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Diner in a desert

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OPEN Diner in a desert

Post by FantasyBound December 13th 2018, 9:34 pm

Walking, walking, walking…

If there isn't a damn thing Lucas finds more overall boring. There was many more things that would be interesting, example being swimming, when swimming there is a very long distance between himself and the bottom, and who the hell knows what's down there, gives a man something to think about, and climbing, no matter how long it took, you can always look down and find out your ten’s of feet above the ground, or hundreds even. But walking, now there’s the problem, you walk for hours, and only make it a few miles, and if your in a desert, nothing new, nothing. Like this highway, he peered up and down the road, nothing as far as the eye can see one way, but the other way…

There appeared to be a little blue building, had a large sign above it, probably a gas station. Then something caught his eye, a cup on the ground, one of those generic pepsi paper cups. Luke picked it up and spun it around in his hand, didn't look all that sunbleached, only been out here maybe for a day or two. Not too far away was some paper bag, had a half eaten cheeseburger in it, that mean there must be food up ahead. He looked towards the gas station, maybe they had some sort of diner or whatever over there. He put the cup and bag back on the ground, wasn't his damn job to pick up after some lazy ass person. He turned and began jogging, his body surprisingly warm from the sun, and maybe his trenchcoat was contributing to this.

His legs grew more accustomed to the run, so he begins sprinting, legs hitting the road with a powerful force before his muscles contract with even more force then eventually he is moving a bit past what should be considered “normal”, tearing muscles and repairing them with every step. He wanted something to eat, not that he was hungry, his body finally gained the ability to sustain itself infinitely, but it's been four days since he last had something to eat, it would be nice to have a bit of a treat. It was honestly interesting how he got the blood, that artifact he poked at back in the day had some sort of blood magic in it, made his blood mutate to become mystically fueled, a pretty nifty thing to have, especially when all of your money used to be used to buy food, which fueled his powers back then, back when he would look at the horrified buffet managers and staff, sometimes he’d leave before he was finished because he felt sorry for them.

He was nearing the gas station, and sure enough was a “Lunch-break” building, he’s seen about 4 buildings with that name, none of them knew the other existed, those places usually had food that was almost considered restaurant food, except they only serve things considered on a fast food menu, or things like deep fried pickles.

Mmmmm… Deep fried pickles…

Before he knew it, he was nearing the building, he slowed down to a walk, no need to look like some crazy person who was half starved. As he gets nearer he can smell the cooking oily goodness just before him, the building had a pleasant mixture of white and blue, had a good amount of windows, but they were covered with papers, some regarding super human or supernatural phenomenon, or just advertisements for car loans or whatnot.

He steps in, it had some good lighting, a couple clean tables, and a small arcade machine in the left corner. He stepped up and began placing his order,

“Hello, I am going to take... “

He spends a minute thinking, whether or not he wanted to freak them out that bad.

“Two double cheeseburgers with medium fries… and a water… Oh! And some deep fried pickles!”

He takes a moment to go sit and wait after paying with some cash, he might get dessert afterward...
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Humor : Eh, I just make a lot of comments and see which one kicks.
Registration date : 2018-05-07

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OPEN Re: Diner in a desert

Post by Chellizard March 19th 2019, 10:34 pm

Nothing was worse than it being hot outside. Literally nothing. Well, except for your car breaking down.

Luck was such a good lady, making sure Uzma's car had broken down right outside of a Gas 'n' Go truck stop with old grizzly men, and wrinkled biker beauties, and few confused tourists.

Getting out of the vehicle, Uzma let out an angry grunt and just kicked the door shut. It was an old beat up Chevrolet anyway. The back seat was piled high full of boxes and old trinkets. She had agreed to help a friend move some things from a little Texan town all the way to California. A lot of the boxes had "FRAGILE" plastered on the sides, and Uzma was definitely being careful, but some things just wouldn't stay put. One of the boxes was growling, too.

It kind of freaked her out.

But, she had to figure out how to get her car fixed, and fast. She did not want to be stuck here. Sometimes she wished she had the ability to fast teleport things from one point to another. She was sure there was someone in this world that could do that, and she needed to befriend them, fast! It would make it a lot easier for her to make this trip. She could fly, after all, so why not get someone to teleport her from Texas to California lickity split.

Too bad today was not the day for that.

She locked her car and shoved her keys into her pocket as she walked up toward the Gas 'n' Go to get a bite to eat. It would make her feel a whole heck of a lot better if she had something greasy in her stomach.

She made her way inside and wandered to the counter. The menu was simple, and she was hungry.

