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The Angels of Death [Henry]

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The Angels of Death [Henry] Empty The Angels of Death [Henry]

Post by The Bolt July 13th 2012, 12:37 am

Fist collided with the thick material as the bag slammed against the wall,chain having snapped upder the full force of her punch. True a punching bag was nothing to her,she enjoyed the feel of something breaking in the wake of her strength. In human standards she was a monster but she was simply another superhumans among the soldiers, someone they could match in a simple fist fight, no,they could out do her. Something that agitated her to no end. In a fluid motion she was off,running at full speed and before a minute could pass her foot was slamming down upon the punching bag. Sand splashing across the floor of the training room as she stared at it with slowly blurring vision. This would stain her white boots but Dominus would easily replace them if they ever got too worn. She may have not been the most useful weapon but she did get the job done. That was probably the only thing that kept her from being disposed of like any faulty tool was.

She was dressed in a simple low cut tank top shirt as well as shorts that stopped only inches from the tops of her thighs, all for her comfort while she fought. True it may be a distraction for some of her opponents but that was an added advantage for her when she needed it. It was a slow day for her and something she didn't like was a slow day when it came down to it. She was the type who loved action,rather than simply sitting around and enoying life as some did. ”Second one this week.” She muttered shaking the sand from her boots as she set her sight upon the weights. Most of them were compressed metals that actually weighed into the tons but she had little trouble with them. Though before she could do anything,the familiar voice chimed into her ears. Though a term that fit was far different than chimed, as chiming would suggest that the noise was not something that you hated to hear.

”You seem to be very energetic today. Thats good,you'll need it,” The woman said seeming to appear out of nowhere,her cold grey eyes borrowing into hers. It seemed that she would be doing something this day after all,though what it was she was unsure of yet. Taking her usual stance,she saluted the woman as she answered.

”I'm ready for whatever you throw at me.” She said simply with a small smile upon her lips as she waited for the order. It was true that she held a certain level of confidence for herself but the possibility of failure was something that crossed her mind on every assignment she was ever sent on. Though so far she had yet to fail on an assignment and she would not do so today,or ever if that were possible. Though that was only the foolish delusions of a girl that was proud only within her ability to accomplish the mission. The woman only looked at her with the same blank look that she always gave her. One day Reaper would make that woman show a little emotion,even if it were a smile, or her face twisted in terror. As long as it was a display of human enotion,she would be pleased with the results.

'You will be sent to work with an agent of ours to deal with threat that we deemed fit for both of you to handle.” Shayla raised an eyebrow as she was set to work with another agent,curious of whom this would be exactly but not really too curious. ” I'm sure you will love your partner. Their name is Agent Gossamer.” That was what caught her attetion. She would have the chance to work along side the damned Gossamer, a person she had heard of before from her father but never had seen. This would be the chance to see the person she was hoping to best.

”I'm ready for this.” She said unable to hide the confident smirk across her lips.

It was the next day that she was prepped for the mission,with the usual weapons in tow,wrapped around her legs yet easily accessible if she needed them. The carrier took off,transporting her to the usual location, arms crossed over her chest as she thought of the many ways she imagined Gossamer,mostly as some sort of powerful man. A gender was never placed upon the strange agent but she knew that this one was the strongest. It was only a matter of moments before she arrived at the location,dropped off instead of dropped out of the carrier like usual. It was a discreet rooftop,a place no one would see the meeting taking place, as two powerful beings meet to do what they did best;to kill people.

Last edited by Agent Reaper on July 13th 2012, 8:24 pm; edited 1 time in total
The Bolt
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The Angels of Death [Henry] Empty Re: The Angels of Death [Henry]

Post by Brorschach July 13th 2012, 7:36 pm

Sheryll wandered out of her apartment, the sound of ballet music playing as she closed the door. Lilia was in her room practicing once more it seemed. While Sheryll would generally attempt to spend time with the poor girl, when that music began playing Lilia went into her own little world. She could hardly blame her, given how badly scarred she was, both mentally and physically.
Whatever squad had been assigned as her handlers had obviously violated not only standard operational procedures but also basic human rights. Sheryll would have to have a talk with her father about some... disciplinary measures for those responsible. At any rate, that was not something she was able to address at the moment. She pressed the elevator button and allowed her mind to wander as she descended. She was set to meet with one 'Agent Reaper'.

