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Thrones: Where do you stand?

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Thrones: Where do you stand? Empty Thrones: Where do you stand?

Post by Chellizard January 3rd 2013, 12:32 pm

Chelle Takeiro wrote:The sound of a drum, beating softly in the distance. Clouds, thick with sorrow, squeezed and let the rain come. The wind was warm, but harsh and painful. But no, that wasn't wind. That was a weapon of destruction crashing down on anyone in it's path. Dominus was that weapon, and it was slowly filling every nightmare that Chelle Takeiro had. She woke with a start, her eyes wide, and damp with tears. Her most recent night terror did not bring her to scream in her sleep, but she found herself out in the garden, her form laying in the grass on the lawn at her villa in Italy. She looked around, the sun hidden behind of thick clouds. She rose up from her grassy bed and gently brushed herself off. As if on queue, Anna came stumbling through the garden doors and bound to erase the distance between herself and her Queen.

While Chelle walked inside, she let Dominus run through her mind. Like it had every moment of every day since the attack. Sheryll had been overridden and was used to hack and slash at not only Chelle, but Cilian. Cilian Blanc, who was supposedly, in a romantic partnership with Sheryll. The attack drove the two apart, and it was all probably planned from the beginning. Sheryll had likely been a plant into Thrones, and it was definitely a possibility. One that Chelle believed now even if it weren't true. "His speech is today.." she said, her eyes a deep crimson while she looked to Anna. A gasp peeled through Anna and the Kitsune demon ran off to fetch a fresh bag of O Negative for her Queen. Chelle was steered before Anna left her, and walked straight to her office chair where she sat down and reached for the remote to her television.

She let her finger slide over the power button a few times, just gently caressing the device while Anna flitted back into the room with a ninety-eight point six degree mug of good ol' O Negative. When she took her first sip of the hot blood, she hit the power button and changed the channel. There was no need; every live broadcast feed was playing the speech. She leaned back in her chair, her hands wrapped around of the warm mug, keeping her hands amazingly warm while she sipped and listened to Adam Paxton. Everything he was saying was oddly true, however biased it was. She blinked lightly, but as he spoke, the more she hated him. She memorized his face way beyond this speech, so seeing him on the television made her a bit annoyed, but she kept her cool long enough to listen to his words. When the girl came out and used her power - did she have diamond skin?- Chelle was about to lose it. The girl did not want to go to those people. Her face showed discomfort and sorrow, not happiness. Not longing. It was fake. Just like Dominus' true intentions.

"Anna.." she started, her head rolling a bit before she stood up. "Rally the members, get whoever is here, and get the others on a live, secure feed." she said, her voice stern while she gulped down the rest of the blood. She slammed the mug down, it shattering before she walked away, leaving the mess there. She would get to that in a moment. Chelle had no time to clean herself up. She had blood around of her lips, and her eyes were a harsh auburn and crimson mix. She looked like she had slept in a rain storm, but despite all that, she did not care.

Once a live link was set up, and every Thrones' member was connected, and the few present at the Villa were in front of her, she cleared her throat.

"I assume you all heard that speech by Adam Paxton today," she started, her left brow raising before she chuckled and shook her head. "I also assume you have mixed feelings on what he had to say. I believe it's also safe to say that I don't give a good God damn about your feelings right now. Adam Paxton is a cheating, stealing, lying bastard.

He says he wants to help the people of our world. He says he wants to keep them safe. He's a liar. That girl? She's probably one of the puppets that gets sent out on missions with the troopers. Hell, the Dominus soldiers are probably on Metahuman inducing drugs. But, that's besides the point."
she paused, her lips a bit dry. She licked them, and wiped the edge of her mouth to remove the blood. She then ran a hand through her hair and adjusted her gown. "We are more than what he has made us out to be. Metahumans, just like us, just like you, are apparently why our world is crumbling. But, he is wrong. We are the glue; the thick binding that sets apart our planet from any other.