"I'll take a bacon cheeseburger, loaded fries, and fried pickles. Add a vanilla shake, and a sweet tea. Mama is hungry." she said, the order being put in, the waitress taking it to the cook window, and Uzma going to find a seat at a table. The only open one was taken by one guy. He looked lonely, and he wasn't clad in biker gear. She decided to just plop down in the booth across from him and smiled.

"Not from around here, are you?" she asked, reaching over to make sure the condiments on the table weren't expired or almost empty.

-My DeviantArt-
Diner in a desert JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5019
Location : The Internet
Age : 32
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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OPEN Talking away

Post by FantasyBound March 27th 2019, 4:33 pm

He payed attention to the room, people were clad in biker gear, seemed like a popular spot for a lotta them, if it was, good for them. Lucas didn't mind biker’s as long as they kept their cool, often enough they were just grown men running about wanting to either run away from their lives or to live with all the freedom they can grasp. Honestly, Lucas thought once about buying a motorcycle and traveling that way, would be fun, but being a wandering and unpaid hero makes things like that a bit of a challenge. Plus, if he ever got into a scrap, chances are his bike wouldn't survive. Still, he really, really would have enjoyed a bike…

"Not from around here, are you?"
Lucas would turn back towards the other side of his table, some lady couldn't find a spot to sit so decided that specific spot may work, or at least Lucas was 80% sure that was it. Now, was it time to give her a ridiculous and long explanation about why he was here? Could have said he rode a motorcycle here, but what if she was curious which one it could be? Or maybe he hitchhiked… to a gas station? Or he could be vague, and just say he got there, yeah, that seemed like it… But wait… He doesn't have a bag… never did… Well, maybe he had it stolen? Nah, no need for that kinda drama… There were reasons to lie, and some reasons not to.

He finally decided that it would be beneficial to just be making stuff up, no need to draw attention.

“Uh yeah… Been sortaaaa… Walking. And, of course, catching a ride here or there. But… Kinda hard getting somebody’s attention when you look scraggly like this, heh… Yourself? Oh wait… hold on a minute...”

He heard them call his name, he slowly stood from his chair and got over there, grabbed his meal with a small nod and went back, he looked around, he wasn't sure, so far pretty quiet, how nice. He got back and sat down.

“Sorry for that… Anyways...”

He would plunk his arm down for a handshake

“My name is Lucas, and I would be asking the same question if I wasn't such a stranger myself, but I am still asking, you yourself seem a bit of a stranger in a strange land.”
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 149
Location : Alberta, Canada
Age : 22
Job : Gofer
Humor : Eh, I just make a lot of comments and see which one kicks.
Registration date : 2018-05-07

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OPEN Re: Diner in a desert

Post by Chellizard June 16th 2020, 1:50 pm

Uzma's gaze would shift from the young man over the rest of the biker pit stop. It was the typical diner in the desert. Scruffy men, and women, just trying to grab some grub before heading out to finish their adventures.

He rose from his booth seat and apologized once he returned. The food on his plate looked decent, so she was glad she had ordered almost the same thing. It was less than what he had picked, but definitely looked good.

Lucas. A well rounded name, she thought. A smile tugged at the corner of her lips.

"Nice to meet you. Stranger or not, you look the most friendly in this establishment." fanning herself with a menu, sweat beaded at the edge of her hairline and trickled down her temple, leaving a shiny, almost dewy look to her skin. She sighed a little, the air escaping her. As she did, a bell dinged and her name was called out.

"Oh, being a stranger is such a trivial thing. Only a stranger until we know each other's name's. My name is--"

"OOZE-MAY?" Butchering her name was commonplace, but she had already had a long day.

"Uzma. 'Oooze-muh." correcting the mispronunciation of her name, she grabbed her tray with her burger, fries, fried pickles, and two beverages.

Sliding back into the booth, she laid the tray down and grabbed for the ketchup. She flipped the top, rotating the bottle to have it facing down, and gave it a generous squeeze. The almost too-sweet tomato based dipping sauce made a nice home next to her burger. She was a dip-her-food kind of gal. Taking a sip of her tea, she popped her tongue against the roof of her mouth in satisfaction, a grin stealing her face.

"We're eating good today. Want some?" she offered the ketchup bottle to Lucas, her grin relaxing to a friendly smile.

"Anyway. My name is Uzma. I'm actually on my way to southern California. Moving some things for a friend of mine to their new place. What about you, Lucas? I know you said you had been walking and walking... but what drives a guy like you to a place like this - other than the dingy lighting, sticky atmosphere, and bad juke box music?" she asked, the fifth installment of "Cats in the Cradle" playing as a few drunk bikers sang in the corner.

It was still daylight - but, who was she to judge?

-My DeviantArt-
Diner in a desert JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5019
Location : The Internet
Age : 32
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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OPEN Re: Diner in a desert

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