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The Orthodox and the Unorthodox [closed to Doppelganger]

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The Orthodox and the Unorthodox [closed to Doppelganger] Empty The Orthodox and the Unorthodox [closed to Doppelganger]

Post by Inquisitor Azarov November 12th 2012, 2:28 pm

Eastern Los Angeles.

Third day in America.

Azarov was still going eastward, because his objective was to reach New York. Of course he could have gone there by plane, but he didn't trusted those people. He used it to reach the West Coast after taking the train then the plane and that was enough for him. His encounter the other day with the strange fellow, a hobo he recalled, only comforted him further in his idea that America was a mess. But much road still needed to be done as his quest to the east continued. It would probably take him a few days to reach the other coast. But the Inquisitor knew that work had to be done here and not just on the other side of the continent. All of America was sinful, and sins had to be cleansed from this world. In here he found some Christianity, even though it was Catholicism and not that filthy Americanism or whatever they called it, with people descending from Europe's Spaniards marrying with the native people. These people were believers and their souls would be saved. Azarov knew that even if you were Catholic or Orthodox it didn't matter to him, since these rites were centuries-old. In any case, he had to move. Of course, he also saw gang members. People who weren't afraid of commiting crimes for their own gain. These people would not have any mercy from him. On his way to a local church, little mobsters got on his way, trying to threaten him into giving his belongings. One of them, the leader of the group, took the lead.

- Yoyyoyoo!! Guys lk at dishere mothafuckuh. He looks like He has UH lot o' Bones. Wut iz yo' name? We's need to nahh da name o' da niggas we's mug.

He had some strange ways of speaking, and the Inquisitor looked down on him as he answered with his Russian accent.

-I think you should talk properly to be understood by people you call victims.

They all looked surprised to see that he answered them in such a way. The leader laughed, as if this was all comical, and answered as well.

- Yo chu got sum attitude mothafuckuh. Ah hope chu don't wants ta meet mah mo'fukin knife personallee do you?

He had taken his knife out as he talked. His friends were smiling, as if they were amused by some weakling who thought that a knife meant power. As the Russian looked at him, he swiftly grabbed his hand and, as he slowly crushed it with his might, Azarov said a few words.

- May the Devil be merciful upon your soul.

- Chu Crazy? Let me goe! Stop it!

Only screams could be heard after that, as the Inquisitor rendered his judgment upon them all.

Last edited by Inquisitor Azarov on November 29th 2012, 9:45 pm; edited 1 time in total

The Orthodox and the Unorthodox [closed to Doppelganger] Offica11
Inquisitor Azarov
Inquisitor Azarov

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Number of posts : 15
Registration date : 2012-10-11

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The Orthodox and the Unorthodox [closed to Doppelganger] Empty Re: The Orthodox and the Unorthodox [closed to Doppelganger]

Post by Entropy November 13th 2012, 3:33 am

The boy dangled from a rope in the tool shed of the back yard and watched in horror as the tall, white monstrosity withered down into a very real mirror of himself. Long, unkempt hair, deep brown eyes, and a scar running across the dark skin of his forehead all reflected back to him, but flipped upside down. Then the lights went out in a sudden rush of pain as some blunt object smashed into the back of his head.

Doppelganger closed the shed doors and walked back into the worn-out house. His now-small hands grabbed for the Smith & Wesson revolver waiting for him on the counter, which was quickly concealed in his baggy pants. The last few males he'd impersonated had at least worn belts that held their pants up. He wasn't sure how he was going to walk like this, but he was a fast learner.

Magazines slammed into pistols as he entered the room and a rough hand grabbed for him to shove him towards the center of the room.

"Yo puta! Ready ta prove yoself? Time for yo ta cap yo first huíla."

Doppelganger looked down at the revolver stuck in his pants and said nothing as he was directed out to the car. His long hair hung down over his face in darkness while he rode in the back seat. Street lights flashed over head, revealing quick flashes of his face for half a second at a time as they rode in complete silence. 10 minutes went by. Then 20. Finally when the trip approached a half hour in length, the car slowed down to a crawl.