We are what make this planet safe, and dangerous. Despite the chaos, the destruction, we are what can make a difference. We may not give out our full names, and we may not let them know who we were for, or what we do every waking minute of every day, but we do what we have to. We make change. We set the balance. We are Thrones."
she said, raising her hands up with a hoorah sort of feel.

"I do not want to see any of you fall on behalf of me. But I do want to see you on my side. I want to see Dominus fall to it's knees and beg for mercy; for forgiveness. And if that means tearing through the whole mass of people that stand in our way? So be it. We will get our balance, and we will get what we deserve. All Metahumans are just as much deserving of privacy as any other regular human. And in the spirit of that privacy, we will do what we must, as we always do; as if we do not exist. We will be the invisible, unknown force that makes Dominus fall. We will let the Heroes, The Talons, take the glory for this win. We will let GUN take the glory. But we will fight alongside of GUN and The Talons. We will conquer.

she paused, her heart clenching for a moment.

"Are you with me?"

She asked, her eyes wild with passion before she nodded and stepped down and turned, her form slipping away to begin preparations. Anna was setting up transportation for all the other Thrones' members to get them in one place at one time. It was time for Thrones to rise from the ashes and help clean this world of Dominus scum.

A new chapter was being written, and today was only the beginning.

It had only been a short few hours after Chelle had given a speech to her Thrones' members, and now it was time to greet them all. The private jet had more than likely arrived, and that meant a slew of people would be flooding into the Villa shortly. Before that, of course, the time spent by their Queen was not wasted. She started to arrange a few things, making sure that Bliss Fokukama was really on board. Once she was given the final answer, she was satisfied, and joined the rest of the group. Chelle had showered and dressed herself in an outfit she hadn't worn in a long time. A corset and a lolita styled skirt that came just above her knees. She also wore flats that let her feet breathe a bit. Her hair was left down, the long mane curling into mild ringlets around of her face and down her back. Her wings were 'put away' for now, so she looked relatively normal. The only not normal thing were her crimson irises. She was having a hard time controlling herself. Her anger was very apparent. Anna was continuously fetching her a glass of O negative.

Chelle was making her way down the halls of the Villa, turning to take the grand stairs down to the center of the room. She stood there for a moment and basked in the warm afternoon sun that was staring through the windows. She sighed and turned about face, her form immediately being sent toward the door to the throne room. She stepped inside, and nodded to whomever had made it there. She even shook a few hands and clapped a few backs. But, it was time to hear what they had to say. Whomever had arrived was proof enough that they were loyal to Thrones, and loyal to their Queen. She took a drink of her blood and then climbed herself up onto the low rise stage where her throne sat. She turned around to face the others, her eyes sweeping every single one of them. A broad smile then spread over her face. She was proud to be their leader. She was proud to call them her people; and she was proud to even get the opportunity to know them. She chuckled lightly and then sat down. There were chairs, enough for every single member, to sit down in. Not simple fold out chairs, no. They were plush, posh chairs fit for a King.

"I'll ask that you sit down, but if you prefer to stand, please do." she said, her legs crossing while the fluffy skirt puffed and billowed around of her legs. She felt a bit more homely outside of her designer gowns and four inch heels. She finished off the glass of O negative, Anna on stand by with another glass. But, Chelle was feeling a bit better already. She cleared her throat and looked around one more time. "I see you all made it on your own, or accepted the transportation I had set up for you. I would like to hear your opinions on Dominus, and I would also like to know where you stand. Just, one at a time. Let me know, and then there should be a dinner ready. I've had the chef prepare your favorites." she bowed her head and then listened to every single word and opinion that came out of Bliss, Victoria, Robert, Vermillion, Cilian, Alex, James, Morte, Isaiah, Lucas, and even Trace. She heard all of their opinions and paid attention to every single word. She would nod, she would reply, and she would accept what they had to say. She would also accept if they did not have anything to say, and would respect their opinions. All she wanted was to know where they stood.

And now she knew.

