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Violence in Vermont

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Violence in Vermont Empty Violence in Vermont

Post by Madame Versailles June 20th 2012, 12:48 pm

After a little conflict that Helena had dealt with in Pittsburgh, she had to skip over New York for the moment. She had taken minor damage and also needed to restock weapons. She rampaged through Jersey, Maryland, and the other states on the northwestern coast. Luckily for her, her name was well known now where she didn't have to pull any weapons on anyone. They just gave up right on the spot. It was rather interesting how much humans valued their lives and how easily their will was twisted. Helena could actually say she was glad she was not one of these meat bags, she was not even sure how her creator kept sane with the same brain as these people. After tearing through the coastline and heavily stocking up on her weaponry, she decided to go visit the state of Vermont. She had an odd attraction to the letter "V" and this was the closest 'V' state.
The towns and cities that she was passing through were terribly quiet, tuning in on one of the local radio stations she heard reports about her being spotted crossing the Vermont border. They had her license plate and car and everything. Helena rolled her eyes as she pulled up to an auto shop. Walking in the men working on cars saw her and packed away slowly. One brave soul had grabbed a shot gun and aimed for her.
"Darling please, I'm not here to hurt anyone. I just need some parts and I'll be on my way."
Helena bent down to pick up a duffel bag off the floor when a shot rang out and a bullet bounced off something right above her. Vexus rolled her eyes and shot the man in the foot.
"Ice it, you'll be fine."
And with that she began grabbing various pieces and parts from around the shop. Unfortunately they did not have everything that she was looking for so following this shopping spree she moved to a hardware store and was able to find what she needed. She left a few hundred on the counter for the gentleman that owned that shop and she was on her way.
Driving down the countryside she came across a nice little house sitting on top a hill. Pulling up the driveway she saw that no one was home, and not for a while either. Family must have been on vacation. Helena gave a smirk and started to bring some of her stuff out of her Porsche and put it on the porch, which had an impressive display of pillars. She was wearing her chain-whip-belt and had her folded up rifle-scythe leaning up against the door to the house a few feet from her. She had on a white trench coat and bright red heels, her belt was underneath the coat. The special backpack that held ammunition for quick reloading was draped over a lounge chair on the other side of the porch. There was a small table next to the lounge chair she was on where she placed her two automatic glocks. She had her feet up on a cushioned foot rest while she tinkered with an open compartment on her arm. Vexus had her weapons out because if she knew the authorities there would be one numskull who would think ambushing her would be a good idea. Everyone wanted to be a hero these days and with them all being human, it rather irritated Helena.
Madame Versailles
Madame Versailles
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Registration date : 2012-06-03

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Violence in Vermont Empty Re: Violence in Vermont

Post by Maul June 22nd 2012, 12:44 am

Maul moved through the countryside on a Harley he had bought from a down on his luck old man. He was lucky he had money in his bank from his old career for gas and anything else he would need. He had learned his power made it where he didn't have to eat or even sleep for months at a time. Now he had left New York and come across the country and arrived in Virginia. His bike he decided need a full tune up and a oil change so he stopped at a garage. Only to find one guy iceing a bullet wound in the foot and the others looking shaken. Maul decided to move on since the man wouldn't die of his wound and he could hear sirens in the distance anyway. Maul sat down on his bike once more and turned it south to continue on his journey through the state.

Maul came across another shop down the road and was glad to get his bike upgraded. Then the sirens came closer, apparently the person responsibles car had been remebered and reported. And luck would have it someone saw that car parked out of a house that was a neighbor of theres and had called the police. Maul knew it would be a few hours for his bike to be fully upgraded so he could at least see what the commotion was. Lucky for him it wasn't but a few blocks away. By the time he arrived cops had surronded the house and had weapons drawn and demanding the person come out. Maul tried to think what these idiots were going to do if the person responsible was a super. Maul sighed and leaned against a fence watching the display with a smirk. He wore a White t-shirt that had a older picture of the WWWF that revealed the powerful muscle of his arms which was earned before his power ever awoke, he also wore a pair of black jeans and combat boots which had been his attire in the ring. His lft hand still held the wedding band of his late wife and his black hair was spiked backwards. His skin was tanned by the sun making his hazel eyes sharper. All in all he was about 6'5 and 300 pounds of muscle. And that being now watched the house curiously to see what was happenong. Maul knew he had just started the Hero game and was still working out the kinks but he enjoyed it. Now he wondered if this was another chance to be a hero.

