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Sea World Transportation (Double XP)

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Sea World Transportation (Double XP)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Sea World Transportation (Double XP)

Post by Day Dreamer July 26th 2016, 12:24 pm

Kolson and crew are finally making way with the plant

NPC 1: Yeah, now that the odds are staked she'll have some explaining to do. I'm going to punch her in the face, it's fair to hit a woman if she has fucking powers.

NPC 3: Yeah, you're such tough guy, you couldn't even handle her by yourself. (He continues to cut through the Kelp)

You're a bigot you know that? And I can't wait to finish this mission and never have to work with you again..

NPC 1:
And you're both pussys' cut faster. (He reloads his gun waiting preparing for action)

NPC 3: Alright this should be good enough we can

Suddenly the room shakes as if something was crashing into the side of it making everyone lose their balance. The hear a alarming roar and everyone turns to the entrance of the cave. That's when we are met with the Sea Monster who looks enraged.

Sea World Transportation (Double XP)  - Page 2 Lochness_dino

NPC 1:

NPC 3: What the hell is that?

Kolson: I've never seen anything likes it before. (Kolson thinks about his powers to talk to animals and wonders if they will work on this thing as well Kolson slowly approaches the monster with his hands up.)

Kolson: Hey now we mean you no harm, we don't want any problems do you understand me? (Kolson says looking at the monster while his two partners stare at him like he's insane)

NPC 1:
What the fuck are you doing rookie you're going to get killed get over here. (He says pointing his gun at the monster with NPC 3 who also has his weapon drawn)

The sea monster lets out another cry that Kolson doesn't seem to understand fully, Kolson continues to walk towards the monster who lunges at him only to be shot at by the NPC's)


The gun fire enrages the monster who thrashes about shaking the cave and making some of the lights crash and fall, Kolson falls over tries to think of a way out of this situation.

Day Dreamer
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Sea World Transportation (Double XP)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Sea World Transportation (Double XP)

Post by Ultragal July 26th 2016, 2:11 pm

Fleur hears the roaring, feels the shaking and sees the lights crashing down around her. Weaving in and out like an eel, she swims past the cavern's opening. She comes up short right in front of the divers and raises her hands: "OK! OK! I surrender! Arrest me if you like, but maybe help that falling fellow (Kolson) first."

The monster comes into Fleur's sight. She realizes she's now hemmed in all around her. The crumbling cavern is at her back. The divers, including the gunman, were in front of her. The monster is ginormous enough to block her way to the surface. That left Fleur with only one option: Surrender...and surrender she did. She wasn't going anywhere, nor would she even try.
A Sweet Cinnamon Roll

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Quote : "To be good, kind, and fair will always triumph over evil, being ruthless/cruel, and being a tyrant/dictator."

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Sea World Transportation (Double XP)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Sea World Transportation (Double XP)

Post by Day Dreamer July 26th 2016, 3:15 pm

As the beast continue to rage on Kolson again tried talking to the beast. Kolson then raises his hands in front of him trying to calm the beast by using his powers of attract on her face which only enrages her more.

Hey now, we don't mean to trespass, if you can just tell me whats the matter?

The monster lunges forward and Kolson pushes his body from the ground and out of the way she crashes into the sea. Kolson then hears the woman whose surrendering but that's the last thing he's worried about at this moment.

Ok we need game plans, does anyone have any ideas.

NPC 3:
The only thing I can think of is either subduing or trapping that thing. She's blocking our only known exit right now and if she keeps thrashing will be caved in.

NPC 1:
Lets just fucking kill it. (He shots into the water hoping to hit her again.)

Kolson grabs his gun with his powers and tosses it in the water.

I've had enough of your shit. Now you're defenseless with us monsters. (Kolson says to the only human surround by metas) Ok girlie fess up, I know you have some type of secret bullets or something you can use or better yet you can make kelp grow right?

