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An Invitation from the Witch [PV Madman]

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An Invitation from the Witch [PV Madman] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Invitation from the Witch [PV Madman]

Post by Isak Zielinski-White January 19th 2013, 3:22 pm

The explosion caught Isak off-guard. He didn't expected such a thing as a proof of skills. So that Jack Whitmore was an explosives expert of some sort. Blowing up stuff, Isak thought about it and didn't recalled anyone in Shade who did have such abilities. In any case, Isak walked away from the explosion scene along with the bomberman and the boy led him to his hotel. They went to his room and as Isak locked the door, he pointed the chair to the man. He was silent ever since they witnessed the explosion. But that silence was about to be broken by the boy, who took off his hoodie and looked at Jack.

-I think your skills could be very helpful to my Master. But you know, that cafe made damn good churros. And all those people.... I guess I can't judge you for your work. My Master didn't asked me to.

He had taken his normal voice, without the Polish accent. He took his bed as a chair and looked at the man again. He didn't looked like a freak, he looked like him, normal. But then again, what is normalty these days, Isak thought. He took a deep breath and took out a notepad and a pen from his pockets and without looking at Jack, started talking to him.

-What else can you do aside from carbombing?

Isak Zielinski-White
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An Invitation from the Witch [PV Madman] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Invitation from the Witch [PV Madman]

Post by Madman4life January 19th 2013, 3:31 pm

Perked a brow, glancing around the dark motel room as he leaned against the wall. "Isn't that enough for you?" It wasn't that he couldn't do anymore, but a magician never revealed all of his tricks at once, did he? He rolled his eyes with a light sigh This boy didn't look like he took no for an answer though. So, without a though, he moved forward, aiming a vicious roundhouse toward the boy's head. Whether or not it struck, he slammed his knee into the boy's stomach, pulling the pistol hidden at his waist, holding it lazily to the boy's head. This was all done rather quickly, not to mention skillfully. He never missed a beat, and it was obvious he had done it before. He gave the boy a questioning look once again..

An Invitation from the Witch [PV Madman] - Page 2 AtomicJakksGrid_zps4044a07a
Atomic Jakk's Bio

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An Invitation from the Witch [PV Madman] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Invitation from the Witch [PV Madman]

Post by Isak Zielinski-White January 19th 2013, 4:44 pm

The kick got him by surprise, as well as the other attacks. Isak was stunned but he managed to recover enough to realize that he had a gun pointed at his head. Isak gulped but he had a trick up his sleeves. He used his healing spell to get better, knowing that doing that and continuing the fight would expose him to serious trouble and hurting. But now that he was healed up, he thought another round of Blink could prove nice. Again, he disappeared in front of Jack's eyes, and took care of moving out of the gun's sight. Didn't want to be shot. He moved to his left flank. He was ready to activate his barrier spell if necessary but he add another spell to use so he could show he wasn't weak. He simply waited for Jack to do his next move.

An Invitation from the Witch [PV Madman] - Page 2 Offica10

Isak Zielinski-White
Isak Zielinski-White
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An Invitation from the Witch [PV Madman] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Invitation from the Witch [PV Madman]

Post by Madman4life January 19th 2013, 4:52 pm

Chuckled, standing and holstering his re-holstering his firearm. He cracked his neck, looking around, and spoke casually, though he was still on guard, "Calm down Copperfield, no need to get your tampons in a twist." He had turned to where he assumed the boy was. He was pretty sure he knew where he was, due to his knowledge of tactics. "Well? Do we have some sort of arrangement?" He questioned, glancing about, seemingly casually, though his muscles were poised to strike, if need be. He wasn't sure if the other had a counter strike planned, but he would rather be safe then sorry.

An Invitation from the Witch [PV Madman] - Page 2 AtomicJakksGrid_zps4044a07a
Atomic Jakk's Bio

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An Invitation from the Witch [PV Madman] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Invitation from the Witch [PV Madman]

Post by Isak Zielinski-White January 19th 2013, 5:11 pm

Good, he thought, now that is weapon was back where it was before, Isak would have a little advantage. But what if his fireball would kill him. Isak never thought about this one. Isak realized he was being a bit cocky. He wasn't strong enough to fight this guy, even with his spells. He shook his head and reappeared. Sighting slowly, he answered the man.