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Number of posts : 36
Registration date : 2012-04-06

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Violence in Vermont Empty Re: Violence in Vermont

Post by Madame Versailles June 25th 2012, 8:25 pm

Helena heard the sires from a distance and rolled her eyes. They were probably going to come in larger numbers considering her new found infamy. She closed the small compartment on her arm and grabbed all of her weapons and went inside her house. With her mechanical vision she could see them from a distance and knew she had roughly five minutes before they all showed up. Vexus quickly hid her vehicle in the garage of the house, she didn't want the authorities . She strapped a 50cal around her back with her two auto-glocks at her sides and one pink glock on the inside of her thigh, and the ammunition pack to her back and headed for the roof. Her scythe-rifle was one level below her. She laid on the roof and took aim at the surrounding authorities. There were a few cop cars and a couple SUV's and Hellena began shooting them full of holes. Only one bullet each, 50 caliber rounds are hard to come by. But the shots did enough damage where as they would not be going in those vehicles any time soon. After her firing ceased, the police began opening fire at the roof where Helena was. The bullets zoomed by as she scurried off the roof keeping the large weapon on her person. She grabbed the scythe-rifle and threw it around her back as she ran down the stairs. Helena could hear the officers flooding the house. She was on the second level and saw them coming up the stairs. She grabbed her whip-belt and jumped through a window in the front of the house. Vexus shot the whip towards one of the pillars and wrapped it around swinging herself safely back onto the porch. On her way down she spotted another man standing against the fence watching the whole situation. She retracted the chain-whip and wrapped it back around her waist as she started to make a run for her car. There were some officers in the way and in using the 50cal as a blunt weapon she knocked the lot of them out, only blowing a soft ball sized hole in one of them. Making her way to the garage she zoomed around the side of the house shooting out the window taking out some cops. Helena was driving on lawn heading around the front of the house to the driveway since her first choice was blocked by the police's vehicles. She was making a rather crafty escape, she hoped that this other individual didn't hinder her leaving at all. Humans and their petty hero work...
Madame Versailles
Madame Versailles
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Registration date : 2012-06-03

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Violence in Vermont Empty Re: Violence in Vermont

Post by Maul June 26th 2012, 2:25 am

Maul watched the shooting but still stood aside watching, the woman was obviously not going to go peacefully but it was the way of things especially these days. Eeryone had a power it seemed and none of them wanted to give it up, he sure as hell wasn't giving up what was his. He watched the woman gie a impressive display but it was only a display. He didn't like guns, nt when his body was a wapon in itself. As the car drove around in the yard, Maul stepped forward while ripping a hand up and bringing the gate with him. His head turned so he was looking right at the woman driving and grinned. His hand came back and he threw the fence like a frisbee aiming to hit the wheels and cause the car to flip since if it caught the wheels it wuld go right up and around the wheels stopping them dead. Maul looked around seeing the cops dragging away there wounded and trying to start cars with bullets in them.

Maul sighed and shook his head. All that damage was for nothing at all and now he had to deal with the culprit responsible and he doubted it was going to be a simple fix. He was a super strong wrestler that was it. Ya he could grind bone and snap bodies but he had to get his hands on them. Of course lately everyone he had fought used ranged weapons....he was really getting tired of ranged weapons. Maul looked up to see if his fence to the wheels idea had worled.

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 36
Registration date : 2012-04-06

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Violence in Vermont Empty Re: Violence in Vermont

Post by Madame Versailles June 27th 2012, 1:01 pm

Helena was in the midst of her getaway when the one person that could possibly stand in her way decided to do something about her leaving. He whipped the fence he was leaning against at the tires, she pulled the wheel hard to the left. The fence got caught up in the wheels and caused the car to flip forward. Helena quickly reacted and dove through the driver side window pulling along the 50cal and scythe-rifle with her. Landing hard she rolled once and got to her feet.
"What the hell!?"
Vexus quickly reloaded the 50cal and took aim at this new problem. This man clearly was no normal human being as wrapping a fence around the tires of her Porsche was no easy feat. She stared at him intently wondering if he was going to do anything more. She could tell by her sensors that the officers were taking this moment of cease fire to gather their wounded any try to leave, which was smart.
"You just trashed my Porsche.... Give me one good reason why I shouldn't blow you full of holes..."
After seeing the man's strength she wanted to keep her distance as best she could until she figured more out about his abilities and if there was a way around them.
Madame Versailles
Madame Versailles
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Violence in Vermont Empty Re: Violence in Vermont

Post by Maul June 27th 2012, 3:27 pm

Maul stood while staring at the guns his head tilted slightly. "I don't like guns pinted at me Kid. As for why i intervened you shot a lot of people. Can't go around doing things like that." Maul looked at the car that was laying a arms reach over and grabbed the bottom while sinking his hand into the metal and lifted it above his head. "So, you shoot me I hit you with a car....not great at physics but I'm thinking the car will do the most damage out of this little question....not to mention I'm bullet proof." Maul sighed as the cps around them decided to gain a backbone and walked towards them guns drawn. "See what you did, more guns...I don't like guns."

