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The Denny's Debacle

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INV ONLY Re: The Denny's Debacle

Post by Vorik November 9th 2020, 7:54 am

"I have an idea" the "hero" thought, or rather, he shouted loudly for everyone to hear, mainly Wanting because there was hardly anyone else around. Why the angel decided to speak aloud was a mystery to Wanting but he decided to chalk it up to some old racist thing. He was further baffled over what the idea actually was. The grand idea was to swoop down and grab one of the still dozens of bodies and fly up all of 10ft to the ceiling of the building and drop the body. Again, Wanting wasn't sure what he really expected to achieve from this other than maybe spraining that body's ankle, oh well.

Regardless of Solomon's antics, Wanting was growing profoundly disinterested in this "fight". All the angel did was fly around, swing a sword, and occasionally throw something. Solomon certainly wasn't giving this his all and it was rather rude considering how considerate and fair Wanting was being towards him. If he didn't expect anything but the best attempt, how could he possibly cross off this opportunity to feel something again?

The only problem wasn't whether or not he could kill the angel, he absolutely could with the various sniper nests he had surrounding the area. Solomon may be strong and can fly, but could he handle several 12.7-mm rounds? No, the issue was balance. Solomon needed to believe he was about to die and only then would Wanting be there, ready and waiting for the most powerful smite Solomon could muster. Sighing, mainly for show, he reached into a purse and handed out several pistols of various calibers. Maybe some live-fire will help motive the racist.

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INV ONLY Re: The Denny's Debacle

Post by Rorking January 24th 2021, 8:55 pm

As the creature landed with a tiny ‘thud,’ Solomon found himself quite disappointed. As he watched the creature back up like it was nothing only caused his disappointment to grow even further. “Guess this heathen has got me all mixed up today, I have to double my Hail Marys tonight to make up for it” Solomon's mentality planned. He snapped back into reality and this sad and gloomy Denny’s just as he gets a sharp yet burning pain in one of his wings, a pain who is causing become all the clearer when he saw one of the shells holding a smoking object.  

Jumping into action Solomon was able to dive at such a speed that the moment he made contact he watched as the armed husk flew out the window at almost Mach 1, a speed that made Solomon disappointed as Mach 3 was his record. Another several burning pains hit his back as he retracted his wings, turning around just to see four shells lined up like a firing squad with their revolvers pointed right at him. As they fired another shot Solomon grabbed a table and charged for them, several gunshots and two bullet holes in his shoulder later he was close enough to throw the table causing all four to go flying back as the table pushed them through the air. As Solomon took a moment to heal himself, he heard as many more shells surrounded him.  

Solomon slowly closed his eyes as he started preparing for the worse, after about a minute he slowly opened them to see what was going on. Around him stood dozens of husks, some armed with revolvers while others were lucky to be holding a table leg. as he glanced at the bodies in front of him, Solomon could not hold back as a smirk grew on his face. “So!!” Solomon yelled with enough confidence to take on an army alone “You like to play these games with everyone you meet or just the ones who truly have you outnumbered?!!!?” Solomon gripped his sword as tight as he could without snapping the hilt in two, as he felt the leather of the hilt start to shift around his hand he started to yell “I’m sick and tired of your games you demon of a demon!” quickly holding up his sword getting ready for battle he hits his boiling point, “why don’t you stop being such a fucking coward and face me head-on!!!! This will end one of two ways for you, either You are sent back to hell from once you came or I’m going to drag you down there myself with my own two hands covered in your black and unholy blood!!!!!!!!”


Status :

Quote : I've looked into the eyes of a god and you know what? IT PISSED ME OFF.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 55
Location : Where ever I happen to be
Age : 26
Job : What's that?
Humor : Wanna hear a joke? My life. Wanna hear another one? my sex life.
Registration date : 2020-03-10

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INV ONLY Re: The Denny's Debacle

Post by Vorik January 29th 2021, 12:18 pm

If nothing else, at least Solomon was interesting. Wanting thought. Just about everything he has said or done has been somewhat surprising. While he couldn't say whether or not this was exciting, truthfully, he couldn't really know. Regardless, Solomon was turning out to be abnormal, even for a so-called "hero". He was racist, hotheaded, vulgar, and delusional.

Wanting came to this conclusion after hearing Solomon swear at him for going after people who outnumbered him. This just didn't really make sense to Wanting. After all, it was Wanting who vastly outnumbered him here. He couldn't understand how Solomon thought he had any sort of control here, let alone having the numbers advantage. Maybe his delusions of grandeur were simply to the point that he honestly believed that despite the overwhelming numbers, he could easily and effortlessly take on armies. Had this been a decade ago, Wanting could've seen himself trying to help this obviously broken person. Maybe develop some medication for him...

