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Quoth The Ravens, Nevermore (CLOSED)

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Quoth The Ravens, Nevermore (CLOSED) Empty Quoth The Ravens, Nevermore (CLOSED)

Post by Ash Winters March 29th 2020, 7:52 pm

Michael Tarrant was surprised, to say the least. He'd received a personal note, simply listing an address. More concerning was the fact that it was in his work locker, behind a keycard-access door, before the store was open to the public. What drove his paranoia up further was that he didn't recognise the writing. Deciding to follow up on it later, Michael continued preparing for the day, donning his uniform and nametag, and started his shift.
After a fairly productive day at Tech Planet and stowing his work attire in his locker, triple-checking that it was secured, Michael headed home to a decent apartment he shared with an old friend from school. Checking to see if Alex was there (he wasn't), he set about making some dinner for himself, as well as a cup of coffee, to energise himself for what he called 'the night shift'. Finishing his meal, Michael pulled his hero costume out of his closet and changed into it. Starting with the light blue leggings, he moved up to the grey & orange T-shirt. Fastening his belt and boots, both coloured dark green with yellow accents, Michael completed his ensemble with his black trench coat and yellow mask.
Now in his identity as Stormwing, he opened the window and climbed the fire escape up to the roof. Pulling up the map on his phone, he typed in the mysterious address, deployed his wings and caught a wind current he'd conjured as it was a clear day. Thunder out of nowhere garnered attention after all, even with supers running around, and that was the last thing he or Alex needed. After a few minutes gliding towards his destination, Stormwing set down outside a nice-looking, if a bit run-down, apartment complex. Checking his phone to confirm the address, he knocked on the door, which creaked open. "Hello? Anyone home? I got a note with this address on it." he called into the darkness, cautiously taking a step inside.

Last edited by Ash Winters on April 21st 2020, 6:40 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Listing as closed.)
Ash Winters
Ash Winters

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Number of posts : 12
Location : United Kingdom
Age : 25
Humor : Broad, with a taste for wordplay & dark comedy
Registration date : 2020-03-23

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Quoth The Ravens, Nevermore (CLOSED) Empty Re: Quoth The Ravens, Nevermore (CLOSED)

Post by Nate6595 April 9th 2020, 6:12 am

Poe had it all planned out. It was gonna be one helluva party and all she needed was the final piece. A recipe that only one partier she had ever met knew. She’d persuade him to give it to her, but it’d take some time. After a bit of tracking she had found out where he worked and better yet, where his locker was. She was sure not to be in there when any “stuff” happened, like changing or when that one guy brought in his girlfriend, or when the boss and his sectary did…but! No! She was a hero now and she wasn’t supposed to do that kind of snoop work. Not anymore at least. Not as much anymore. Barely anymore. Only occasionally.

Regardless! She left a note in his locker that would lead him here, to this random ass apartment she had found and decided to use. Then somehow, either through her feminine wiles to get it or…maybe bribes? Or maybe just an invite to the party? Either way! It’d be easy to figure out how to get it from him. She could maybe stea-

No. She was a hero after all. There was to be no more of that. Well, less of that. A semi-reduced quantity of tha-

She heard the front door open! This was it! This was the time to go and grab the final piece. This party was gonna kick ass! She could hardly contain her excitement as she hovered down through the floor to see the fella. She had a bright smile on her face, though his back was to her. That wouldn’t do. She’d hover over in a circle giving him a big wave and grin.

“Hey dude! Long time no se-!” She stopped midsentence. Her expression immediately faltered, a deep frown coming to her. “AW! WHAT?!” She would be a glowing, semi-green visage, semi-transparent, “You’re not Bryan! What a freakin’ bummer, man!” She sighed, hovering there, arms forward in a defeated sort of way, “God…what are you? What’s up with that get up, dude? You some kind of hero? Did you follow me here cause I broke into that tech place? Listen man, I’m a hero, I had reasons for going there.”
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Quoth The Ravens, Nevermore (CLOSED) Empty Re: Quoth The Ravens, Nevermore (CLOSED)

