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A Roll of the Dice [OPEN]

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A Roll of the Dice [OPEN] Empty A Roll of the Dice [OPEN]

Post by Adronos December 20th 2012, 3:07 pm

"Your room key, Mr. ..." the receptionist looked at the reservation again, "Mr. Amar?" She looked at the man standing in front of her. He didn't seem like most of the other clients she got. He didn't seem like a normal tourist, more of a high-roller. But most high-rollers didn't have that look in their eye. He had this look like he'd seen everything the world had to offer. Like he was bored with the world, bored with life, and just wanted to go home. He was the kind of person that you either felt as if you should help him, or stay clear of him.

Adronos, or Mr. Amar, worked his way to his room, going through the crowds of tourists and C-list celebrities. He sat in his room for a few hours playing with fire and changing into a classical Italian Suit. Black suit, white shirt, Black Tie, golden cufflinks, the whole shebang. He looked into the mirror and plastered on a fake smile. He walked back down to the casino and hit the craps table, and damn he was having a good night.

He looked around the room, looking for a bit of an adventure.

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Registration date : 2012-12-19

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A Roll of the Dice [OPEN] Empty Re: A Roll of the Dice [OPEN]

Post by Guest December 20th 2012, 3:53 pm

I was taking a vacation of sorts to get away from it all. I was wearing a suit and after geting a room in a hotel, he went down to the casino to do somthing fun, maybe earn some cash. He walked to this casino room and was pulled towerd the poker table, he used to be pritty good he sat down and played a couple hands, he looked over and sees a man looking around like he wanted to meet some one or fight some one, I did not know witch I thoght what the hell ill go over there. I walked to the crabs table and sat down "so what are you up to tonight

Last edited by Captain Lucciano on December 20th 2012, 6:13 pm; edited 4 times in total

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A Roll of the Dice [OPEN] Empty Re: A Roll of the Dice [OPEN]

Post by Digital Muse December 20th 2012, 4:27 pm

In the room she shared with two other women from The Center, Siobhan did her best to tame her wildly curling strawberry-blonde hair. It continued to defy her brushing and pins, however. As it always did. Behind her Rosanna laughed as she watch the tall Siobhan fighting with her hair.

“Come here and sit, I’ll show you how it’s done.” Rosanna chuckled at her. Rosanna was tiny, only 5 feet 2 inches of fire cracker. Her ebony skin shone and her own African-American hair was cropped very close to her head.

Siobhan handed off the hair brush with a huff, but followed Rosanna to sit on the bed. The third woman, another black woman with long braids and a more serious demeanor than either Siobhan or Rosanna, sat in the room’s single chair to wait for her room mates.

It took Rosanna less than 10 minutes to tame Siobhan’s hair into a loose chignon. “Ta da!” She crowed in triumph.

Siobhan rose to examine the effect in the mirror in disbelief. “How do you do that?” She asked, flabbergasted. Rosanna and Siobhan laughed and thus ready, the three headed out to get some dinner and to catch a show. They were to attend panels and meetings in two days, but for now, they could be tourists.

Arriving on the casino floor, the three women began to head to one of the restaurants nestled in the rear of the floor. Along the way, Martinique paused by a huge slot machine meant to take dollar coins and tucked her long braids behind an ear. “Try it once for luck?” She asked. Each woman handed over a single bill and Martinique fed them into the slot machine. She crossed her fingers and pulled down on the huge handle. The wheels spun, it’s electronic music piping through hidden speakers.

7---7---7---7---7. BRINNNNNG!

All three women stared in shocked disbelief as alarms sounded and music blared and the strobe over the machine flashed. They’d hit the jackpot. It took no time at all before the three women were mobbed and only Siobhan was able to see over the mass of people.