Unlike Lilia, Sheryll had heard of this woman before. She was what one would call a 'wild child', always mouthing off to her handlers and running around dressed like a stripper. The dossier on her said that she was little more than a slightly super human and that it was a better investment to simply purchase three suits of the Archon IV armor used by the Goliaths. The elevator button beeped and the doors slid open as she reached the lobby.
Her N.A.S. suit was covered by a long sleeve shirt and tan jeans, one of her usual attires that she quickly discarded once she was on the job. Sheryll was determined to show her father that she could get the job done, and successfully completing a mission with this rebellious agent was guaranteed to improve her standing, if only a little. Pushing open the lobby doors, Sheryll felt the wind hit her face. It was an icy breeze and it carried the sound from several blocks away.

Sheryll sighed and donned her customary smile, she would make the best of this assignment, no matter how irritating this woman 'Reaper' proved to be. She walked down the street, ignoring her favorite shops and bakeries, their sweet contents tempting her. She would spare herself the luxuries this time around. If she wanted to enjoy herself, she would do so after the mission was complete. Turning into an alley she looked around to make sure no one was looking and got down on one knee. She sifted some trash until she found it, a small panel, concealed rather expertly by the Dominus' base builders.

Sheryll clicked it three times, waited for the click and began removing her clothes until she was only wearing her N.A.S.. Another small click sounded and the panel rose to reveal a small safe, large enough to contain her things. Sheryll thrust her discarded garments into the safe and slammed it shut, the small metal lock clicking shut as the safe sunk back into the ground. Once more she looked around, making sure no one could see her before thrusting her arm into the air and firing several wires from her hand high into the side of the adjacent building. She pulled slightly to make sure they were secure before allowing them to carry her upwards. The wires sent her high into the air before she shot another five into a building across the street, swinging across and pulling herself up on to the roof using the momentum from her swing. As she landed she caught sight of the white haired woman she was set to rendezvous with and smiled. The girl didn't appear to notice her presence so Sheryll simply began speaking, her voice tinged with laughter.

"A pleasure to meet you, I'm Sheryll, but you most likely know me as Gossamer. Although I prefer to be called Sheryll honestly, far less of a mouthful. Also, before I forget, I enjoy doughnuts, coffee, and long walks down dark alleys."
She said, reciting her standard introduction.

"Anyway, I hear you're the one I've been partnered up with for this mission. I'm sure we'll take care of it with no trouble at all" she added cheerfully, her trademark smile still on her face as her nearly invisible wires silently retracted into her hand.



Blame Jack

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The Angels of Death [Henry] Empty Re: The Angels of Death [Henry]

Post by The Bolt July 13th 2012, 7:55 pm

The wind brushed past her cheeks subliminally as she waited for the one known as Gossamer, an agent she was hesitant to work with but what choice did she have in this? Disobeying an order so directly would not end well for her at all and she knew how easily she could be replaced if they truly wanted to. Though it wasn't like they had anyone capable of catching her if she wanted to run away, seeing as they focused far too much on power than what truly mattered. Sure she didn't have super powers but she could doge almost anything that they threw at her with little trouble, those dumb troopers couldn't of that if they tried. Though soon enough her thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of someone else, a young girl to be exact.

Turning around she came face to face with who she assumed was Gossamer, though she didn't look that impressive. A sneer formed across her lips as she gauged the girl. If she was the best weapon they had,it mustn’t be because she was some sort of super soldier,though underestimating something is never a good thing. Many people do not expect her to throw a car at them but they learn once they get a few tons of metal to the face. The girls tone was enough to sicken her but that was not the true reason that she felt a small bit of hatred towards this girl. There were other reasons than simply that. Not that they would matter in this mission;feelings had no place in this line of work where the strong survived and the weak died.