He heard a gasp from the driver when they pulled up near their intended targets. Everyone in the car was shocked to see the one man take on the entire gang by himself. Everyone except for the young kid in the back seat, that is. Doppelganger slowly looked up for the first time and gazed out the window. The car door opened with a creak, and he stepped out with his loaded revolver in hand. The car didn't wait up for him, instead taking off away from the neighborhood. They didn't need to be here. Someone else had taken care of the problem for them.

But Doppelganger's business wasn't finished. Not yet. He raised his gun...

Michelle Morrison (Entropy)

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Registration date : 2012-08-28

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The Orthodox and the Unorthodox [closed to Doppelganger] Empty Re: The Orthodox and the Unorthodox [closed to Doppelganger]

Post by Inquisitor Azarov November 29th 2012, 10:14 pm

The thugs were knocked out. The one that had his hand crushed was because he could use it to get a knife so the Russian simply neutralized the threat. The Inquisitor was about to go but he stopped his motion. Someone else was there. Reinforcements maybe? He didn't even care. He walked away slowly, simply enough so that whoever was there, a reaction would occur. Azarov stopped counting the number of times when somebody arrived behin him and tried to ambush him or something like that. It's not that he was aware of their presence, he just knew that thugs answered to a certain behaviour pattern. But he wasn't a man of psychology, he was a man of faith, so science was not something he'd try to explain freely. He looked at the sky, polluted by city lights, making it impossible to gaze at the stars. Back in Russia, he could do it since Siberia was relatively free from the shackles of civilization. But here, civilization meant destroying nature, the same one that allowed humans to live on.

So he simply walked near the unconcious thugs, waiting for the other thug to make his or her move so he could act in self-defense. It was a cheap tactic, but it was the best way to justify his acts if local police officers ask him the reasons of the beating. His hands in his pocket, he waited patiently for the other one to act, should it be running away or confront him. In both scenario, the Inquisitor would be at peace with himself. After a while, he simply said :

-Maybe you should go. This is not the place for people who hesitate.

The Orthodox and the Unorthodox [closed to Doppelganger] Offica11
Inquisitor Azarov
Inquisitor Azarov

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 15
Registration date : 2012-10-11

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The Orthodox and the Unorthodox [closed to Doppelganger] Empty Re: The Orthodox and the Unorthodox [closed to Doppelganger]

Post by Entropy December 9th 2012, 2:40 am

Doppelganger did not fire the pistol aimed at the back of Russian's head. The kid he was mimicking probably would have pulled the trigger, so that was the one thing that set Doppelganger apart from his mark. He was not here to kill, even if the man seemed to be asking for a fight. He might change his mind if the Russian tried to get away though. That was not an option. But for the moment, he had him here without a need for show of force.

The hand holding the pistol shook with unsteady nerves to help pull off the look of the unhardened kid he was supposed to be. "You got no piece. You some sorta Bruce Lee chiflado, mang?" His other hand grasped the shaking pistol and steadied it. From his appearance, the kid was too afraid to pull the trigger. Accidents always happened though. "I was s'posed to off these cabrónes. H-how'd you do it, homes?"

While the kid seemed to be more than impressed by the show of talent, Doppelganger did have to admit some admiration quietly to himself. He would have been able to fight off a gang of common men like this, but it wouldn't have been this clean. He was not a fighter. Open conflict was to be avoided at all costs. That was how he was still alive today.

Michelle Morrison (Entropy)

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 39
Location : New Mexico, USA
Age : 37
Job : Sensitive bitch
Registration date : 2012-08-28

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The Orthodox and the Unorthodox [closed to Doppelganger] Empty Re: The Orthodox and the Unorthodox [closed to Doppelganger]

Post by Inquisitor Azarov December 12th 2012, 3:07 pm

A voice.

