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The first test (private)

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The first test (private) Empty The first test (private)

Post by Mockingbird December 31st 2011, 12:39 am

The private jet rolled down the landing concrete landing strip to a stop close to the end. The white aircraft's steps came out so that the passengers inside could walk out onto the field surrounding the landing strip. There was a nearby tower and a small building for the benefit of the pilot. The tall grass of the surrounding field brushed against John's pants as he strolled towards the nice car that awaited him. Opening the door of the shiny black car, he slid into the leather chair on the passengers side. He was here for one reason and one reason only, to preform his first test. There was a group of teenage "superheroes" in the San Francisco area that would make the perfect test subjects. Sitting in the drivers seat of the car was his driver and assassin, Azazel. Azazel was known as Kurt until a few years ago before he made himself an assassin. He willingly participated in John's activities and had proved himself a loyal and successful soldier. After doing some research on this relatively new group of heroes, John had decided which he was going to use as added leverage for his games. His target was a boy who called himself Deluge. He had the ability to control water and had demonstrated many times that he could use it successfully and skillfully. The boy would make perfect leverage to make the group of heroes play his little game. They would most likely play anyway, seeing as it put civilians in harms way, but he had something planned for this boy.

The car stopped at his mansion just outside of San Francisco. He was not going to take his hostage here but he needed to retrieve something. He opened the Oak doors and stepped into the luxurious house. Walking up the marble staircase, he found his way to his room. Once inside, he made his way over to a cabinet and took an untraceable, disposable cell phone and left the house. he made his way back out to the black car where Azazel was waiting to drive him to the warehouse. About twenty minutes later, the car arrived at the abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of the city. Inside were a group of John's most loyal mercenaries. The car drove into the warehouse and Azazel stepped out, transferring to an unmarked, white van for him to catch Deluge. His sniper rifle was in the back of the car already so he did not have to waste time gathering it. Once John was inside the warehouse, under the protection of the mercenaries, Azazel sped off to initiate the plan. John on the other hand, made his way up to the managers office inside the warehouse and took a seat at the leather chair behind the wooden desk. Pulling a black ten inch tablet out from his briefcase, John proceeded to view through Azazel's mechanical eye. It was disguised to look like normal eye for the most part but no human eye could do what it could.

Azazel drove to the point where the Doctor had told him to. He was in an old alleyway behind a pub. In the back of the alley were a couple of thugs that he was supposed to give seven hundred dollars to. The leader accepted the money and nodded as he counted the green bills. The group of men walked out into the open square and drew out their pistols, threatening a couple of citizens. Perfect, the Professors' plan is falling into place. Azazel though to himself. Azazel made his way up the flights of stairs in an apartment building next to the square. On the roof of the building, he set up his rifle and loaded the tranquilizer darts into it. The gangsters down below were making a scene that Deluge would hopefully come to stop. Once he did, he would find a tranquilizer dart in his neck and he would be in the back of a van.

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The first test (private) Empty Re: The first test (private)

Post by Arcana December 31st 2011, 2:08 pm

Sean took a deep gulp of the drink in hand. He was trying to stop drinking since he was working with kids, and that was supposed to be bad or some shit. So he took the next best thing for him, carbonated soft drinks. It was his favorite of course. Mostly because sprite was the only type of drink his mother allowed him. Considering the ADHD, and how caffeine in some way made him uncontrollable. As if it ever really did that. Today was a peaceful day, considering what his usual days consisted of. No thugs to break shit, and force him to break their faces. Granted that was the fun part of his job. "maybe this wasn't such a bad idea?" He mused to himself, taking another draught of his drink. Today would be a good day. Afterall usually horoscopes didn't lie when it came to him. Wait, they totally did sometimes.

Atleast he was dressed for disaster. Blonde streaked black hair combed into a neat fashion, covering grey eyes. Wearing a simple white t-shirt, with a black Vest zipped up over it. Tight fitting black pants, complementing the simple black and white Chuck Taylors. Yupp it would be a good day. Well that was the case until he heard the commotion. It seemed that some thugs were causing a mess. Well that was a surprise. They had guns, and were robbing a young couple Though it was only about three of them.

It would be an easy enough task to deal with them.Gathering the moisture in the air, Sean formed a small whip in his hand. Walking towards the three, as attention came to him."Looks like you three are having some fun." Though they weren't fast enough to pull a gun on him. With a simple flick of his wrist, a gun was thrown to the ground. The other two drawing guns before Sean could do another thing. Well this was getting fun.