”A pleasure i'm sure. They call me Reaper and thats the only name i'll go by.” That part was simple enough for her to say as she tapped a boot impatiently against the rooftop, as if expecting something but she had no expectations really. None except to outshine this bitch and prove that she was the best at what she did. 'I assume that they already briefed you on the assignment. Would be a tragedy if they didn't” the last part was said accompanied by rolling eyes as she ran a finger over her weapons, making sure each was in place. This was going to be difficult,if the information was correct anyway. Of course it would be,considering that delving into someones else s business was what her father did best. After checking the internal battery of her energy blade,she looked at Sheryl.

”Lets get this over with.” This was of course said with the correct amount of annoyance.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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The Angels of Death [Henry] Empty Re: The Angels of Death [Henry]

Post by Brorschach July 15th 2012, 5:11 am

Sheryll watched as the other girl sneered and replied in her snarky and unpleasant way of speaking. The woman ran her hands over her various weapons, including what appeared to be a prototype energy blade with the Dominus insignia emblazoned on the pommel.

She sized her scantily clad partner up, the woman's status as fourth best Agent in the organization could not have been guessed if one went by either her behavior or her choice of dress. Sheryll searched her memories for information about the strange and overly hostile Agent in front of her. From what she could remember the woman had only minor super human attributes aside from her high speed.

"You've got a grappling hook or something right? We're not getting any backup and I'm not walking" Sheryll said coldly. If this woman wanted to act hostile and unpleasant than Sheryll would simply show no emotion.

Sheryll backed up and ran forward off the edge of the building, the high velocity of her leap nearly carrying her across the roof to another building. As she began to to fall, Sheryll shot several of her thicker wires into the roof of a nearby building and allowed them to pull her forward before dislodging them and repeating he process.
It was like something out of a comic as she swung high above the streets, allowing her wires to pull her along. Sheryll didn't even bother to check if Reaper was behind her, the other woman's attitude had left her with a bad taste in her mouth and if Sheryll could get this job done on her own then her father might trust her again.
Sheryll had originally hoped to have Theta squad accompany her but with the presence of another Agent that could turn out rather badly considering her plans for the men. As she swung, she spotted the area where they were supposed to assault their targets, a pair of supers leading a small cult. The group had roughly one hundred or so members, all heavily armed.

From what the scouts had reported the pair was comprised of a powerful geokineticist and a someone with the ability to move at high velocities, similar to Reaper and Sheryll herself. At the apex of her last swing, Sheryll allowed her wires to retract as she landed on the roof of a lower building, only about ten yards from the cult's supposed living quarters. Looking back she saw Reaper landing on the roof a few feet behind her and turned.

"You're late. I said I wasn't going to wait for you so I sincerely hope you're faster then that once we begin our assault" She said, looking the albino haired woman straight in the eyes. Pure rage seemed to burn behind the woman's eyes.

For what reason did this girl appear to hate her so? Sheryll had never met her before, though she had heard about her from several mission reports. In all of the reports filed by her handlers she was described as unpleasant, ill mannered, and short tempered. None of those were something that was looked for in an Agent and Sheryll suspected the only reason that this girl hadn't already been 'terminated' was that considerable funds had been sunk into her creation.



Blame Jack

"A man who barely maintains an armistice with himself has no business poking about in a foreign soul"
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The Angels of Death [Henry] Empty Re: The Angels of Death [Henry]

Post by The Bolt July 15th 2012, 5:41 am

So it seemed that she would go for the attitude of a cold bitch, a suitable reaction for her obvious hostility;but it wasn't like it would really bother fathers perfect little angel. If they hadn't put anything into her,she would already be nothing but a rotting corpse six feet under,that was the sad truth of her life. Nails bit into her palm as she tried to hold back venomous words that threatened to spill from her lips like acid. This woman could kill her in a second if she truly wanted to,something father wouldn't even bat an eye to. Just another broken tool that he would have to replace. Rolling her shoulders,Reaper raised an eyebrow as the girl said something about a grappling hook, a tool she had never used in her line of work. Seeing as she was mostly dropped from airplanes and expected to somehow land without splatting against the concrete.