From a kid or so.

The Inquisitor turned around to look at who was threathening him. A young man with a gun. The religious man knew that firearms were not effective against him but maybe the one he had in front of him didn't knew that. After all, Azarov did look like anybody else except for his arms. They were the only thing that revealed he wasn't entirely human in appearance. But what makes someone human is not the body but the mind. Many men in history were human in appearance but were monsters. We simply had to think about the Second World War of the previous century to confirm that statement. But the Inquisitor had little time, none in fact, to think about dictators from a era long gone since someone was pointing a firearm at him. For a brief moment, Azarov thought this guy had some problems with pronounciation but it only was logical that he was born in here, meaning what he was hearing was simply the native slang of those people again. Azarov also wanted to try and act as if he had understood that newcomer, but lying wasn't always an option, not to mention a very lesser sin. He walked a couple of steps in his direction and stopped at about half the distance he was before.

-I beg your pardon young man but I think you should talk properly. I do not understand you at all.

He paused. The Inquisitor looked at the pistol and smiled, then looked at the kid's face. He continued in a calm voice along with his Russian accent.

-Do you think that a gun scares me? It wouldn't do me harm. Try it.

That sounded overconfident, but the Inquisitor had nothing to fear in the current situation. He didn't want to fight that one, because there was no need for it. But if he would pull the trigger, the Inquisitor might reconsider that aspect.

The Orthodox and the Unorthodox [closed to Doppelganger] Offica11
Inquisitor Azarov
Inquisitor Azarov

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 15
Registration date : 2012-10-11

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The Orthodox and the Unorthodox [closed to Doppelganger] Empty Re: The Orthodox and the Unorthodox [closed to Doppelganger]

Post by Entropy December 16th 2012, 6:28 pm

As fun as it was to take on this new appearance, Doppelgänger could tell he easn't getting far at all with this man. And his gun certainly wasn't going to be doing the talking for him tonight. Not if he wanted to make a positive impression instead of causing a fight he didn't have the patience for. He supposed he had taken this far enough. He was alone with the man, and no shots had been fired yet.

The kid's voice remained as juvinile as it had been before, but a completely different accent came to it. As did a higher quality of intelligence behind the voice. "I was trying to say that I was impressed by your actions," Dopp's Illinois accent broke through. "Forget these hooligans..." he stashed the pistol in his wasteband. "I wasn't really here for any of them. I've been following you for a while now. I like the way you work."

The sudden change was confusing to say the least. The youth was still there physically, but something else had replaced his mental facilities.

Michelle Morrison (Entropy)

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 39
Location : New Mexico, USA
Age : 37
Job : Sensitive bitch
Registration date : 2012-08-28

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The Orthodox and the Unorthodox [closed to Doppelganger] Empty Re: The Orthodox and the Unorthodox [closed to Doppelganger]

Post by Inquisitor Azarov December 16th 2012, 11:07 pm

The voice...

It changed.

That young man in front of him used a completely different voice as well as a ''normal'' accent, or maybe the lack of an ununderstandable speech, and he was actually talking with the voice of somebody that was very, very confident. So Azarov was tailed, followed. Was it since he arrived in America or even back in Russia. Hard to tell. So many people tried to track him down, sometimes to try to kill him but failed, but no one ever approached him like that. Walking slowly near him, still on his guards, the Inquisitor tried to figure out who that boy was. Of course he didn't have an idea. He stopped in front on this young man and looked him in the eyes. Skeptical, he asked a simple question.

-Who are you?

Simple as it was, this question could prove either useful or not, since the one he had in front of him could lie. But Azarov had the impression that he wouldn't. He was with somebody who might be beyond the use of such low schemes to deceive others. But only way to find out was to let him talk and explain himself, or beat it to get information. One way or the other, it would prove a bit difficult.

