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Starshine Empty Starshine

Post by Rowan Eldraine June 7th 2017, 6:27 pm

Starboy had listened to the erratic bubbling of the coffee maker for the part few minutes,enjoying the simplistic rhythm of it as beams of sunlight peeked through the frayed curtains. He hovered above the smooth hardwood flooring, one leg hooked over another with hands resting behind the other to keep his head rested. The sensation of wearing clothes was always an odd feeling to him, though he did it if nothing else then because people tended to bother him about it. Luckily she let him pick out his clothes, which ended up being  a soft white shirt and blue jeans. Speaking of people that would bother him about clothing, he turned to the sound of footsteps and a human form emerging from a bedroom. Her normally straight hair was left messy, though skin tone made the circles around her eyes difficult to see.

”Do you ever sleep Star?” She asked with a single raised brow,  walking past him and to the coffee machine.

” Sleep? I have never done that actually.” He explained, looking at her with the usual wide eyed, innocent glance he gave any human. ”What is it like?” He then asked, turning his floating form into more like a mid air laying position.

”It’s….weird.” She explained, holding a cup of now steaming coffee, taking the occasional sip from it. ”Maybe you should close your eyes and just try it.” She suggested, settling into the recliner  and just looking to the odd male floating there.

”I...think I did something like that before. When I wad floating through the big black.” He gave an extravagant motion, making it go too far wide and knocking over a lamp, which shattered over the floor loudly. He winced from the sound and looked to her a little apologetically.

”That was from my mothers, but I hated her so it was okay.” She shrugged, Starboy giving a couple nods without understanding what was being said.

”Okay. I’m gonna go out now.” He broke from the sitting position, this time opening the door before taking to the sky. In the span of a second he was flying above the city, looking down over the people going about their lives. These short things that were over in an instant, but ones that he appreciated all the same. Time always passed in a blur for him. One minutes the worlds star could be on the rise, and the next it was already high in the sky overlooking them with warm rays of light.

”Hello friend!” He said out-loud, waving to the large sphere within the sky with jovial smile. That was when he noted something, the people in the cars with the loud lights crouching around and the sounds of what he assumed were those things Carrie called guns going off. Greatly curious about said situation, he dipped downwards and landed on the ground with a soft sound as one of those bullets bounced off of his mid section. ”That’s not very nice. You should put down your….um….guns. Yeah those.” He said pointing to the direction of the people holding the assault rifles.
Rowan Eldraine
Rowan Eldraine

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 49
Registration date : 2017-06-06

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Starshine Empty Re: Starshine

Post by Orsy June 8th 2017, 12:40 pm

Stargirl let out a playful giggle as she lied down on a dusty surface, her arms and legs spread out and moving in a snow-angel fashion.  She felt very good about herself because she had just gotten her new costume and was wearing it for the first time.  It was a skin-tight white bodysuit with shiny gold designs on the chest, gold boots and gloves, and a long flowing gold cape.  The girl really felt like she was a hero when wearing the outfit, and it was sparkly so she thinks it’s so pretty!  Stargirl’s movements on the ground kicked up a lot of fine dust which caused her to sit up and let out a squeaky little sneeze, widening her eyes because she startled herself.  Her gaze switched to the starry sky as she looked at the large blue sphere in the sky that was the Earth.  Playing on the Moon was fun and all, but Stargirl decided to return to the pretty blue world.

After launching off from the Lunar surface, it would take a relatively short time for Stargirl to close the distance to Earth, hitting the atmosphere directly causing her body to be enveloped in a shroud of heat.  After surviving reentry, Stargirl looked down at her body and squealed in glee when she saw that her costume survived as well!  No more clothes burning up for Stargirl!  She’d then break the sound barrier as she flew through the skies on her way back home to Chicago, where all of her best friends live.

Once she arrived above the skyline of the city, Stargirl let out a startled squeak and covered her ears because she heard a bunch of loud popping sounds from below.  Her first instinct was to cry and dart in the opposite direction, but she thought for a moment first.  Those popping sounds were gun shots, gun shots mean guns, and guns hurt people!  “Nooo!  Nobody get hurt!” She cried out before sucking it up and flying towards the loud noises.