He shook himself from these thoughts. That life was over, dead, and buried. There was no point in saving the world that didn't care.

"Done playing with my toys already?" Wanting forced out a chuckle. "And you were finally starting thin the numbers, but if you are so insistent, I suppose I can play as well."

The emotionless crowd separated, parting to let a girl no older than 15, wearing a mask of whimsical delight. She held up a dinner fork and tilted her head.

"Given that you already have a sword, it only seems fair that I have a weapon of my own. Apologies I couldn't find something smaller, I'm sure you'll still prove challenging."

The teen shifted onto the balls of her feet and held her non-forkarm behind her back. Pointing her dinner fork out towards the winged racist he tilted her head. "But enough talk, have at you!" She lunged with startling speeds.
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INV ONLY Re: The Denny's Debacle

Post by Rorking March 26th 2021, 7:34 pm

“A Child?” Solomon thought to himself as the red sea of husks parted, “surely you must be joking?” he said aloud just in time to see her raise her fork. It took all of Solomon’s strength to hold back laughter as the child stated to move throughs him, a fight he lost as he burst into laughter at the whole idea. “A fucking child?” he burst out in between laughter, “I ask for a fight and you send in a child? You really are a beast, aren’t you?” His laughter came to a stop when he suddenly felt a pain in his right shoulder as something sharp stabbed into it, he opened his eyes just in time to see the teen get squinted with crimson liquid that stained her mask.

Thinking fast he quickly threw up his other arm and smacked the teen across the face, while Solomon still held back with the hit, he still hit with a force strong enough to send her flying across the room. Quickly grabbing the fork handle Solomon ripped it out of his arm, as blood started to gush it caused a puddle to form at Solomon’s feet. “is that the best you got?” Solomon can say in between pain grunts, “Tricky of you to get me off my guard like that but that stops now.” As he rolled his shoulders, he could feel the metal utensil start to slip from his fingers before it fell the 43 inches and splashing into the crimson puddle.  

As he looked around Solomon noticed the husks were still not moving even of that. With a laugh he finally blurted out “so the little girl is your final form Ah?” before reaching into his belt and grabbing a flask. With the flask in hand, he quickly walks up to one of the still husks and starts to pour the flask’s contents onto the creature’s head. Upon seeing nothing occurring he sighs before rising with his wings, “Okay” he says as he makes it to the roof of the building “where is your little brat puppet.

Status :

Quote : I've looked into the eyes of a god and you know what? IT PISSED ME OFF.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 55
Location : Where ever I happen to be
Age : 26
Job : What's that?
Humor : Wanna hear a joke? My life. Wanna hear another one? my sex life.
Registration date : 2020-03-10

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INV ONLY Re: The Denny's Debacle

Post by Vorik April 4th 2021, 8:16 pm

Wanting rose from the collapsed shelf of Denny's promotional material. He tried to part some of his long blonde hair from his face but realized his arm has been dislocated from the impact. Without any hesitation, this 15-year-old child grabbed her dislodged arm and gave it a sharp tug. With a loud pop, the arm was reset.

“is that the best you got? Tricky of you to get me off my guard like that but that stops now."

The crazed villain frowned behind his mask. He wasn't frowning about the taunting insults, had he been sensitive to that then, well, he wouldn't need to be doing any of this. No, he was frowning more in confusion over the idiocy of Solomon. Catching him off guard, how? Wanting outright announced that he was attacking in the most obvious way possible. If Solomon had been caught off guard then he might be blind...or an idiot.

Most likely an idiot as instead of taking advantage of his downed opponent he decided to pour his drink on one of the crowd. Wanting let out a half-assed sigh that he was dealing with this idiot. He had expected a great battle, wherein the end the angel unleashed his all and made him feel something...but all he is getting is the inane ramblings of a racist delusional loon. Quite frankly, this was turning out to be a waste of Wanting's time.

Commanding his crowd, Wanting caught multiple forks and knives in each hand and gave a quick twirl of them. The punch he took had sent him flying but the most serious injury it did was the dislocated arm and superficial damage. This body was still up to the task.

"Okay, where is your little brat puppet." The racist said as he rose to the ceiling making himself an easy target.