"I don't get into trouble. I have adventures!" ~Jenna, The Black Elf

Jinx' Power Grid:

Entropy's Power Grid:

Flicker's Power Grid
Digital Muse
Digital Muse

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 69
Location : In a fugue state
Job : Student, writer, creator
Humor : dark and daft
Registration date : 2012-11-25

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A Roll of the Dice [OPEN] Empty Re: A Roll of the Dice [OPEN]

Post by The Plexus December 20th 2012, 6:14 pm

Another metropolis? It paled in comparison to some of the worlds he had visited over the eons. Yet he couldn't help but be dazzled by it's lights. As he walked, looking into windows and watching people pass him by, he was accosted by many. Often giving him verbal abuse, or mistaking him for a costumed man whom they could have a picture with. Plexus would have smiled if his face would allow it, these Humans had no idea who he was, or what he would do to them.

As he walked along, he noticed a gambling house, he had seen some before. The games of chance were rife in all systems. They were an idiotic expenditure, an illusion created to rob idiots of their lively hood. Anyone foolish enough to be drawn in by this farce deserves to die a peasants death. Plexus mused to himself as he entered one of the gambling houses. There were many Humans in expensive dress, parading around as if their lives were significant. All they were here to do was experience, and soon enough they would be experiencing death.

As he wandered, pondering to himself a large machine bleeping and whooping caught his attention. Three women stood by the machine, jumping for joy as they seemed to have won the jackpot, as it were. what disgusting creatures these humans are, I have eaten parasites with more integrity than these loathsome beasts.

He walked towards the now heaving crowds whom had gathered to look at the winners. With what seemed to be a small effort he dipped a finger into a mans temple and let him drop to the floor, unnoticed. He did this several more times, some of dead being held upright by the throng, until he made his way to the front. He folded his arms and regarded the three women. A security guard came towards him and began to try and usher Plexus backwards. Without a word, Plexus raised his right hand and placed it against the throat of the guard. Instantly the guard began beating at the Stomach with his truncheon, yet, did nothing to harm the ethereal being. "Halt Human!" He leaned forwards, his void like visage creeping closer to the guard. "If you wish to view the color of your voice box, proceed to bat me about the head with your stick. If you wish to live you will remain silent and leave em be." With that he launched the security guard up into the air and crashing hard into the side of the slot machine that had been the cause of all the ruckus. Behind him the crowd moved away anxiously, their excitement suddenly abated, dead bodies falling as the crowd dispersed. The Gut stood tall, motionless and proud, his arms folded looking at the three women.

"How do all the greedy in this palace retain such a fine physique!?" It sounded almost like an announcement. "When you are all so obviously, disgustingly putrid and obese with ignorance! You three shall become examples of pulverization." He motioned about himself. "The rest of you shall join them, shortly after."

The Plexus
The Plexus

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 25
Location : Leeds
Job : Disemboweler
Humor : psychotic to say the least
Registration date : 2012-12-04

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A Roll of the Dice [OPEN] Empty Re: A Roll of the Dice [OPEN]

Post by Orojed13 December 22nd 2012, 2:01 am

Dr. Gravestone was confused. Where was all the snow? He had been told it snowed in Alaska this time of year. As the doctor stepped out of the airport, he looked around. This definitely wasn't what the brochure promised. It had promised beautiful landscapes, perfect fishing conditions, cool temperatures, and a pristine look over the bay. There was sand everywhere, the aquariams would be hard to fish in at all, it was ridiculously hot, and there wasn't a drop of water anywhere but in the fountains. Heck, it was more like Las Vegas than the promised Alaska. He would find whoever printed the brochure and make them explain themselves.
He was walking along the street, looking for a sign of Wonder Inc. when he passed a certain casino. It had an advertisement in the window for "A Taste of Alaska" from Wonder Inc. Dr. Gravestone marched in. He quickly found the main desk and approached. Slamming his Alaska brochure on the counter, he said loudly, "What in the world is going on? I was promised beauty. Instead when I get here, it's awful!"
Just as the receptionist was about to find some reply to this, a commotion began. First, someone won the jackpot. Then, someone was jealous and was throwing a fit. A fit security guard that is. Into the roof. "This looks like a job for..." Dr Gravestone looked at everyone looking at him, "someone else!" He then ran off to the nearest broomcloset.
Out burst Dr. Sciuridae! He could sense something squirrelly going on here. Wearing his medic suit he rushed to where people were running from.
"Who do you think you are? Just because you didn't win the jackpot doesn't mean you can get ugly," Dr. Squiridae said while pointing at Plexus.

