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The hunter, the wood prince and a rival

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INV ONLY Re: The hunter, the wood prince and a rival

Post by Demonhunter December 30th 2021, 6:26 pm

Rai gives a short huff realizing these people were not about to clear out in her say so. This was more like the treatment she was used to from Dis, however she steels her nerves to back away from a human threat. These people were not welcome here and she stands a bit straighter.

“You will leave or you will bleed. Those who wish to keep their teeth should leave now.” He voice still with no inflection of anything. No excitement, nor fear.

Only Aria’s voice led her to finally feel the threat behind her. “Oh. Hey. No, no Cebra.” Rai shrugs as if she didn’t just threaten a room full of bikers within an inch of their lives. “I will compete if you like.” She smiles as the gang begins to close in. She assesses the surroundings before drawing both scythes, but rather than cleaving a man in two she tossed one into the wood of the ceiling and another into an opposite wall. Meanwhile she clutches Grimmorah’s glass figurine in her fingers.

She steps forward as she lets the figurine fall to the ground and the stench of hellfire and brimstone fills the bar. Glass shattering along the feet of the bikers the hellish image of a stallion resting, hooves pawing and glass teeth gnashing cruely against bare bone jaws as the deadly steed manifests, but only partially and fades away into smoke and haze to get the men off Rai’s back.

Meanwhile, she had lept forward, pouncing onto a biker like a wild cat on some poor animal, fist driving down into the crown of his head and knocking him back into one of his knife wielding compatriots. A barstool comes flying on her direction only for her to catch it and hurl it right back clocking a guy in the head and sending him crumbling into a few more. A brave man decides to take a swing at her just as her outline begins to fade green and she blinks to the scythe staked into the rafters, crouching on the wooden handle as she selects who to leap on. She leaps taking her scythe with her and sending the shaft cracking into a huge stone man’s face, taking the nose clean off like the Sphinx.

“I count three so far.” Rai counts as she selects her next target and pouncing back into the crowd. Choosing to pick off the most aggressive first, but ending up catching a knife beneath her left armpit and tearing a decent sized gash across her collar bone. She hisses in pain and lashes out, catching him along the side of his face with clawed hand. Although considered vestigial, a reavers class could still sheer through human flesh with ease. The man reels back having lost an eye but managing to wound the reaver. Shaking her hand she cringes as her darker-than-human colored blood drips down her arm and between her fingers in a steady stream. Tilting her head she comes to the conclusion she can keep fighting just to be a bit more aware of who she jumps on.

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INV ONLY Re: The hunter, the wood prince and a rival

Post by Cerek December 31st 2021, 11:27 pm

Aria watches Rai attack like a vicious kitty and cocks an eyebrow, fascinating she thinks to herself. Her eyes shift to the left and right as she opens another beer on the table with her telekinesis. This one she nurses slowly as she looks up the gang members around her with mild interest. "Three huh? I better get started geez." After witnessing what Rai was capable of they took Aria seriously, two came at her from either. Big boys of some insect mutation variety, four arms on each of them swung for Aria. She didn't even look at them when she dodged in between their blows like water, she was simply untouchable as she even took another sip. The sling of her foot into one of their armored guts with such a solid kick sounded like a gunshot as he went flying back into a wall. She slowly lowers her leg back down like it's a pistol going back in the holster before looking around at the shocked faces. "Well come on then, all of you at once please. I'd rather not lose this bet."

Not yet learning their lesson they start to rush Aria pulling knives, pool cues and a variety of weapons. She dodges under one swing and sweeps the feet of one mutant woman, before she hits the ground Aria is already back up with her incredible agility and smashes her down into the wood board flooring . One grabs her from behind in a full nelson as two more swing and pound Aria in the face and stomach getting a pained grunt from her. "... Ok, well I guess only Wolf boy makes me tingle anymore." She sighs oddly enough before flipping the one holding her over her shoulder. As she's rushed it's clear Aria isn't fearful and is use to fighting in this manner, she makes her style of combat look as easy as walking .

Seeing Rai get cut distracts her for a moment "You alright sweety? I'm catching up by the way." She weaves through three of the thugs, her limbs move in a web with the three other gangsters tangling in such ways that she disables their ability to hit her a few times. They get confused trying to hit her only to have Aria redirect their swing, even making them hit each other until two are knocked out and one is left. The same big beetle boy or his twin possibly. Aria grabs his shoulders and absolutely smashes his gut with her knee, he keels over gasping for air. Feeling mean she locks his head between her thighs "Let's go for a ride cowboy!" With one hand she lifts him and WOOSH! BOOM! A one handed pile driver. Aria appears to be more lively as the fight goes on "AHH! Rai! Isn't this great!"

