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I love Rock and Roll. (Invite Only)

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I love Rock and Roll. (Invite Only) Empty I love Rock and Roll. (Invite Only)

Post by Andrew May 4th 2012, 9:23 pm

Andrew prepared for his concert with his band. Outside of being Phoenix the leader of The Talons, and a college student, he was the singer of the band Half Broken. He sat in the back lounge of the venue warming up his vocals, and relaxing. He looked down at his phone and saw that is was 9:00 p.m. and the first band was about to go on. The we're the second to last to go on so he had about an hour before he was up. Their guitarist Pantera walked into the lounge and sat next to Andrew.
"You ready to kick this crowds' ass or what?" he said trying to pump up Andrew before the show.
"Am I ready? Dude, I was BORN ready."
"I'm gunna go burn a joint" Pantera laughed, "you want in?"
"No i'm good man, been working out, bad for the whole breathing thing."
"That's cool, I'll catch you up there"

Andrew sat back and put in his Ipod and started mentally preparing for the show. He put on his pump up playlist and started to feel the butterflies in he stomach. He loved the feeling, and he worked best under pressure anyways. About 45 minutes passed and one of the tech guys walked into the lounge. "Andrew you're on in 5" and then walked away.
Andrew stood up, and stretched. Slapped himself in the face lightly a few times, and then jumped up and down a few times.

The cheers started coming, and he could hear them back stage. "HALF BRO-KEN, HALF BRO-KEN!"
He walked up the stairs and onto the platform, and then onto the stage. The drummer started playing followed by the rest of the band. They were really on tonight. Andrew noticed a man wearing a strange helmet in the crowd but didn't think too much of it. "I've seen stranger get-ups at concerts, to each his own i guess" he thought to himself. They finished their set list, and Andrew thanked the audience and blew kisses. "We kicked ass tonight gentlemen" he said to his band mates backstage. "Now time for the encore."
They walked out once more and prepared to play their final song.
Mega Poster!
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I love Rock and Roll. (Invite Only) Empty Re: I love Rock and Roll. (Invite Only)

Post by Brorschach May 4th 2012, 9:30 pm

Arthur walked into the crowd, giving only small amounts of pain to people in his way -just so they'd move- until he was nearly to the stage, he noticed several looks being directed his way, probably because of his helmet... but then, if he took it off, there'd be a lot more gawkers. He stood watching the bands come and go until after about an hour of noise that he supposed was meant to be music, a band came out. The crowd began chanting rhythmically "HALF BRO-KEN, HALF BRO-KEN", he looked up at the stage, as they began playing he felt much more relaxed. It was good to stop and enjoy the moment for once, he was tired of running. The band left and and came back, and began playing their next song. Arthur nodded his head and turned to leave, he had had enough loud music for a while. He opened the door into the back alley and reclined against the wall. He sighed and heard a noise, he looked over but he couldn't make out what the shape in the darkness was.



Blame Jack

"A man who barely maintains an armistice with himself has no business poking about in a foreign soul"
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I love Rock and Roll. (Invite Only) Empty Re: I love Rock and Roll. (Invite Only)

Post by Forceaus May 4th 2012, 9:52 pm

That night something was roaming the streets that should not have been.Or should I say some things for there were several running amok.These creatures were known as Geiras and were creations of the brilliant genius scientist Doctor Xelek.Earlier that night these few had managed to escape from their containment facility and now they were moving through the streets of the city in search of food.These large and powerful creatures were sure to cause much devistation if they were not stopped soon.They were dangerous.Even more so in large numbers which they now possessed.
They prowled the night when they heard noises.These noises, loud and exhilirating attracted them due to their desire for food.Surely such noises mean't that what they sought after so strongly would be found there.Surely it must be true.Down one street after another they traveled until eventually they closed in on the source of these loud noises.They stalked the night itself until coming across a building where the noises seemed to be coming from.It seems they have found the place.
They were trying to figure out how to get in.One of them found a manhole and a few of them crawled down it and into the sewers below.The remaining ones creeped around the outside of the building waiting to jump upon anyone that comes out.This plan of attack was simple yet effective for a pack of predators.The ones that went into the sewers would attack from underneath thus scaring out the people inside so that the ones outside can grab them for their strongly desired feast.
As the beasts waited one of them walked down an alleyway in search of a place from which to pounce from once the time came.It was in this very alleyway that it spotted a person leaning against the wall of the building itself.It seems that it had found itself an appetizer.The Geira could practically taste the person's flesh already.Stealthily it approached the person ready to attack once close enough.