Last edited by Sean Collin on December 31st 2011, 3:48 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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The first test (private) Empty Re: The first test (private)

Post by Mockingbird December 31st 2011, 2:21 pm

Watching the boy, Deluge, come into his sight below, Azazel's eye produced a red laser sight that created a small red circle on the boy's neck. The rifle was under his arm and ready to fire a tranquilizer dart into the neck of the twenty one year old boy in front of him. The young boy should be an easy target for he skilled assassin. He may be able to manipulate water but that won't help him with something he can't see. Azazel watched as the boy took a gun from one of the thugs hands using a whip made of water. This was going according to plan and the thugs had done their job to draw him out. Now, it was Azazel's turn to tranquilize the boy and bring him back to the professor. Pulling the trigger, the dart came at full speed towards the neck of the boy below. Once it entered his neck and he was unconscious, the thugs would load him in the van as the last part of their job.

From his office at the warehouse, John watched what Azazel saw through his mechanical eye. The tablet that sat on The Professors lap was displaying what Azazel saw. John kept it on a small portion of the screen at the upper left corner while he turned on a movie. The movie wasn't particularly interesting but it was just to pass the time until his assassin returned with the boy and he could initiate the next phase of his plan.

Posting Master
Posting Master

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The first test (private) Empty Re: The first test (private)

Post by Arcana December 31st 2011, 5:40 pm

Sean saw this as only another day on the job. It would be easy to disarm the other two with a flick of his wrist, and that was what he was going to do. The two guys were too slow to stop him from knocking the guns from their hands with the elemental weapon. Metal clattering to the ground with a light sound. Leaving the, with a dumbfounded expression, mostly due to the ease with which he took them out. Maybe it was an act, who knew? Though next was beating them down brutally with a barrage of fist's. Before he could do so, a pain coursed through his neck. A hand ran up to the area, feeling the tranq with apprehension. This was a set up, and he figured it out too late. Just fucking great wasn't it? He cursed under his breath, willing himself to reach out and hit one of the thugs."Well, this is bullshit. Then it all faded to black.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2493
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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The first test (private) Empty Re: The first test (private)

Post by Mockingbird December 31st 2011, 7:35 pm

As the body of Deluge slumped to the ground, Azazel smiled and ran a hand through his brown hair. The hired thugs below dragged the hero into the back of the white, unmarked van. Azazel picked up his sniper rifle and made his way down the stairs of the apartment building. After he reached the bottom, he got into the drivers side of the van and drove off to the warehouse. The mercenaries opened up the shining silver doors so that he could drive the van inside. Once inside, he carried the hero up to the doctor`s office while two mercenaries filed into the back of the white van. "Marvelous, marvelous. Set him down in the chair Azazel and tie him up. We don`t want him getting away to easily." John said, gesturing to the chair on the other side of the room. Azazel bound the boy to the chair. He taped the boys body to the chair and handcuffed his wrists to the back of the chair. Not only were they handcuffed to the posts on the back, but also together. The young hero`s feet were bound in the same manner as well. "Now Azazel, go forward with the next part of the plan." Azazel followed the doctor`s orders and left the office.

Walking down the metal stairs and onto the concrete floor of the warehouse, Azazel walked back towards the van and climbed into the drivers seat once more. Two mercenaries were seated in the back of the van for the mission ahead. He drove them to an apartment building inside the city. It didn`t matter which apartment they entered so they entered the first apartment on the ground floor. One of the two mercenaries picked the lock on the door. Once the door was open, the trio walked into the apartment. Lying in bed was a man who was soon going to be part of the plan. Quickly, the mercenaries covered his mouth so that he couldn`t scream. Azazel then proceeded to jam a tranquilizer dart into the neck of the man lying before them. The man`s screams trailed off into unconsciousness and they loaded him into the back of the van. The group drove off to Sentinel tower where Azazel dropped off the cell phone for the group of heroes to play John`s game.

