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They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2)

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They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2) - Page 3 Empty Re: They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2)

Post by The Bolt July 16th 2019, 8:27 pm

Bolt did not look happy. Not at all. Might have been the fact that he was expected to work with a psychopathic manchild with superpowers or the fact that he was expected to fight this fight.  Maybe this was one big joke with Cypher, Proxy and even Zodiac all just hoping to make one big joke out of him. Make him work with someone that was less preferable to shooting himself in the head. ”You’ve got to be kidding me,” He muttered to himself, legs feeling weaker by the moment and Bolt aware of the fact that he might not be able to get away.

Sure an assassin would have already killed him if he wanted him dead but what did that mean then? Was this some kind of trap that lead to painful torture? Very possible considering he didn’t go through usual assassin motions.  Now he was being told to play along and maybe even ignore all of the moral things he liked to believe he had. ”Oh yeah, definitely have a secret move. It’s where I turn into a pterodactyl and shoot laser beams from my mouth,” He growled,  trying to focus on the Speed Demon with minimal success.

”No! I shoot lightning and run fast. Almost out of lightning so I just got speed mostly, and...” He shrugged, realizing that he might be alone in the matter. Cypher and Proxy...well they had their own things.  ”so, got anything other than the super speed thing? Maybe something that could mix with my electricity,”

He questioned, not even wanting to deal with this guy. ”Also...don’t call me pal,” He added, trying to draw on what remained within his body. ”have a feeling if this doesn’t work...well I don’t need to say what happens.” He was probably going to die. Zodiac might not kill him but he was more worried about the guy next to him.

The Bolt
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They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2) - Page 3 Empty Re: They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2)

Post by Silus July 16th 2019, 8:38 pm

“Excellent. Let’s begin.” Zodiac said moving at Mach 15. Other than his initial entrance he was not seen moving much faster than that, so he could establish this as his baseline. He rushed up to Bolt and reached to grab hold of him with sparking seafoam energy arching from his hand into Bolt’s body if contact was made. A sudden gust of wind was stolen from Zodiac, a gasp before a roar, throwing Bolt at sonic speeds at the other Mach 15 speedster. Zodiac had the skill and combat training of the most merciless warriors, but he was against people that provided far more diversity than him. Especially with Bolt having just “come into” a rush of energy.

This will be interesting. Use that second wind well, Bolt. He thought to himself as he lunged to the fear-demon a fist coming outward as he began to examine the demon for a pattern or behavior to his evasion. He'd try to follow up with a few other jabs and keeping light on his feet. He was keeping a very careful eye on both of these targets, though he might not have realized in just how much trouble he was in by underestimating these two.

They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2) - Page 3 Lucife10
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They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2) - Page 3 Empty Re: They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2)

Post by Puglife43vr July 16th 2019, 8:54 pm

Mad Dash would be ready, able to perceive Zodiac moving at Mach 15. As Zodiac latches onto Bolt, Markus would ready himself for what was coming next. He'd watch as Bolt's still conscious body was used as a projectile, thrown in his direction. However, at the same time, Zodiac was moving in for an attack.

Mad Dash would speed toward Bolt who had been thrown to him at Sonic speeds, catching him in the air. He'd whip around to Zodiac who was coming in for an attack. Deep down he prayed to Demon God that Bolt would be able to asspull another lightning blast that could take out the assassin.

Now turned toward their enemy, Mad Dash would hold Bolt in both of his arms, cartoonishly. "Say hello to my little friend."

He better do something swanky as hell, otherwise I'm gonna look like a fool on the evening news.

They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2) - Page 3 HRN5OeL
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Quote : "What would you do... For a Klondike bar?"

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They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2) - Page 3 Empty Re: They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2)

Post by The Bolt July 16th 2019, 9:33 pm

This was most definitely not excellent. Zodiac was already in motion, three times as fast as him and already grabbing his wrist before he could even make a move. His feet left the floor and a surge of energy was coursing through him in a way that felt like a splash of water to the face.  Being thrown really fast did not feel good and his body wasn’t moving nearly as fast as he would have liked. Still his head felt less flighty and that meant he could get moving.

That being until he was caught somehow by his despised partner and he was being carried around like a sword of some kind.  ”Hey, watch where you put those hands!” He snapped, more annoyed than anything else. Still he knew they were already devoted to an attack so he would try to think something up.

Ewlectricity leapt from his fingertips, rooting out everyone source it could find. Eventually becoming this thing jumping around the room until it finally sought out Zodiac while he tried to kick off from mad Dash and be free from the awkward position. Landing into a crouch and keeping track of the two, though mostly Zodiac.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2) - Page 3 Empty Re: They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2)

Post by Silus July 20th 2019, 1:28 am

Zodiac watched as the demonic one had caught his nemesis, utilizing him as a cannon, or rather a sword of kinds. Zodiac was almost willing to take the shock once he heard the reference to Scarface. That actually just amplified his desire to beat the absolute tar out of these two. He was closing in as the electrical bolt arched from Bolt, shocking him. He halted in place, limbs freezing up as they seemed to twitch, trembling slightly as he froze for only a second. Though to the others that would be more than a perfect window of opportunity. The nanosecond that he was able to move he was doing everything he could to vibrate his body, trying to mitigate any incoming damage.

