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Prowling the Night (Invite Only)

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Prowling the Night (Invite Only) - Page 3 Empty Re: Prowling the Night (Invite Only)

Post by Ember_Fangs June 18th 2012, 4:51 pm

Gracie snorted at Chelle's words and folded her arms over her chest in what had been named her 'oh no you did-n't' face. She was about to reply with how maybe she should hospitalize her as well then, or give her a lecture on the fact that by knowing HIM, there was always a way HE could get to HER Andree. A small part of her hoped Nightkill did try it. Just so that she could fry him to pieces with electricity, or fire, or blow him up. The different ways he could die played out happily in her mind. Her favourite was where she had him tied to her lab table and carve organs out one by one. Instead she turned her gaze to Andree with a cold but business like look as she told her what she wanted her to do. Gracie's expression went from cold to one of disbelief and then irritation.

"You got be out of an important experiment to just do that? Shoot him in the leg or something, that'll wake him up," she scolded. "And so what if he's trained? He," she pointed at Nate. "Is thousands of years old, he probably has millions of people he's pissed off. If you get rid of one, three more are just going to take his place," she scolded. Yes, Andree still liked him but he had been a dick to her. She had high-fived Scar when Andree had told her Scar had screamed in his face. It was only when Andree gave her the look did she hiss in anger, grab the man by the front of the shirt and hurl him out of the room and up to the roof. She had been doing important experiments! IMPORTANT! And now she was running around to find someone who she would probably thank for shooting the man who had nearly sent Andree back into her room for another week or so.

"The things I do for you Andree," she muttered, grabbing an old chair and kicking it upright, shoving the man into the chair and flouncing to the high rise edge of the rooftop, jumping on it and sitting on it. She then closed her eyes and took the meditation position while a bolt of electricity shot through the man, probably harder than she should have.

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Prowling the Night (Invite Only) - Page 3 Empty Re: Prowling the Night (Invite Only)

Post by Guest June 18th 2012, 9:33 pm

“Mr. Mankar, Ms. Daniels left a message for you to hear when you came back home.” Gun HOlogram SysTem greeted him as Sachin walked toward the door to the apartment. Rather irritated by this new annoyance, he frowned. “Well, what the hell is it? I want dinner.” Sachin said, getting ready to scan his thumb and get inside to get his dinner.

“Sir, it is of the utmost urgency. Ms. Daniels specifically said ‘Tell that Indian asshole to get his ass down to St. Thomas’ Hospital as soon as possible.’”

Sachin froze. Was someone injured? Andree? It was likely, she had been gone for a while, on her regular romps around Chicago and some such…oh damn, his healing would be needed, wouldn’t it? It must be serious if Gracie had left in such a rush and told him to go as well. Oh crap, he needed to move.

“Alright, GHOST, err, you go call Pizza Hut and ask them to deliver a large sized cheese pizza to St. Thomas’ Hospital. From Sachin Mankar. They know me. I’m going to go run.” Sachin said, running outside in a far greater hurry than he had come back home. He jumped on his motorbike, strapping on his helmet quickly and then roaring down Chicago’s highway with no real fear of getting hurt. However, it started drizzling lightly, causing Sachin to curse and say ‘fuck this shit’ multiple times.

He finally arrived at the hospital, drizzling wet, shaking aside a nurse as he barged in. “Where is Andree Jones or Gracie Marie Daniels?” he barked, and a surprised nurse pointed him toward a twenty four hour waiting room.

My god. The intensive care unit? And it was high up in priority. Sachin had to run quickly, hoping against hope that it wasn't as bad as he had thought...

He ran in there quickly, seeing…Nate and Chelle, Nate with mild injuries. Well, not mild, considering it was right through his shoulder and he was clearly bleeding, but Sachin had no real love for Nate and the injury is less than the horrific images that had been flying through his brain as he went to the hospital.

So he was annoyed. “Andree is back together with you?” he asked, trying to keep this irritation from showing. He rushed all the way here for this? For God’s sake…Now, Nate was clearly and severely injured, but Sachin had expected more and worse. In this case, he just placed his hand on Nate's shoulder and allowed the healing energy to flow in, largely repairing the shoulder with incredible speed.

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Prowling the Night (Invite Only) - Page 3 Empty Re: Prowling the Night (Invite Only)

Post by Chellizard June 18th 2012, 9:51 pm

Nate smiled at Andree and gave her a wink. "That's my wife.. She's so damn beautiful, ain't she, sis?" He chuckled and closed his eyes, grinning like a fool. He waved to them, Andree and Gracie, as they left to the roof. They were alone, him and his sister, for a bit. Chelle, from what Nate could see, was partially bored.