. o O ( I plan on this thread being short, but a good one. And when all the Thrones' members have to meet up again later during Phase 1, we can regroup into this thread to save making another topic; unless it's necessary we make another topic. And, I'd like every single Thrones' member on the roster to post into this thread. Give me a good introduction thread; have part of your post be a reply to the speech that was given earlier. )

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Thrones: Where do you stand? JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
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Thrones: Where do you stand? Empty Re: Thrones: Where do you stand?

Post by Sim January 3rd 2013, 2:35 pm

Working at the Thrones villa was a good job, all in all. Sure, it came with a few more complications than your average job but the pay was good and Chelle treated everyone well even the lowly attendants, the small brunette thought to herself as she headed towards the living quarters. She was to deliver a message to the princess, which was something that rarely needed to be done. Partially because the princess rarely asked to be attended to, but mostly because she was simply rarely here. Since her last mission though, she had not left the compound. In fact, she had not left her room and had requested complete privacy. When she arrived at the proper door, she knocked and called for it's occupant with no answer. After the third time she produced a key and unlocked the door, she was working under specific orders. Upon entering the empty room, she instantly noticed that it was slightly different than any other time she had been here. She only noticed this because during the entire duration of the princess' stay here, her room had always looked the same any time anyone had made a trip up there. On reflex, she looked around to see what it was that was different.

The room was well-furnished, though it had no bed. The first thing she noticed was the mess. Not that it was overly messy, but it was a bit messy and that was unusual. Books and a few laptops lay scattered around the furniture and floor, and on a sewing table some sort of barely begun article of clothing lay unfinished. Finally, the new item added to the room, a heavy jar lay on a shelf. It was exquisitely painted, some sort of mythical scene featuring a valkyrie. near the top it had a small metal plate with three large letters engraved that read "Eir." After realizing she had a job to do, she looked out to the balcony and found who she had been looking for. She opened the sliding door and called out "Miss Steyr? Adam Paxton's speech is about to air." The woman on the balcony turned and looked at her with cold eyes. The wind blew softly through her short blonde hair, she was wearing a long sundress without gloves or even shoes. The attendant couldn't recall ever seeing the woman's hands or feet, and this was certainly the least amount of clothes she had ever seen her wear though it wasn't skimpy by any standards. "I thought that I had ordered no humans in my room." The beautiful woman said in a cold, ugly tone. She bowed apologetically to the princess. "This is a request directly from Miss Chelle, she would like you to watch it."

"Fine. You're dismissed now." Victoria said in a flat tone that sent the girl out of her room quickly. She stood up from her chair on the balcony, unsure of how long she had actually been there and walked inside. She switched on the television and watched the speech silently. Humans, metahumans...what difference did it make to her? The only real reason Victoria had to fight Dominus was to eliminate the competition. That, and perhaps to indulge herself by killing some humans. Victoria had never taken pleasure in taking a life before...but she was beginning to feel that she could. Shortly after the speech, Victoria was summoned, as she expected. It had been months since Victoria had taken a mission, but her employer did still have the right to ask for her assistance.

Victoria arrived downstairs fully dressed in her regular outfit, including her long white coat lined with various weapons. It covered most of her dress, and was accented with a teal ribbon. Long brown boots crept up her covered legs and black gloves covered her hands. The only skin she showed was her neck and face, her blue eyes framed by blond hair. She stood near Chelle, listening silently as she gave her speech. Chelle's passionate fiery eyes were contrasted by Victoria's cold blue eyes. When Chelle had finished and asked for her agents loyalty Victoria replied plainly. "My loyalty lies with the Queen of Thrones, as it has in the past. I merely need my orders, and I will execute them." Victoria wasn't actually concerned with balance, after all where was her balance? She was the only one of her kind in the world, always an aberration among the world's inhabitants. She was by definition of her existence in direct contrast to balance. She thought to say such things, but decided against it. Better for everyone else to see her a cold extension of her Queen's will, this was no time to lack solidarity.

