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A step up [Jossalyn]

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A step up [Jossalyn] Empty A step up [Jossalyn]

Post by Shael Atterrius May 4th 2017, 1:44 am

Nate had never thought about actually accepting any kind of charity, and a part of him rebelled against the very thought. Someone blessed by angels should not have to beg for charity, but he did find himself eventually running low the charity of a sorcerer by the name of Helios. Well, he couldn’t argue with someone that likely had enough experience to know how things like this worked. Luckily he was kind enough to wash his clothes, though he did nothing about the rips in Nate's leather jacket. Regardless, this lead to him standing before the massive headquarters for said charity.

He hadn’t asked about the name prior, but being warped to a location was good enough for him. As far as clothing went he was in the usual, black leather, now decorated with a few rips over a worn white t-shirt and jeans tucked into scuffed boots. The sun bore down on him in the usual summer heat, something that went out of Nathaniel's notice as his silver eyes focused on the rising building. A stray desire to let his wings free and fly to the highest floor passed through his head, ignored just as quickly as it came. He doubted that people would really react well to someone doing that. So the young nephilim just walked in the normal entrance.

With arms crossed over his chest, he walked through the main entrance with eyes darting around. That being until he found something that looked like a front desk that could direct him towards whoever could help him. Eventually he did find something along those lines,

”Here for the charity thing?” He said questioning if he was even doing the right thing.
Shael Atterrius
Shael Atterrius
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A step up [Jossalyn] Empty Re: A step up [Jossalyn]

Post by Jossalyn Packard May 4th 2017, 11:10 am

The Wright Foundation Primary HQ, New York City, New York

It was a hot day, a very hot day; the air was so hot that you could see a mirage of sort on the road while driving because it took a darker tone, a wetter tone, like it had been wetted for people to make some sort of splash. You could see the heat as particles in the air bouncing off of each other, creating a wave that twisted and turned as though a dancer had manifested to tell you their story through a dance of high thermals. That meant that the day called for something else other than one of Jossalyn’s longer dresses or suits, so she was here wearing a gentle yellow color that accented white and dark gray clothing. Her pants had been replaced by a yellow and white pair with a white leather belt wrapped around her waist, an expensive pair of yellow high heels on her feet, and her shirt a simple white top with a collar that had a bow tie on it, a dark gray vest jacket on top of it, a yellow handkerchief folded into the pocket on the left side of it; for the finale, a cane accompanied her, replacing her purse by storing objects through a very special technology. What was wanted was an outfit that didn’t do too much, one that wasn’t too bright, and didn’t catch too many eyes, and Jossalyn had achieved that, at least in her eyes, though the sound of the cane often turned more heads than her heels alone would.

A gentle, thudding noise was made by the cane worn for style and function as she walked into the building, greeting one of the security guards, and going to getting behind the front desk to grab her two-in-one and its stylus. She had accidentally left it somewhere outside of her office, and knowing that someone would place the all-metal, bezel free object and its magnetically-attached where they always put it when she was in a hurry to leave, she was happy to reacquaint herself with it. The screen greeted her as an E-Ink screen - useful for reading - before shifting into one so vibrant that it looked like a portal to another world that you could just reach your hand inside to feel the yellow marigold background picture, and its lush, plump, and wet petals. She let it do a full biometric signature scan, and then it greeted her, and the Wristlet XL45 on her left wrist gave a happy chime as it re-synchronized. Really, Jossalyn should have known better than to leave something that contained such important information behind, even in her own charity’s building, but she had forgotten the personal belonging once more; she knew that if she left her work tablet behind, she wouldn’t care because she really only used her own, which ‘secretly’ held corporate data she technically shouldn’t have on it, but Cleo allowed her to, so it was fine.

The voice of a young man was heard behind her, and she turned for a moment to see the secretary handing him a slate that he could just wave his hand over to input the information that he needed. High technology was so useful, especially when they were so easy to mass produce with the technology that Epique possessed; the latest model self-replicating nanites used in the mass production were supposed to make their way into her NRD, too, but it was the older model, so they eventually stressed themselves out, and had to be given a recharge. She quirked her head to the right, and tapped at her tablet to access the security system, looking over the scan of the young man taken when he entered the building.

”Here you go, sir.” The secretary handed Nate the slate. ”Just fill out your information. You can use the neural input to use it more quickly. We won’t be selling any of it, so please don’t worry about what we ask you to input.” The black haired girl with freckles, her hair in a bun, telekinetically brought her mug to her, taking a sip out of it.

Jossalyn had found out that he was a little special. Identifiers were an useful part of security, but they didn’t give much information beyond species, sometimes not at even that, because it was hard to pinpoint the species on some individuals. She didn’t know if he actually had any beyond human abilities or not, though, so she was going to wait for whoever this boy was to use the slate to fill out whether or not he had any abilities. If he did, he would be sent up to the top floor, where Jossalyn’s office was, since she had just gotten here and wasn’t too busy to see someone. The 44th floor, to be exact, where her secretary, and Keurig found their work. Walking forward, she used the simple cane with yellow accents to touch one of the elevator buttons.