Chelle sighed and watched as Andree refused to wash off and gave a valid reason not to. Chelle had to agree that she had a point. Gracie, on the other hand, was just being rotten and moody. Nate may have fucked up, but who doesn't? And it's also so silly that they think Nathaniel is a jerk for not fighting for Andree. He respects women to much to beg them to stay. If they want to go, why force them? Or make them feel guilty? If they are not comfortable with the relationship, why force it to work? Chelle mentally held a gun to her head and pulled the trigger over the immaturity of the petty anger focused on Nate. Not to mention, Sachin. Sachin? She rose a brow and looked at him waltz in. Guess the door wasn't locked like it should have been. Chelle shook her head and gave Sachin a nod and help Nate's hand as Sachin started to.. heal him? Wonderful power, he had. "Sachin.. thank you, so much. He's my baby brother, and he's a fool half the time.. I'm grateful for your time, and so is Nathaniel." She gave him a soft smile and nodded her head respectfully. She, however, let go of Nate's hand just in case it threw off the healing process.


Nathaniel arched his back lightly and coughed, his eyes opening with a sudden flutter. He looked to Sachin and sniffed the air, holding back tears of pain that ran down his spine. "Sachin?" He asked, confused, still, despite the pain. He then felt a wave of pure bliss. He felt as if he were floating, and it wasn't because of drugs. He had felt like this before when his sister had her healing powers. He closed his eyes and felt his strength come back and could feel his heart pump his blood faster and stronger throughout his body. He smiled and laughed with joy and looked at Sachin with thankful eyes. "I.. thank you, Sachin.. I.. know I hurt Andree, in some way. I also know I should have fought for her.. but I respect her so much I couldn't force her to be with me.." He cleared his throat and reached for the water cup. He drank it heartily and then sat up in the bed a bit more. "I know you have no reason to like me. Andree is family to you, and I am a cursed burden. I understand if you'd rather not have me around."

-My DeviantArt-
Prowling the Night (Invite Only) - Page 3 JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5017
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Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Prowling the Night (Invite Only) - Page 3 Empty Re: Prowling the Night (Invite Only)

Post by Mockingbird June 18th 2012, 10:35 pm

"Gracie, you dragged me out of my room. You've barely slept in days, you've barely set foot outside the lab. I was going to drag you out kicking and screaming soon enough anyway." Andree told Gracie, she was obviously irritated. "And you know I don't like using guns unless it's life or death." Now she was annoyed at Gracie. "First, I'm sure that most of them would be dead. Second, I'd protect you ifone of your many enemies came after you. And third, what if whoever is behind this attack hurts other people? I'm getting the information out of him whether you like it or not." As they left the room, she caught Nate calling her his wife. A blush spread across her cheeks as he did so. It was sweet. Maybe Gracie would realize that he did like her and wasn't faking it. Because it was obvious he wasn't thinking straight, definitely not enough to lie, she believed him. Hopefully Gracie did too. As they walked up the stairs, Andree mumbled to Gracie. "Thank you, it was also getting awkward being alone with them, mostly Chelle."

Once on the rooftop, she ignored Gracie's comment and waited for her to wake up the assassin. Once the electricity had finished and he woke up, she grabbed him by the neck and held him over the edge of the building. "How much do I have to hurt you?" She asked, her voice modified into a deeper, man-like voice. "I'm not telling you anything."

"You sure about that?" She asked, her angry gaze hidden by the one way mirror effect of the lens on the mask.

"Yeah, I am." Came his reply. It was followed by a yelp of pain as she broke his left leg.
"Ready yet?"

"No....she'd kill me." Came his weak reply as he winced from the pain.

"She? Now we're getting somewhere." She said as she broke his other leg. A blood curling scream came from him. "Tell me more." She ordered as he dangled in her grasp.

"Okay, okay! I don't see her, I swear. She just wires the money to my bank account. I don't even know her name!"

"She had to give you something to call her."

"Root. I called her Root." His replied were still weak as tears came down his cheek.

"Where can I find her?" She asked in an authoritative tone. This man deserved no mercy. He was a gun for hire, an assassin. He probably killed many people. He got no sympathy.

"I swear to God, I don't know!"

"Is that everything?"

"Yes! You crazy bitch! Yes! That's everything!"

Andree pulled out her cell phone and dialed 9-1-1. "Nine-one-one, what is your emergency?" Came the dull voice of an obviously bored female operator.

