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This is not model behavior

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INV ONLY This is not model behavior

Post by Taco King September 27th 2016, 1:00 pm

Humans have a lot of pass times. With a wide variety of interests. Bas often wondered how humans managed to get things done, with so much to do. This morning alone he had to go to a photo shoot, eat lunch afterwards, then get ready for today's fashion show. It may not seem like a lot, but being a supermodel is hard. Unless most supermodels are metahumans (at this point it seems logical), Bas has to wonder how do they manage. His alien blood made every food he ate healthy, so he did not have to keep to a diet. He also did not need as much sleep as a human so he worked more. Still all of the humans in the room were either excited, scared, jealous, nervous or some mixture. Bas unfolded his hands to rub his temples. He focused to reduce the external emotions to more of a background noise.

“One Two Three...One Two Three…” Bas hummed almost silently to himself. He looked at the rack of numbered clothes he was given, with his own excitement. This was his first gig as a runway super model and could not wait to start. On his home planet clothes were worn out of necessity, never keeping style in mind. When he first came to Earth the culture shock of learning how to dress alone was hard. Fashion took him some time to learn, along with English, Math, and other basic Earth concepts. Bas stood to head to the dressing room, he had to change into his first set fast. “Pardon me, sorry!” Bas apologized. His head was so wrapped up in the show he bumped another model on the way to his changing room. The lady did not respond just kept walking. Only when Bas reached his dressing room did he feel like something was off. He did not get a read when he touched her. People cannot not shut down their feelings, even when they feel empty, they are feeling something. The fact that not even emptiness could be felt was a bad sign. Still it should not concern him. It could have been nothing so, Bas really did not think about it.

Changing was a breeze a charcoal blazer, with a white collared shirt emphasized his more toned frame, while making his eyes appear as a gray mystical color. The slacks matched the blazer nicely while showing off his nice better assets. Bas took a second to admire himself in the mirror, levitating off the ground unconsciously. He fell to the ground hard as a wave of terror kicked in. Bas jumped and ran towards the source, dodging the changing people and cute outfits.  He got outside from the back entrance in peered into the alley for the source of the emotion. There in a dark corner was the lady he bumped into earlier. The source of the emotion came from the guy she had lifted up against the wall, her hand starting to crushing the man's pipe. Bas put as much energy into his hand as he could. He was not feeling any anger around, so it was harder to do. He threw the energy blast like a baseball. Hoping to stop the lady from killing the passed out guy. As the blast hit, smoke came out. The lady turned her head all the way around. A strange things for humans to be able to do. Stranger when she dropped the lad and her entire body shifted.

“Metahuman interference. Eliminating new witness.” It was a fuzzy type speak. Not actually directed at Bas, more like she was talking to herself. Like she was a……. The light clicked in his mind as he thought robot. That would explain the crazy strength, missing emotions, and exorcist rotating head action. The top of the dress lowered to expose the chest. Not that Bas is into that kind of thing, it was a weird thing for a robot to do. No sooner did the thought cross his mind that he felt a bullet in his shoulder. He ducked behind a garbage can as the robot open fired. He stopped the bleeding but needed to eat something to heal the wound. Bas couldn’t move or risk being riddled with holes. The pain stopping him from feeling happy enough to fly. He needed something to work with. But what?!
Taco King
Taco King

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Quote : "You have my back. I will have yours."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5
Location : L.A
Job : Fashion Model
Registration date : 2016-09-25

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INV ONLY Re: This is not model behavior

Post by Champion September 27th 2016, 10:56 pm

Being a vigilante in Las Angeles was annoying, especially with the amount of odd things happening lately in the city. Last week Miguel had even had to deal with some odd scorpion thing with giant pincers trying to snap him in half, and this week it was freaking androids. It was enough to drive a guy to drinking, and that was actually what he was forced to do. The flak was held in his right hand, occasionally thrown back as he let the sweet alcohol into his system. Despite that years of drinking had managed to increase his tolerance to such a level that he could only really achieve a buzz at the moment. Still that buzz was enough for the job at hand, which was following a lead he had managed to ascertain from another android type that there would be more at a fashion show of all things.

The location of the show was nice enough, large and likely able to hold a decent amount of people. Still he didn’t really feel as if he belonged in that kind of scene considering who he was. Some guy with dark jeans and a denim jacket with the sleeves cut off over a black muscle shirt likely did not mix in with guys and girls wearing the latest fancy fashions. Granted some of them were nice enough to look at in a malnourished but pretty way. So maybe he could enjoy a few good looking people while he waited for any chance to find out more of these android types, and maybe rip them apart. After all, it didn’t count as killing but violence against robots was just as satisfying. Granted he wished he didn’t actually enjoy the killing portion, as that felt more like someone else within him bringing about that pleasure.

