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Miscommunication Of Force

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Miscommunication Of Force Empty Miscommunication Of Force

Post by GamerXZ March 4th 2018, 4:56 pm

New York was no stranger to the presence of metahumans and creatures that defied the realms of logic and science. Even with all the recent tragedies, it was still seen as a city of opportunity where big dreams had a chance of coming true...but that didn't mean it wasn't without its dark side.

That dark side is based around one key fact about human nature: That we fear what we don't understand, and that same fear can drive us to want to destroy, and there were no shortage of individuals who embodied that fact, especially here in New York. On this particular night, several convoys were heading towards Fort Drum which was the latest in a series of high-tech prisons meant to hold beings deemed "unnatural".

"So Lucas, what you intend to do with your share of the bounty for these blokes?" One of the men, a tall, burly brown-haired indivdual donned in body armor asked into a walkie-talkie as he drove.

A slightly younger voice replied back, "Eh, probably head down to Hawaii for a bit. Work on my tan, maybe share a drink with a cute lady. The all honesty, I can't believe how easy it was to bag some of these freaks."

The older man chuckled, "Don't surprise me all that much. These things don't have working brains like you and I do, so I don't see any reason to feel sorry for them. Besides, at the day's end, business is business...." Suddenly, he saw a figure standing in front of the road and brought his vehicle to a stop before leaning out to yell at them, "Hey, bozo! Get out of the way!!"

The figure, their identity shielded by a hooded cloak, said nothing. The man sighed and shook his head before grabbing his gun and stepping out, "Look, I'm in a good mood tonight, so I'm gonna give you until the count of three to beat-" Suddenly, he started to gag as some sort of invisible force grasped at his windpipe before lifting him off the ground and chucking him into the front bumper of his vehicle.

Hearing the commotion, several armored men jumped out of their trucks and took aim, "It's a mutant! Kill it!!" The group all readied their weapons...only for the figure to pull off their hood and let loose an ear-splitting sonic scream that caused several of them to fall over, crying in pain from their eardrums being ruptured.
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Miscommunication Of Force Empty Re: Miscommunication Of Force

Post by Descendants March 4th 2018, 5:49 pm

As a veteran member of the NYPD, Elaine had seen it all. From gangster to meta’s and everything in between, she’s captured, been attacked by, or collared everything under the sun. And for the most part, it was just the job. Arrest a gravity-defying meta by day, party at night. It worked for her. What doesn’t work for her is these meta’s being rounded up and carted off to god-knows-where to be experimented on! She was a cop, she understood the logic; hell, she wished she could figure out what caused the mutation, make it easier to track them. In the right hands it was a great power and one that could stop superpowered crime in it’s track! Somehow, she doubted these were the right guys.She had heard rumours about them for years, of course, but never anything concrete. Only wasted police hours and pointless interviews with scum.

Recently, though, they’ve been getting more active. With the surge of supervillian attacks and of Enhanced individuals in general, it would make sense. Elaine was Detective-In-Charge for this case; just another job. Honestly, this time it was child’s play to find them. Flash a few powers, act as if their meta-suppressing darts worked on her, get captured. She always took care to hide her face as well as possible and to avoid the limelight. The media’s obsession with blasting a detectives face across television and newspapers was the worst part of the job; it seems as if you do a good enough job to get recognition, your career ends because it’s impossible to go undercover anymore. Thankfully, these two boys didn’t look like they were the sharpest tools in the shed. She felt a little sorry them, in a vindictive sort of way. It seemed as if the military was so desperate for metahumans, they’d taken to hiring cut-rate mercenaries to do the job.

And really, they were awful at their jobs. Only a thin chain restrained them in a truck that may as well be tissue paper for some of the powers here. She was hidden, the green streaks in her blond hair hidden by the beanie on her head. The cloak covered her body, and with the way she sat, it gave the appearance of defeat. Nothing could be further from the truth. Energy was rushing through her veins, adrenaline making her heart race; the Will of these poor metas, it tore at her heart. They had been beaten and defeated, they had no will to fight. Scum. But she had to wait, just for a while longer. The only way she could rescue all the metas that were captured was by being patient, by not thinking of the many cruel and unusual ways she can end these- why were they stopping? Oh, this wasn’t good. She shoved the flicker of irritation down and sighed. No time like the present.