The tranquilizer they gave the man was a small dosage so he was awake in the van after the drop off. When he awoke, he found himself strapped in a vest covered in Semtex. "Now, you`re going to listen. We are going to drop you off in town square. Using the cell phone that we have given you, you will call the only number in the contact list in precisely one hour. You will tell them only what you read on the pager. Attempt to warn anyone about the bombs on you or get help and the sniper detonates them, got it?" Azazel asked the man as the mercenaries covered the bomb vest in a large jacket. One mercenary shoved him out of the car and into town square. The other mercenary went up a large office building to set up a sniper position on the roof. "The next piece is in place." Azazel told the doctor.

"Well done, Azazel. Return to the warehouse." The Professor ordered him.

Azazel listened and drove back to the old warehouse. They waited until the doctor paged the man with the bombs what to say. The phone that the Sentinels received would ring about now and the man would tell them "Hello Sentinels. As this stupid bastard is the first hostage, I will make this easy for you. A simple treasure hunt game and you can come save him. Find me the murder weapon used by the cab driver killer three weeks ago. You have seven hours. Call this number when you find it and text a picture."

John smiled from his office, the boy should be waking up soon but it didn`t matter, he was going to be the grand finale to this game. The murder weapon he spoke of was a special knife. It had a three inch blade and had the carving of a dragon on the handle of it. Now, he could entertain himself with his hostage until the Sentinels found the murder weapon which was hidden inside of a bottle at the killers apartment. The police were unable to find it but maybe these heroes or hero could.

Posting Master
Posting Master

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The first test (private) Empty Re: The first test (private)

Post by Ace January 1st 2012, 12:28 am

Ace was watching a old movie while he contemplated the use of hostages *What do you really have to gain from taking a hostage, i mean you can get people to pay a ransom or you could get someone to do your dirty work but other than that you only kill someone*.
Someone was shot on screen and Ace flinched *Wait a second, where's Sean?* Ace thought *He probably is still out drinking. Why do people drink, is it to get drunk or is it because you like the taste.* Ace was about to continue thinking about pointless things when he heard tyres screeching outside. He made his way down the stairs to the door, by the time he got out he could see a van speeding off in the distance, and a mobile on the ground. It had a label on it, it read To The Sentinels, He picked up the phone and instinctively checked the contact list, one number and that was it. Call Me *Its probably a trap* Ace thought *but someone could be in trouble* Ace dialled the number.

The man on the other end relayed a message to him, his voice was filled with fear and Ace thought it best not to ask questions. He turned on his earpiece in ear and Agent Sullivan crackled into his ear, "Ace, Whats up?" Sullivan asked
"We seem to have a problem, if i don't solve this puzzle someone will get killed"
"What's the puzzle?"
"The Cab Driver killer-"
"You need to find the murder weapon don't you"
"Thankfully, i have a list of locations here that i could be held at,i'l send them over to your phone" Ace's Mobile buzzed in his pocket, he opened the attachment, a list of five locations, two green, two amber and one red "The colours indicate how hard it will be to search the place" The greens were Abandoned warehouses, the ambers, taxi-cab depots and the red was the alleged killers apartment, Where the alleged killer still was The closest was an abandoned warehouse three blocks down.
"Also" Ace said into the mic "I only have 7 Hours to finish it, so il need some sort of transportation" As soon as Ace said this a nearby garage opened revealing a shiny black motorcycle
"Will that do?"Sullivan asked Ace smugly
"Perfect" Ace said as he slipped the helmet over his head. He mounted the Motorcycle and revved the engine pulling out on to the street, weaving in and out of traffic, Ace was scared of the bike falling over at first but soon got the knack of it, *It's like riding a pushbike* Ace thought while dodging a Volvo *A very fast dangerous pushbike*

He pulled up at the warehouse, abandoned as stated, He searched for a while but found nothing, "Damn I guess i need to move on" He walked outside only to be confronted by a policeman standing next to his motorbike "Shoot" Ace said under his breath

"Do you have a license, sir?" the cop asked, cocking his eyebrow Ace walked within talking distance of the cop, and the bike.
"Of course i do" Ace reached into his pocket, gathering some electricity in his fists."Its right here" Ace hit the cop with a crack, the cop fell to the ground alerting passing citizens "Its ok" Ace reaches into the cops pocket pulling out the ID badge,"Im an Undercover Cop, and this man was an impostor." The citizens seemed to accept this and continued to go about their daily routines. Ace dragged the guy back into the warehouse and handcuffed him to a pipe, taking his walkie-talkie and putting on his best american accent "This is Alpha Delta Juliet, We have an impostor in the abandoned warehouse on Second street, I request backup" Ace said into the walkie-talkie before crushing it under his foot. Ace got on his bike and burned rubber, he checked his watch, he spent more time there then he thought "2 hours left, Damn" Ace decided to go for the red, even if it wasn't there he could question the owner.