That was when he realized an important detail, that he had no idea when the thing actually started. ”Christ Mike, get your shit together.” He noted now that there was literally almost noone here, meaning that he had...probably not done enough research into things. So he would have to lay off the flask for a bit, as he tried to look something up on his phone. That was when the gunshot sounded off, something that sounded like something that he could look into until then. ”hang on random shooter.” With a start he was running towards the source of the sound, moving a little faster than any human could possibly do. Where he ended up looked to be some manner of alleyway, complete with topless woman and pretty boy ducking behind a garbage can. ”Talk about freakin weird.” That was when he noted the….machine gun parts of the chests.

Okay, that made more sense than just some random fun in an alleyway going wrong. ”Alright….android lady. I’d normally give a warning, but you’re a robot so you probably are programmed to kill or whatever. So i’m just going to punch you really hard now.” And like that he rushed forward full speed to slam an elbow into the things face. The force behind it was immense, sending the robot flying into the wall and likely having something break. ”So cute stuff, you alright?” Miguel asked, back tracking and checking up on Bas.
Post Mate
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INV ONLY Re: This is not model behavior

Post by Taco King September 27th 2016, 11:36 pm

Robots are annoying. On Tulamar they were never needed. Emotionless objects that moved was an incredulous concept. Now one of these incredulous concepts were shooting at him. Gathering what little anger he could, manage he prepared another energy bolt. He had to make this shot count, or risk the cities chicken nugget supply. As soon as he got ready another voice entered the fray.

The human had to be at an evolutionary disadvantage mentally. He ran towards the shooting robot, not a thing many would do. Strange thing, Bas did not feel fear from him, or even nervous vibes. Like this was a common occurrence for the stranger. Only after the guy elbowed the robot in the face, did Bas guess at not being human. He could be one of those Meta-thingies, the things humans classified as themselves, but with powers. On the other hand this guy is as hot as a nogard, a fire breathing creature, on Tulamar. Still he didn’t have the clean polished look, Bas grew accustomed to. He was nevertheless gorgeous.

It took him a second to realize the stranger was talking to him. “Yeah, sure I am alright. Thanks for saving me.” Bas smiled brightly as he thanked his hero. The bullet wound in his shoulder on throbbed, grabbing his attention. The blood getting ready to fall if he did not close the wound, he needed a donut badly. Still he checked the robot to make sure it was down, and made sure the stranger was alive with his powers. Before walking back to the sexy soldier. “Name is Bastian. Friends call me Bas. Thanks for saving me again.” He brushed his hair aside seductively, before turning around to head back. “You are welcome to come inside with me. The show should be fun.” Bas was feeling strangely pleasant. As such he pushed some of the good vibes outwards to share the feeling.

Bas walked inside without turning around. He felt like the stranger would follow. He grabbed a platter of doughnuts off the nearby table. Junk food was a food source that was always readily available at these events. What kind of model would ruin their figure? Bas stuffed a couple in his mouth, starving as the excess calories healed his wound. “So what’s your name? Or would sexy stranger work?”
Taco King
Taco King

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Quote : "You have my back. I will have yours."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5
Location : L.A
Job : Fashion Model
Registration date : 2016-09-25

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INV ONLY Re: This is not model behavior

Post by Champion September 27th 2016, 11:56 pm

Despite the annoyances that came along with knocking down the bad guys, there was always an awarding sensation that came along with helping their helpless victims. His smiled softly down at the male, only then noticing that they had an injury on their shoulder. It was then he was glad that the blood itself wasn’t apparent, leaving unfortunate instances for later when he couldn’t accidentally harm such a pretty guy. ”Think nothin of it. It’s sorta the job of a hero anyway, to save people and stuff.”Despite the injury they soldiered on, checking to see if the robot would stay down before returning to him. Miguel had to give him credit, he expected him to be showing a little more pain than he was.

”The show? Oh, well I guess I can come on in.” he couldn’t help notice a few tell tale gestures, though he chalked it up to just him being so handsome. Not like Mike was the type to be modest, that was just something that his mother tried to hammer into him. Still he felt an odd pleasant sensation through him, something that smiling come much easier. The male walked inside, and so he followed with hands buried into his pockets. Maybe this little show would be fun, and he could see if there were any other androids lurking around while he was enjoying some good company.

He watched the male pick up a few donuts, appearing to shovel them into his mouth as if ravenous. Honestly, he couldn’t help chuckling softly to himself at the sight, but then again he also enjoyed donuts that much. ”People call me Mike, but if you wanna keep calling me Sexy Stranger I won’t mind.” He added with a wink, grabbing himself a couple of donuts from the nearbye table and nearly stuffing one into his mouth whole as he chewed it up. Who knew fried, sugary dough could be so delicious and yet these things were always selling so good. That made him want a churro now, but there was always time for those when he wasn’t flirting with a model.