The cloak flew off her with a flourish. Her hair whipped around like a fan, and her intense green eyes immediately focused on the guards. They saw her stand, saw the green flash as her Gauntlet appeared. Emerald green and swirling with energy, it adorned her left hand. ”Hey! Stop right-” But he never finished his sentence as a blast of energy hit him in the face. He was alright, of course; he wasn’t going to be winning any beauty contests with his teeth missing, though. Elaine flashed the remaining guard a quick smile. He didn’t waste time with words, and Elaine found great pleasure in imagining the look of fear on the face of the man underneath the helmet. The gun leveled at her. Aww, how sweet. She held her arms out in the universal symbol for “come at at me”. He squeezed the trigger; but before the bullet even left the barrel, she covered the distance. She was by no means a speedster, but she was more than fast enough to cover the ten feet or so in the blink of an eye.
The single sound of a gunshot was the only warning the outside guards would get before their buddy inside crashed through the windshield, landing amid a shower of glass and steel. HE was going to be … less okay. He should live, though. Elaine made a mental note to check on him. A blast of green energy exploded outwards with the sound of a firecracker, rending the truck open. And from this hole stepped Adlay; green energy spilled from her glove and wicked sword was in her hand, the tip hovering over the floor ready to be wielded in an instant. She sauntered forward, unhurried by time; any other time, her saunter and smoldering green eyes would be sexual. To the guards, though, one could only imagine that they were terrified. Not necessary by the sword or the girl herself; but by the badge visible on the police uniform she donned, and by the fact she was casually dragging the cab of the truck like it was nothing. Not ten feet from what remained of the mixed mercenaries and soldiers - the ones not affected by Siren’s scream - she stopped. The tip of the sword swung up, carving a line through the asphalt. A demonstration of just how sharp the sword was.

”You have two choices.” Her voice was husky and with an edge of command. She pointed at each of the remaining guards with the sword, slowly trailing the blade across each one. It was as menacing as she could be. ”You surrender now and I put down this truck, you get arrested and you live happily ever after. Or …” At that she smiled and lifted the truck, resting the front tire on her shoulders. ”You get up close and personal with your transportation here. You choose. I’ll wait.”

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Registration date : 2018-03-01

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Miscommunication Of Force Empty Re: Miscommunication Of Force

Post by GamerXZ March 4th 2018, 6:04 pm

Needless to say, the two remaining soldiers suddenly understood how sheep must feel when staring down the fangs of an very hungry wolf. They glanced between the alien superheroine and the one carrying the truck before deciding to drop their weapons and put their hands up in surrender. "Good choice," Siren grabbed their rifles and used them to tie their hands together.

"Agent Sayomi. A pleasure to finally meet you in person," Siren bowed a little in respect, "I've heard quite a few stories about you but I gotta say, they don't really do you justice," She nodded to the tire on her shoulder before seeing the guy she had chucked away trying to crawl off.

She went over and scooped him up, "Alright, buddy. I'm gonna make this real easy for tell me where you were sending these poor creatures and maybe I won't break every bone in your body." It was clear from how calmly she said this that she meant it.

However, the driver scoffed and spat in her face, "You really think acting tough is gonna get me to talk? You can do what you want to me, but I'm not gonna squeal!"

Siren wiped the spit off her face and sighed, "...Alright, I tried to cut you some slack here but.." She let him fall to the ground and stepped back, nodding to the detective.
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Registration date : 2013-07-23

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Miscommunication Of Force Empty Re: Miscommunication Of Force

Post by Descendants March 4th 2018, 6:21 pm

Elaine let the cab drop, the heavy hunk of metal collapsing to the ground and shattering, scattering even more glass across the ground. She nodded once at Siren; a well-known figure. Elaine was weary of her, however. From what she’s heard, she wasn’t exactly the most considerate figure when it came to collateral damage. She’d get to her in a second. With a green flash and a shower of sparks, three pairs of handcuffs were in her hand. She hand cuffed the two functioning guards; a quick examination led her to believe that the ones rolling on the ground in pain would be fine, if out of action for a while. She looked up just in time to see the only remaining spit in Siren’s face, and Elaine winced. She expected instant karmic payback … but surprisingly, it appeared as if he was being offered to the detective. Which was just fine.

