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A Night-time stroll

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A Night-time stroll Empty A Night-time stroll

Post by Riccto May 23rd 2012, 10:55 pm

9:00 PM
A Southeast New York Borough

Campeon practically rolled off of his creaky rusted bed onto equally creaky and dusty floor that make up a majority of his rented flat. He got up off of the ground slowly as he dusted himself off and walked over to his still blaring alarm clock. He turned it off with his fist. Cracking it slightly as he rubbed his eyes and started walking over over the floor that creaks still from his weight, almost like they are protesting him even living here in New York. Like his new home wanted him to be shipped back over to his home island of Puerto Rico. Campeon ignores this. This is his new home and place to be. He had out grown his little island and his metaphorical little weight division. He needed to learn to develop himself as a Fighter and a Super human. He needed to enter the big leagues here on the mainland. Who would take him seriously if all of his W's came from bouts against little small island cans? Nobody that’s who. Busting up a few smuggling rings back on the island wont do him any favors. He needs to deal with the big mainland problems. And if his Abuelo had taught him anything in that little gym that he called his home was that having the respect of your opponent is one of the crucial parts of the fight. Because without that they would be free to walk all over you. That’s what Campeon desperately needed as a young superhero. He knew no one and that was one of the worse things for a person in his shoes. Campeon mulled this all over as he stepped into the bathroom to take a shower before going out on patrol.

It was ice cold even when he put it on the highest setting but that was of little importance to Carlos. He took care to work the scorch marks off of his chest from a mugging he had foiled earlier in the day. He stepped out quickly and put on his normal outfit on, tying the bandanna around his forehead and wrapping up his knuckles the way he has done before all of his fights.

He stepped into the cool night air as he did most nights, his hands jammed into his pockets and keeping himself slouched down low to appear much smaller and to appear as a much more enticing target. Not much was happening, a few drunken bar goers were stumbling to cabs. The occasional couple scuttling off to a hotel. It was a nice night. It was a calm night.

El Boriquen

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 61
Job : The Stronkest
Registration date : 2011-10-10

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A Night-time stroll Empty Re: A Night-time stroll

Post by Guest May 24th 2012, 4:37 pm

Prime walked calmly out of his office building to a unusually quiet New York night, he was used to things being pretty loud and wild. But tonight was something different, something that made Prime want to walk home instead of driving. As he walked down the streets he kept his hands in his pants pockets to make sure they were near him in case somebody tried to pickpocket him. "I wonder what kind of trouble could I stir up tonight possibly. Not much else is going on here in the city and I doubt that anybody would care." He said quietly as he stood on the corner of a four way intersection waiting to cross. But as he stood there he saw a small opportunity to start up a little mischief, normal he would have robbed a bank of thousands of dollar before they even knew it was gone but tonight it was time to put some people in harm's way.

He looked around him to examine every possible thing that could happen and ways to make it go wrong. Finally he came up with the old classic traffic accident one. This cliche had been use many times to test a superheroes wits and speed. Prime drew his right hand from his pocket and fired a beam of energy at the top of the stoplight causing it to free fall to the center of the street. Prime watched as a bus and a truck full of oil was heading right towards each other, due to each driver not paying attention to the road. Prime fire two more beams of energy at the bus' tires causing two of them to go flat causing the bus to skid. "Time to death..five minutes." He said quietly as people begin to notice the truck full of oil and the bus full of passengers on a crash collision course.

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A Night-time stroll Empty Re: A Night-time stroll

Post by Riccto May 24th 2012, 7:10 pm

Campeon’s patrol had so far been uneventful for him. The only thing that had happened during his short stroll was only interrupted by a lean looking teen attempting to mug him with a hardly sharpened knife. He had tried to talk the young man out of it but he was insistant. Either this was a some type of initiation into a gang, He looked the part with his clothing and the way he drew the blade on him, He seemed to have all the pieces a street thug would need. That, or he was a kid down on his luck looking for a few bucks. That didn’t matter much to him. He left him with a bent piece of steel and bruise story. Now. Something interesting had occurred after had walked a few more blocks. He watched as some strange lights had flashed out and the stoplight fell to the ground. That’s not supposed to happen. Something is up here. Something bad he had thought to himself before snapping into action.

He started off at a sprint towards the intersection. He had to stop any potential accidents from happening. Then the strange light flashed out again and whenever it did it just seemed to make the situation worse for him. The bus was a large commuter bus jammed pack with people who would of rather taken the bus than fly into New York. Many would justify their choice after saying that taking a flight would be too dangerous. Many of them after tonight would become flyers.

Campeon was sprinting as fast as he could to get into the intersection. He was moving as fast as his sturdy legs could take him. As he approached the intersection and the two large vehicles were approaching each other he came up with a brief effective plan. He will stop the two forces as a immovable object in this equation of two very stoppable forces.
He reached peak speed a few dozen feet away before making a leap into the center of the intersection, directly in-between the two vehicles. He spread his arms for the bus and braced for impact. He would be getting hit by vehicles in a situation that would kill the average man.

But luckily for all the parties involved Campeon was no average man. He caught the bus with a grunt and felt the tanker hit his back reassuringly, The driver quickly became aware of the situation and had started to slow his vehicle as not to prevent an accident. Campeon gave the tanker driver a thumbs up as he started to back up so he could push the bus over to the side of the road. He completed the task in a few moments and made sure that everyone got off the bus. Today will be a good night. Not necessarily for Campeon. But for the people

El Boriquen

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 61
Job : The Stronkest
Registration date : 2011-10-10

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A Night-time stroll Empty Re: A Night-time stroll

Post by Guest May 28th 2012, 7:52 pm

Prime smiled in amazement, it was then that a superhero would intervene when it looked like all hope was lost for the passengers. But unluckily for them Prime was not done yet, he shot another beam of energy towards the oil storage on the back of the tanker. He hoped that the hero would not be fast enough to stop an explosion that would wipe out both parties and maybe the hero. It was amazing to him that people have not noticed that he had been the puppeteer behind this who shindig. Prime grinned as he watching his beam of energy sail towards the target, but he knew he would have to take cover behind an innocent bystander to avoid behind hit by random debris from the sky.

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