The bad people who were shooting guns suddenly cried out in surprise and horror as a fully costumed woman suddenly landed hard down on the hood of their car, causing it to lift off its wheels a bit before flopping back down and its hood was completely destroyed by the impact.  Stargirl looked down at them with a frustrated pout when they began to open fire on her too, the bullets bouncing off completely.  “Stop trying to hurt people!”  She yelled out, thrusting her hand completely through the windshield and gripped the roof before ripping it off like a bandaid and tossed it to the side.  All but one of the crooks scrambled out of the car, the one remaining unable to because he was being lifted up by the shirt while Stargirl crushes his weapon with her fingers before tossing him onto the ground like a ragdoll.

It was then when Stargirl turned to look at who the bad people were shooting at and blinked her eyes at the sight of the floating boy who’s clothes were riddled with bullet holes, but was completely unharmed.  “Oh hello there!”  She let out a giggle, completely forgetting about the other goons for the moment.  “What’s your name?  Are you bulletproof too!?”  She looked at him with her mouth ajar, looking both shocked and intrigued.
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : Don't let the kitty fool you, this Orsy is a happy boi.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 143
Location : Somewhere
Age : 28
Job : None'ya
Registration date : 2015-01-06

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Starshine Empty Re: Starshine

Post by Rowan Eldraine June 8th 2017, 6:02 pm

The sensation of bullets ricocheting from his flesh was imperceptible, though he could tell what the intentions of the bullets were. It only took them a few seconds to realize that their weapons did nothing, though they were at the point where they couldn’t do much else. Frowning at the holes within his shirt, Star turned to the people firing at him and bounded forward in a few steps. With a leap he landed between two people holding their guns, and broke the barrel of a gun with a casual clench of the hand. ”No, bad.” He said, remembering something that Carrie had said at some point.

That was when he noticed someone else had leapt onto the scene, tearing apart a car and doing the same thing to weapons that he had done. ”Woah, that’s cool.” He said with excited expression as he casually pushed someone back with a pat of the palm that sent them flying into a wall. They fell to the ground with a thump, moaning which seemed to suggest they were still alive. Turning from the crime still in progress, he focused upon talking to the odd superhero that had joined in the heroing. That was when the questions of his being bulletproof came about.

"Ummmm...Carrie just calls me Star." He paused a second before answering the latter question. ”Yeah, I am!” He said flexing as if that would prove anything. ”Apparently my shirt isn’t though.” he added with a slight frown, showing his now bullet hole riddled shirt. ”I was helping the blue people over there.” He casually motioned to the police officers before turning back to the criminals seemingly trying to run. One of them had  tried to get into a vehicle that hadn’t been ruined, though all Starboy had to do was jam a hand through the hood and crush a major section of the engine.
Rowan Eldraine
Rowan Eldraine

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 49
Registration date : 2017-06-06

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Starshine Empty Re: Starshine

Post by Orsy June 8th 2017, 6:56 pm

Stargirl flew with the other hero as he ruined another car’s engine, moving in front of the driver side door and effortlessly ripped it off while still looking at the hero.  “Carrie?  Is she your best friend!?” The excitable girl giggled before looking at the two crooks in the car, her eyes glowed bright yellow and shot energy beams at their weapons to destroy them.  She’d then perk her head up straight and widened her eyes as if she just realized something.  “Your name is Star!?” Her voice giddy and filled with joy as she floated over to him with a bright smile, “That’s my name too!  But with a girl at the end!  So it's Stargirl!” She let out a happy giggle.

The holes in Starboy’s shirt caught her eye again and made her frown with sympathy.  “Awwwwh… People clothes are so fragile!  My pretty clothes that my friends buy me always burn in the atmosphere!  They say, ‘Stargirl, you shouldn’t go to space in those clothes, because you always end up naked!’ And being naked is bad, even though bunnies are naked and~” Stargirl blinks her eyes and cuts off her long run on sentence to look over to the blue people, forgetting they were there.  “Hi Mr. Police people!” She let out a giggle and waved to them.
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : Don't let the kitty fool you, this Orsy is a happy boi.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 143
Location : Somewhere
Age : 28
Job : None'ya
Registration date : 2015-01-06

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Starshine Empty Re: Starshine

Post by Rowan Eldraine June 10th 2017, 1:23 am

”Yeah, she lets me stay in her living room for reasons she says.” He explained, looking to the gun which melted from the a beam of energy from the females eyes. He hadn’t thought about the fact that someone might have a similar name, but apparently someone else had it. ”Really? That’s my name too, except it has….boy at the end of it.” His voice carried excitement and he was suddenly more interested in this unknown star person than the crooks who were interested in getting away from the frightening duo. Attention turned to his ruined shirt, Starboy frowning as well when he remembered that.