Shortly after, the rest of the organization would show up. At least those that were loyal, anyone else Victoria could care less about. She took the opportunity to get all her information in order. Though this was sure to turn into open warfare soon, for now it was a game of shadows as it had been and Victoria knew the game better than anyone. Victoria was finished quickly, but still didn't have to wait long before she was summoned again to the throne room. Chelle went about things in her usual way, dinner was being prepared for everyone. Everyone's favorite dishes she said, how fitting then that Victoria would have nothing. Victoria was the first to answer her queen. "Humans, be perfectly blunt, you are all the same to me. I don't have much of an opinion on this specific issue, though eliminating Dominus would make things more convenient for my intelligence work, if only by eliminating those that may rival me." She said, choosing to be honest. "That said, my loyalty need never be questioned. If it is your will to destroy Dominus, then I will erase any shred of evidence they ever walked this Earth. I remain an agent of Thrones, and will continue to maintain a perfect record in successfully carrying out my duties." Indeed, the only mission Victoria had ever considered a failure was her own, though she did "borrow" a couple Thrones agents. With that said, Victoria resumed her passive silence and waited to hear everyone else's answers.

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Thrones: Where do you stand? Empty Re: Thrones: Where do you stand?

Post by Dylan January 5th 2013, 4:32 pm

Today was going to be an interesting day, Adam Paxton, the figurehead for Dominus, was going to do some good, ol' controversial speaking. Robert knew about this speech and planned on watching it at the Thrones base in New York. He had made this home, it was nice here, even though a good amount of the city was still in ruins. He woke up around and did the normal morning routine: morning smoke, shower, piss, brush teeth, and breakfast. One of the servants already had breakfast out for him, Robert walked down the stairs to the smell of pancakes and bacon. He was only in his boxers and tank top, he felt comfortable. He sat down at the counter and ate breakfast, fairly quickly. He then gulped down the cold glass of milk. Robert then moved over into the living room, making himself comfortable on the couch and turned on the tv, the speech was about to begin.

The speech started soon after and Robert watched with an intense gaze, analyzing every movement of Adam Paxton. He could tell that he was lying, though he was a good liar. It was obvious that he had other intentions, more cruel than anyone in the audience could even imagine. Robert sighed. Adam did make some good points, but they were made off of unjust cause. The speech ended and not even mere seconds later, he was alerted of a live feed from the Queen. Robert knew what it would be about, her feelings on this were probably stronger than anyone else's in the organization. Robert turned to the live feed and listened to what she had to say. Of course, Robert was right. She had very strong feelings about that and it looked like the organization would be against Dominus, something that Robert that would go along with.

He knew that they would be meeting up in Italy that day, so he went upstairs to pack his bags. Robert came back shortly with his normal outfit on and those trademark raybans. He had a bag for weapons, a bag for clothes, and his spiders' cage. He had his katanas on his back his tantos in his sports jacket, which he was wearing. He then walked into the car and they went off to the jets. They got into the jets and promptly took off. While he was on the jet, he doodled in his sketchbook a little. Nothing meaningful, just clouds and trees. In a way, it was calming. He also sipped on some brandy, it was quite relaxing. They landed in Italy in about 2 hours. They were definitely in a hurry, as Robert was rushed into a car. He barely got to enjoy the scenery, but it couldn't be helped. His eyes lazily looked out of the window, until they arrived at the beautiful mansion. He would have moved here, but didn't like being too far from his parents.

Robert walked through the courtyard, basking in the beauty of it all. Robert then walked into the mansion, plenty of the Thrones members were there. Robert greeted them all. The servants carried his bags and cage into his room. They then all moved into a room filled with fancy chairs. Robert sat down, leaned back, crossed his legs, and listened to Chelle speak and then Victoria speak. Robert had grown to appreciate Victoria's opinions and understood where she was coming from. After she was done, he assumed it was his turn to speak. "I was taught to never really pick sides, but I'm going against my teachings and I choose to be against Dominus. I could tell Mr. Paxton was lying from the start, he obviously has a more sinister plan up his sleeves than what he's leading on. Normal humans can be just as evil as metahumans, but that doesn't mean we destroy all of the humans." Robert said in his tangy accent. He then waited for anyone else's reply.