Voice still gruff and disguised, Andree replied. "I found a man. He has two broken legs, multiple broken ribs, suspected skull fracture, possible punctured lung and multiple other injuries." She spoke slowly, making sure the man heard every last word.

"How did he get these injuries?"

"He fell off the hospital roof."

"What is your loca-" The operator's voice was cut off when Andree hung up the phone. The man still was held in her grasp over the edge of the roof. Her grasp loosened until he fell to the ground, landing in the planter outside of the window of the room Nathaniel, Chelle and now Sachin were in. He would live, the fall wasn't enough to kill him.

"Let's go." She said to Gracie, armour phasing and breaking down to hide in her body once again. Her feet padded along the stairwell until they arrived at the ground floor again. Once there, she led the way back to the room. "Done." She informed them, nodding to Sachin as a silent hello. Her eyes glanced out the window to admire her handiwork. "Now I'll wash up." She said as she walked over to the bathroom and soaked her blood covered hand in the warm water and rubbed the drying blood from her face. Once satisfied that she was clean enough, she walked back into the main room to join the others again.

Posting Master
Posting Master

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Prowling the Night (Invite Only) - Page 3 Empty Re: Prowling the Night (Invite Only)

Post by Ember_Fangs June 19th 2012, 4:12 pm

Gracie ignored the girl she was with even while she spoke about how she would have dragged her out another way. Gracie wouldn't have minded any other way in all honesty as long as she hadn't had to come to a stupid hospital. The amount of energy here was making her head hurt, especially after the fact she had been letting her barriers break in order to find an energy source which could power a teleporter. Her powers were raw and open and thus made it painful to be around so many sources of energy. She shut off the sounds of Andree interrogating a man and slowly built each wall up so she began to feel more clear minded, calmer, quieter. She was going to have to learn to lift these barriers and not rip them off completely. It had caused her a serious nose bleed when she'd done it last time but the energy source waiting for her at home - if it worked - would be worth the effort.

Slowly she opened one eye to look at Andree when she felt her beside her and watched her throw the man off of the roof. Gracie glanced behind her to see him land in a very weird position but said nothing. She untwined her legs when Andree said they were finished and followed her back down the stairs in something very similar to what she wore to bed - shorts and a baggy top. She did brighten some what on seeing Sachin had gotten her message and shuffled over to him in the room. She wasn't exactly feeling comfortable being in a room with two vampire angels before the whole Nate-Andree-break-up but now she really did not like being in a room with them. Plus she was to tired to fight if anything happened. She really needed sleep.

"God I'm hungry," she raised her eyes up to the ceiling as if pizza would fall from the sky. It was mainly to break the rather awkward feeling in the room as she glanced to Andree then to Sachin then rather slowly to Nate and Chelle. "Food?" She could tell Andree was still in love with him. She didn't like him but she'd try.

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1303
Location : England
Age : 29
Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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Prowling the Night (Invite Only) - Page 3 Empty Re: Prowling the Night (Invite Only)

Post by Guest June 19th 2012, 4:37 pm

Sachin nodded with a slight smile when Chelle thanked him, and then another one when Nate did. He never really had very much bad blood against these guys, having barely known them. As guys do, he forgave Nate pretty quickly since he had looked at it logically- Chelle was the one who had been linked to Nightkill, not Nate. Therefore, he did not care much about Nate though he was a bit wary about Chelle and her connections. "It's all right." Sachin told Nate. "Andree's a friend, but she forgives you, that's enough for me too." And it really was.

Sachin grinned upon seeing his girlfriend in the doorway. "Ah, yes, pizza. I ordered that. Cheese, of course, to make up for the fact you guys had ordered pepperoni last time for all of us, forgetting about me." he said, sticking out his tongue a bit. He placed a hand on Gracie's neck, blasting his own healing energy into her, which should recharge her and get rid of the exhaustion. "In any case, you guys can all eat cheese so I don't think it's much of a revenge plot anyway." he continued.

"Ah, here's your cheese pizza." said a familiar voice, and Sachin glanced to see his friend Pablo in the doorway, holding a box of a large cheese pizza. Taking it gratefully, Sachin placed on the table and pulled out his wallet. The Puerto Rican delivery guy came to their home at least once per week, and ended up on first name basis with all of them. The sight of all of these people in the hospital room didn't much faze him since he often walked into far weirder things at the Nerd Herd house.

"So, you'll come over to watch Euro with me next week?" Sachin asked, handing over the money. "I'll invite some other folks over too, we can all watch Spain win."

Pablo shrugged. "I'll see if I can make it. See you later, Sachin." he said, walking off with the money and shoving it in his pocket.