Ace arrived at the apartment, 1 hour left. Ace ran up the stairs up to the apartment door and let himself in, by let himself in i mean he electrified the doorknob and jumped through it to the other side. The bad thing was the killer was on the other side, even worse he had a gun in his hands "So they sent you to kill me, i thought i would be a bigger threat than to have a kid after me" the man lowered the gun and reached over to a tabletop grabbing a bottle,"Im going to kill you like i killed the others, Show them that i mean business" the man took a knife out the bottle. Ace smiled "So you don't think you can beat a kid in a fist fight" Ace cocked an eyebrow "Some killer, I understand why they only sent me"Ace could see the rage in the mans eyes as he dropped the knife and got in a boxers pose, Ace dodged a lazy sucker punch and returned with a punch to the gut, the man keeled over and Ace brought his knee to his face the man flew backwards, his face was heavily bruised. Ace checked his watch 15 minutes left, he reached into his pocket the phone was still there, he took a photo of the knife and sent it to the number accompanied with the text Its done, Let the hostage go.

Sullivan bursted into his ear, "Ace, are you done?"
"Yes its all done"
"What was the weapon?"
"It was a knife, ill bring it in to you once i'm finished here" Ace took the knife and put it back in the bottle, he was exhausted "Its been a long day" Ace took the knife and the bike back to Sullivan's apartment, it wasn't that far from there so i seemed the best place to go. While Sullivan analysed the knife Ace laid down on the couch.

Last edited by Ace on January 1st 2012, 10:25 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Finished up the 7 Hours)

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The first test (private) Empty Re: The first test (private)

Post by Arcana January 3rd 2012, 5:17 pm

The darkness loomed over him like an ever oppressive dictator. Keeping him down under its powerful waves that didn't let up for a second. Whoever was responsible for this, would pay soon enough. Soon enough, he could feel himself resurface from the oppressive darkness. Though it would not be best for him to simply wake up, and act. After all, only an idiot would do something so rash. Barring that he had moments where he did questionable things. "First,have to test if i'm restrained." Of course it would be difficult if he were dealing with a criminal mastermind. Damn, he sure got himself into a tight spot. With a minute flex of his wrist, Sean felt out what was being used to bind his wrist. With each calculated breath, he could feel the constrict of the tape, as well as the handcuffs. Most likely it would be beyond anything he could break with physical strength. Though his power was another matter entirely. The air was moist enough, so he could start.

Pulling a small bit from the air, he began his plan. Keeping it small enough to avoid the eyes of his captor, though there was little he could do to hide the sign of him using his hydrokinesis. Except closing his eyes of course. The water bit into the metal with an immense amount of pressure, weakening it, but not breaking it. Slicing the surface of the tape binding him, only enough to break if he put all his strength into it. Of course this would be a dangerous plan, but Sean was always the one to take chances.

"What...the......hell?" He muttered, somewhat drowsily. Only half faking the effects of the tranq.

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Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
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Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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The first test (private) Empty Re: The first test (private)

Post by Mockingbird January 4th 2012, 8:38 pm

As John Aliquam awaited a call from the Sentinels, his captive stirred in his chair. "Oh, I almost forgot to give you your gift." He said as he left the room for a few minutes. Running down to his car, he pulled out a power nullifying collar fron the trunk. It was black with a couple of knobs and a switch on it. It would help keep the boy upstairs no threat to him. Running back up the metal stairs, John snatched a ski mask from on top of a wooden box and slid it over his face. As he re entered the office, his prisoner would be unable to see his face. Once inside the room, John slid the collar over his head and locked it around his neck. As he flicked the switch, the collar made a whirring sound as it started up. He three knobs with the colored lights on them flashed to tell him it was activated. The boy had no powers any more. It was about now that Azazel would be initiating the next phase of the plan.