-Alright, that's enough. I thought you would shoot me the moment before. Okay so tomorrow go at Terminal A of the Ministro Pistarini International Airport. I'll be waiting for you there. Be there at nine in the morning, our flight is at one in the afternoon. You can go now.

Isak went to the door and opened it, inviting the man to go out. Now that business was done, he only had to kill time, go to sleep and wait for the next day.

An Invitation from the Witch [PV Madman] - Page 2 Offica10

Isak Zielinski-White
Isak Zielinski-White
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Age : 31
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Registration date : 2012-07-06

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An Invitation from the Witch [PV Madman] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Invitation from the Witch [PV Madman]

Post by Madman4life January 19th 2013, 5:17 pm

Jakk olled his eyes, slipping out the door lazily, "Don't be late kid. Otherwise I might have to come wake you.." He took in a deep breath of night air as he slipped out, pulling the door shut behind him. He smiled to himself, tomorrow would be fun. He whistled merrily, slipping off into the bright, bustling nightlife of the city, wanting to have a little more fun in Buenos Aires before the flight back to the States.

An Invitation from the Witch [PV Madman] - Page 2 AtomicJakksGrid_zps4044a07a
Atomic Jakk's Bio

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An Invitation from the Witch [PV Madman] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Invitation from the Witch [PV Madman]

Post by Isak Zielinski-White January 19th 2013, 5:47 pm

Isak woke up at seven. He got out of bed and into the shower. That being done, he got dressed up and went to the hotel's restaurant to eat. It was about eight when he left the hotel to go to take a cab to the airport. Within less than one hour Isak was there and, as he was done paying the driver, went to Terminal A. He looked at the big clock, local time was nearly nine o'clock. And Jack was not here yet so he simply waited on a bench near a cylinder presenting an ad about some expensive watches made in Argentina. The clock struck nine and Isak looked around to see if Jack was coming.

An Invitation from the Witch [PV Madman] - Page 2 Offica10

Isak Zielinski-White
Isak Zielinski-White
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Number of posts : 214
Location : Quebec
Age : 31
Job : Full-time Student :3
Humor : Scarce
Registration date : 2012-07-06

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An Invitation from the Witch [PV Madman] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Invitation from the Witch [PV Madman]

Post by Madman4life January 19th 2013, 6:01 pm

Approached the designated location through the bustling crowd, dressed casually again. He drug a wheeled suitcase behind him. He spotted the boy, nodding cooly, "I'm here, just on time it seems. I assume you have my ticket, yes?" He certainly hoped the boy did. He didn't want all of his preparation the night before to be in vain. Truth be told, he was rather excited about the whole thing, a new start. And, from what he understood, there was money involved, which was always a plus. Money bought bombs, drinks, and other goodies. "Well," He added,"Are we ready to hit the ground running?" The question actually caused another to come to mind, "Speaking of, where are we going? Vegas? LA?"

An Invitation from the Witch [PV Madman] - Page 2 AtomicJakksGrid_zps4044a07a
Atomic Jakk's Bio

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An Invitation from the Witch [PV Madman] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Invitation from the Witch [PV Madman]

Post by Isak Zielinski-White January 19th 2013, 9:56 pm

As the man was done talking, Isak smiled and took the tickets out of his belly pocket and gave him his ticket. He looked at the many gates and spotted the one that was theirs to take. The boy then looked at the man and answered him for their destination.

-Nope, we are going to Louisiana, New Orleans to be exact.

He put his bagpack on his back and smiled to the man. It was an unusual flight since it was directly going to Louisiana, probably was Elena's doing. She had a lot of influence after all, even out of the United States borders. That being said, they would actually leave faster than expected, since he told him to be there at nine while the departure was at eleven. The truth is, Isak wanted to sleep. But Jack wasn't supposed to know that. NOw that he was about to bring him back to the base, the rest of the job would probably be done by something else instead of him. As he started to walk to the gate they would need to board on, he looked back at the bomb specialist.

-You coming or you're waiting here? C'mon we have a plane to board.

And as he walked to the gate, he smiled. Maybe Shade wasn't all bad after all. He still had doubts in fact, but he was happy. HIs life was way more interesting this way than it was before. He was also hoping that Jack would not blow the plane up for the fun of it. But for now, to New Orleans!

The End

An Invitation from the Witch [PV Madman] - Page 2 Offica10

Isak Zielinski-White
Isak Zielinski-White
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Registration date : 2012-07-06

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