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New York Assault - Brooklyn

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New York Assault - Brooklyn  Empty New York Assault - Brooklyn

Post by Illya February 21st 2012, 5:56 pm

Brooklyn, the area known for its many appearances in film and other media. However, the normally bustling area of Brooklyn was quiet, the people all moved away from the areas closest to the water, all heeding the warning from the sonars of an incoming mass. The size of the mass was larger than any other of the masses that was coming towards Queens and Bronx, the size at least 5 times the amount. The navy forces had already fallen, completely overrun by undefined forces. On the shoreline, the coast guard remained vigilant for anything that could possibly break out of the water, supplied with upgraded equipment, which included machine guns and rifles strong enough to punch through tank armor. Despite how prepared they were, the guard knew that they would not be able to hold off a mass that big with how little men and ammunition that they had. All they could do was hold off the enemies as long as possible, give the heroes a better chance of succeeding.

At first it was a shimmer, a slight bubbling coming through the water. But soon it grew to a mass of white coming from the water, which was eventually blocked out by the mass of bodies that erupted from the water, charging for the mainland. The guard watched in horror as the masses of Doctor Necrodium's army came with numbers exceeding the hundreds, made up of men and woman, their bodies falling apart around the metallic apparatuses that Doctor Necrodium had molded into their bodies, having no choice but to move forward, despite being all but dead.

Guns blazing, smoke filling the air along with rains of blood and guts flying through the air, the guard unleashing fire as the clockwork zombies slowly began to overwhelm them, clawing and biting, ripping them apart to the very last bit. As the coast guard began to retreat their line, they could only pray that the heroes would be able to work off the small break that they gave them.


Doctor Necrodium's naval forces have arrived in the form of a massive zombie horde, men and women forcibly modified by the doctor's inhumane experiments. However, the coast guard have given you heroes a slight break with their brave sacrifice, only a handful of the zombies are going to be arriving first. Though weak on their own, these zombies are incredibly dangerous when coming in groups. We pray that you will be able to handle them, do not try and upfront battle, think and use the terrain to your advantage. Scanners have managed to take the power levels, but their numbers are generally undefined, at least 1000 are coming your way.

Clockwork Zombies
Strength: 2
Speed: 2
Durability: 2
Intelligence: 0
Energy Projection: 0
Fighting Skills: 2

Good Luck Heroes...
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 259
Location : The darkest corner with the best view
Age : 30
Humor : I am smiling
Registration date : 2011-03-07

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New York Assault - Brooklyn  Empty Re: New York Assault - Brooklyn

Post by Illya February 27th 2012, 4:10 pm


A new wave of zombies have broken the line and begun making their way towards your position, the coast guard fought valiantly to give you enough time to prepare against these creatures, make sure their sacrifice wasn't in vain. There mysterious forces that destroyed the Navy still haven't been identified, but investigations of the shipwrecks entail residue of sub-zero emissions and electric scarring. If you haven't already made barricades, best do it now, because this new wave is THREE TIMES as big as the last one. Make use of your powers and better intelligence, the rest is whether or not you have God on your side

Good Luck Heroes...
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 259
Location : The darkest corner with the best view
Age : 30
Humor : I am smiling
Registration date : 2011-03-07

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New York Assault - Brooklyn  Empty Re: New York Assault - Brooklyn

Post by Illya March 11th 2012, 8:01 pm


Another wave of zombies has begun to make their way through the sewer systems of Brooklyn, and the forces that were held off by Coast Guard have finished up the forces and begun making their way towards your location. You're all that's left of the resistance here in Brooklyn. Weather reports claim that there is a massive storm heading towards your location, but the energy signatures that we are getting from the storm are exactly the same as those that destroyed the Naval defenses on the outskirts of New York. Whatever is heading your way is something with immense power, if it is capable of generating this much with its mere presence. Try and clean up as much zombies as you can before it arrives, otherwise you will most likely be overrun. The scanners are stating that there are at least 5000 more zombies arriving at your location. Find a way to get rid of them fast, or you may fall before you ever get to see what is causing that storm.

Good Luck Heroes...
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 259
Location : The darkest corner with the best view
Age : 30
Humor : I am smiling
Registration date : 2011-03-07

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New York Assault - Brooklyn  Empty Re: New York Assault - Brooklyn

Post by Illya May 14th 2012, 8:52 pm


The storm formerly seen off the coast has finally reached the beaches of Brooklyn, and we finally have a visual on the source. The source appears to be some form of ship, more specifically, it appears to be some sort of pirate vessel like those from long ago. The ship seems to be able to bring forth the water into the borough and has flooded the waters. It appears to be manned by clones of a few superhumans, capable of unleashing lightning and ice, explaining the presence of the storm. The ship seems to be captained by an ominous figure, all details have been since lost with the survaillence equipment, but it seems to be the source of all the undead coming towards the city, so it is best to target it before it gets closer to Manhattan. We suggest only a small team deal with it, to make sure the rest of the city is safe.

This is it heroes, show them who's boss and protect the people of New York.

Bliss Clones
Strength: 1
Speed: 2
Durability: 2
Intelligence: 5
Energy Projection: 6
Fighting Skills: 5

Nightkill Clones
Strength: 2
Speed: 5
Durability: 2
Intelligence: 5
Energy Projection: 6
Fighting Skills: 2

We Salute You Heroes...
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Posting Apprentice

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 259
Location : The darkest corner with the best view
Age : 30
Humor : I am smiling
Registration date : 2011-03-07

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New York Assault - Brooklyn  Empty Re: New York Assault - Brooklyn

Post by Illya July 3rd 2012, 5:52 am


After reviewing the battle reports and all of the footage from the Battle of Brooklyn during the NYCA Assault, we have declared Brooklyn to be completely overrun by the zombie hordes that have attacked it. The streets have been flooded and all the major population centers have been destroyed in the oncoming assault. We would like to honor all those who died in its defense, and regret to say that all efforts to attempt rescue or aid have all been recalled. You're on your own Brooklyn, may God have mercy upon your souls.

Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 259
Location : The darkest corner with the best view
Age : 30
Humor : I am smiling
Registration date : 2011-03-07

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New York Assault - Brooklyn  Empty Re: New York Assault - Brooklyn

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