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Reno 51 (Invite Only)

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Reno 51 (Invite Only) Empty Reno 51 (Invite Only)

Post by Tek August 12th 2012, 3:48 am

As Tek walked into the terminal from the private jet the flew from. Stretching back a bit he looked around at all the people. It was a warm August night, and lot's of people roamed the airport, oblivious to the fact two murderers were in font of them. Tek had used his power back in the New York airport to trick the machine into not seeing his weapons in his luggage. This was a well thought out plan. Elena's orders were simple, get the key and come home. Of course if they got done early they would spend time in their hotel and in the casino's of Vegas. Tek walked with Volt down to baggage claim and retrieved his bags from the conveyor belt.
The two villains walked outside, and Tek walked up to the rent a car.

"Good evening ma'am." Craig said to the teller with a grin.
"Hi. How can I help you?" she said with the tone in her voice that she was annoyed with her day.
Tek looked down at the computer and saw that Craig Black was in there for a Ferrari rental.
"Uhh. Yes, I'm here for a rental, it's under Craig black." The women clicked away for a minute, and found his name.
"Here you go Mr.Black" the women said handing him the keys.
Giving Volt a wide grin, he walked over to the 2012, all black Ferrari. Opening the locks with his mind instead of keys, he hopped in the driver's seat, throwing his luggage in the back.

"Let's go Volt, we're staying at The Hard Rock" Craig said as he touched the dashboard and the car started.
Pulling out, he headed towards their hotel. "Look Jake, I don't know how easy this is gunna' be." Tek said in his usual relaxed tone. "But nothing's ever stopped us before, so I'm not worried." Flipping through radio stations with his mind, he came across a favorite of his, Story of The year by Skrillex. Rocking his head to the beat of the song they pulled into their hotel.
"Well this is it Volt." Tel said as he hopped out of the car.

Once inside the hotel, they walked to the front desk. "Hello, Villa for Craig Black." he said pulling out his credit card.
"Well that'll be $8,500 sir" Sliding his card though the machine, he paid the amount and headed towards his room with his stuff. Opening the elevator from about 5 feet away, he headed for the top floor.
"We have the highest room in the hotel, fitting for the 2 highest dude's in the hotel" Tek said as he pulled out 2 rolled joints, and handed one to Volt. The elevator opened and they we're on the last floor of rooms. Going into to room 1412, Tek light up his joint inside the villa. "Nice place." he thought dropping his luggage to the ground.
He turned on the TV from the couch and flipped through channels with his fingers. Women's wrestling came on the tube. "Nicceeee." Tek said with a shit eating grin. This was looking up to be one hell of a mission.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 35
Registration date : 2012-01-19

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Reno 51 (Invite Only) Empty Re: Reno 51 (Invite Only)

Post by Volt August 12th 2012, 4:52 am

"Finally off that damn plane!" exclaimed Jacob Cross, the blue haired menace. He and his partner Tek had just walked through an airport terminal into Las Vegas. "Listen man, I'm sorry about that thing with the stewardess. And the turkey thing too. But I was just so bored on that flight!" he said, walking with Tek to baggage claim. They waited for their bags for what felt like hours to Volt, but was in fact under twenty minutes. "Dude. It's so hard not to use my power. I could have grabbed our bags before they even got out of the plane!" Volt sighed. "This undercover shit's hard!"
As Tek retrieved the rental car, Volt carried all eight of their bags, dragging six of them behind him on a rope fashioned from Tek's expensive clothes. Once they got to the car, Jacob packed the bags into the trunk and hopped in the passenger seat. "You know, I never got my license. Never needed it. Though me behind the wheel of a car sounds... fun... Dude. You gotta let me drive." he said with a wide grin which was shattered as Tek denied him and drove them to their hotel.
Once they arrived, Jake waited for Craig to get them their room. They walked into the elevator together and ascended, both literally and figuratively. Jake sucked down his joint at super speed, getting him really high, really fast. Smoke rolled out of the elevator as the doors opened on the top floor, and the two 'stoned cold killers' walked to their hotel room. The moment they walked through the door, Volt dropped his bags and looked to Tek. "Let's get going on this mission, man. I wanna get to the gambling!" he said, giving two thumbs up. Suddenly, he looked over to what Tek had put on the TV. "On second thought, we can wait a while..."

Reno 51 (Invite Only) Voltsg10

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 62
Location : Wherever I wanna be.
Job : Whatever it is, it isn't my homework.
Humor : Public Masturbation (While under the influence of heavy narcotics)
Registration date : 2011-12-20

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Reno 51 (Invite Only) Empty Re: Reno 51 (Invite Only)

Post by Twinkletoes August 14th 2012, 1:47 am

The low monotonous hum of the helicopter buzzed throughout the deep indigo sky, it's ever swishing blades cutting into the humid evening air that scorched the Nevada desert; all was calm and quiet aside from the large metal aircraft. Like the silence before a great battle nothing could penetrate the tense atmosphere that steadily loomed across the State of America. A secret war was in play, the first moves were being laid out and the vast armies of organisations unknown to the world were amassing. A storm was coming and a long flight over great golden desert held two significant pieces in the battle against the metahuman threat.