Sachin turned to the cheese pizza and frowned. "Ten slices and five of us, two slices each. Ah well, that's acceptable enough." He didn't need to eat, but it nourished him and he liked it, so why not? Besides, this was good pizza. He sat down on a chair in the room, the chair just a few feet away from Nate, pulling up a chair for Gracie to sit down next to him at. He knew Gracie felt edgy around Nate, and he wanted to try and encourage them to all be friendly.

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Prowling the Night (Invite Only) - Page 3 Empty Re: Prowling the Night (Invite Only)

Post by Chellizard June 19th 2012, 8:37 pm

His head turned to see the body land out in the planter right outside of their window. He blinked and then turned his attention to the door when Andree walked back in and announced she was done. So, Andree beat the crap out of that guy. "Was he the one who shot me..?" He questioned slowly, but loud enough for Andree to hear from the bathroom. He scratched the back of his head and then observed Gracie for a moment. She brought up food, and as if on queue, a pizza guy walked in with a large cheese pizza. The pizza guy, Pablo, looked like he knew them. Nate had met him about twice during the times he had been to the 'Nerd Herd' house. Nathaniel rose his hand up and denied the pizza, though. "You guys eat; the hospital will give me ice cream or something I'm sure. Or a pudding cup." He smiled and had the bed rise up the head part so he did not have to physically lean up and just leaned against the bed. Despite being healed, he was a bit tired and his body still ached. He then scooted over a bit and pulled the foam support pieces off of his side and tossed them toward the 'bio hazard' bin. He smiled and looked to a clean faced Andree and had scooted over for her to sit next to him if she desired. He did feel the awkward air about them, and this had him feeling a bit queasy, which is why he denied the pizza overall.


Chelle rose up once Andree and Gracie rejoined them. She had been in her own little world for a while. Her eyes had caught the body falling, but she didn't care at this moment. She decided she would leave now, and let these people mend their relationships. Chelle had disrupted the flow of things, she she was going to leave and let them heal. "I'll be around tomorrow, Nathaniel, to help you pick out a new house. I still have no idea why you would want more room.. the house I left you was four bedrooms... But I suppose a house with enough room for a pool would be nice." She waved and smiled to everyone. "I have business to attend to. People to see. So tomorrow needs to go over quickly, Nate. You're lucky you know such a good healer." She then stepped out of the room and shut the door behind of her. She had left her phone behind, but had no idea she did so. Nate would end up getting hold of it, unless Gracie and Sachin, or even Andree got it first. The phone held information about Thrones, and her business schedule.

-My DeviantArt-
Prowling the Night (Invite Only) - Page 3 JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5017
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Prowling the Night (Invite Only) - Page 3 Empty Re: Prowling the Night (Invite Only)

Post by Mockingbird June 20th 2012, 12:57 am

Hearing Nate's question about whether or not the man that now lay in a crumpled, but still breathing, lump on the ground outside the window was the man that shot him, Andree called back from the washroom. "Yes it is." Her hands reached down and straightening her tank top a bit at the bottom, Andree walked back into the room. She dried her hands off on her thigh and stomach. Then she realized that the tank top was white and now practically see through at her stomach. At least her pants were black, that would be even more embarrassing. An embarrassed look was firmly in place on her now beat red face.

Quickly, she snatched two pieces of the pizza and sat down on the side of Nate's bed opposite Gracie and Sachin. There was a chair wide enough for the two of them to curl up in together and eat and there was a smaller chair on her side. It was shorter, allowing her stomach to be hidden behind Nate's bed so that Gracie and Sachin couldn't see it anymore. Nathaniel still could if he was rolled over to face her though. "Thanks, Sachin." She said in the Indian man's direction.

When they were finished here, she had important stuff to do. She assumed that the number in her pocket was for that mysterious Root woman that was behind the attack on Nathaniel. She wasn't going to give the evil woman a chance to hurt anyone else. Once they got back to base, she would trace the number to the location and pay the woman a visit, assuming she was still there. Or maybe she'd give the police an anonymous tip instead. Whatever. Either way, this woman had started a war with Andree, something that she was going to seriously regret.

"Bye." Andree replied to Chelle. It was short and bitter, she still hadn't fully forgiven her for working for that monster. But she claimed to have a change of heart. It wasn't enough for Andree though. She was still suspicious of Chelle. Noticing that Chelle left her cell phone, Andree's arm snapped out and grabbed it before anyone noticed, hopefully. Quickly, she pulled off the back of the phone and pulled out the micro SD card. The data was being copied already using the other SD card she inserted. Unknown to her, it copied a virus as well. The data would be wiped out as it was copied, leaving some barely recoverable stuff. Only a few photos would be left when it was inserted into the computer. Once finished downloading the photos and virus, she slipped it into her pocket and tossed Chelle's phone back where she had left it.