”I want clothes that don’t break  easy.” He said with a slight whine, feeling the faint cool of steel pressing against his temple. ”I’m talking, stop being rude.” With a grumble he reached up and grabbed the wrist holding the gun pressed to his temple. A gunshot went off, though all he felt was the soft thump of the projectile hitting him and falling to the ground a ruined piece of metal.
Rowan Eldraine
Rowan Eldraine

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 49
Registration date : 2017-06-06

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Starshine Empty Re: Starshine

Post by Orsy June 12th 2017, 2:06 pm

Stargirl frowned at the man who, for some unknown reason, felt as though it was a fantastic idea to get up and close to the person who is obviously bulletproof.  The caped girl floated slowly towards the criminal, who was backing away because he truly understood his mistake.  “..Stop being not nice!”  Stargirl yelled at him and smacked the gun out his hand with the back of her own, the man crying out in pain because the strike most likely shattered the bones, and the gun flying off into a brick wall where it would fall apart on impact.  Stargirl quickly put her hands up to her mouth and gasped when she heard the man cry out in pain, knowing she hurt him, and began to tear up with a soft whimper, “I-I’m sorry… I-I didn’t mean to hurt…”

It was at this moment that the cops came in and began to drag the bodies, and lead away that poor man, to their cars.  Where they would place them in their company and shut the door before turning to look at the two floating people.  “Uhm.. Thank you, heroes!  We.. uh.. Couldn’t have done it without you!  You guys saved our asses, hehe.. Thanks again..” The police saluted them awkwardly and got into their cruisers to drive off.

“S-Starbooooy…” Stargirl looked over at her new best friend with a pitiful little look, her ears all wet from tears and her lips all scrunched up in a pout,  “I-I hurted someone…” She begins to rub her eyes as she lets out her childish whimper.
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : Don't let the kitty fool you, this Orsy is a happy boi.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 143
Location : Somewhere
Age : 28
Job : None'ya
Registration date : 2015-01-06

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Starshine Empty Re: Starshine

Post by Rowan Eldraine June 17th 2017, 1:46 am

His eyes followed the gun as it was smacked out of the mans hand and collided with a wall where it fell apart. The separate sections that composed the murder weapon interested him, turning back to the man crying in pain with faint sympathy. More of the people in blue would come to them, speaking thanks about saving their asses. With that done they drove off, his eyes following their vehicles for a little bit before turning back to Stargirl with the same curiosity within his eyes. She was crying, the expression of slight pity still coloring his face.

She had hurt someone, a thing that obviously made her sad and he didn’t like seeing people sad. ”Don’t worry, he’ll get better...I think.” He said trying to calm her down, settling a hand on her shoulder like he had seen Carrie do once with someone she called her sister.. ”I’m bored, let’s go fly.” He said, levitating off of the ground motioning for her to come along with him.
Rowan Eldraine
Rowan Eldraine

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 49
Registration date : 2017-06-06

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Starshine Empty Re: Starshine

Post by Orsy June 19th 2017, 11:38 am

Stargirl sniffled and rubs her eyes as Starboy gently pats her on the back. Her friends do that to her a lot as well, because she gets upset sometimes. She’s a very sensitive creature and requires tons of positive reinforcement. The costumed heroine slowly turned and pressed her body into Starboy, wrapping her arms around him and giving him a very close hug with a whimper. “I-I hope he gets better… I-I don’t want to hurt people… I-I’m supposed to help people..” Stargirl wipes her tears, because she has them somehow, on Starboy’s shirt; calming herself down.

Starboy began to float at that point, and with her hands around him, Stargirl began to float too; effortlessly lifting off the ground while holding onto him tightly. She looked up at him, her cheeks still wet from crying, and tilted her head. “Where are we going, Starboy? Are we going to help more people, or are we getting you a new shirt?” She asked quietly, poking a finger through one of the bullet holes in his shirt.
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : Don't let the kitty fool you, this Orsy is a happy boi.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 143
Location : Somewhere
Age : 28
Job : None'ya
Registration date : 2015-01-06

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Starshine Empty Re: Starshine

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