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Thrones: Where do you stand? Empty Re: Thrones: Where do you stand?

Post by Twinkletoes January 6th 2013, 12:05 am

Bare tattooed arms wrapped around a petite waist, the silky texture of a nightgown gently caressing the shifting ink forms that traversed the man's forearms. A stubbled chin rested on a pale exposed belly as a soothing honeyed voice softly cooed into the woman's pale supple skin. The first light of dawn crept through the windows, a faint golden light bathing two lovers locked together as they marvelled at something far greater than either of them new. Thrones Prince, the wily Frenchman known as Cilian was cradling his wife's abdomen as he gently spoke to her tummy. Cilian and Anna, two passionate lovers brought together through the murky politics of Thrones had finally eloped, the only people who were aware of this being Dylan and possibly the Queen herself, mainly due to the fact that said woman had an uncanny talent of discovering things.

Anna was standing, her knees a bit weak, and her head throbbing from a bout of morning sickness, but other than that she was fine. The arms of her husband were wrapped around of her form, keeping her warm while he spoke to their unborn child."My special little sperm, I hope you're comfortable in there. You're getting free accommodation and food so enjoy it while it lasts!" he chuckled, kissing his lover's belly button before tracing his fingers alongside the curve of her hips. In such early hours, where no one else stirred these two lovebirds found it particularly exciting sharing such an intimate moment together.

Anna's hands were laced through Cilian's mop of unkempt bedhead while she smiled down at him, enjoying his early morning cheekiness. "I'm only a month, maybe two along.. hehe. So our child, your special little sperm, will be happy as a lamb in my tummy." she cooed and shifted on her dainty bare feet. She wore a simple nightgown, her actual clothes for the day strewn on the bed in Cilian's chamber. Anna had moved in with him at the Italian villa, a surprisingly easy task considering all the gossip that would have arisen had any of the other maids found out. Sharing a bedroom was a lot more convenient than frolicking around in secret, going from place to place and attempting to remain as subtle about their activities as possible. Pillows and the clothes of the night before were still messily strewn across the carpeted flooring, a testament to the passion the two lovers routinely shared together.

"Just between you and I think I'll be your favourite parent...because you know, I'm awesome!", Cilian whispered in a not-so-subtle voice, grinning cheekily at his petite wife. Shuffling his body closer to hers and tightening his grip around her dainty form he let out a soft sigh, the designs on his skin swaying around as their 'creator' lavished in his private time with bis spouse. The prince rested his head against Anna's abdomen, gently tracing trees, houses and other novelty things on the pale skin. "Just know that I love you and your mommy," he whispered, leaving a trail of kisses up Anna's form until he reached her puckered lips, planting a rather playful smooch on her mouth. "...and I always will".

Anna replied with a passion filled kiss of her own and then let her hands rub down his back. "The speech is today.. I need to shower, and I suspect Chelle will need me for most of the morning. So, you should take a nap while I bustle about, unless you have things to do as the Prince that I don't know making sure the mother of his child doesn't slip whilst she's in the shower.." she winked, sticking out her tongue playfully as the statement made its way into a more excitable part of Cilian's mind. There was no way he'd refuse. Her whispery white hair shifting while she nuzzled her face into Cilian's neck, giving him another hug before slowly making her way to the shower, lingering just long enough for her lover to follow. They might as well start the day with some enjoyment, particularly when the rest of their day was guaranteed to be long and intense, soon enough there may be no more intimate playtimes...