Posting Master
Posting Master

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 476
Age : 25
Registration date : 2011-10-04

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Prowling the Night (Invite Only) - Page 3 Empty Re: Prowling the Night (Invite Only)

Post by Ember_Fangs June 20th 2012, 4:02 pm

Gracie sat down gladly on the chair beside her boyfriend and stole two pieces of pizza, nibbling on them. Damn this pizza place was good. She half waved to Pablo when he left seeing as though he and Sachin had spent a lot of time together. She half leaned into him while chewing on the cheese. So much cheese... Now she knew why pizzas were named after Chicago. It was the land of pizza. A beautiful land. She swallowed the last lump of her first slice and started on her second. She briefly wondered when she had last eaten and then shrugged it off. Yesterday probably. Maybe... No... Monday. Damn. She sneekily stole one of the bits that should have belonged to Chelle and began to tear into that too. Yeah, it had been a while since she had eaten. In response to her boyfriends issue on pepperoni she stuck her tongue out after swallowing.

"I picked the meat off your bits and added it to ours," she humphed and then laced her legs over his, resting her cheek on his shoulder after she had finished eating. She glanced to Andree and Nate out of the corner of her eye then pursed her lips slowly. "You should eat, hospital food sucks," she shrugged some what. It didn't matter if he didn't pick something up her but Andree would probably care.

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1303
Location : England
Age : 29
Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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Prowling the Night (Invite Only) - Page 3 Empty Re: Prowling the Night (Invite Only)

Post by Guest June 20th 2012, 8:52 pm

(Skip me.)

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Prowling the Night (Invite Only) - Page 3 Empty Re: Prowling the Night (Invite Only)

Post by Chellizard June 21st 2012, 12:57 am

He rolled his head to watch his sister exit and he had nodded and mumbled a 'yeah, sure.' Once the door closed behind of her, his eyes trailed to Andree and he just smiled. He let his eyes wave over her whole body and just admire her all together. The lights in the room were still dimmed to almost off, but the little light that filled the room kept Nathaniel, Andree, Gracie, and Sachin from groping around blindly. He rose his hand and denied the pizza, his mind completely off of Andree for a moment at the mention of food. So, when Andree snatched the phone, he had no idea. He spoke up after clearing his throat. "No, no. You guys eat, seriously. I'll be fine. Sachin did a good job on me. I feel stronger. Still a bit sore. But I feel marvelous compared to earlier." And that was true. He closed his eyes for a few minutes and then opened them to look at Andree. He patted the side of the bed and smiled. "Sit with me?" He even pulled the blanket back a bit so she could nestle in next to him and cover up. With his hospital gown open, his tattoos were noticeable. His tattoos, however, were mainly scars covered in ink to make him look less torn and broken. He had a large cross like shape on his abdomen, and some form of tribal up his left side that curled around of his back. It hadn't been mentioned before because the ink was somewhat new. The only scar most noticeable was the cross. But he decided to tattoo over it to make it less menacing and brand-like.

-My DeviantArt-
Prowling the Night (Invite Only) - Page 3 JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
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Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Prowling the Night (Invite Only) - Page 3 Empty Re: Prowling the Night (Invite Only)

Post by Mockingbird June 21st 2012, 2:12 am

Andree quickly finished her pizza. She had a heightened metabolism and just simply devoured food to fill it. Plus, the pizza was fucking great. Nate's comments about feeling much better fell on Andree's deaf ears as she threw the phone back over to where Chelle had left it. "Oh, look." She said with a hint of mock surprise. "Chelle left her phone behind." Grabbing it once more, she placed it on the small white table next to Nate. Damn hospitals, everything had to be all white and sterile.

"Sure." Andree replied to Nathaniel, a tad reluctantly, when he asked her to sit on the bed beside him. Her shirt was still wet at the bottom, over her tummy, so she crossed her arms to block as much as she could. Her arm reached out and grabbed the blanket once she had taken a seat beside Nate on the bed. She pulled the blanket up and over her tummy to avoid showing off skin. She hated doing that with a passion. Deep brown eyes wandered up to his scars that had been covered up by tattoos. They did a pretty good job, but the scars that lay beneath were still slightly noticeable. I'll have to ask him how he got those one day.

*Thread closed*

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Prowling the Night (Invite Only) - Page 3 Empty Re: Prowling the Night (Invite Only)

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