”You’re lucky she’s offering you to me. That little stunt could get you ripped limb to limb if she was a little less amenable.” The guy jutted out his chin, and Elaine sighed. Her eyes closed, a slim finger pressing to her temple as she shook her head. ’Oh, what am I going to do with you?” Then like a snake she darted forward, grabbing him by his collar and tossing him through the air at speeds that would make a falcon blush. But before he got more than ten feet, he slammed into a solid, shimmering green barrier with a nasty crunch. He definitely broke his arm and collarbone, and would have broken more if Elaine hadn’t caught.

[color=green”Ooh. Ooh, I know, I know.”[/color] She cradled the young man like a baby in her arms, ignoring the pained sobbing. ”I know, it hurts. Now, I can call an ambulance and have them be out here in ten minutes.” She gently cradled his already broken arm. Thinking she was going to help, the man let her, but then Elaine clenched his wrist and violently jerked on his arm. A hideous pop and his shoulder dislocated. Elaine clapped a hand over his mouth, muffling his scream. ”Or I can give you back to Siren. Did you know she’s a telepath? A powerful one too. With a whim she can rip thoughts out of your brain. Now she’s a good person, she doesn’t do it.” She pet down his hair, almost motherly. ”It tends to leave the victim brain dead. You tell me what I want to know, and I promise I’ll leave you alone. Sound like a good deal?”

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Number of posts : 87
Registration date : 2018-03-01

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Miscommunication Of Force Empty Re: Miscommunication Of Force

Post by GamerXZ March 4th 2018, 6:37 pm

Siren could only stare wide-eyed at the agent's brand of interrogation. Granted, she herself was no stranger to a bit of pummeling or intimidation for some info, but this here bordered on torture. Of course, the guy was part of a group that was imprisoning innocent mutants and other creatures for profit, so he kinda had this coming, but it still made the alien briefly wonder what went through this girl's head. "I think that's enough. We kinda need him alive."

"Ok, ok! I'll talk, just stop!!" The man begged, looking ready to break down sobbing. With his one good arm, he took the keycard off his belt and chucked it in Siren's direction, "We were suppose to take them to Fort Drum! It's been turned into an actual fortress! One meant to hold your kind!"

Siren bent down and picked up the card, "But there's no way you'll ever get in the front door! It's too heavily-guarded! They got spotlights scanning the grounds all day and night. Turrets, battlesuits, you name it. Trust me, you're better off just letting this bunch here go and being happy with that!"

'Perhaps..." Siren walked over to the electronic lock and used the keycard as she passed by them one after the other, "But I haven't gotten this far by playing it safe. Agent Sayomi? I think that man needs a hospital trip...all of these guys could do with one."
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Registration date : 2013-07-23

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Miscommunication Of Force Empty Re: Miscommunication Of Force

Post by Descendants March 4th 2018, 7:22 pm

’Fort Drum, huh?” She glanced down the road. It was still miles down the road, but they could be there in minutes if they hurried. Of course, they couldn’t go through the front gate, but Elaine had a feeling they’d find a way in. With sudden speed, she punched the guard, knocking him unconscious. With a flick of her wrist, the sword disappeared with her telltale green flash and in it’s place was a cellphone. ”This is Officer Sayomi of the NYPD. I need an ambulance on the corner of Martin Street and Highway 3. Badge number 3225. Right. Bye.” Casually, she banished her cell phone and then turned to face Siren. She stared her down; green leaked from the alien like steam. She was beautiful, and Elaine felt a smile tug the corner of her lips up. The intensity in her eyes faded. ”You still have a little … here.” She licked her thumb and gently wiped away a smudge of dirt from the corner of her lips. Her hand lingered, and despite the seriousness of the situation, she almost stepped in for a kiss. Damn, this was intense; she slowly brought herself to tiptoes, her firm but insistent fingers holding chin, green eyes like smoldering emeralds burning-

The truck behind them exploded, and with a yelp, Elaine pulled away. A large green barrier had erected itself around them, cast out of reflex. As bits of engine and motor rained down on them, the energy shield quivered but held. Elaine cleared her throat and hid her face with her long hair. Sometime during the … well, fight, for want of a better word, he hair had come undone from the ponytail. A curtain of blond hair, streaked liberally through with green, acted as a curtain from Siren and Elaine’s blushing face.