”So if you don’t mind my asking cute stuff, know why that robot was doing it’s Austin Powers impression?” He asked, keeping the playful tone there despite how serious he meant the question.
Post Mate
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INV ONLY Re: This is not model behavior

Post by Taco King September 28th 2016, 12:43 am

For a moment Bas had to focus on staying on the ground. The guy called him cute stuff. By Earth standards Bas just had to assume flirting. He was feeling giddily happy, not an emotion he would normally experience often. Only when he focused on the words and the emotions, did being thoroughly confused become an understatement. Austin Powers, was that some kind of Super Villain, Bas has never heard of. It would make sense that there are a ton of villains he is unaware about. The way it was said indicated some type of Earth custom he must have missed out on. Yet the feelings he picked up on from Mike, said it was not as light as it seemed.

“Mike huh” He licked the powered sugar of his fingers, from his last donut. Before he continued to speak. “I am not sure about the whole Austin Powers thing. But the robot just appeared today.” He stepped a bit closer to Mike, to gauge an emotional reaction better.

Bas had to catch himself from almost passing out. Terror and Fear washed over him too quickly, and too abundantly. Sounds of screaming could be heard from the event hall. This Mike maybe strong, still Bas did not want him hurt. He felt and interesting bond of sorts with the guy.”Stay Here. I will go see if I could help.”

Running into the event hall, a scene of total chaos, could only be used to describe what he saw. Chairs flipped over, a part of the cat walk was smashed, and four ladies continued to wreck the room. Bas checked for emotional prints and confirmed they were not human. A rather useless fact, seeing as how humans do not have weapons for body parts. One lady had a chainsaw arm, another was shooting laser beams from her eyes, a third chased the remainder fleeing audience with a giant mallet hand, while the fourth had five long tentacles coming from underneath her dress. Wrapping the extension around who ever got close.

“Okay. Now I am angry. You miscreants interrupted the show twice, start hurting innocent people, and stopped me from flirting with this really hot guy.” As the anger swelled inside of him, accumulating the energy to throw became a lot easier. As he was mad about those things. He made sure all the guests were looking away, before launching the energy. Straight at mallet hand. It actually did took of its’ mallet hand in one show. Then Laz-o must have noticed him, as the lasers came flying. Bas ducked to the right and got prepared for a stronger blast.
Taco King
Taco King

Status :

Quote : "You have my back. I will have yours."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5
Location : L.A
Job : Fashion Model
Registration date : 2016-09-25

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INV ONLY Re: This is not model behavior

Post by Champion September 28th 2016, 9:32 am

Flirting tended to just be something that he did to help with his nerves, and usually nothing came of it aside from the occasional annoyed person and yet here he was being flirted back with. It wasn’t the first time, but the reaction was infrequent enough to surprise him. He licked his lips, recognizing the tastes of the donut on them as the male showed they had no idea his reference or why the robot was even funnier. Thought what he said did suggested that he wasn’t dealing with any odd robots before. ”Well, sounds like the robots want something and I doubt it’s your pretty face.” He noted with a smirk, eating the other donut as he continued to lick the donut powder from his fingers and lips. His thoughts over the situation were quickly broken as the sounds of people screaming could be heard.

Okay, that sounds like more of the robots doing their thing.  I guess that just makes things easier. He thought to himself with a roll of his eyes, burying his hands in his pockets. Bas would tell him to stay here as if  he would be defenseless against these robots, and for a second he was actually offended. That feeling passed as he considered that maybe they were just trying to protect his pretty face. Regardless he wanted to fight some robots, and so Miguel would follow along behind the male as he stepped into the...catwalk room. He had no idea what to actually call it.

That was when he saw the more obvious robots, some of them looking rather comical with their death weapons. ”Hey hey! We can always flirt after we bust some robot skulls.” He said with a chuckle, patting Bas on the shoulder as they knocked out the mallet robots mallet, and a laser came their way. This was something easily avoided as he let his head lean to the side, glaring at all of the robots doing their thing as if the laser one could deal with them both. This managed to annoy him more than anything else, made evident by him removing the flask from it’s connection with his belt, and then quickly he chucked it forward. The thing sailed through the air, slamming into the laser ones eye as it was charging another beam, causing it to malfunction, followed by the head exploding.

”IU swear, it’s like I can’t just have a good time without some stupid robots or villains just ruining it.” That was when the chainsaw one was upon him, swinging their weapon around at him as he continued to step around it, deciding to eventually make his move, as he slammed a fist through its chest and remove what looked to be a powercell. That left one more, as Miguel threw the now useless robot against a wall. His attention however was not fully on the fight, as made evident by one of the tentacles of the remaining latching onto his ankle, and throwing him into a wall.

It stung like a bitch but he would live.
Post Mate
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INV ONLY Re: This is not model behavior

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