The massive ex wrestler grabbed the car he was holding and ripped it in half, turning them hie put his hands down the hole of each side and lifted them so he was wearing a pair of Porsche gauntlets. "Now as for your reason...there isn't one. SO pull the fucking trigger so i can smash your head like a watermelon and see if their are any brains between that pretty head of yours...I'm betting there is but I really want to find out." Maul stared into the womans eyes waiting to see how this would play out.

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Registration date : 2012-04-06

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Violence in Vermont Empty Re: Violence in Vermont

Post by Madame Versailles June 27th 2012, 8:58 pm

Helena's face became very upset when she witnessed the brute tear her pretty Porsche in half.
"...My baby..." The man defiled her sports car using it like a pair of boxing gloves. The 50cal hit the ground softly and she slumped a little bit. Not only did she like the car but that was also what she planned on using to escape. There were a couple cop cars that she had her eye on now, but was unsure if they would start on short notice since she decided to shoot em full of holes.
Looking about she saw the cops approaching from behind ready to fire. They were worried about the Hulk over there but were more concerned about her since she had already gunned down some of their men. Helena wouldn't be able to take all of these goons on all at once, especially Mr. Universe over here. She put the 50cal around her back again and grabbed her rifle-scythe, popped the blade out from the sides and threw it like a disc at the crowd of cops. The ones that weren't cut open dove out of the way making a nice path for her. The flying weapon curved slightly and stuck itself into the side of the house closer to the roof. Helena followed by grabbing her belt-chain-blade and whipped it upwards cutting the half of the Porsche in half again, and then brought it down doing the same to the other half turning the brutes boxing gloves into scrap metal.
The belt wrapped back around her wait and she pulled out her two automatic glocks and opened fire on the cops as she ran towards the house. She sheathed her guns and grabbed the whip again and flung it towards the gun in the house. The whip wrapped around tightly and retracted it pulling herself up to the gun, grabbing onto it she collapsed the blades and pulled it out of the house and fell back to the ground with the whip now safely around her waist. Helena rolled to shake of the impact as she ran for one of the police cars. Hopefully she was able to put some distance between her and the muscle head, she had another agenda to deal with and did not want to be set back by some pesky heroes.
Madame Versailles
Madame Versailles
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Violence in Vermont Empty Re: Violence in Vermont

Post by Maul June 28th 2012, 12:15 pm

Maul stood as the woman did her thing a look of boredom on his face, he still held some of the Porsche in his hands and dropping the left one he grabbed the metal of the right and began to shape it into a largeround blade. Seeing the woman go for the cars he pulled his hand back and threw it as hard as he could. Adding his strength to velocity the spinning blade whirled past the woman and slammed into the hood of the nearest cop car ripping the enging to shreds. He bent his legs and leaped forward. The power in his legs sent him soaring over the woman to land on the second nearest car's hood causing the metal under him to crunch and the car to lift up.

Maul reached out as the back of the car moved up and sunk his hands into the roof, he pulled hard and the car ripped in half like it was wet paper. He hefted the back car part and threw it at the woman like a giant metal ton football. The damage while being hit with the car with Maul's strength behind it was evident to be alot. "Jeez lady, you seem like your in a rush. I'll make you a deal, if you serve only ten lifetimes in Prision I'll make sure you get paroll before the eleventh." Maul dropped down onto the ground and sat down on the hood of the car that was pancaked. "So, more violence or do you give up and go peacefully? I'll make sure you get three hots and a cot and free cable. You will meet a lot of girls just like you and who knows you may find your soul mate in there. Some cute christy to snuggle up to." Even as he spoke with a joking voice his eyes never changed.

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Number of posts : 36
Registration date : 2012-04-06

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Violence in Vermont Empty Re: Violence in Vermont

Post by Madame Versailles June 30th 2012, 10:24 pm

Helena stopped in her tracks when a crudely made sword flew past her and embedded itself in the hood of the car she was running for. Following she witnessed and her new friend bounded from his standing position and landed on top of another police car a few yards from where she way standing. The car folded slightly upon his impact. Then, tearing the car apart as if it were nothing, threw the back half at her like a football. Helena grabbed her belt blade and brought it up then down on the incoming projectile cutting it clean in half. The two halves flew around her as her weapon wrapped around her waist again. He gave her a little speech and Helena just started at him unimpressed. He had the same bored look on his face, neither of them seemed to be entertained. She thought for a minute, he did not know who or what she was yet and maybe should could use that to her advantage.
"...See what you can do, there's no way I could get away with this now." Helena dropped all of the weapons she had on her including her belt whip to the ground stepped in front of them and knelt to the ground putting her hands behind her head.
"If I continued to make a stand I would most likely not make it out alive. Living a life time in confinement is much better than death on short notice..." she said waiting for them to tackle her to the ground and put her in cuffs.
Madame Versailles
Madame Versailles
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