Taking a runners stance Reaper was off,following after the deadly agent. This was a simple matter of using parkour to follow after the wire wielding agent,though she was no master of the art,Reaper knew how to run across buildings well enough. All it took was a powerful leap to close the distance between each rooftop,strength coupled with speed as she followed after the girl who seemed as fast and as strong as she was. “Snide little bitch.” Reaper muttered in disgust as she picked up the pace,not one to allow herself to be outdone by anyone. The trek itself took no time at all to complete as they arrived at only a few feet away from the scene of the mission,just in time too.

These metahumans had gathered quite a following,though the followers were only human and she knew how to deal with people;guns would offer them no protection. They would all die the same once she had dealt with them, begging for their pathetic lives as she hacked them into a bloody pile. Excitement built up within her that overcame the hatred for Gossamer. “I hope you don't assume I give two shits about what you hope for.” Reaper said in reply to Agent Gossamer as she popped each knuckle,though it was simply for show. The ones to feel her wrath would be the countless meat sacks that stood below them, all full of blood waiting to be spilt. The first choice for a weapon was the dual chain scythes,which just seemed cool to her as well as efficient. Always her weapon of choice when dealing with idiots. Taking a deep breath,she leapt down and began the carnage.
The Bolt
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The Angels of Death [Henry] Empty Re: The Angels of Death [Henry]

Post by Brorschach July 17th 2012, 1:43 pm

Sheryll listened as her compatriot made a snarky remark in response to her own earlier coldness, but before she could respond, the insane, mostly naked woman leaped off the roof wielding a pair of kusarigama. In mere moments, the screams began. Reaper was on the field and anyone who got in her way -or anyone in a fifty foot radius for that matter- would die gruesomely. Within the first five seconds there was already a slew of bodies where Reaper had been, their disemboweled remains covering the once pale floor of the area.
Sheryll watched on, trapped in a morbid fascination while Reaper practiced the craft for which she was named.
She witnessed Reaper charging a man -who was firing something akin to an AK47 at her with little success- and in the time it took him to get out a mere "please....." she had already rammed the blade of the scythe through his gut and out his back.
It was in that brief period that some of the other cultists finally managed to form a semblance of common sense and massed fire on Reaper's position, the loud thrumming of their modified AK's a familiar sound to Sheryll. Normally they were being fired at her.... with even less success. Sheryll gasped, more in admiration for the sheer creativity of the move than anything else as Reaper flung the still living man at his fellows, the kusarigama blade still protruding from his now bullet ridden back.

The now dead cultist crashed into the others and was flung around like some sort of macabre flail, his snapped neck making his head flop about as though only held onto its base by a thin wire. Reaper continued smashing the dead man into others until finally the kusarigama was wrenched free of the bullet ridden chunk of flesh that was once a cultist. Even from her perch high above the battlefield, Sheryll could see the mad smile on Reaper's face. It was one that had decorated hers once before, but for Reaper this seemed like standard fare rather than an anomaly. The cultists continued massing fire while reaper continued evading their bullets like they were baseballs being chucked by a child. It wasn't long before several of the terrified cultists had to reload, and Reaper saw her chance.

Sheryll watched as Reaper leaped high into the air and cast one of her kusarigamas straight at one of the pathetic men. Before he could so much as blink, the devilish weapon had passed through his skull and he was now being used for a similar purpose as his unfortunate friend had earlier. Unfortunately - or perhaps luckily- he lasted only a short time before the bone and sinew of his neck tore from his body, sending it flying into the ever dwindling mass of people. Reaper yanked back the chain and stared at the head still dangling on her weapon before slowly wrenching it off, deforming the already collapsed skull even further. Dropping it, Reaper stowed her twin kusarigama in a holster on her hips and withdrew her trademark weapon.