Red 53
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 157
Location : Oklahoma
Job : Meh, who needs one?
Humor : Bad, just awful
Registration date : 2012-11-28

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A Roll of the Dice [OPEN] Empty Re: A Roll of the Dice [OPEN]

Post by Adronos December 22nd 2012, 11:48 am

This night was turning out to be most interesting. First there was the man that walked over to him. He seemed different, something about this man perked Adronos's interest. He looked over at him and smiled slightly. "Just trying my luck with the dice."

He perked up a bit when all of sudden someone won the jackpot. He looked over at the man standing next to him and chuckled, "I guess my luck isn't as good as some tonight." The three women were soon to be mobbed, when some circus act starting walking towards the three girls. He watched as he made his way through the crowd with ease. When he made his way to the front and threw the guard, Adronos knew it was time to do something about it. When he threatened the three girls and the rest of the occupants, Adronos was about to yell out something when a man dressed in a doctor's uniform stepped forward.

He shook his head at the Doctor and looked The Circus Freak dead in the eye. "Hey," he yelled, "You better not touch a single person here, or I will end you." he then looked at the doctor, "Get everyone out of here," he yelled.

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 8
Registration date : 2012-12-19

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A Roll of the Dice [OPEN] Empty Re: A Roll of the Dice [OPEN]

Post by Digital Muse December 22nd 2012, 6:02 pm

At first, Siobhan wasn’t sure what she was seeing; Security was trying to push the crowds back so that Martinique and Rosanna didn’t end up getting trampled. But, somehow, one guard got a flying lesson as his body went sailing over the crowd, making people duck and dive for cover, before crashing into some slot machines several yards away. That made the crowd evaporate except for several dead bodies that fall to the floor once they were no longer supported by the crush.

With the crowd gone from the intervening space, the tall…man? Was revealed fully with his arms folded across his chest arrogantly, staring at them. You three shall become examples of pulverization." The man then motioned about himself. "The rest of you shall join them, shortly after."

Almost immediately, Rosanna began to get indignant, foolishly so. “Oh no you did not!” She snapped. “You did not just throw down the gauntlet on me!” She nearly stomped forward to meet the man to give him a piece of her mind, but Martinique and Siobhan each grabbed a shoulder of the little fire cracker and dragged her back. It was only the fact that Siobhan was far stronger than normal that they pair were able to restrain Rosanna.

While trying to decide what to do a Doctor appeared from seemingly nowhere to give the intruder a good talking to. Siobhan rolled her eyes. Dear gods! She groaned inwardly. The man dressed as a Doctor was going to get himself killed. Siobhan whispered to Martinique to get her and Rosanna out of the casino. She was so grateful that Martinique had a sensible head on her shoulders. Neither of her friends knew she was a Mutant and she had to do something about this lunatic.

Biting her lower lip, Siobhan looked at the cowering crowds. The place was still packed and she feared people would get hurt if she wasn’t careful. She could beat the man stupid with her force-fields, but somehow, she just didn’t think it was going to be as simple as that. Could she…restrain him? She wondered to herself. She’d never tried to do that befo-…. Shut up, Siobhan and do it! She muttered to herself under her breath. She lifted her hands and clasped her hands together tightly.

Brightly sparkling bands of energy shot toward the man with the ego issues hoping to catch him up and binding him.

"I don't get into trouble. I have adventures!" ~Jenna, The Black Elf

Jinx' Power Grid:

Entropy's Power Grid:

Flicker's Power Grid
Digital Muse
Digital Muse

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 69
Location : In a fugue state
Job : Student, writer, creator
Humor : dark and daft
Registration date : 2012-11-25

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A Roll of the Dice [OPEN] Empty Re: A Roll of the Dice [OPEN]

Post by Guest December 23rd 2012, 1:35 am

The man I sat down next to replied "I guess my luck isn't as good as some tonight.", and looked over at some girls that won the jackpot. I said haif to myself "will you look at that"as I did a dark looking weirdo walked towards the girls. Droping people one by one to get to the girls, I said under my breath "looks like fun". I was thinking something was going to go down so I ran to my room to get suited up, just as I made it back one of the girls did some energy thing turns out she was a meta. Not knowing what to do I just took it to my advantage and started braking the slots and taking the money.