Zodiac’s armor was scorched and with the power that surged through him, he could feel a minor sense of exhaustion. He had already completed his goal this night, he was not required to stay and fight. But this was his pleasure, to face off against the two speedsters that seemed to take kindly to their unlikely alliance.

“I’m both impressed and disappointed. Such a conflicted state of things.” Zodiac growled as he took off at Mach 15 again, rushing over to Bolt, a fist coming right for him. While the demon could likely have intercepted him Zodiac was partially counting on the demon being an utter selfish bastard that was unconcerned for his forced ally.

They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2) - Page 3 Lucife10
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They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2) - Page 3 Empty Re: They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2)

Post by Puglife43vr July 20th 2019, 6:42 am

He'd notice the slight stop as Zodiac was hit by the bolt. This meant that he could be stopped if they hit him with enough juice. As Bolt begins wriggling out of his grip, he'd drop him and go for Zodiac. It would appear as though Z was more focused on his ally so Mad Dash went in for the kill.

"DIE!" He'd let out a battle cry as he approached Zodiac, tearing a long, rocky stick type thing from his shoulder. He's grit his teeth and put everything he had into dashing toward Zodiac. Markus would wince at his newly healed leg having to take all that energy, but continue on.

As he attempts a high speed flank, he'd jab the 'sword' deal toward, Zodiac's back and side. "Hey, Bolt, uh, I think I have a plan. Ready up your most powerful lightning bizzle. We're rocking this guy's world."

They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2) - Page 3 HRN5OeL
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Quote : "What would you do... For a Klondike bar?"

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They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2) - Page 3 Empty Re: They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2)

Post by The Bolt July 22nd 2019, 7:45 pm

The electrical strike hit Zodiac, something that wasn’t an unknown concept but he wasn’t expecting it to do anything.  Anything to keep the more dangerous assassin with the speed to outstrip him and the other one he was working with. Cypher and Proxy seemed like they wanted him to fight, so he wondered if that was the right thing to do.  There was no time as the robotic speedster rushed him with that same superior speed and he considered  the best thing that he could do. Feeling what energy he had refueled within him rose above his skin and remain there in the form of a shroud.

A cloak of electricity that he knew he would need at some point.

The punch still impacted him, augmented by the speed Zodiac was moving and what felt like metal forcing his head to snap back and body to hit the ground. Pain blossomed through his lip and jaw, quickly using up a small big of energy to heal. Even still he felt and tasted the blood on his lips, tasting wryly of copper.  He hoped touching the electricity would have slowed down the faster speedster, enough that when he turned and unleashed a blast of electricity from his hands that they would be hit by that as well. Part of him also wished it hit the other one too.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
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They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2) - Page 3 Empty Re: They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2)

Post by Silus July 28th 2019, 1:14 am

Zodiac smiled slightly as he heard the shout to die. He saw the incoming spike, allowing his armor to form around the thing slightly, weakening his durability, knowing that as powerful as his armor was, it would have likely shattered the weapon. He knew he was far beyond the league of these two, but he found himself pressured all the same. He found it amusing. Granted even the last time he faced Bolt, this was the maximum speed he had gone. Bolt was still so clueless as to the full speed Zodiac had attained...and with the object inside of him, he would soon be even faster.

They seemed to begin to have a plan, though he had his own. He was observing, timing and calculating EXACTLY how quickly these two began to react, how they began to see things. His mind was almost literal fire as he coursed with energy, feeling even more drained than he should have been otherwise. But even still, he enjoyed this. He LOVED this. It was a thrill to be here, in the speed of the moment….

Knowing he had won….

The electricity from Bolt’s attack had been feigned to slow him down. It wasn’t as if Zodiac had ever been more than stunned by it, but he also on several occasions gave off the idea that it could stun him. He would find himself more than amused as he felt the charges going through him, the cloak of lightning sparking through him as a skeletal form could be seen irradiated and glowing with every strike, giving off an all too Star-Wars Palpatine electricity effect. He found himself staggering back as he seemed to jump back, putting distance between the electric speedster.

Zodiac placed his arm behind his back and pulled off something from his belt. With a hand on the device he pressed it and tossed it towards Bolt, The creepy mask seeming to smile as Bolt saw a normal speed device tossing towards him, Zodiac’s own awareness moving with anticipation of Mad-Dash .

They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2) - Page 3 Lucife10
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They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2) - Page 3 Empty Re: They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2)

Post by Puglife43vr August 11th 2019, 8:08 pm

Mad Dash would see the device tossed toward Bolt and Sprint to intercept it. As he moves across the ground, he'd outstretch his arm to grab it and attempt to toss it away. Zodiac being faster than both of them would obviously be able to see this occurring, but Mad Dash didn't know that.

Mad Dash would see the electricity push Zodiac back and make his move. He'd try another attack, quickly curving around from where he had thrown the device to thrust a vibrating hand at Zodiac's back, attempting to grasp something, anything inside his body and yank it out. Or at least stagger him some more by vibrating him.

They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2) - Page 3 HRN5OeL
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Quote : "What would you do... For a Klondike bar?"

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They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2) - Page 3 Empty Re: They say (S)Laughter is the best medicine (Open to 2)

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