Cain was not one to run from a fight, and he was not even doing that, no he was running from something far stronger and deadlier than the fire manipulator. He was running from the sun its self. He was running from the source of the deadly light.

Cain Vulsore
Round 2: The Night vs The Light Pbucket

Creatures of the night
Posting Master
Posting Master

Status :

Quote : "Bitch, I am the Lord of Shadows."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 434
Age : 27
Registration date : 2011-08-21

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