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A Roll of the Dice [OPEN] Empty Re: A Roll of the Dice [OPEN]

Post by The Plexus December 23rd 2012, 3:20 am

Who was this man accosting The Everlasting Gut? Did he wish to be disemboweld? Or was it his simple ignorance of whom The Gut was that drove the man to commit this error? What a fool, his ignorace can be forgiven, yet his insignificant existance can not. As the Gut turned towards this new antagnoist he felt himself become entrapped. Bright flickers of light bombarded his eyes nearly blinding him.

Confinement! CONFINEMENT! WHOM DARES! "WHOM DARES CONFINE THE EVELASTING STOMACH!? MAKE YOURSELF KNOWN TO ME YOU COWARD!" It was the one thing that Plexus could not endure, the one thing Plexus could not abide was his physical restraint. In any form. It spun his senses into an uncontrollable rage, his mind ecoming blank with hatred for his condition.

With very little of a conscince left, The Stomach began to scream at the top of his lungs. Screming as though he was being murdered. Sreaming to the sky with the utmost frustration.

((sorry about the spelling, can't be arse to spell check right now))

The Plexus
The Plexus

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 25
Location : Leeds
Job : Disemboweler
Humor : psychotic to say the least
Registration date : 2012-12-04

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A Roll of the Dice [OPEN] Empty Re: A Roll of the Dice [OPEN]

Post by Orojed13 December 23rd 2012, 10:01 am

Dr. Sciuridae was quite proud of himself. He had leapt into action and just moments after he did, the villain was being detained quite successfully. Directing the groups of people left, he worked quickly to get the population out of harm's way. He didn't know how long this stomach's appetite would be quelled by those bands. It kind of reminded him of a laparoscopic adjustable gastric band. There was no time to think of that though as he was given a task. When most of the people had fled, Dr. Sciuridae found the crumpled form of the brave security guard.
"Where does it hurt worst?" Dr. Sciuridae asked as the mechanical muscles in his suit kicked in, allowing the doctor to pick up the built guard.
"Everywhere," The security guard moaned, but he was grabbing his left shoulder with his right hand. After a quick inspection, the doctor could tell that it had taken the brunt of the collision.
After getting a short distance, Dr. Sciuridae set the security guard down in a sitting position. He deftly felt around the socket and found the shoulder to be dislocated. "This is going to hurt," Dr. Sciuridae said to the security guard. Just as the security guard opened his mouth to answer, the doctor pushed it back into the socket. The security guard let loose a yelp, but moaned gratefully as the doctor released healing energy into the man's arm. It was then that the doctor saw the looter, Captain Lucciano.
Dr. Sciuridae grabbed his needle launcher, cocked in a bottle, and approached, leaving enough room that he could shoot before he could be attacked from all but the fastest superhuman. "Put down the medium of exchange, and surcease your burglarizing!" Dr. Sciuridae demanded, pointing the launcher to show he meant business.
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Job : Meh, who needs one?
Humor : Bad, just awful
Registration date : 2012-11-28

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A Roll of the Dice [OPEN] Empty Re: A Roll of the Dice [OPEN]

Post by Adronos December 27th 2012, 4:51 pm

Adronos walked up to the Gut, ignoring the screams from the beast, the looting of the small-time villain, the medic... He flashed a small reassuring smile at the girl who seemed to be restraining him. He walked up to the beast, putting very little room inbetween them and spoke sternly. "Stop your incessesant howling monster." he said, "There is no need for that, no need to yell like this. This fine woman here will let you go and you are going to walk out that door and not bother anyone here anymore." He felt the elemental part of him surging, wanting out, but he kept it at bay.

Alright, one problem down. He looked over at the doctor and the soon to be charred villain. He felt his power coursing through his veins and made the slot machine closest to the Cap explode into flames.

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Number of posts : 8
Registration date : 2012-12-19

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A Roll of the Dice [OPEN] Empty Re: A Roll of the Dice [OPEN]

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