The ruthless assassin Azazel Made his way across the city, searching for the perfect person to kidnap for the Professor. He had the perfect hunting grounds. He was not in his normal car but in a taxi. People trust taxi drivers every days. They get in their cars without question. It was the perfect way for him to abduct someone. The rain beat on the windshield and glass of the windows. A man in his twenties ran to the car and got inside. He said thank you and pain Azazel before he felt a tranquilizer dart enter his neck. The man sunk tot he floor, unconscious, until about an hour later when he awoke with a bomb strapped to his chest. Azazel gave him instructions identical to the ones he gave the last man and shoved him out into a busy hotel that was hosting a banquet on the other side of town from the other hostage that was rigged with explosives.

Back at the warehouse, John received the text message from the Sentinels and texted them the location of the man that was strapped in Semtex. He then sent them a new message with his new voice. The man would tell the Sentinels member "Very good, very good indeed. You solved my puzzle just in time. It took you nine hours to solve my last puzzle, this time you have eight hours. Find me the serial killer that the police nicknamed the crossword killer. He is no longer with the police and has escaped his prison. Find him and you can save this man." John knew the mans name already as he was the man who had paid him to do the job. His name was Michael Yew and he was not in the custody of the police any longer. He had recently escaped from prison and now it was the job of this Sentinel to find the man. John on the other hand cold entertain himself with his captive while Azazel will decide on his next target for the next of his games.

Posting Master
Posting Master

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 476
Age : 25
Registration date : 2011-10-04

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The first test (private) Empty Re: The first test (private)

Post by Ace January 5th 2012, 10:33 pm

Ace's back pocket buzzed, it was the phone, again. Ace hated the person doing this, he was going to be put through his paces, he could feel it. Ace sat up "The Crossword killer?" Ace Asked "He's escaped has he?" Sullivan Nodded and started to type frantically in his computer, "Before you go can i ask you something, why do you take hostages, what do you have to gain?" While he was on the phone, he opened his texts, coordinates to somewhere. Ace picked up a notepad and wrote on it [i]You find the killer im going to [Coords Here] seeing if i can find a clue this thing, once you find him text me and restrain him[i] He ripped off the pad and put it on Sullivan's desk and headed out to his bike. Navigating his way through side streets to making the way to the coordinates. He arrived at a town square, it was bustling with people, anyone could be the hostage or the captor, he had to be discrete or the hostage could be blown to pieces. Ace walked into an alleyway and climbed the piping, *From up here i can see anything suspicious* Ace thought *it might be a while*

Sullivan looked at the computer screen, there he was, the infamous crossword killer, He was smart alright, very smart. His flaw was , he left clues and if you leave clues, usually other people follow them. His clues hadn't stopped when he escaped prison, clues led to his current place of residence "Who uses the house of their last victim?" Sullivan said to himself then all Sullivan had to do was find a nearbye camera and activate it to check. Sullivan got in his car, a 1975 Jaguar E-Type, it was his grandfathers, passed down to him in his will. Sullivan revved the engine and pulled out of the driveway, despite it being an old car, it was maintained well and it still was fast, even by todays standards. He sped through the city streets, police siren wailing behind him, He didn't care, speeding tickets were no problem and if the cops pulled him over then he would flash his badge at them, that seems to help alot most of the time. Sullivan took a hard right and then a left, the smell of burning rubber filled the air as he drove past. He pulled up at Mr Yews last victims house,sorted out the cops and took a M1911A1 pistol from the trunk of his car. He bashed the door in and spoke "Hello Mr Yew"

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Post Adept
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The first test (private) Empty Re: The first test (private)

Post by Arcana January 6th 2012, 6:32 pm

The feel of the collar around his neck felt somewhat restricting. As if his very being was being strangled, and pushed down. As if he were getting weaker somehow, though how that was happening he didn't know. It most likely only meant one thing, and one thing only. That he had found a way to stop his power. It was that or that he was just reacting to the tranqulizers. Hopefully it was just the latter. " A collar and mask? Seems like someones playful today." Sean said, with a heavy coat of sarcasm. Raising a pierced eyebrow at the masked man, grinning slyly. If Sean knew one thing, it was to piss off his captors, or turn them on.