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INV ONLY Re: The hunter, the wood prince and a rival

Post by Demonhunter January 10th 2022, 8:13 pm

Rai’s tail lashes as she catches an incoming man by the throat. He coughs and gags when the reaver pulls him down to eye level with her and choosing to beat one mother fucker with another mother fucker. She hauls the man back and shoves him down into a squirrely looking biker who was also trying to approach Rai with a knife, of course this results in one man accidentally stabbing another as he was thrust upon him.

With light hesitation, Rai felt bad for a moment, she didn’t actually want to kill anyone here. She tries to get a better look to make sure she didn’t do too much damage but ends up getting grappled instead. She instinctively jerks her head back, which sends her spiraling horns right up under the brute’s jaw, the spike jamming up through and poking out the side of his cheek as he drops her, holding his steadily bleeding face. “Uh, oops. I’m okay, but some of them aren’t” She mumbles as he slumps away from the fight. Rai blinks out of existence to a different scythe and cracking her fist across the back of a bamboozled biker’s head.

“Yeah… great. How do I not hurt them so bad?” Rai calls, realizing she’d hurt two of them pretty badly and borderline maimed one in the face on accident. “I did lose count though. I think I’m at six.” She calls out just as one decides to break a pool que over her head which didn’t actually to that much as she rocks a fist back into his nose, breaking it but sending him off holding his face and cursing. “Seven.”
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INV ONLY Re: The hunter, the wood prince and a rival

Post by Cerek January 18th 2022, 10:52 pm

Aria takes a moment to see how Rai is doing, her deadpan is intense at this point. Seeing the mess Rai made is one of the reasons Aria would prefer to train her rather than have her blunder around if she became unarmed. Looking around she can't really pass too much judgement. What Rai did by accident Aria did out of overstimulation, from a crater in the floor to a destroyed wall. "Well we'll work on that some other day sweety." A twinge of anxiety in her tone. "Seven? Huh shit that's cutting it pretty close, let' seee one, two three, four..." In a snap of a reaction Aria suddenly pounds the beetle boy back down to the ground as he tries to get up. "... So all together nine? I'll recount later." There was a certain quiet now as the rest of the assailants consider the idea of retreating or going on. Besides a little bump and scratch on Rai the two girls looked unfazed.

It was then that their leader decided to play dirty. during the scuffle he ran himself behind the bar and grabbed one of bartenders holding them now at gun point. "ENOUGH! THAT"A ENOUGH! FUCK!" He stands behind the bartender who's scared out of her wits and shoves the barrel against her head. "You two are gonna calm the fuck down and back off you understand?" His voice was shaky and very hostile, anything could make him go off at this point. Aria was quiet as she shifted her gaze to their leader with an overwhelmingly hostile expression. "All we wanted was to move in and make a nice new home for ourselves, being forced out of the city and all. But no one here seems to be neighborly, no one lends a cup of sugar... So let me make this clear." Aria having heard enough of this mans whining and threats gets an idea. Seeing Rai positioned behind the leader where she was gave her the perfect angle, the only thing is would Rai catch on?

Aria considered using her telekinesis to seize the weapon but it only takes a slight twitch the wrong way for that trigger to fire. Aria sighs and raises her hands in surrender, but behind the villain one of the rum bottles opens and spills out all over the leaders face. He gets distracted and drops his guard for a moment, that's when Aria strikes. With a burst of speed she leaps over the counter, the lizard man swings at Aria and misses, though his strike takes out a huge chunk of the bar counter. Aria delivers a kick to his side and chest that make him stumble, followed by gripping his tail and tossing him near to Rai before he could recover.
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Quote : Ho ho ho to the bottle I go! To heal my heart and drown my woes

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INV ONLY Re: The hunter, the wood prince and a rival

Post by Demonhunter January 24th 2022, 8:07 pm

Rai was a bit preoccupied canning goons when she perked up at the boss. He was rambling but threatening an innocent woman. With another low, grumbling droll from the throat she growls as if she’d seen a demon. She may be new to fist fights and unarmed combat, but what she was not new to, was operating with others. Rai immediately realizes the favorable position she was in with Aria’s engage.

She dips her head, horns tilting toward the man in a light concession, waiting for Aria’s move. Just as she comes over the bar she ducks to the side letting him stumble back into the pool table and readying a nasty blow to the left side of his face. Her form had improved a bit, but mostly through sheer luck, she did notice the ease of motion due to more correct technique. She didn’t even give him a minute to recover before she was on him, hitting him again upside the right side of the head. Giving one more bone crunching blow she hauls him up. He flails, fist slamming into her stone skin as if hitting a rock.