”Uh, right. So. Fort Drum. Heavily fortified.” She attempted to recover. An easy attempt for her, for sure. One of the many things her mother gifted. ”From what I’ve heard, they have stuff most of the military can only dream of. Laser grids, anti-air cannons, meta suppression technology. Well, that last one shouldn’t affect us.” She flashed a brilliant smile. ”So. My plan.” She drew a rough grid on the ground. ”I figure if we sneak around, I break a hole in the wall, we can find someone who can give us the information. Sound like a plan?” Her eyes again burned into Siren, waiting for her answer.

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 87
Registration date : 2018-03-01

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Miscommunication Of Force Empty Re: Miscommunication Of Force

Post by GamerXZ March 4th 2018, 7:32 pm

Siren blushed at the woman's touch and for a moment, her heart fluttered as she saw her lean towards her...only to yelp as the truck exploded before them. When Adlay focused herself, Siren came back to reality, "Right, should probably...focus and...stuff.." She bent down for a closer look at the map, nodding along to what was being said, before standing up, "Sounds like a plan to me,"

Siren cleared her throat and turned to the freed mutants, "All of you need to get moving. Get as far away from these parts as you can, and do your best to stay off the radar for the next while, please." The prisoners all took off in various directions.
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Registration date : 2013-07-23

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Miscommunication Of Force Empty Re: Miscommunication Of Force

Post by Descendants March 4th 2018, 7:58 pm

”You ready?”

Elaine had stripped off the jacket while Siren addressed the metas. IN the confusion, she banished it. The blue jacket, effective armor as it may be, had hidden the slim waist and ample cleavage of the blonde, something the thin white tank top did nothing to hide. It was thin enough to see the lime green bra underneath and showcased a perfect stomach and arms. She was pacing back and forth, warming up for what was surely going to be an intense run. She wasn’t faster than bullets, after all. Someone fires at her, she can’t outrun it. She was barely away of the sheerness of her outfit; it was comfortable and perfect for running. Hell, she was tempted to strip away her pants as well. But that might be pushing things. She threw Siren a cocky grin. ”You know, I heard stories about you. Let’s see how you compare.” With only a second to prepare, she shot off like a rocket, easily outstripping a car at this speed.

She was a green blue, the speed at which she traveled scattering will energy in her wake, leaving an almost speedster-like trail behind her. The fort wasn’t too far away, only a couple of miles, a distance she accomplished in a matter of moments. She was no way the fastest meta around, though. She loved it, though, the thrill of running, of watching the excited faces of those she passed. She wanted to go faster and faster, fast enough to stop crime. She was so caught up in the thrill of the running that she almost forgot to turn. She did, but almost too late and with enough intensity that it scattered the guards with bits of rock, knocking most of them unconscious. Not that she knew this. She had reached the place she wanted to enter from; a part of the wall that had at one point received repair points. She stopped suddenly, her arrival heralded by the large plume of dust caused by the force.

A blast of green energy ripped a large enough hole through the fence, and this she stepped through. Now here was where she had to be careful; she may be bulletproof, but she wasn’t invulnerable. She hid behind a large shipping crate. A make-up mirror was used to see around her, and when the time was right, she suddenly ducked out from underneath it, sliding between the legs of a lone soldier. A quick series of blows and she was back behind the crate with the body in toe. And then, she began to strip, letting her bare skin kiss the air. She glanced at Siren, if she was there, with only the faintest hint of embarrassment. ”It’ll be easier to get to people if I’m disguised as one of them. You can shapeshift if the rumours are right, you should be fine.” As quick as she could, she put on the military uniform, leaving the naked man behind the crate. She wished she could do more, but they were on a mission here.