A long beam katana; its blade crackling and sparking, the ozone layer around it being constantly consumed to allow the blade to hold its shape. While such a weapon lacked the range of her previous array, it allowed her to get much closer for the kill which -Sheryll believed- was far worse for her victims.

Reaper simply laughed and began her onslaught once more, the burst of speed she experienced a terror to behold for the men she was fighting as only a second after her rush had begun, Reaper had already rent three men in twain and was using the severed arm of one of her victims as an impromptu club to smash the skulls of its former owner's compatriots. The arm only lasted for about twelve seconds under the strain and by the time Reaper had finished with her eighth victim, the arm was little more than a pulp attached to a hand. Dropping it, Reaper turned to look at the 'battlefield' -more like an executioners platform that had been stretched over the entire area- and saw that only a few men still limped about, each and every one heading for a small door on the opposite side of the large lot -now turned graveyard-.

Reaper seemed content to let them go only because of how purely pathetic they looked. Sheryll on the other hand, had orders. Leaping from the building, she crossed the mass of bodies that had once been a parking lot and in less than a second, she had let loose a single wire and annihilated the remaining nineteen men. She turned to look at Reaper, who was breathing heavily, not out of exhaustion, but exhilaration. For a brief moment Sheryll considered putting her down like some kind of mad dog, but thought better of it. If her father wanted this woman dead, he would have ordered Sheryll to make the kill long ago.

Sheryll looked over the nearly twenty men she had murdered in less than a second and looked over at the eighty some bodies that decorated the lot around them.

Staring at Reaper she started speaking in the same cold voice as before "Your methods are brutal, savage, and inefficient. In less than a second I matched a quarter of your kill count. On the other hand, you got the job done, and had this been war, your methods would have been an effective demoralization tactic. Good work."

Before Reaper could respond Sheryll kicked open the door to a large warehouse. Ready to proceed to the next step of their mission, the elimination of their true targets.



Blame Jack

"A man who barely maintains an armistice with himself has no business poking about in a foreign soul"
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The Angels of Death [Henry] Empty Re: The Angels of Death [Henry]

Post by The Bolt July 17th 2012, 2:55 pm

”Wonderful.” Reaper as she exhaled,the pure feeling of elation coursing through her veins more powerful than anything she had ever felt within her life. That was how battle was for Reaper,a child of battle who lived to brutally slaughter her enemy. Hopefully the agent would appreciate the display of what she called her “dance of death”. A fighting style that she had aptly named one day out of sheer boredom,which had no real discernible pattern in it. Some would say it didn't deserve a name but they were just idiots. Flicking some blood from her fingers she turned to agent Gossamer,who seemed to either be complementing her or insulting her. It was hard to tell with how she worded the statement but Reaper didn't really pay it much mind. Of course she couldn't kill them as quickly,because she didn't have those damn wires that she saw the girl use.

Gathering her composure Reaper started to follow after the girl,when an idea came over her. Taking in a deep breath she tried to perform a rapid spin like the girl,spinning on one heel as the world around her seemed to blur for a second;Reaper quickly stopping herself. ”Well that wasn't so hard.” She muttered smirking to herself as she followed after the agent who seemed far too preoccupied on other matters. Unholstering the pistol at her side,she followed after Gossamer into the warehouse,both superhumans standing in front of them. One had to be the speedster and the other was that geokinetic guy, Reaper hated people with fancy powers. Always so difficult to deal with when they can make some sort of impenetrable barrier as well as crush you in one strike. Aiming the weapon at the perceived speedster,she let her lips curl into a smile.

”You're the fast guy right?” She asked plainly as tilted her head to the side,examining his posture and how he would move. ”Or is it you.” She aimed the pistol at the other one,finger ready to pull thr trigger at a seconds notice.
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