The Orthodox and the Unorthodox [closed to Doppelganger] Offica11
Inquisitor Azarov
Inquisitor Azarov

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 15
Registration date : 2012-10-11

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The Orthodox and the Unorthodox [closed to Doppelganger] Empty Re: The Orthodox and the Unorthodox [closed to Doppelganger]

Post by Entropy December 16th 2012, 11:28 pm

Doppengänger always hated that question. Who was he? He asked himself that same question every day of his life. At one time he'd thought he had a name, but that was just another lie he'd uncovered. He was the man without a face. Now he had no name, and no way to answer without making it seem like he was covering something up. So he just sighed and shook his head while answering as he usually did.

"I am no one and everyone. But that is not important. What is undeniably more important is who you are, and what we can do for each other."

He paused for a moment before going on. Was this really in his best interests? Well it was better than where he was now at least. He surely couldn't bring this to anyone else either. Too many others were being watched, and not by him. This man hadn't been contacted by anyone else yet either. Dopp was sure of that.

"Now I already know you are quite capable of taking lives. Especially lives that aren't worthy of further breath, such as these scum. But my questions are these: have you heard of a group called Dominus? And do you want bigger fish to fry?"

Michelle Morrison (Entropy)

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 39
Location : New Mexico, USA
Age : 37
Job : Sensitive bitch
Registration date : 2012-08-28

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The Orthodox and the Unorthodox [closed to Doppelganger] Empty Re: The Orthodox and the Unorthodox [closed to Doppelganger]

Post by Inquisitor Azarov December 17th 2012, 3:15 pm


A latin word used for some organization he didn't knew.

This man was basically offering him a place among his group. Azarov was well aware of the fact that if he'd get involved with the wrong people here, it could prove disastrous for him in the end. But he wanted to know more about that Dominus group. His curiosity was now active and the Inquisitor thought that knowing more about the unknown could be useful to him at some point as well. But first, he needed to answer this odd man. As calm as we was when he arrived, he answered.

-I have not heard of Dominus before now. In Russia, we have plenty of organizations. One more name, it doesn't matter to me. And I also understand that this offer of yours include me joining this Dominus group?

The Inquisitor, back in the Motherland, had often been approached by various groups for services and help, but no one would have dared to try and recruit an Inquisitor. But things changed. Azarov was in America. And America had its own rules. He looked at this Dominus person, trying to figure out what kind of person that was, but that kind of skill was not really a part of Azarov's arsenal.

-What are the objectives on this Dominus group? Some vigilante work? The nature of this group is something you know, and as a man of faith, I do not believe in deception or hiding to bring people to a cause.

The Inquisitor had played his cards and now he waited for the answers he needed. Skepticism was still in him regarding this young man.

The Orthodox and the Unorthodox [closed to Doppelganger] Offica11
Inquisitor Azarov
Inquisitor Azarov

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 15
Registration date : 2012-10-11

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The Orthodox and the Unorthodox [closed to Doppelganger] Empty Re: The Orthodox and the Unorthodox [closed to Doppelganger]

Post by Entropy December 17th 2012, 4:31 pm

Everyone had to be a critic. Dopp was always reminded why he never revealed himself every time it happened... which he could still count on one hand now. At least he'd only shown a small part of himself to this man. He didn't know too much, yet.

"You and I are different, surely. I envy your ability to live without the deception and hiding. But this is not about me... at least not in the bigger picture. This is about Dominus and their possible plans for a man like you."

Dopp wasn't sure how much he should explain. But at least he knew that nothing would track him here. Although Dominus had him, no one could bug him. His shapeshifing did not allow for it. And they were in the middle of the LA ghetto now. No eyes fell to these depths. They were safe.

"I am sure that Dominus will contact you at some point. You fit their standards far more than I do. For you see, they are trying to erradicate anyone with talents like mine. Metahumans." Although, Dopp wasn't entirely sure he was even human. Perhaps that was why he was still breathing today. Dominus knew as much as he did about himself... which wasn't much at all. "I came to you first, before they sent an agent, because I don't believe the structures of your faith allow for such massacres... at least not in the last hundred years or so. That, and I need an ally. Consider me selfish, but I don't want this massacre to include me once they are done with the others."