Mega Poster!
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Registration date : 2011-12-22

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I love Rock and Roll. (Invite Only) Empty Re: I love Rock and Roll. (Invite Only)

Post by The Perfect Sandwich May 4th 2012, 11:58 pm

Coronel walked into the doors of the room the bands were playing. From out side they sounded amazing, but he was waiting for his two favourite bands to come on stage. As he started to make his way through the crowd he was being pressed up against other people. It was the only part that was not fun, nor did he feel comfortable; he could just kill off everyone but if he did it would not do anything for him. He kept his cool and was pushed into a girl that looked like she fit his age.
Hello there I'm sorry I'm being pushed like a rag doll in here.
She look at him and she smiled,"Yeah you just have to get use to it, this is my 5th band thing like this" she said as giggling. He responded with a small laughter.

Next people around them and started jumping around and screaming Half Bro-Ken over and over. He directed his attention the same way the girl did, right at the stage. They were one of his favourite bands and he began to hope that Pantera the other band did not already play because he did not know the order. As they finished he looked up there waiting for the encore. "To him he was having a good day even with the people hitting up aginst him", he thought to himself.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
The Perfect Sandwich
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Registration date : 2011-04-22

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I love Rock and Roll. (Invite Only) Empty Re: I love Rock and Roll. (Invite Only)

Post by Guest May 5th 2012, 1:18 am

With a group of her friends, she was being pressured to line up to get 'last minute' tickets for the concert. But the music just wasn't her cup of tea. She had no idea why her friends wanted to line up to see it so badly. It almost seemed a waste of money to buy the tickets, except for the fact she'd be hanging out with her friends there. She'd never been to a concert though, and she heard people got violent in the 'mosh pits'. Something she didn't want to get forced into. It was basically voluntarily allowing everyone to grope you.

"You might actually meet a guy you like there, Mara." one of her friends said. So that's what they wanted to go for? These girls needed better taste in guys. Mara eyerolled. "Are you serious? Like I really want to meet a guy there with some cheesy line like 'Hey beautiful, wanna check out my Camero?'. They all think alike. Plus, this kind of concert has to attract some really shady guys."

They were persistent though, and eventually nudged her to go to the concert. However, she hung out in the way back, far away from the craziness of the mosh pits. She could barely hear her friends over the sound of the loud racketing music, in some ways she wished the concert was almost over. They announced their encore song, hopefully this would be the last one, she thought.

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I love Rock and Roll. (Invite Only) Empty Re: I love Rock and Roll. (Invite Only)

Post by Andrew May 6th 2012, 12:23 am

As Andrew began singing the final song, he had the light shine out on the crowd, and had it stop on a particular girl. She was very far in the back, and didn't seem to be having too much fun. He sang his lines almost directed to her, and then took his final bow. Off he went. Backstage he took off his shirt to reveal his toned body. He walked back out onto the stage and threw his T shirt to the crowd, and that was it. Into the shower he went, followed by a relaxing time with some Bob Marley music.

"Hey good show tonight." the bands manager said. "A few more of those, and you won't need to worry about college."
Andrew loved playing music, however he felt obligated to stay and be the Talons' leader. He always dreamed of fame, and stardom as a child. He was so close to achieving that, but he also had the duty of protecting New York now. He sat back, and looked up at the ceiling. "Great show man, wonder what the Talons are up too." the pondered to himself. He went to reach for his dogtags and message them, but then he remembered he left them at home.

About 10 minutes passed of Andrew daydreaming and thinking of future decisions. Out his window he saw a silhouette of a strange looking being. However, the show had his mind in another place and he didn't think too much of it. He walked into the bathroom, splashed some water on his face and looked deeply into his own eyes. He was for the first time in his life very proud of what he was doing. Everything he worked on for the past
several months was coming together like a puzzle.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "We Fight For Those Who Can't."

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 619
Location : Beantown
Age : 29
Job : Vigilante
Humor : Franklin Guidaboni, Grown men who argue with teenagers, Adam Paxton, and Dominus
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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I love Rock and Roll. (Invite Only) Empty Re: I love Rock and Roll. (Invite Only)

Post by Brorschach May 6th 2012, 7:00 am

Arthur stared as the being slowly came out of the shadows, it appeared to be reptilian, like something from a bad horror movie. Arthur removed his gloves and sighed, he had been enjoying the night and combat really wasn't something he was looking forward to. He dropped into a ready stance, ready to grab his knife and kill the creature once he had it in his grasp. The creature continued to stare at him almost vacantly, like it was waiting for him to make the first move. Smiling a soft smile, Arthur lunged forward, aiming his hand for the creature's throat, he planned to apply as much pain as he could handle and kill the creature once it was down. His hand reached out, mere inches from its throat.