Throwing him over her shoulder with the strength that betrayed her body and throws him back into the splintered wood of the bar with an angered groan, throwing him back into Aria’s part of the bar, tail lashing as she realized she quite enjoyed this game of bad-guy-tennis. “He’s back to you for now.” She huffs, waiting for the game to continue. She recalls both scythes, but settles them back into their holds at her sides.
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INV ONLY Re: The hunter, the wood prince and a rival

Post by Cerek January 27th 2022, 3:48 pm

Despite the fit Cebra would no doubt throw at the collateral damage the two caused, it seemed worth it to Aria for a little fun. Bouncing around the scaled thug between Rai and herself was the most amusing thing they had done as friends. Ever the show off Aria had to show Rai the as she would call it "cool" moves she could pull off and one day have Rai learn in her own way. As he came flying at Aria she uses her leg like a pinball lever and kicks him directly up into the air on a ninety degree angle from where he came at her. He comes back down, but before hitting the ground Aria sends a series of rapid windmill kicks upwards into his gut. Her spins are so quick it's hard to keep up with how many times she hit the mutant, she ends in a one handed handstand as the Lizard boy is held up by Aria's foot balancing him on it. Just to add a little more vinegar to the humiliating wound Aria literally begins to juggle the creep with her feet and spin him like a ball.

Having had her fun she looks at Rai from her upside down position "Not bad huh? I kind of feel like I could join the circus." She chuckles at her own humour for a moment, perhaps the booze had tickled her mind as well. "I think it's time we wrapped this up and kicked these cunts out of town yeah?" Aria launches the Lizard man at Rai like a fly ball, set up easy for her to put down.
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Quote : Ho ho ho to the bottle I go! To heal my heart and drown my woes

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INV ONLY Re: The hunter, the wood prince and a rival

Post by Demonhunter January 31st 2022, 9:22 pm

“What is a circus?” Rai blurts, kind of ruining her cool, bad-girl persona that was barely hanging on by a thread. It had stalled her for a second, but luckily the other bikers were so spooked they didn’t dare take advantage of the moment. Instead she notices Aria’s heads up and crouches as the brute flies through the air at her.

She leaps, driving her elbow down into the man’s sternum and sending him into the floor, splintering boards and bones alike in a loud crash. Rai lands on the man, but on her feet as he groans under the relatively small weight. The reaver just hops down, leaning over him as her tail lashes in curiosity. “Are you going to leave now?” She asks, as if there was really an option. “I think your friends are done fighting too.” She huffs, looking around to the mostly emptied bar. Those who were left were working on pulling their friends from the wreckage, however she did notice the silvery sheen of human blood along the ground. Usually this would be enough to make her have an angry chill, but she remembered where it’d come from.

Part of her wondered if this was the way she was supposed to be, humans were to be protected… but what was she supposed to do when they needed protection from each other?
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INV ONLY Re: The hunter, the wood prince and a rival

Post by Cerek February 6th 2022, 3:41 pm

It was at that moment that Cebra walked into the bar, he walked past some downed thugs writhing in pain or otherwise trying to recover themselves. One cheeky bugger had a huge wad of bills in his pocket and tried to escape after robbing the cash register, Cebra easily dealt with him as he ran by with a swift rifle butt to the side of the head. The only response to Rai was Cebra frustrated "Ahem!" Aria immediately started on Cebra now on her third beer "Hey hey hey hey don't start crying okaaay? It's not as bad as it looks. ALSO, Not our fault. We gave them every chance to back down and leave all quietly." Aria walking towards Cebra trips over a body and smashes her beer bottle in a guys face to a pained and wailing response. "Oh shit my bad dude." As she rubs some glass from the thugs face and continues towards Cebra. Cebra on the other hand simply stands there and stares behind his metallic mask.

Cebra walks past Aria and up to Rai, it certainly doesn't take vision to feel the waves disapproval coming off of Cebra's body as he looks down at Rai standing directly in front of her. "Hm... You and I are going to have a very long discussion later." Cebra turns his head back to look at Aria "We all are. I can't believe... Ugh." As he looks around at the battlefield . Cebra grabs one of the knives on the floor, the metallic knife immediately turns into a swarm of tiny metal balls all charged with Saxon energy. The balls fly out to other metal weapons and turn them all into liquid, the liquid metal shapes itself into two hoops linked by a chain. The makeshift cuffs fly around the room targeting their wrists and binding hands. It's not long before the police arrive on scene and begin arresting the gang.