Striding down the carpeted staircase, Cilian entered the dining room with a satisfied grin on his lips and a slight hop in his step. His rather casual aura was a direct contrast to the grim and intense mood wafting from his colleagues, not even the mouth watering scents of their late dinner could counter such a tense atmosphere. Giving all of those who were seated a cheery grin he quickly made his way to an available seat, helping himself to a glass of wine before glancing over to his best friend and 'bodyguard', Dylan, the sometimes gloomy individual whom the Frenchman had a lot fun with. "Dylan. This is a metahuman meeting only...go shoot some baddies whilst us special people talk", he cheekily grinned, the ever so obvious sarcasm slightly lifting the suffocating veil of the situation in the general vicinity of the two men who shared a noble bromance. Cilian had watched the speech earlier that morning, soon after his little bathroom adventure with Anna and suffice to say he was quite perturbed with it all, although he wouldn't of ever admitted it. There was truth in the speech, painful truth that was all too familiar to the Prince who had lost his family due to drama involving his metahuman gift, or maybe now it was considered a curse. He was balancing the possibilities of joining forces with his friends against the organisation but it all seemed so vain, what could be possibly do to stop the organisation that almost killed him and Chelle. It hurt even more to watch Lilia get forced into the limelight. He had only met her a few times during his brief relationship with Sheryll and seeing the meek ballerina tossed into the public eye made him cringe.

His comrades all had differing takes on this so far, but there was the general strain of loyalty to Thrones, something that the troubled prince admired greatly. "Chelle you know im loyal to you and everyone here so you may use me to the best of my abilities," , he said in a rather serious tone, buttering some sour dough before continuing. "...although I do fear what may happen if this all gets out of hand. The public adore Adam, there's sense in what he says and it all seems rather...well rather silly charging head-first into a battle in which we don't know the rules. We can't risk losing anymore people.." he sighed, furrowing his brow as the thought of Gossamer crossed his consciousness. This grand threat that Dominus posed brought pain and frustration and for the first time in a long time the Prince actually doubted whether his actions could ever make a mark on the titans involved in this first step of war..

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Thrones: Where do you stand? Empty Re: Thrones: Where do you stand?

Post by Digital Muse January 6th 2013, 7:00 pm

“Mom.” Mom. No, Mom.” Jinx raked her thin fingers through her hair in frustration. “MOM!” Stop!” The thin girl sighed in frustration, “You aren’t listening. I’m fine. I’m not in New York. I’m OK, I promise.”

Jinx listened to the breathless fears of her Mother on her cell phone before interrupting her. “No. I will not come home. Are you nuts? I’ll call you when I can. But, trust me, I’m fine. Honest.” She stood from her cross-legged position on the plush bed in the room she’d been given for a few days. “Mom…I’ll call you back. I have to go.” She said abruptly and ended the call. The winged woman had offered her a safe haven for the time being and Jinx was in no real shape to argue with her.

It was time for the televised speech by Adam Paxton. The head of Dominus was, in effect, declaring Civil War between Humans and Metas. Jinx grabbed up the remote for the TV and flicked it on as she took up yet another slice of pizza from the expensive tray. It was the best pizza she’d ever had. Folding herself back up on the bed, she watched the well-dressed man take the stage and begin. Jinx listened raptly as the man spoke humbly and eloquently about the dangers of Meta humans. She wanted him to be wrong. She desperately wanted him to be wrong. The problem was that he wasn’t wrong. Not entirely

Metas were feared by some for very good reasons. Even as minor as her powers were, Jinx could bring down entire governments with little effort. G.U.N. had disappeared, other groups purported to be protectors often weren’t given much choice about the damage their battles caused and Paxton was using that to his advantage. And then, Paxton brought out a tiny, frightened-looking girl onto the stage with him, claiming her as his adopted daughter. He paraded the girl in front of the crowd and she began to transform to the shock of nearly everyone in attendance.

It made Jinx’ eyes sting with tears. That bastard is using her. Jinx thought indignantly. She watched the rest of the dog and pony show, including the burning of the paper banner to reveal the imposing-looking Dominus troops chosen especially for their uniformity of size and photogenic armor. “You could give Hollywood lessons on setting the scene.” Jinx jeered and cut off the TV sharply.