Michelle Morrison (Entropy)

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 39
Location : New Mexico, USA
Age : 37
Job : Sensitive bitch
Registration date : 2012-08-28

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The Orthodox and the Unorthodox [closed to Doppelganger] Empty Re: The Orthodox and the Unorthodox [closed to Doppelganger]

Post by Inquisitor Azarov December 18th 2012, 8:11 pm


He acted like he was in distress.

This man wanted an agreement of some sort so he could secure his own safety. But he also revealed the intentions of his group. That Dominus group was against Metahumans, those people gifted or plagued depending on the point of view with some powers, and taking him into this only for hunting. The Inquisitor, unlike what this man was thinking, was not a senseless killer. He took only the life of the faithless or those who posed a threat to his own life, not the ones who meant him no harm. And something was a bit strange in all that. Something was incoherent.

-My faith allows me to understand that even if some groups will willingly try to erase thoese people off the face of the earth, it also allows me to understand that if they exist it was God's Will. But something tells me that you are not entirely honest with me.

If that mad was serious about Dominus intent to end the existance of metahumans, why would they have some amongst their ranks? This simply made no sense. Even if it did, those who served Dominus would not be oblivious with that fact. It kind of felt like a trap that was obviously laid for some other purposes unless the Inquisitor had gone paranoïac. And he talked about agents, and that made Azarov curious as well.

-Who are those agents you speak of? Are they dangerous?

Better be simple if he needed answers from someone that might be highly intelligent and deceiving.

The Orthodox and the Unorthodox [closed to Doppelganger] Offica11
Inquisitor Azarov
Inquisitor Azarov

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 15
Registration date : 2012-10-11

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The Orthodox and the Unorthodox [closed to Doppelganger] Empty Re: The Orthodox and the Unorthodox [closed to Doppelganger]

Post by Entropy December 18th 2012, 9:06 pm

What Doppelgänger would give to be a normal human for just one day. Maybe people would trust him for once. Of course as he was, he could never be entirely truthful. To do so would put him at more risk than he'd ever been. The more people who knew his secrets, the closer he came to death. Secrets were all he had. And he wasn't going to spill them all to this man, whether he was requesting his help or not.

"I am never entirely honest. The sooner you learn that about me, the sooner we can get along. That is one thing Dominus does not understand about me, so you are one step ahead of them already."

And if Dominus did find out, there would be hell to pay. Doppelgänger was not seen as a threat to them, since he wasn't all that powerful out in the open like this. Plenty of their agents could overpower him, whether they had powers or not. They could never know of this. More secrets. Every day they kept piling up. At least now he was placing his trust in someone for once. If this man blew his cover, he'd be done for. And yet he was taking that risk.

"The agents of Dominus are far more than what you see before you. I am but a pawn in their game. And their agents are the players, not the pieces. They are rounding up the pawns such as I to do terrible deeds, after which I fear I will be disposed of. My usefulness cannot last forever with them, and a pawn is worth a sacrifice to fulfill their checkmate."

Oh to be back in the body of that masterful chess player again... one of the few lives he still cherished.

"I've never cared much for the rest of the world, and I can still admit that now. But Dominus needs to be snuffed out or everyone else like me will pay the price. I may not be as deserving as the rest, but I will throw my chips in with them nonetheless. Will you take that gamble? Or will you sit quietly at the sidelines to watch the blood rain down?"

