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An Unexpected Possibility [Private Swords]

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An Unexpected Possibility [Private Swords] Empty An Unexpected Possibility [Private Swords]

Post by Loki June 24th 2012, 8:08 pm

Rain started to fall to the ground. The sky was angry, and yet happy at the same time. Small beams of light shone through, trying to get in their last moments before darkness took over the land. Vali stood in a seeming ghost town, smaller buildings that had been abandoned rising from the ground around him. Each was primitive, and made of weak and broken wooden planks. Most had a tin roof, and that made it all but impossible to avoid hearing the clicking and tapping of the sputtering rain against the metal tops. Vali's mouth raised into a smile, moving through the main street, nothing paved, and yet given clear indication of a once living town by the numerous signs and random stores, now all empty. "Rusty's Dinner" and "Indigo's Jeweler" suggested that the tiny, now dead was small and most run by minuscule family owned business that did not extend beyond the area of the restricted life. Ice had taken over, and already caused its dominance to be shoved onto the land, with large snow piles, and hanging ice crystals from
the over hangs on roofs. Vali knew not what the exact or actual time was, nor did he care. Where he came from, there was no clock, or formal time. At least it was not used nearly as much as terms like "sunrise, sundown, dusk, dawn" etc. As such, Vali naturally would call this sundown. The sun was making its last run over the sky, hiding behind the iced mountains and terrain in the distance. It was dangerous here. Temperatures would prove to be difficult for that of a normal human, from what he had seen of the frail and idiotic attempts to copy someone like himself. Vali's smile was brutal, but realistic. He had seen the creation of the humans. He had watched over them. Millions of years before they had lived. Gods were eternal. Even the death of a god would leave him well within existence, stuck behind the gates of Hel, where the strict goddess would decide what was to become of you. Fortunately, however, Hel served him, and would follow his every order. Through a complex ordeal of silver tongued whisps of lies, and manipulation, he had woven complete loyalty between them, and as such, he had reached the real meaning of immortality. It was only expected from that of a god, and more so from the son of Loki. Those that could not be born with ultimate strength could achieve it by other means. That was the case, and always would be.

Vali took another step, his steps only followed by that of the woman that he had just been thinking of, none other than the goddess, Hel. She was, in reality, nothing more than a giant from the feared realm, bread with her father Loki and the giantess that had spawned the most ferocious of gods. This did not include Vali. No. She was one of the many gods that were born with natural power shoved into their hands. She followed close behind Vali, to his right side, her steps making a slight crunch in the snow around her as her feet sank into the white powder, sinking a total of a whole foot. It was a terrain that would prove difficult to do combat in by a normal means - that was why she was there. A constant shield. No. A constant sword that could b used to parry any threat, and then make a quick strike back at the opponent. The others were sealed, waiting in the void that he had created with his understanding of magic, ready when he called.


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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 31
Registration date : 2012-06-01

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An Unexpected Possibility [Private Swords] Empty Re: An Unexpected Possibility [Private Swords]

Post by CainVulsore July 8th 2012, 9:56 pm

Cain had heard a little voice whispering in his head to come to this god forsaken town in the middle of fucking nowhere. He knew not why he had listened to the voice or gone whence it wished it to but he had nothing better to do so he figured he might as well go. A shadow monster brought him, two of his wolves, and three trackers to where he was whispered to go. He quickly noticed the man in the clock standing in the middle of the snow with a very, very, attractive lady standing next to him. A chuckle escaped the Lord of Shadows mouth as he strode forward, the sun finally setting allowing him and his vampires to leave the confines of the shadows and into the open night.

He strode forward, the wolves by his side; the three trackers behind him he stood in front of the man he assumed called him here and crossed his arms. His blood red eyes were glowing in the in the dark as he looked the man a quick once over trying to see how much problem it would be to take him down if needed. Then he looked to the female and did the same to her, neither seemed to be much problem but if they were able to contact him at night they had to have some sort of power hidden underneath. “So, you’re the man who called me here are you?” He asked with a raised eyebrow as he stood there waiting for the reply. He wasn’t quite sure how this meeting would end up but he was always prepared for a fight no matter what the outcome would be.

Cain Vulsore
An Unexpected Possibility [Private Swords] Pbucket

Creatures of the night
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Quote : "Bitch, I am the Lord of Shadows."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 434
Age : 27
Registration date : 2011-08-21

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An Unexpected Possibility [Private Swords] Empty Re: An Unexpected Possibility [Private Swords]

Post by Loki July 21st 2012, 12:46 am

Vali had brought him here. It was just as he had already planned, only he was surrounded by others. It mattered not. Vali was not afraid of anything within this realm, and that was not something about him that was about to change anytime soon. He understood that not all from this realm were the same dreary walking shells that he continuously saw walking about. And this was the perfect example. He had watched these individuals from above, and they were both above and below other humans. They were above in that they were genetically superior, however they were a victim to the darkness within their minds, and thus a victim to their own minds. A mind was the most powerful thing about anything, and being dominated by the mind is easy - however true strength becomes clear when you can master your own mind, something that Vali had done. But he was not to place himself down to the level of the mortals. "So, you’re the man who called me here are you?” the bloodthirsty voice clambered over the icy air that whipped about in order to try and make more noise than anyone speaking. Vali's lips split into a devious snarl that instantly lifted into a grin of intent interest. This man was different than most - he was not afraid. He was strong, however cautious. He brought company, which expressed his fear. Monsters of darkness that he, Vali assumed, thought would help him in a combat situation. As if such pathetic excuses for magical beings would accomplish anything against his superior tact. However before Vali could react, another voice came forth - the voice of his sister, the woman that had been standing there.

Hel was no fool, and had instantly seen the man's eyes fall onto her before anyone else. She had watched as his eyes had moved over her in a quick study. She had also done the same and sized him up, just as she did to every attractive male that showed his face before her without cowardice. To stand before the goddess of death itself without quivering was a feet that should be reckoned with in and of itself. However she was not one to submit to mortals that Vali had not expressed extreme amounts of interest in. However, just from the man's greeting, Hel knew that Vali would take a liking to him - although that liking could soon be tarnished if this man was continuously rude.

"What makes you so sure that it was the voice of a man that called you here, Dark One. You needn't persist with your mutts. Put yourself at ease, we did not call you here to do harm unto you." Her voice was like fiery velvet. Something lit up her words with an extreme sexual allure that lifted the temperature around them. Her body was lean, curved with toned muscle, without looking like the beast that she was not. She was beautiful, the very essence and epitome of stunning perfection. Every line on her face was carved with an immaculate bone structure, and her eyes looked like hissing snakes onto to man before her. She stepped forward bringing herself closer to the animals and their owner. She did not fear their kind, and she knew that she could easily detain them and the man should it come to battle. However, her words were not often the cause of battle when they were directed in this way. Instead they were the cause of men's blood to rush to their groin, and while their weapons dropped, other things rose. This was almost always the case.

"It is not often that we are granted audience with those that walk at a level above these mere shells that meander within this realm. I want nothing more than a word with you. You may call me Hel; Hel the daughter of Loki and goddess of death itself." Her tone became very serious, however the sexual flaunt was still present. She knew that this man was one that recognized a beautiful woman when he saw one, and it was well within her ability to cause others to swoon for her. How far he would go, however, was the question. What was more, the tone she took made her speech believable. She was not lying, that much was clear. There was no human that could demand such a presence about them. As if the snow melted in the air around her and fell to the ground in small droplets of water, her aura became delightfully dreadful.


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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 31
Registration date : 2012-06-01

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