”How do I look?”

She did a playful twirl for Siren. It actually fit her, too, giving her girl-next-door looks much more severity. She was quickly business again. ”Right. We only have a few minutes before he wakes up. We need to find the general of this place. Follow my lead.” She marched out from behind the crate, holding the rifle as she had seen in the movies. It … wasn’t a bad copy. It would work in a pinch. She was making a beeline straight for the largest, most fortified part of the fort. Of course, the entire place was in a panic, the hole in the wall causing quite a few people to be concerned about security. Understandably. Her apparent lack of worry must have looked suspicious, because suddenly they were surrounded by a contingent of men - a good twenty men, all armed with rifles pointed at them.

”... shit.”

”Well, well. A couple of imposters. I see.”

A man walked forward. Dressed in a black suit, with slicked back black hair and wire-frame glasses and with a look on his face that was close to lustful. ”Men, we found the source of the break-in. Inform the general he has a couple new meta’s coming his way.” His voice was silky smooth and as he spoke, he pressed a button. A field, a good twenty feet in length, expanded around them. Elaine blinked as it passed through her, looking confused. The man went from confident to pale in a fraction of a second. ”Shit! They’re not metas! Kill them!” Elaine groaned at the order and, as the soldiers began to open fire, erected a barrier around them, the green energy absorbing every bullet. She seemed … remarkedly unworried. In fact, she was enjoying this. A smirk was plastered across her face and despite the sweat on her forehead, she seemed pretty casual. Especially considering the gunfire is going to draw every armed individual in the base.

”You wanna take care of ‘em or should I?”

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 87
Registration date : 2018-03-01

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Miscommunication Of Force Empty Re: Miscommunication Of Force

Post by GamerXZ March 4th 2018, 8:22 pm

Siren had to hand it to this girl. She was certainly spirited, and more than a little confident too, though it seemed she was lacking in shame as soon after meeting up with her again, the alien's cheeks turned red and she was forced to look to the side, trying not to stare at Adlay's figure.

After blasting through the door, they were soon surrounded by the guards...and quite a hefty number of them too. Of course, that made sense considering what type of prison this was. Narrowing her eyes, Siren stepped forward and put a protective arm in front of Adlay, "I'm...not exactly known for subtlety, so it might be best to leave this batch to me. I'll cover you while you get across the grounds and then meet up with you in a bit."

The guards went to aim their weapons...but Siren inhaled and let loose what sounded like a soft melody. The guards pulled their triggers...but the moment they did, their weapons fell to pieces, leaving them gobsmacked. Siren took a step forward, and then lunged forward, slamming her palms into one guy's gut hard enough to catapult him backwards and crash into two of his buddies.

She turned and transformed, growing in size and morphing her shape into a large wyvern whom opened its maw and let loose a sonic scream that blasted a number of guards off their feet. More of them rushed into the yard but Siren swatted several aside with her tail before using her telekinesis to catch the rockets fired by several heavily-armored mooks and launching them back where they came from.

Her monster form stomped forward only to be peppered by gatling gun fire. She turned and glared at what looked like a bipedal mech close to her current size standing on the wall surrounding the prison. It jumped off and ejected a chainsaw from its wrist. Siren morphed her claw into a giant blade and rushed forward, clashing against her opponent's blade, only for it to snap in half instantly.

Recoiling, Siren glanced at her broken weapon than glared at the mech which lunged...only for her to seemingly vanish as she shrank down to the size of a common house cat before dashing between its legs and flying up into the air above it...before transforming into a giant armored armadillio who landed on top of it curled up as a ball.
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Number of posts : 344
Location : Canada
Age : 31
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Registration date : 2013-07-23

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Miscommunication Of Force Empty Re: Miscommunication Of Force

Post by Katrina A. Russel March 4th 2018, 10:43 pm

”Right. Help yourself.”