Michelle Morrison (Entropy)

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 39
Location : New Mexico, USA
Age : 37
Job : Sensitive bitch
Registration date : 2012-08-28

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The Orthodox and the Unorthodox [closed to Doppelganger] Empty Re: The Orthodox and the Unorthodox [closed to Doppelganger]

Post by Inquisitor Azarov December 22nd 2012, 7:26 pm

The metaphors all related to chess and gambling were not irritating, but the Inquisitor was not fond of those activites, even though he mentally praised this man for having such a well-spoken eloquence. But still, a decision of a great importance had to be taken here and now. The Inquisitor walked near this man, thinking about what he should do. What he would decide would probably affect the future events he would get into. He sighted, got his prayer rope out and started reciting a prayer while looked at the sky.

-My Lord, I ask You to help me make the right decision. Let me accomplish Your will by doing what's right and be my only judge once I will join you in Heaven.

He signed himself up and took a deep breath. He then looked at this strange man. He got in front on him, putting his prayer rope back in one of his pocket. He then looked at the other one, in the eyes, and talked.

-My faith does not allow me to gamble, especially with people's lives. But if this have to be done, maybe God got you in my way. But mark my word : if this is some devilry trick you pulled up on me, you shall go straight to Hell.

He was dead serious. But Azarov needed that this cooperation would have a guaranteed success, because he wasn't here to walk around. He had a mission to do.

The Orthodox and the Unorthodox [closed to Doppelganger] Offica11
Inquisitor Azarov
Inquisitor Azarov

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Registration date : 2012-10-11

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The Orthodox and the Unorthodox [closed to Doppelganger] Empty Re: The Orthodox and the Unorthodox [closed to Doppelganger]

Post by Entropy January 4th 2013, 3:29 pm

Doppelgänger hid his smile from the man. He was always good at that; acting, that is. If he weren't, he'd never pull off the many faces he possessed over the years. The only difference this time was the sincerity behind the act. Although he covered up many truths, the words he had spoken couldn't be more true. Dopp needed this man to answer correctly, and some divine guidance behind that decision was fine with him if it swayed him correctly.

"I know enough of your faith, whether I follow it or not. You are making the right decision in placing your trust in me. I may be a man of many tricks, but I am not the devil you fear. I am David facing my Goliath. I need to outsmart the villain, and you are the small stone needed to topple him. Like David, I know that this is not a gamble when I place my trust in the right hands"

Such power lied in that faith, whether Dopp believed in that God or not. He'd learned that after having hundreds of people every day listen to his every word in his guise as a Baptist preacher a few years ago. While he didn't believe this man was as easily swayed as the common man, the stories still had some wisdom in them worth using.

"I am not asking you to fight this Goliath for me. All I ask is that you spread your concerns about this Dominus group to others who can rally against them. And when I contact you again, to act on the information I give you. The world is changing, whether we like it or not. But that does not mean small people like us cannot effect that change drastically."

Michelle Morrison (Entropy)

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 39
Location : New Mexico, USA
Age : 37
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The Orthodox and the Unorthodox [closed to Doppelganger] Empty Re: The Orthodox and the Unorthodox [closed to Doppelganger]

Post by Inquisitor Azarov January 11th 2013, 12:19 pm

The Inquisitor looked at this strange man and answered almost immediately after he was finished talking.

-David fought Goliath and showed him that strength and being the champion of an army do not make you invincible. You also have to remember one thing : David sinned with Bathsehba because he desired her and sent her husband into a suicidal mission. Do not compare you with such a man.

The Russian was not angry, but he felt it was necessary to talk about this fact. David, although being a great king, sinned. He was human after all. He looked to the sky, all polluted with the light of the city, and the distant sound of the metropolis filled the background. Such sin in one city, he wondered how America had achieved the feat of being the first world power a long time ago. He looked at the man again since he wanted to know something else. Something that might be very useful for the events to come.

-What will my role be? I suppose it'll either be mediation or interrogation?

The Orthodox and the Unorthodox [closed to Doppelganger] Offica11
Inquisitor Azarov
Inquisitor Azarov

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Registration date : 2012-10-11

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The Orthodox and the Unorthodox [closed to Doppelganger] Empty Re: The Orthodox and the Unorthodox [closed to Doppelganger]

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