Blame Jack

"A man who barely maintains an armistice with himself has no business poking about in a foreign soul"
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Warnings : Banned
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Location : The dark carnival
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Registration date : 2012-04-17

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I love Rock and Roll. (Invite Only) Empty Re: I love Rock and Roll. (Invite Only)

Post by Forceaus May 6th 2012, 7:04 pm

As the creatures prepared for their hunt on the fair city that night one of them had come across a possible target in an alleyway.It had attempted to sneak up on it and strike to kill it quickly.Unfortunately the person had spotted it early on.The mutated monstrosity thought that surely this person would be too afraid to react to the sight of it.It was wrong.
The person attacked it instantly.A rather good idea considering the situation.His hand reached out and grabbed the creature around its throat.Its airway was slightly obstructed by the man's grasp around its neck.For reasons far beyond its understanding it was feeling intense pain coursing through its body.This was a strange phenomenom indeed.It was not sure how much longer it could withstand such agony.The creature reached out and grabbed at the man's arm in order to break it and wrench itself free from the man's grasp.It successful it would then lunge at the man in an attempt to kill him.It let loose a bloodcurdling scream as it did so.
The sound of one of the creatures screaming was noticed by the others.They were curious as to why one of them would make such a noise.What could have caused it.A few of the ones gathered around the building hiding in the streets signaled to each other.A couple of them were sent out to go check it out.They headed off to where the noise seemed to come from.In mere moments they would arrive to witness this occurence.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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I love Rock and Roll. (Invite Only) Empty Re: I love Rock and Roll. (Invite Only)

Post by The Perfect Sandwich May 6th 2012, 7:51 pm

Coronel stood there in a small smile of happiness listening to the bands oncore. The girl stood beside him jumping and screaming. He decided to kick back out of the croud. He made his way out being pushed again and also getting more over edge. He broke free of the clutches of what seemed to be a small riot. He made his way to the back and sat down in a seat were he noticed another girl. "There is to many of them, ladies are everywhere now a days, but atleast she's is not jumping to my feet like the others" he thought quietly to himself.

Now he had enough he decided to call it quits a head out for a quick drag. He got up looked at the sitting girl and turned his attention towards the door. He grabbed the nob and flung it open. He stepped out and pulled a cigaret out lit it and began to take small puffs to last the flavor of the cigaret. He had pressed him self aginst the wall and continued what he was doing, but two girls and one guy stumbled out the door and man were they drunk. He picked himself up and went into the alley. This may become his favourite place since there was no noise. He picked up were he left off until he completely finished it off, and then went for a second. He reached his hand in his pocket and almost pulled out the box until her heard an unfamiliar wail.

As soon as he heard the undefined wail he looked around and immediately leaped on to the roof to get out of site. He decided he would check this one thing out since he was having a good day. He leaped around and came to the source were he saw one guy holding a weird creatures throat while the creature was trying to grab his arm. He did not know weather to stop this or watch just incase. His mind was made, he took a leap down and shouted really loud so he knows they will hear him, Stop what are you imbissiles doing especially in a place of the civil and peace. I demand you both to stop or bare my wrath.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
The Perfect Sandwich
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Humor : Donuts and Donut holes? Are you trying to suggest something?
Registration date : 2011-04-22

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I love Rock and Roll. (Invite Only) Empty Re: I love Rock and Roll. (Invite Only)

Post by Guest May 7th 2012, 10:28 pm

She had somehow gotten the attention of the entertainers at the concert, and the spotlight was shone on her for part of the song. How embarrassing, she thought as she looked to the left and blushed trying to be invisible. Her friends she came along with started hooting and raising their beer glasses at the scene. Mara shooed her hands at her friends, hoping that the song would soon be over so the spotlight would go away.

The concert was over, they had apparently only caught the last bit of the show. They could finally head home for the night. However, both of her friends had already gotten rides home from some guys they picked up at the concert. Instead it seemed she was going home alone. Rolling her eyes at her friends, she walked towards the exit and sighed. Pushing her hand on the door, she walked outside to be greeted by the illumination of the moon. It really was a beautiful night. She heard some shouting in the distance, only catching a sound of someone calling another an 'imbecile". She briskly walked in that direction, curious of what was going on.

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I love Rock and Roll. (Invite Only) Empty Re: I love Rock and Roll. (Invite Only)

Post by Andrew May 8th 2012, 10:43 pm

Phoenix said goodbye to his band, and off he went. He threw on his jacket, and puck his mask around his neck like a scarf. He put his hood on, and opened the backdoor. The night was beautiful, the air was fresh. All that heat in there really made a guy sweat, and he was a fire manipulator. In the back ally he saw a conflict going on. From his angle he couldn't see much but from what he good, it didn't look good. He pulled up his mask, and walked toward the problem. "Excuse me gentlemen, is there a ...." he stopped about 20 feet away. What he was looking at did not seem human. "Aww man, I'm gunna have to fight tonight aren't I?" he thought to himself.