She watched with interest as she attacked, her curiosity piqued. She was … amazing in motion, really. All graceful lines and fluid movements. She was mesmerizing. She laughed out loud, a sound like tinkling glass, when she struck the two soldiers in the gut. The looks of utter surprise they made when a girl like Siren struck them was undeniable. Elaine wasn’t exactly calm about it, either. She was clapping and cheering like a little girl. She was still surrounded in her barrier, the emerald shield growing more brilliant as time went on. One particularly intrepid soldier managed to avoid Siren’s attack and aim for Elaine, but the bullets bounced right off the barrier. He gave a look of irritation and charged for the diminutive girl. Elaine just rolled her eyes and let him slip past her barrier. He charged with no discipline. Elaine could only sigh. In a movement that was almost fast enough to be super, but not quite, Elaine gripped his arm with both hands. One was on his wrist, the other on his elbow. Taking only time to give a victorious grin, she wrenched; the movement definitely tore something, and had the additional benefit of flipping him over her shoulder to send him crashing into a nearby trash can. She dusted her hand off satisfied.

”Wait, you can turn into a freakin’ dragon? That’s awesome!”

She was like a fangirl during this fight. She had no worries anyone could get to her; short of a .50 cal sniper, nothing was getting through her barrier. And her location, nestled in an alley between two buildings, proves adequate protection for that. She was content to watch the fight. In fact, with a flick of her wrist a camera appeared in her hand and she began to record the fight. She actually cheered when she shifted to the armadillo and crushed the mech. Her tinkling laugh again sounded out, but this time it drew attention. The soldiers were looking for them now, and in the alley as she was, she couldn’t escape as men poured in from both sides. ”Oh, shit.” Oops. That was a mistake. A flash banished the camera back into The Gate.

”Alright, guys. We can talk about this. Don’t do anything you’re going to-”

They opened fire, the thousands of bullets impacting on both sides of the barrier and clattering ineffectively to the floor. The captain of the thirty-odd men called a ceasefire. He was a grizzled man, with a trim cut beard and steel eyes. ”You’re on US property! State your name and intent and present yourself for arrest!” Elaine bristled at his tone. No way in Hell is any peon gonna tell her what to do. It was a shame, too. Elaine pouted at him, the suddenly innocent looking taking the soldier by surprise. Any other day he’d find him cute.

”Awww. Are you sure you can’t make an exception?

She sauntered forward, exaggerating the movement of her hips in the most sexual way possible. But then her fist jutted forward, her shoulder and hip following in a perfectly executed Muay Thai jab. The Captain went blasting forward, knocking over several of the men. The tight allies worked in her favor here. She dusted off her hand, spinning to face the group of soldiers behind her. The look of victory in the eyes of the five men as they opened fire made Elaine roll her eyes. The bullets bounced off her surprisingly durable skin, this time scattering wildly across the ground, though that’s not to say it didn’t hurt. It hurt like hellfire, and she was going to have bruises. Each bullet hitting her skin felt like a bee sting, and the pain persisted. None broke the skin of course, and for that she was thankful; otherwise, you know, she’d be dead. But the pain pissed her off. She fought through the debilitating effects of the pain, the lethargy and the force, slowly approaching the group of soldiers. Her clothes were torn to shreds from the constant hail of bullets, leaving her only in a tattered bra and underwear. Then the telltale clicking; they were out. Their concentrated looks turned to one of horror as they found, surprise! Elaine was in their face.

”Oops.” She feigned worry, her eyes popping as she put her hand to her mouth. ”Looks like you’re out.”

And then she set upon them. The first man was on the floor before he even knew what happened, and in that same instant she wrenched his knee, twisting the leg the opposite direction. The pain and shock knocked him unconscious, but Elaine was already moving. An upward thrust to the sternum followed by a jab to the throat knocked a second out, and a quick cross to the temple took out a third. By this time, the other two had recovered enough to pull out trench knives, little black serrated knives which they held with familiar ease. Elaine could only laugh at this.