Two girls sat uncomfortably in the chopper, their female forms encased in the protective black leather chairs that hugged their bodies. Their current state of comfort however was the only thing the two really had in common...they could not be anymore different. The first girl, or young woman as she aggressively forced people to call her was Agent reaper, number 4 in the Dominus agent hierarchy and possibly the most violent of them all. Her barely-there outfit revealed much of her fit physique and was something akin to what strippers wear...not that anyone would tell her that of course. The other girl, dressed in a pleasing blend of beige and white could be no more different from Reaper and the contrast between the two was a sight to behold.

Lilia Ivanov, or Agent Etoile, was the dainty, innocent and gentle ballerina who surprisingly held the third rank out of the Dominus agents, trumping many more older members. Her sandy brown hair was neatly tied back into a bun and her signature white jacket, white skirt, white stockings attire was once again as crisp as ever. Lilia however, who was still not used to overly long helicopter flights, managed to sinkinto a peaceful slumber, her head resting on Reaper's shoulder, a warm patch of drool on her albino 'sister's' skin as she silently murmured Russian in her sleep. Her petite form rose and fell with every silent breath she took and for a moment she appeared to be just a normal teenager, sleeping on a long 'road trip' past borders.

"Ladies, today's target are Craig Black and Jacob Cross, Otherwise known as Tek and Volt. They are class 3 metahumans and extremely violent. Their crimes have spanned across states and it is up to you two to eliminate them.", an older looking trooper sitting opposite them said when they first started the long ride to Vegas. They had both been handed essential information on the targets they were chasing, detailed enough for both girls to understand the capabilities of the two targets. Lilia, who could not read english nor properly grasp it in all of its surprising intricacies allowed Reaper to do the studying on the two metahuman criminals and instead chose to doze off, only waking up once a familiar voice snapped at her to "Move her skinny ass"...their mission was about to begin.

Reno 51 (Invite Only) Tumblr_m953irNOXB1rv240t
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Post Adept

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Quote : Hard as diamonds, soft as silk

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 309
Location : Australia
Age : 30
Registration date : 2012-05-24

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Reno 51 (Invite Only) Empty Re: Reno 51 (Invite Only)

Post by The Bolt August 14th 2012, 6:58 am

Reaper sat uncomfortably within the medium sized chopper that buzzed through the evening air. Sure the accommodations were up to par, but with the drooling Russian on her shoulder, Reaper was less than pleased with her situation. She would have preferred a respectable distance but this girl atleast deserved some sort of comfort, once she learns how her training as a Dominus agent was handled. If she ever saw this Franklin Salters, he would feel the wrath of a true angry woman, atleast that part that he holds precious would at any rate. The ride itself was a long one and with a girl drooling on you, it felt even longer.

Reaper repeated a sentence she had learned through meditation that somehow manage to keep her calm and managed to keep her from killing the next unfortunate mass of human flesh she saw. A trooper gave them a briefing upon the targets and gave Reaper the instructions, statistics and ect on the two metahuman killers. Tek was a powerful technopath with a weapon that would prove inopportune for the young Russian ballerina while the other was a powerful electrokinetic with speed to boot. Though he alone was not really dangerous as long as she killed Tek first, which she would do of course. If anything, Reaper was known for her ability to kill people.

While she ran this through her mind,Etoile slept away as if there was not a care in the world. She was too innocent for this line of work, the killing that Reaper did. ”How did she even get into this?” Reaper wondered as they reached their destination. ”Get your ass up.” She grumbled pushing the small girl from her shoulder and standing to her feet. That was of course when they were pushed out of the damn thing.

”FUCK YOOOOOOOOOOUUUUU!!!” her voice rang clearly as they plummeted towards the city of Angels.
The Bolt
The Bolt
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1262
Age : 28
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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Reno 51 (Invite Only) Empty Re: Reno 51 (Invite Only)

Post by Tek August 16th 2012, 2:35 am

The two metas watched the TV for what seemed like forever. Tek lost track of time, and the realized that he and Volt were supposed to be heading out to Area 51. It was sure to be heavily guarded, but their mission was clear. They basically had free rain to kill any and all soldiers there. "Jake, we gotta get going dude." Tek said faintly as he closed his eyes and the television shut off. "We have a bit of a hike over to that base." Tek had always kind of wondered what was in Area 51, today was his chance to find out.