Though either was fine as long as he got out. Though sometimes they ignored his quips and went on with whatever. Hopefully it was the second one. Things usually didn't go his way, but not problem in trying. "So, whats your plan? Ransom me for obscene amounts of money, or do you just want to make em sweat? I think its the latter, but villains always have their devices. Wait, are you one of those guys who don't like being called a villain even though you do things morally wrong in the eyes of society? They are always a riot." Now Sean was rammbling, to a man that could kill him with the pull of a trigger. That was neither safe, nor was it smart. Though that was Sean, and he tended to do that.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2493
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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The first test (private) Empty Re: The first test (private)

Post by Mockingbird January 7th 2012, 10:19 pm

Michael Yew, the infamous Crossword Killer, sat in the house of his latest victim. His sponsor, John Aliquam, had told him to be there at the house for some "guests". One hour ticked by, then another, and another as Michael watched the computer monitor. The screen was showcasing various shots of the street surrounding the house and all the entrances into the house. He was Going to be prepsred for his guest or guests. John had not told him how many to expect. Laid out on the table in front of him was his collection of Knives were his preferred method of killing people. He enjoyed watching them suck in their last breath and watch the life disappear from their eyes. In their last moments of life, people showed you who they really are. He enjoyed knowing that he knew. The knives on the desk varied in size, colours and designs occasionally. There was a red handled knife with a four inch blade, a black handled one that had a silver blade that was six inches long. Continuing down the row, there was a bronze bladed knife with a red handle; this one had a dragon design carved into the hilt. The one laying beside that one had a jade handle. And at the very end of the row was a can opener. It was an odd choice for a weapon but it worked and that was all that mattered.

He could see a man walking towards the front door. Grabbing the knife with the jade handle, the Crossword Killer hid next to the door. The man smashed in the white wooden door and was immediately jumped by the killer. If his attack was successful, his knfe would dig into the mans neck. It felt so good to do it, so right. He believed that it freed them of the burden of life but that was just what he said to keep himself sane. He did not really believe it but enjoyed it instead. If his attack on the man was unsuccessful, then he woudl proceed to run and hurl the blade at his chest for the kill. It didnt matter if it killed him or not, he would die eventually. Michale would get his hands on another knife to continue the fight after the blade was thrown.

Meanwhile, John sat in his office with a talet computer on his lap. Turning off the movie that was playing on the tablet, he opened up the ereader application on the device. The touchscreen shifted to the book that now laid before him. To answer the question that the Sentinel askedd, the hostage would respond with "knowledge." His hostage came around enough to speak what John assumed was an attempt at gay humor. Well, it could be any sexual humor if the two people in the room were not both men. "Ransom you? No, dont be obvious. I have all he money that i require for life. No, no, no, ransoming you is simple. I am not a simple man. You are going to be my ace in the hole. Villain brings to mind so many stereotypes that i do not fit. I prefer consulting criminal." he answered to the young man's question.

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The first test (private) Empty Re: The first test (private)

Post by Ace January 11th 2012, 4:08 am

Sullivan was greeted with a knife to the neck, he deflected it with his hand, it cut into his hand quite deeply. He ignored the pain and proceeded to turn his attention back to the man who proceeded to throw a knife at his chest, it wouldn't kill him but it would hurt and probably not help his fight. With lighting fast reflexes he tried to shoot the knife, it wasn't a direct hit as he hoped but it had clipped it and changed its trajectory, it landed at his feet. "My turn" Sullivan smiled, he rose his gun to Yew's head "Now what your going to do is, get in that corner and put yourself in the fetal position or you'l be hoping there are crossword puzzles in hell" Sullivan ordered "Keep your hands where i can see them, i don't want you whipping anything out on me". Sullivan's earpiece crackled, Ace's voice was loud and clear,"Have you found him?" He asked
"I've found him alright, how goes finding the hostage"
"I think i've found them, but i cant really do anything without someone killing someone, Im going to come help you out, where are you?" Sullivan gave him the address and signed off.

Ace jumped down from the top of the building and went back through the crowd, one little slip up and all of these people could be dead, since joining the sentinels he's had a lot of problems but never had other peoples lives in his hands *But they aren't in your hands are they, their in this- this villain's game* Ace thought to himself *Your Just a pawn in his game, you, Sullivan and all the other poor bastards he's roped into this*, "Im going to kill whoever's done this" Ace said to himself while walking back to his bike "Well kill is a strong word, how about severely injure and put behind bars for a long time." Ace mounted his bike and slipped the helmet over his head, revving the engine before starting off. He started weaving through alleyways and side streets startling a colony of rats as he drove by, he dialled 911 and got put through to the local police department. "Hello" A gruff voice said on the other end of the line, Ace could imagine he had a moustache "Hello, i have information on the recent escapee, Michael Yew, The Crossword Killer. he's currently situated at 64 Lombard Street, San Francisco." Ace heard the squeaking of an office chair on the other side of the line
"How did you acquire this information?" Asked the man on the other end of the line
"You'll find that all out when you get him won't you, also i suggest you interrogate him, i believe he has information on something bigger."Ace hung up, he looked at his watch "4 hours left" he said to himself. He pulled up at the house not knowing what to expect.