”Well, I admire your grit.” With a flash, her sword appeared in her hand, the curved, shining metal glistening with the noon sun. ”But mines bigger.” With almost contemptuous ease, she ripped an air conditioning unit out of the wall. The wind picked up, scattering her hair behind her and she made a slow approach, her sword in one hand, her makeshift bludgeoning weapon in the other. You can’t expect even a hardened soldier to keep their compusure, and these poor boys were still green around the gills. They ran, presumably to a suitable hiding spot. With a thoughtful frown, she stared up at the fight. And in an instant she was off again; Siren was going to need help. Three more mechas, these updated and shiny looking, were encroaching on her, seemingly materialized from nowhere. Siren was gonna need help.

The smaller of the three got there first, propelled forward by jets on it’s hindquarters. A gatling gun attached to it’s arm started to spin, but instead of bullets, bright red streaks seared the ground! Lasers. Elaine almost tripped in her run. They have lasers. What next? There was no way she could jump high enough, and with how fast the mecha’s were moving, she needed to take this one down quickly. She didn’t think she nor her Will energy could last more than a couple of shots from those behemoths. This required finesse. ’Or,’ she thought to herself as she gritted her teeth. ’should I say I should start thinking with my head?’ She didn’t have time to laugh at her joke as suddenly, the full force of formidable strength slammed into the reinforced joint of the mecha.

For a second, Elaine felt nothing except air where she bounced; but then the ground went rushing up to meet her. ’Oh, no.’ She hit the ground with an almighty crash, carving an ever-widening groove in the ground until she slammed bodily against the frame of the first mecha. She lay groaning. Through the dust and smoke and her own squinted eyes, she saw the mecha collapse, unable to sustain itself with it’s damaged limb. ’At least it worked. Huh … I thought that would be hurt …’ She struggled to stand, only to collapse with a groan as pain wracked her body. ’Ow. Okay. It was just waiting for me to move. Okay. I can do this.’ The pain wracked her body again, but she gritted her teeth, fighting through her protesting joints. Every movement was agony she ignored until she stood unsteady on her feet. A bruise was blossoming on her cheek, and she was pretty sure she lost a tooth. But hey, she was still standing!

”Let’s hope I don’t have to do that again.”

That said, she turned her attention to the remaining Mecha’s. Older and slower than the one she just took down, but also significantly more powerful and armed with bullets the length of her arm, Elaine knew she had to be careful. She couldn’t that stunt again; it hurt way too much. No, she had to think of another way. A mecha was a vehicle, right? And a vehicles biggest weakness is it’s driver. Which means … A grin flicked across her features. She may not be able to take a mecha, but she’d back herself in a fight against nearly any other being, especially normal humans.

”Hey, Siren!” She waved her arms wildly. It must have made quite a sight, a nearly naked girl waving for a shapeshifting alien. She noticed her wardrobe malfunction then and, with but a mere sheepish grin, flashed green, again wearing the thin white tank top and a short skirt - like, a really short skirt. Any shorter, and it couldn’t even be qualified as clothing. ”Think you could get me up there?!” She was shouting at her, her hands cupped, and as she made the request she pointed at the bubble where the pilots were located. Oh, she had a plan all right.
Katrina A. Russel
Katrina A. Russel
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Miscommunication Of Force Empty Re: Miscommunication Of Force

Post by GamerXZ March 5th 2018, 4:47 pm

If the grounds around the prison hadn't erupted into chaos already, they certainly had now. Perhaps Siren should've thought this through more, maybe even went for a more diplomatic approach...but then she recalled her track record up till now which included hospitalizing who knows how many mercenaries and causing large amounts of destruction to military hardware, so why stop now?

As such, she curled into a ball and zipped around the field while trying to stay ahead of the lasers, but one of them got a lucky shot and blasted her off her feet and into a wall. She winced at the pain and the sight of some scorched skin. It wouldn't deal lasting harm but it was a reminder that she wasn't invincible.