Hopping up off the couch, Tek hit his joint one final time, and it was gone. Through glossy, red eyes, Tek looked down at his watch. They weren't off track, but they weren't on it either. Tek walked towards the door of the Villa and they were ready to go. He was equipped with this Tek-cannon, Tek-top, wrist launcher, and his brand new weapon, the Sonic-Screamer. This weapon would emit sonic wave's towards any enemies that may come his way.

Heading for the roof of the building, Tek took his hover board out of his bag, throwing it on full setting. "Alright Jake, meet me 50 clicks away." he said as he stepped down on the throttle, and headed towards the mission.
He has a tracking device on Volt, so he would never lose him. Jake of course smoked it down no problem in his joint earlier. Turning on the Tek-top, he was prepared for anything. He watched the glowing blue dot on his map was speeding ahead of him. When he say Jake has reached where they needed to be, Craig radioed into him "Hold position, be there in 2."

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 35
Registration date : 2012-01-19

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Reno 51 (Invite Only) Empty Re: Reno 51 (Invite Only)

Post by Volt August 16th 2012, 11:09 pm

Volt jumped up the moment Tek turned off the TV. He was so fuckin' ready. Jacob had grown up in a lab, always loving science and science fiction. He never thought he'd actually be able to see inside Area 51. But that was the mission. And he was pumped. "So whaddya think'll be in there, man? Aliens? Robots? CRAB PEOPLE???" Jake cackled. "Do you think we'll have time to grab some other shit on the way out? I've always wanted a spaceship!"

Changing out of his hooded sweatshirt, Volt put on his favorite blue jacket, leaving himself shirtless underneath, exposing his abs and the light blue tribal tattoos that covered his chest. He threw on his goggles and grabbed his razor whip, excited to take it out on it's second debut. "Alright I'm ready to go. I'll see you there." Volt said as he dashed out of the room at full speed.

It was difficult for Volt to speed through the streets of Las Vegas without being tempted to cop a feel on a few of the ladies he passed by. Though he tried to resist the urge, he did end up grabbin' some ass. After leaving Vegas, it was pretty much just desert. If Jake didn't have his iPhone, he definitely would have gotten lost. After a few minutes, he reached his destination. There was nothing to be seen but a giant orange rock. Volt sped around to the other side of the rock, looking for any sign of something 'area 51-ey'. It took him ten minutes to notice that the base was off in the distance, about five hundred feet away. "Oh. Right. Rendezvous first. Then base." Jacob said, facepalming. "Hey Tek, I'm here." he radioed to his friend.

Reno 51 (Invite Only) Voltsg10

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 62
Location : Wherever I wanna be.
Job : Whatever it is, it isn't my homework.
Humor : Public Masturbation (While under the influence of heavy narcotics)
Registration date : 2011-12-20

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Reno 51 (Invite Only) Empty Re: Reno 51 (Invite Only)

Post by Twinkletoes August 16th 2012, 11:29 pm

Being pushed out of helicopter whilst she was still half asleep, with no parachute on and a screaming stripper hurtling to the earth next to her was something that the young ballerina had never experienced before. This was a drop off mission, they would often land the aircraft and let her hop off but have never thrown her out of a gigantic Flying machine several thousand feet in the air before and suffice to say it did wake her up. The lashing winds of the Nevada afternoon stung her porcelain skin as she hurtled towards the earth, a squeal escaped her lips as her body was tossed downwards by gravity.

The golden sand of the great desert area became larger and larger the closer it became, small bricks transformed into the ocassional houses and ants became trees. The girl, who was curious enough to watch as the earth rushed towards her whilsts she was still hurtling towards a crash landing was only distracted by Reaper's constant cussing. Snapping back to attention she focusedher mind and immediately clasps shed body like a professional diver would, as straight as arrow. Her petite body and billowing skirt quickly became translucent, a cool blue colour radiating from her glassy core as her very form took on a much more stunning one. The sun's rays bounced through her body, sending a whole spectrum of colors around her as her diamond form spun and spun towards the ground.

No sooner had a few seconds passed did she slam into the earth below, like steel against concrete the force of her landing spiderwebbed across the nearby landscape, an impressive crator surroundin her body as she lay still, adrenaline pumping through her veins after that particular 'fall from heaven'. The dust had settled once she propped herself up with her elbows, the light gleaming off her flawless crystalline form. She scanned the nearby area for reaper, where was the angry albino?

"Reaper..!?" She called out in the loudest voice she could possibly muster, frantically gazing around for the other agent..

Reno 51 (Invite Only) Tumblr_m953irNOXB1rv240t
Post Adept
Post Adept

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Quote : Hard as diamonds, soft as silk

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 309
Location : Australia
Age : 30
Registration date : 2012-05-24

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