Post by Ash Winters April 9th 2020, 8:07 am

"Whoa, slow your roll. To answer your questions: yes, I'm a hero; no, I didn't follow you. And you're one to ask what I am. Let's see; translucent, glowing green, floating; you're really nailing the ghost clichés, here. Plus, it'd explain how you got through 2 locked doors with no signs of damage", Michael answered, starting to put the pieces together and retracting his wings. "Anyway, you said you had a reason for going to the store. Considering you mentioned Bryan, I'm guessing it involves him in some way. He has the locker next to mine; I'm guessing that you got the wrong one." Forming an idea, Michael made a suggestion. "Thinking about it, I have his phone number. If you want, I can ask him to come over. I'd have to head home and change, though, since he doesn't know about this.", gesturing to his costume.
Ash Winters
Ash Winters

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Registration date : 2020-03-23

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Quoth The Ravens, Nevermore (CLOSED) Empty Re: Quoth The Ravens, Nevermore (CLOSED)

Post by Nate6595 April 21st 2020, 3:31 am

Poe rolled her eyes, still seeming immensely unimpressed and overall bored. She gave a small wave of her ethereal hand, letting out a breath, “Nah, man. Don’t worry about. Don’t got enough time for that shit. It’s fine. Just means the party will be a bit more of a bummer. I’ve dealt with worse situations and I don’t feel like waiting for you to go change out of your…well, I guess that’s a hero outfit? If you wanna call it that.” She shrugged, folding her arms at her bust and putting one leg over another. As she floated it almost looked like she was lounging.

“So real quick. You’re a hero, right? And you got a note in your locker, the locker where you have your real identity on? Yeah? And you decided to dress up in your full garb, come to a random location you were invited to by an unidentified party? You know, dude, I could easily find out who’s under that mask if I just follow the tracks back. Are you new to this? I haven’t seen you around the city and a mistake like this seems pretty rookie.”

She gave a disapproving nod, still lounging and still looking bored. “What was the plan? What did you expect? Even if I was a villain, why prepare for a fight or for hero work? They’d know who you were.” She stretched out her arms, slowly moving into a standing position though still hovering a foot above the floor, “What’s up with that costume anyways? Talking about clichés, bro, come on? While you’re in something like that?”
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Quoth The Ravens, Nevermore (CLOSED) Empty Re: Quoth The Ravens, Nevermore (CLOSED)

Post by Ash Winters April 21st 2020, 9:02 am

Stormwing tilted his head, considering for a moment. "Ok, point. Yeah, I'm fairly new to this; it's only my first month in costume. Anyway, even if you did know who I am, I'd rather the public be unaware and not have paparazzi at my door. That's why I'm in uniform now; it's pointless if everyone knows who's underneath the mask. As for why I came, if you received a note with an address and nothing else, wouldn't you want to know more?" A light chuckle passed his lips. "Oh, where are my manners? I'm Stormwing; call me Wings."
Ash Winters
Ash Winters

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Humor : Broad, with a taste for wordplay & dark comedy
Registration date : 2020-03-23

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Quoth The Ravens, Nevermore (CLOSED) Empty Re: Quoth The Ravens, Nevermore (CLOSED)

Post by Nate6595 April 21st 2020, 5:36 pm

Poe let out an exaggerated sigh, her eyes rolling hard than before. It was a look of annoyance. How daft was this guy? “Yeah. That’s the point. That’s what I’m telling you. You don’t want the public to know which is why if you get a note in your locker you don’t just show up in costume because they’d be able to put two and two together.” She brought a hand to her face, face palming. “Don’t just show up places in costume is the point I’m making. Jeez dude. I don’t even know why I’m telling you this. I ain’t your freaking babysitter.”

She began to hover over to the door, then motioned to it. Without even touching it, the door swung open for him. She had a deep, indifferent frown on her face. “Alright, you can go. I don’t really need you bumming around me. I got a party to go to and don’t really have time to explain the ins and outs of being a hero to a newb. Just head out and don’t be an idiot, kid.”
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Quoth The Ravens, Nevermore (CLOSED) Empty Re: Quoth The Ravens, Nevermore (CLOSED)

Post by Ash Winters April 21st 2020, 6:17 pm

"You know what, you're right. You're also a colossal douchebag. I've been nothing but polite this whole time, and this is how you're acting?" Electricity crackled over Stormwing's body as he tried to stay calm. "I understand that you've got stuff you want to do; that's fine. Just don't be so much of an ass about it." He took his gloves off as he continued, his wings extending as he reached the door. "Enjoy your party." A mighty thunderclap echoed as Michael flapped his wings, and sped off without another word, causing a gust of wind to slam the door behind him.
Ash Winters
Ash Winters

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