Cebra can't be completely angry at these two, they did help albeit in a highly and needlessly destructive manner. Aria sits on a stool having made herself a harder drink while Cebra finishes talking with Sherriff Stratford and clearing up their story. Later Cebra and Elma would have to work on a cover story for how some regular cops dealt with this threat. "Well I suppose you two did an alright job, I do wish the bar wasn't a wreck though. It's going to be a few days before I can get to work on this mess... Although." He removes his mask finally and swipes his hair aside "You two will make the job a lot easier." Aria snorts and rum comes out her nose "Whoa whoa whoa I have like double shift at the zoo tomorrow dude, I can't..." Aria looks at the grim stone of Cebra's face as he glares her down. "... Yeah fine." Cebra already knows Aria is banished from this bar and shouldn't press her luck. "Rai, I trust you have no problem with this?"
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INV ONLY Re: The hunter, the wood prince and a rival

Post by Demonhunter February 6th 2022, 8:57 pm

Rai looks around as cops begin leading men away in cuffs, only slightly confused as to why Cebra was upset with her. She’d only done what Aria told her to. “I did tell them to leave. It got me stabbed.” She chirps, as if not necessarily seeing Cebra was a bit peeved, although she did admit the bar was a mess when they were done with it. Splintered wood and broken glass scattered along the ground like rain and the shimmer of silvered blood everywhere although she was very careful not to actually kill anyone.

She notices as the cops begin hauling out goons, one in particular stands out. The same woman from the road who’s friend got hurt really bad earlier. Just as she was about to ask, Cebra and Aria had caught her attention at the bar as Cebra had implied she’d be helping fix the bar. “I can do that.” She chirps as if not necessarily realizing this was an attempt to get her to regret her actions. Rather she just saw this as the next task on an unrelated list,like Cebra’s farm chores. Feeding the ducks had no bearing on feeding the cows, just as destroying the bar had no bearing on fixing it too. “... Hey Aria… when did we crash a hole in the wall?” She asks, accent thickening just a bit as she was trying to remember who or what might have been thrown through it. Either way it was a fleeting thought as the woman from earlier made another trip in to arrest another goon.

“Hey. Um. Is your friend alright? From earlier?” She awkwardly asks, not really knowing what to expect. Getting to hear about victims of the past was not a luxury she often got, usually her job would require her to move on to the next fight without actually knowing if the person she’d just saved was actually safe.
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INV ONLY Re: The hunter, the wood prince and a rival

Post by Cerek February 16th 2022, 4:11 pm

Ceba gets up and excuses himself from the womens company as he heads off to get a report of all the damage caused in town. He had taken it upon himself to be the towns unofficial repair service. It was a bit of a complication at times concerning the paperwork that needed to be falsified to hide Cebra's true identity from unfriendly outsiders. But the benefits to the town as well as a lot of sentimental attachment to him was worth the risk. Aria chugs her drink in record time finally feeling some effects of the drink as her head bobs left and right "Hole in the whuh?" As she looks over to the massive gape in the wall. "Oof! That looks bad, ugh. Anyways I should head back home, think I've overstayed my welcome here for now." Some of the employees speaking with officers occasionally turn their heads about and point at Aria.

The officer turns to Rai "Oh you, um thank you for your help and everything. I don't know what would have ahem. Yes he's going to be alright, the wounds were non life threatening." The inconsistent shaky tone of her words eluding to her ongoing worry of her partner. The leader of these gang members looks around angrily as his comrades are taken away "You think this is over?! You're gonna have to deal with a lot more than us soon enough you prickssssss!" A malevolent hiss followed his words before two officers force him into a police van. Cebra overhears this making sure none of the gang can see his face as he converses with arriving fire fighters and ambulance technicians. He can't help but wonder if Gratten is going to be caught in some gang crossfire now. The prospect of this made the wheels in his mind turn all the faster, how could he avoid all of this now?

The hours rolled on and grew late once again at 1:00AM. Aria had said her goodbyes and returned home, Cebra was still up checking the automated defensive turrets as per his usual chores, also the wood and wire fencing. The thought of more violence coming to town was gnawing at him, he had resolved now to fight whatever force that may be inbound on his terms and on their soil. He would investigate the Dynasty gang, the Russian gang and any affiliates in the city. The other problem was Rai and what if any role she could play or be willing to, or if it was even right to ask her to take part in Cebra's operations.  He ripped out a wooden fence pole from the ground that was cracked from years of weather damage, Cebra paused for a moment holding the old wood. Some things were so simple to fix, and some things were impossible. He could easily place another pole down, but he couldn't fix the cracked pole. The fence is a system but the wood is organic he thought inwardly "You can fix a system, but not a person... Hm."
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Quote : Ho ho ho to the bottle I go! To heal my heart and drown my woes

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