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A Normal Day in New York

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A Normal Day in New York Empty A Normal Day in New York

Post by The Infiltrator March 2nd 2012, 9:05 pm

Jason walked around New York trying to find a place to eat breakfast. He was now familiar with the city itself; he enjoyed walking through the busy streets and grabbing the attention of young ladies. He walked down Main Street until he came to a little nice Irish cafe. Normally he would have went to a McDonalds in the area but today he had to meet with somebody from Project Command. Jason walked in the cafe and looked around until he found one of the scientist he had met with back in his training days. Jason went over to the scientist table and pulled out the chair slowly; as he went to sit down he took his book bag off that contained his armor and sat it beside him. "So what is this little meeting about John?"

The Scientist stirred his coffee around before looking up at Jason. "Nothing much really, I am just here to give you a little upgrade on your armor. Not saying that something is wrong with the one you have now. But we thought it would be better if you had something more intimidating." He reached down and picked up a black book much slimmer to the one that Jason had and passed it to him.

'Yeah that other one was getting kind of messed up. Hmm I guess I should try this on when I get the chance." Jason picked up the black book bag and felt that it was lighter than the other one that he had before. He was surprised at how light it felt, this must meant he was going to be a little more agile in combat and allowed him better combat reflexes instead of being slowed down in his old one. But as he turned the bag around so more he noticed a white spider on it. "John what is up with the spider?"

"You are the...well you know what you are. A spider is always getting some where it does not belong. We thought that fit you better than a rat, well I am off now. Jason do good, we are always watching you...oh one last thing you should know. You are the lone survivor of Project Command, all of the other people who served with you have gone missing. Just watch your back is all that I am saying." John got up and walked out of the cafe with his coffee in hand and Jason old armor on his back.

Jason sat there stunned at what he had just heard. He was happy about the symbol choosing but he was now the lone member of Project Command. He turned around and picked up the book bag slinging it onto his back.

The Infiltrator
The Infiltrator

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