No one will be able to see past their own fears. She realized. And people are sheep, so they’ll follow the crowd hoping for anonymity that would save them from imagined predators. She threw on her bright purple jeans and orange sweater and headed downstairs to hear Chell’s response to the televised speech. Open warfare? That’s what the woman was calling down. It troubled Jinx deeply. Queen Chell was going to prove Adam Paxton right. As others reaffirmed their loyalty to the winged woman, Jinx remained silent. She couldn’t take a life. Not willingly. She’d find another way.

Disturbed, Jinx retreated back to her room and picked up the last piece of her pizza. Munching meditatively on the last slice of pizza, Jinx waved her fingers negligently at her laptop, opening several files. Finishing the pizza, she flopped on the bed not even looking at the laptop at the opposite end of the bed. “I think I need to do a little digging, Adam Paxton. I owe Dominus one.”

"I don't get into trouble. I have adventures!" ~Jenna, The Black Elf

Jinx' Power Grid:

Entropy's Power Grid:

Flicker's Power Grid
Digital Muse
Digital Muse

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 69
Location : In a fugue state
Job : Student, writer, creator
Humor : dark and daft
Registration date : 2012-11-25

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Thrones: Where do you stand? Empty Re: Thrones: Where do you stand?

Post by Vermillion Zarkovich January 6th 2013, 11:15 pm

Vermillion has been flying from an international meeting across seas. He was still a few hours behind in the time zones, but a broadcast was being sent out on all channels. Tuning in he sat and watches the lies being vomited from this mans mouth. Dominus? He had not heard of such an organization, and in being in the United Stated Government he figured that maybe someone would have let him know. This must have been really undercover. This man was declaring war, straight across the planet. War on ever last Metahuman. Not even seconds before the speech had ended he received a message from his Queen ordering for him to report back to the Villa immediately. Unfortunately he was still a multitude of hours out and would not be able to make it for the meeting, however he did tune in on a live feed, completely secure of course. Chelle gave a miraculous speech, one of which should go down in history. Such power behind her words, it truly was inspiring.
As the King's jet sped through the skies, the other Thrones members were joining for a formal address. Meanwhile, Vermillion dressed him self in his Masquerade costume to appear before his subjects. A projection of himself would appear on the wall behind Queen Chelle's throne looming over the other members. Their Queen spoke, asking their opinions on the situation. Being the patient ruler she was, she listened to each and every one of them. He had to commend her for that as he would not have the time, or at least state that he would not have the time. Being the King he only need to order around his subordinates, Chelle took action more that he did and with this purge or sorts now occurring he feared that he may need to make more sacrifices that he would be willing to make. However, he had become a part of this royal organization for good reason as now it seemed he may need to focus more on his position here than others.
"I shall address the members of Thrones..." His voice boomed over the crowd, bringing everyone to a silence.
"We are at war. As clearly stated by the abomination known as Adam Paxton. I, your King, and our Queen Chelle rely on and appreciate your loyalty. We know that it shall not waiver in this time of crisis... It matters not if the public favors him. For we do not succumb to the popular vote. Brothers and sisters, take arms. This is a battle, nay, a war that shall not be lost by the likes of us. We are royalty, and as such we shall establish our hierarchy in this world. By force if we must. No petty government organization can overthrow us. We do not weaken, we will not die. We are Thrones!"
Vermillion turned from the camera and removed his mask right before the broadcast was cut. He would not be joining his Queen any time soon, as there were something personal that he needed to deal with. Sending a short, confidential message addressed to Chelle it read.
Your Highness, due to recent events there are some matters in which I must attend to personally. Worry not for all is well and will be explained. This is beneficial for the future of our organization and am asking for you to trust me... I shall unite with you and the other members in due time.
Sincerely, Vermillion Zarkovich

"Pilot. New destination... Take me to Washington immediately..."
Vermillion Zarkovich
Vermillion Zarkovich

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 34
Registration date : 2012-02-29

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Thrones: Where do you stand? Empty Re: Thrones: Where do you stand?

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