Not wasting the effort to dignify Solomon any longer, Wanting arms shot out in rapid succession sending a torrent of utensils towards Solomon. Thanks to him hovering in the air there was hardly a chance to miss.
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INV ONLY Re: The Denny's Debacle

Post by Rorking June 19th 2021, 8:14 pm

Having an aerial view of the room allowed Solomon to spot his target instantly, a factor he did not have much time to cherish as the sight of the little shit was met with a fork making it to Solomon and stabbing him in his right hip. “My lord that hurts like H.E double hockey sticks” Solomon grunted under his breath as he suffered from the pain. Seeing more projectiles coming his way, Solomon quickly started to fly side to side in an attempt to dodge the knives and forks being thrown at him. as three more forks and a knife found their target in his legs, he bolted forward straight throughs the kid who has been bringing him so much pain. Even when flying at top speed didn’t cause the utensils to miss any less than they were already, a fact that became clear to Solomon as the pain sweeping over his body only increased the longer he flew.  

It didn’t take Solomon long to realize that he missed his target while dealing with all the pain, regret didn’t even enter his mind as he still landed on and crushed one of the archer husks. Seeing the opportunity, Solomon started to swing at any nearby husks no matter if they were moving or stiff like a plank. Within seconds saw Solomon’s body count increased by dozens as he punched, smacked, and table smashed anyone in his sight. As he recovered from body-slamming one of the corpses around him gave Solomon sight on the little shit again. Without any kind of snarky comment, Solomon charged through the kids across the room from him.  

Running directly at his target put Solomon in a giant aura of glee the closer he got to the little shit. Seeing a table in his way was no issue has Solomon just grabbed it and threw it without directly stopping his charge at the turd, a hit that set the creature backward just enough to give Solomon the edge he needed. Solomon reached the thing as it finally got the table away from it, an opening Solomon took by unleashing a punch with as much energy he could muster. It wasn’t until he tasted the copper that Solomon realized he just punched a hole completely through the child's chest. Yanking his fist out gave the creature enough momentum to stay standing for a couple of seconds before it just collapsed to the ground below him, seeing it fall put an almost wholesome smile on Solomon’s face.  

“Did you expect a child to be able to take me you vile beast?” Solomon screamed as he looked around at the carnage he just committed.  

He kept his smile as he bent down and picked up the child’s body Laying at his feet, holding him up like a wild beast he hunted for sport. Gripping the body tight Solomon leaned back to get his angle right before throwing the body full force at one of the windows beside him, hitting the glass with enough force to cause it to shatter as the body flew through it before crashing onto the street outside.

“This is your last chance you hellish beast, show me what you actually got or I’m going to drag you back to hell with my own two hands” he screamed taking a couple of steps through the window, barely making it before he fell to his knees. Looking down at his wounds made Solomon smile even brighter than ever before, a feeling he hasn’t felt in a long time.  

“you’re making me use more of my power you tricky beast” Solomon yelled as he forced himself to stand back up “Luckily for me but tragically for you I have a lot more power to show.”  

Finally getting to his feet saw Solomon covered in a bright and holy light, as the light starts to dim a bit the noise of metal utensils Klang as the projectiles from before starting to fall out of his wounds.

Status :

Quote : I've looked into the eyes of a god and you know what? IT PISSED ME OFF.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 55
Location : Where ever I happen to be
Age : 26
Job : What's that?
Humor : Wanna hear a joke? My life. Wanna hear another one? my sex life.
Registration date : 2020-03-10

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INV ONLY Re: The Denny's Debacle

Post by Vorik July 7th 2021, 8:17 pm

The room was silent as Solomon bathed in holy light. scattered across the room amid the broken furniture and dishware were dozens upon dozens of bodies in varying degrees of incapacitation. Some spasmed on the ground as hypovolemic shock set in while others laid unmoving. The sheer power and ferocity of the Angel were simply too much for these false humans and to any reasonable person, this would have been a bloodbath...

Wanting, sprawled on the floor, stared at the instrument of God's wrath for a long moment. He watched Solomon smile, he saw him flex his renewed body with eagerness and enthusiasm. Solomon was happy, in this brief instant, the thrill of battle excited him and he was happy. Wanting stared on with cold calculating eyes behind a white mask.

The creaking of low-quality wood and the shattering of even lower quality dishware etched through the ramshackle diner. Like zombies rising from the grave, 15 bodies came to their feet and faced Solomon. Each body while injured gave no hint that they were in pain as they stared at Solomon in dead silence.

Behind a bloodied mask of a face crying in pain, Wanting spoke.

"Strike me down a thousand times and I shall rise a thousand more. All this..." His hands waved across the room. "You think any of this has done anything? Do you think you can use your strength and simply end me? You've done nothing, no, less than nothing. While you've bled and grown weaker, I've waited."

All facsimile of emotion was gone from Wanting's voice as he looked not at but through Solomon.