The first floor was far from the busiest part of the gargantuan charity’s headquarters, but people were still walking through the skyscraper’s first floor at all times during this part of the day. A speedster narrowly avoided knocking Jossalyn over, and then another woman gave a small “hey!” at the kid, who was rushing around. Sighing, she stepped into the elevator, waiting to ascend to the highest floor.

A step up [Jossalyn] Tenor
Jossalyn Packard
Jossalyn Packard

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Quote : I'm calling for my mother as I pull the pillars down.

Warnings : 1 Warning
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Registration date : 2017-04-27

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A step up [Jossalyn] Empty Re: A step up [Jossalyn]

Post by Shael Atterrius May 4th 2017, 4:46 pm

Nate wasn’t sure what he was expecting exactly when he walked up to the desk, but there was no turning back now. The woman behind the desk seemed nice enough, offering him some manner of slate though he did not immediately understand what it was for. What he did note was the secretary's use of telekinesis, though Nate did nothing more than give it a thought before turning his attention back to whatever he was supposed to be filling out. ”No thanks. I’ll do it the old fashioned way.” Nate waved off, not feeling comfortable with the idea of something messing around in his head. Prior dealings with mind control had brought about a little hesitance.

This involved a few things he needed to fill in, information about his abilities and various other things. His abilities were easy enough to write out, considering they weren’t that complex, save for of course the whole holy fire bit. It was hard to explain channeling the flames of some vague heaven, though controlling fire was something that he could easily explain. So he went with that, rounding out all of the things that he could do.

With everything filled out, he handed back the slate to the secretary and waited for whatever he was supposed to be waiting. That being where he was supposed to go next. Going to the 44th floor sounded pretty important, though he hadn’t at the time cataloged how many floors the building actually had. For all he knew that could have been the top floor, and top floors were normally important in buildings like this. Regardless of how important said floor was, Nathaniel asked around for where an elevator could be found and stepped in it. Someone else seemed to be joining him on his trip up, though Nate did what he usually did.

That being keeping quiet.
Shael Atterrius
Shael Atterrius
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A step up [Jossalyn] Empty Re: A step up [Jossalyn]

Post by Jossalyn Packard May 5th 2017, 12:56 pm

The elevator was as sleek as the rest of the building, having the name of the Loftwell’s on a plaque, the Loftwell’s having given this elevator and others to the charity when they were installing it after the building was leased; before then, the only thing missing had been elevators. It was a strange chance for something like that to happen, but apparently people had decided it was best for such a thing to be achieved - after all, the building had been earmarked for the Wright Foundation from the moment its construction had started. Cleo Wright, also known as Cleo of Attica, missed her great grand-daughter Iris, and after having another so-called immortal family member die, this time someone very close to her, she coped through the obscene spending that she had become accustomed to in the name of Iris, and her charity. Nate would ride up in the elevator purchased by the Loftwell’s, recently updated to use magnetic levitation instead of the standard elevator technology, making it a much smoother, much quicker ride, and a lot safer too. The young man next to Nate in the elevator quirked his head at him, pressing a button on it, and then going back to holding the binder close to him - he seemed shy, but he wasn’t shy enough to stay quiet in this place.

”Hi. Are you new?” He asked softly, waiting to get to the 30th floor of the building for one of his check-ups. ”My name is Thomas. I’m Jossalyn’s cousin. You can call me Tommy.” His light French accent was able to be heard now. Thomas brushed back his blonde hair, looking down at his Converse sneakers, feeling somewhat hyper. He was always fidgety. He had been looking at Nate from the corner of his eyes before turning to shake his hand, holding the binder to his chest with his free hand. ”I come here for my doctor, and volunteer a bit. I mean, I have to pay for the doctors here, but they’re some of the only specialists in the city… so, yeah.” Tommy gave a gentle smile to Nate, wondering if the quiet boy was going to shake his hand, or stay quiet.

A step up [Jossalyn] Tenor
Jossalyn Packard
Jossalyn Packard

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Quote : I'm calling for my mother as I pull the pillars down.

Warnings : 1 Warning
Number of posts : 6
Registration date : 2017-04-27

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A step up [Jossalyn] Empty Re: A step up [Jossalyn]

Post by Shael Atterrius May 5th 2017, 2:20 pm

Something about elevators always gave Nate the feeling that they would fall down any second without warning. Rather, his mind always jumped to that conclusion and ended up thinking of ways he could get out of the eventual collision with the ground. His mind only stayed on inevitable crashes for a few seconds, until it then took note of the other male in the elevator. It appeared said male was the one to initiate any kind of conversation, and he had no idea how to actually respond. Some might say it came with being awkward or maybe he just didn’t know how to talk to people he thought were cute.

The words came in the form of a question, mostly asking if he was new. ”I am.” He nodded, trying to seem a little friendly. Which was easier than sounding friendly, so he just worked with that. After all, he seemed like someone that was just here for help much like himself. When the male spoke however, he did hear something that sounded like an accent, french if he knew anything about accents. ”I’m Nate, I’m new here.” He said, before realizing that he had already mentioned that he was new here. That was a sudden social slip up that he did not try to bring attention to.

”Are you too?” He asked, hoping that didn’t come off rude.
Shael Atterrius
Shael Atterrius
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