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The first test (private) Empty Re: The first test (private)

Post by Arcana January 11th 2012, 9:51 pm

It seemed this man had more composure than he thought. Which only made this far more interesting. Flexing his wrists, Sean tested the strength of the slightly worn handcuffs. They would break if he applied his full force. Compliments of wearing down them with his powers before they were most likely weakened. Still, Sean would go with his favored tactic of annoyance, if this guy did have a limit. "A consulting criminal eh? Wouldn't most idiots in this society call you a villain anyway? Afterall, you do less than legal things from what I can tell, considering I don't remember kidnapping being legal, in the United States atleast, but thats besides the point." He raised an eyebrow, scanning the man who had control os the situation.

If he wanted to, he could break free and try to contend with the man infront of him. Though what he could do had yet to be known, so it was a dangerous risk indeed. It wasn't as bad as the time when he was kidnapped by those goons, but was a very close second. Why did he have to get himself in these situations? It was obvious the man had plans for Sean, but what they were made him uneasy indeed. " This is not good at all." Sean moaned mentally, chewing on his lower lip.

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The first test (private) Empty Re: The first test (private)

Post by Mockingbird January 12th 2012, 8:30 pm

The Crossword Killer, Michael Yew, crouched into a fetal position in the corner. He may b e crazy but he was not going to die today. He had plans. He enjoyed pain and killing others, not getting killed himself. The police would take him into custody which was part of his benefactors plans. He was to give them a clue to find an object th e John possessed. Once he did that, they would have the rest of the time to find the flashdrive that John was after and email him the contents. Michael was to escape and get the flashdrive before escaping so John would have the only copies. The flashdrive had schematics for a secret missile that had not reached production yet. Unfortunately for them, this was going to be harder than they thought. The missile plans flashdrive was in an envelope that was being kept by the government. In this envelop there were two flashdrives. One had the plans, the other had a virus that would destroy the computer it is plugged into. They would get to choose which one was the right one. Michael saw this as pointless as he may not get the misile plans if they put in the wrong flashdrive; but John had weird reasons for things his opinion.

John meanwhile was watching as the member of the superhero group, the Sentinels, through the security cameras from the tablet computer that rested on his lap. The prisoner spoke again, John listening but not looking up as he kept watching the boy try and save the hostages like a dog chases cars. Speaking to the other member of the same group, John said "Its not legal; but neither is what you do. You may believe that you are helping people but have you ever considered that these so called villains are all your fault. Would most of them even exist if it wasn't for so called heroes like you?" the question that John asked would probably keep the hostage thinking for a while. During this time, John would be able to watch as these pawns of his play his little game. Everyone was a pawn in his game. No one had gotten to be anything more. No one deserved it. They were all manipulated by John, they may not know it but it was true. And if they were not, they soon would be. Groups will be at his disposal, armies of a thousands that follow his command. Then he can begin his plan and back up plans. Tis was just the first test, there were many more to come. In other cities, for other heroes, other captives, but they will all end the same; with John getting closer to the completion of his plan.

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The first test (private) Empty Re: The first test (private)

Post by Ace January 14th 2012, 5:09 am

Ace Arrived on the scene, Sullivan had it under control the man, who he could only assume was the crossword killer was curled up in the corner "Looks like you have this all under control" Ace said as he got out the phone "Your lucky your not dead Mr Yew, i may not be allowed to kill but Sullivan is under no restriction" Ace took a picture of the man and sent it in a text to the captor Done, But i assume you aren't, you probably have some big master plan to end the world, its not going to work, Hell you cant even face a 14 year old alone, you have to come up with some way to test him without facing him, some evil villain you are. Ace texted, intimidation tactics, they'd probably get him killed but they were usually effective. Ace looked around the room, it was a bit of a dingy old apartment, a table and couch in the middle of the room, on the table there was an assortment of knifes, a can opener and a laptop showing surveillance of the nearby streets.

The police arrived and took him into custody, Ace thought it might be over, but he was wrong, very wrong.

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