"You've done nothing but destroy a diner and waste my time. You said you were a man of God and would drag me to Hell with your hands so...Let's see it. I give you but one final chance to make all this worth it. Strike me down with divinity or die."
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INV ONLY Re: The Denny's Debacle

Post by Rorking October 4th 2021, 10:56 pm

Solomon watched as many of the Husks he struck down just stood back up as if nothing happened to them, an event that Didn't help with the anger that was already building up within him. As the beast before him stood there and taunted him with his unholy ramblings, Solomon knew it was time to end this. He knew this creature wasn't lying when it demanded some kind of powerful strike, he knew that it wasn't going to give up unless he finished the job. No matter the aftershock and no matter the outcome, Solomon knew he had to give it everything he had left or he wasn't going to be able to stand much longer.

"When I look back at all the monsters and beasts I have fought over the years" Solomon started as he looked around for the item he needed at this moment. "out of all the beasts, you are by far the most devious."
As Soloman rambled on her finally spotted the shiny blade he had been trying to look for since the child's death, upon seeing it he started to move through it slowly. As he makes his way over, he makes sure to throw any husks in his path out of the way out of fear they will drive another fork deep into his guy, he couldn't risk the use of magic right now with what he had planned.
As he finally limped his way over to his blade he looked back at what he thought was the creature. "I got to admit beast, you are the only one that has gotten me this rallied up to end this." he slowly bends down and wraps his fingers around the hilt, the moment they touch the hilt the whole sword breaks out in bright blue flames. he quickly held up the sword with all the strength he had left as he looked back at the creature at the center of them all. Deep down he had the feeling of fear screaming to be let out but he knew he had to keep it buried. As he stood there, he almost expected one of the masked faces to run away or smile but when it didn't happen he breathed deep before and readied himself.

Solomon gripped his sword tighter than he ever had before, he could feel the blood already start to leak as the pain stabbed throughout his hand. He looked around to see the Husks have not moved since he started moving moments ago, even the husks that he threw out of his way didn't even try to stand back up and remained laying on the cold ground. Before he know what he was doing, Solomon found his feet were already moving at top speed as he charged directly at the husk he figured was the leader of the others. As he charged, he didn't have to look to know his entire sword from the blade tip to the hilt was covered in the blue flame he called his holy power. Just before he made it to the creature, his mind must of been working as well because he found himself yelling out "THIS IS IT YOU FOUL BEAST, THIS IS WHERE IT ALL ENDS FOR YOU AND YOUR DEMON SPAWN" Before he lunged forward and drove the blade deep into the creatures chest. before he could land, Solomon watched as the light from his blade slowly built up before exploding out into a giant force of light and energy surging in every direction. Soon solomon was engulfed by the blinding light before him, it was't long after he saw the husk his blade was sticking out of get ripped to shreads by the force.

Solomon stood in place as the power and lights dimmed until any proof of it's existence was all but gone. Surrounding him was a giant creator of his own creation, also before him was the destroyed remains of the sword that had served him well throughout the fight in this fine dinning establishment. Looking gave Solomon a slight smile as he saw none of the husks from before were left standing, most had be destroyed in the blast and even the ones that were on the outskirts of it were sent flying so far he could see them laying mostly mutilated and dead. he slowly put raised his arms and stretched them out as he looked at the sky above him, a feeling of joy washed over him as the monster was finally dead. His wings slowly appeared as he just stood there and slowly regain his strength whole cherishing the exact moment he found himself in.

Status :

Quote : I've looked into the eyes of a god and you know what? IT PISSED ME OFF.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 55
Location : Where ever I happen to be
Age : 26
Job : What's that?
Humor : Wanna hear a joke? My life. Wanna hear another one? my sex life.
Registration date : 2020-03-10

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INV ONLY Re: The Denny's Debacle

Post by Vorik November 7th 2021, 1:35 am

As the blinding blade shot at him, Wanting did not move. He didn't attempt to block the blow or have a body jump in front of it for him either. All he did was extend his arms. almost in a sort of hug, waiting to embrace his end. He closed his eyes and let out a long exhausted breath. In his mind was not a fear of pain, but of a small wish...He hoped that he could finally die.

In an instant, he saw nothing like the certainty of divine judgment overtook him. It felt like hours passed but as he reopened his eyes he couldn't help but look unphased. He was once again back on the neighboring rooftops overlooking the now cratered Denny's. What had been left of him and everything else was utterly destroyed with only the idiot left standing.

He aimed his anti-material rifle at Solomon's head. At this range, there was little to no chance for him to miss. His finger slowly tightened as he stared at him. Solomon was ecstatic, smiling and standing triumphant over a foe he saw as truly evil. A happy end for those who deserve it...

A small tremble ran through him before he lowered his weapon. He slowly shook his head as his eyes became unfocused, lost in thought as he replayed everything in his mind. He gave one final look to Solomon and uttered "Another failure." in a clinical voice and left.
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INV ONLY Re: The Denny's Debacle

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