She heard the agent calling out to her as she swapped back to her normal form and used telekinesis to create a barricade from debris. With a nod, Siren used her telekinesis to lift Adlay into the air over the mechs.
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Miscommunication Of Force Empty Re: Miscommunication Of Force

Post by Descendants March 8th 2018, 3:13 am

The feeling of weightlessness took over her and it was only her skydiving training that allowed her to keep her balance. Being lifted by telekinesis was … such a weird sensation. It’s like having a suit of armor over you, except you weight nothing and flying. And you have no control. A lesser woman might be afraid, but not Elaine; no, she was flying towards the monstrous mech with a determined smirk on her face, part confidence, part excitement, part battlelust. As her feet touched the round dome and the soldier looked up in shock, the battle lust won dominance over her features. Her fingers scrambled on the glass before finding a groove and nearly contemptuously, tossed it aside. This was quickly followed by the soldier inside the mech suit, though Elaine made sure to have him long on something soft. A loud crunch and a wail of pain followed and Elaine could only shrug. It looked soft, sue her.

”Ooh, this looks important!” With a grunt, she ripped out a chunk of electronics from underneath the dash and in what must have looked like a scene from a movie, the thing stopped. With a grin and a toss of the hunk of electronics, she slid down the mecha’s leg and looked around to see how Siren was doing.

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Registration date : 2018-03-01

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Miscommunication Of Force Empty Re: Miscommunication Of Force

Post by GamerXZ March 8th 2018, 3:51 pm

As Adlay went about her business, Siren went after the last mech, covering herself in a telekinetic field  to ward off its gunfire before leaping at it and slamming her body and her field into it hard enough to send it onto its back. Before it had a chance to recover, she landed on its chest and imitated her partner by ripping off its cover to reveal the cowering pilot inside, "Don't kill me, please! I'm just doing my job!"

Siren rolled her eyes before  psychically lifting the guy out before taking his place. "Let's see..." She messed around with the controls and before long, the machine was now under her control. It stood up and turned to the front doors of the prison before proceeding to make its way over. As it did, it fired off several rockets to take out the turrets defending it, "Officer, let's get inside before they can call for more reinforcements!"

The mecha grappled onto the metal doors and proceeded to pull them open slowly. However, the moment she did, another mecha came charging through the doorway and slammed into her commandeered robot hard enough to send both of them flying back. Righting themselves, they stared down the sleek black mecha and sighed, "Me and my big mouth..."

Both robots activated their thrusters and crashed into each other in a tight grapple. A voice came over the black one's intercom, "Power down that suit you've stolen and surrender. Do so, and you and the other mutant will be guaranteed a fair trial."

For some reason, that seemed to tick her off, "Don't you dare talk to me about fairness!!"  Without the covering on the mech's cockpit, Siren let loose a telekinetic blast that was powerful enough to dent the mech's chest armor and send it skidding back. She raced forward and crashed into it while her robot's blade arm hacked off its left arm. She went to hack off its other arm only for its own blade arm to shoot out and cut off her robot's arm.

Not deterred, Siren grabbed the robot's  chest panel and went to pull it off as it went to slice off her other arm. Both succeeding at the same time. Siren jumped out of her mech and grabbed the pilot, looking him furiously in the eye...before letting out a sigh and just levitating him over to be tied up by some metal girders.

With that, she headed in the front doors...
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Miscommunication Of Force Empty Re: Miscommunication Of Force

Post by Descendants March 12th 2018, 7:27 am

Well, that was easy … relatively. There was a spreading fire, a bunch of soldiers with broken bones, and three giant mecha’s out for the count. With a satisfied smile, she dusted her hands off. Couldn’t get much better than this. Picking her way among the wreckage, she went over to the first mecha she brought down; a new model. She hadn’t heard any rumours about prototypes or a new release. Her eyes narrowed as she considered the possibility. ’Hmmm …’ She slipped the motherboard inside a plastic bag, banishing it to The Gate. She’d have to investigate this when she got back to headquarters; for now, though, it was time to focus on the threat at hand. They were still surrounded by soldiers, and she couldn’t let her guard down. And then, as if the universe was testing her, another mecha ripped itself out of a hanger.

’Well, that pilot certainly has a- wait, did he just call me a mutant!? What the hell, dude?!’

She glanced sideways at Siren with a loud grin; she hated bigots, they pissed her off. With a great, wrenching sound, she ripped a large section off the mecha’s outer section. Satisfied with the weight, she winked at Siren. ”Alright, Siren. Let’s go find this General.”

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