Phoenix looked at the gathering group all approaching the scene. He didn't know any of them. However he did recognize the girl from the show he sang too. he also remembered the man with the helmet. How could they all be linked he wondered. He took in as much as he could quickly, and clenched his fist incase anything was about to go down. He was not prepared for a fight, but this is the hand he was dealt if worst came to worst. "What's going on here people?" he asked in a stern yet relaxed tone.
Mega Poster!
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Humor : Franklin Guidaboni, Grown men who argue with teenagers, Adam Paxton, and Dominus
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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I love Rock and Roll. (Invite Only) Empty Re: I love Rock and Roll. (Invite Only)

Post by Brorschach May 8th 2012, 11:09 pm

Empathy moved away from the creatures flailing arm and watched as the creature fell to its knees. He turned the pain up much higher, the feeling of his limbs being broken and his organs being ripped out coursing through him. He smiled widely and stabbed his knife into the creature's eye socket, twisting, once, twice, three times, until the creature stopped whining and died. Empathy pulled his knife out and wiped it off on his sleeve. He stared at the man who had cried out, his insane grin quickly subsiding into a blank expression.

"Nothing." He said, his breathing becoming steady and measured, his face a calculated blank.

"Who are you?" he asked as he put one of his gloves back on, this man appeared to be a normal human so only one hand would be needed should he try to attack.



Blame Jack

"A man who barely maintains an armistice with himself has no business poking about in a foreign soul"
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I love Rock and Roll. (Invite Only) Empty Re: I love Rock and Roll. (Invite Only)

Post by Forceaus May 8th 2012, 11:43 pm

The Geira had died.The man and his power was simply too much for the creature to handle.Its death was brutal.Even the man who had created these things through terrifying experiments would find the killing of it unsettling.Then again that was probably because he had dedicated so much effort into creating it that he would find it unsettling to see his work destroyed.

As two more of these creatures approached the location of that ones death other people had convened on that location.This place was getting crowded for sure.Three more humans arrived there.The geiras that had come to investigate the noise from earlier could see they were outnumbered.Instead of advancing any further they instead decided to take cover and signal out to the rest of the pack.This situation required a different plan of attack.The other 6 that were outside and looming about heard the signal and prepared a plan of attack.

Meanwhile inside the building where the concert had been taking place the attendees were suddenly onset by the three Geiras that had snuck inside via the sewers.There was alot of panic in the building as people screamed and shouted in fear.All of them ran for the exits pushing each other out of the way in desperation to get to them and escape.As people started running out of the building the Geiras hoped to use this to catch the person whom had killed one of their own by surprise and kill him.A few of them started attacking the people.The hunt had begun.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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I love Rock and Roll. (Invite Only) Empty Re: I love Rock and Roll. (Invite Only)

Post by The Perfect Sandwich May 9th 2012, 12:02 am

Seeing everyone converge the alley seemed to get crowded and he already knew what he was going to have to fight today. Coronel placed both fist together and popped his knuckles and since he had not done this in a while the sound echoed through the alley. He looked at the other guy and the monster thing that layer there on the ground in catastrough. He looked back at the monsters as they made movement; it seemed like a signal so at this point Coronel took a stance and placed his hands up as if it looked like he was prepared to fight. They look weak but he still did not want to get touched. While he was in his stance he overheard the people running and shouting in the building with the concert in it. "Dammit have to finish this quick" he thought. At this time he was side tracked he looked behind him and seen a guy in a mask and another person which was the same girl he had sat nearby in the back before he left.

He focused back up and looked dead straight at them. He was just going to test the water so he compressed alot of space in a tiny piercing shot that he launched off his middle finger by flicking it at the creatures head. He waited as the little powerful shot screeched down the alley ways.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
The Perfect Sandwich
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Humor : Donuts and Donut holes? Are you trying to suggest something?
Registration date : 2011-04-22

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I love Rock and Roll. (Invite Only) Empty Re: I love Rock and Roll. (Invite Only)

Post by Guest May 9th 2012, 6:49 pm

Walking towards the direction of which Coronel was shouting, it seemed she wasn't the only one within earshot of him. However, the creature had already been destroyed by another person before she got there. She wasn't quite sure what was going on at the time, but she hadn't seen anything like the downed Geira. She wrinkled her nose at the sight of it. Whether because it was dead or ugly was unknown, possibly both.

Usually when standing over a corpse, with his innards spread all over his clothing, one does not say he is doing 'nothing'. Its clear he was either an untrustworthy type in her opinion, or just really callous when it came to killing things. Though to his defense, the creature appeared hostile. The scene was really getting awkward with the group of strange men and monsters. Seemingly out of place, she tried to slowly creep out of the scene and head back towards the Concert area. She would reroute her way home from there.

Last edited by Syrene on May 12th 2012, 1:48 pm; edited 1 time in total

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