Kolson smiles as he gets an idea in his head. He lifts up the kelp around him and hovers it over to the woman.

Make these bigger and I'll wrap them around the monster to subdue her, she's just a giant Sea Horse and I've had my fair share of bull riding.
(Kolson stares at the woman not knowing if she would help or not but this is the only chance they have of getting out alive)
Day Dreamer
Day Dreamer
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Sea World Transportation (Double XP)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Sea World Transportation (Double XP)

Post by Ultragal July 27th 2016, 1:16 pm

"Alright. I'll do it", Fleur said: Focusing her will on the kelp a second time, she manipulates the cells. The kelp is now growing larger. After a very short while, it grows several times larger than she'd grown it before. She made the kelp stronger, too, to bear the monster's huge size and weight.

"That should do it...and you can call me Fleur-de-Lis. I hope your plan works. I'm not sure we can survive the destruction if that creature roars so loudly again."
A Sweet Cinnamon Roll

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Quote : "To be good, kind, and fair will always triumph over evil, being ruthless/cruel, and being a tyrant/dictator."

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Registration date : 2016-05-17

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Sea World Transportation (Double XP)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Sea World Transportation (Double XP)

Post by Day Dreamer July 27th 2016, 9:53 pm

NPC 1: You are all crazy, I'm getting out of here.

He says as he runs deeper into the cave trying to escape the destruction.

Kolson ignores him and focuses on the sea monster again waiting for it to reemerge. Just then the sea monsters head shoots out of the water and it locks eyes with Kolson. The two enemies stare each other down; neither backing down.

Kolson: Alright; I've got one shot at this, cover me.

Kolson begins send the kelp towards the monster who doesn't understand wants going on. While NPC 3 shoots around it distracting it giving Kolson a better way to lasso and web the monster up. Kolson manages to get the kelp tied around the beast neck who jerks away instinctively. Kolson using all of his power gets a tight grip on the sea monster whose trying it's best to resist being captured.

The fight continues for 5 struggling minutes both Kolson and the monster tiring out. NPC 3 comes behind Kolson turning both of his hands green before thirsting them into Kolson's back this gives Kolson a little more juice and Kolson finally over powers the beast. The bucking fades until the monster subsides do to tiring it's self out. It weakly drops it's defense not knowing what's going to happen next.

Kolson: Holy shit, it worked. Ok now lets try this again (Kolson concentrates on the subdued beast.) We won't hurt you, we're just going to leave here and you're not going to freak out again alright?

The creature doesn't move but Kolson believe's that they have an understanding Kolson goes up next to the creature and pets it's head. The creature recoils at Kolson touch but doesn't feel pain or in danger so it stays put. Kolson then motions for everyone to follow his lead.

Kolson: Ok we're going to get out of here.

Nessa: I trust you human. This is my nest, and I was afraid you were going to disturb the place of where I lay my eggs.

Kolson: So you can understand me? Well we didn't even get very far into the cave so I didn't see any eggs we were actually looking for a special type of underwater plant. (Kolson describes the plant to her)

Nessa: What you seek is here, but it's something you can not take. That plant is what I used to make my nest it morphs with the eggs to create my children.

Kolson thinks long and hard about this he doesn't want to end the mission in failure but he also doesn't want to destroy the eco system.

Kolson: Alright we will keep your secret safe...

Nessa: You're a noble human, i will let you and the others go freely leave swiftly.

Kolson nods and looks back at the NPC 3 and Fleur. Who are most likely staring at him talk to the creature and seemingly understand it with a frazzled expression.

Kolson: Lets get out of here.

NPC 3: What about her? What are we going to do with her?

Kolson: She helped us, so i guess well call it even for now. However Fleur De Lis, if I do run into you in the future, know that I won't be as forgiving. (Kolson hits a button on his headset) We're returning to base our lead ended up empty the cavern collapsed we were not able to retrieve the target.

That's too bad... return to the base we will discuss the mission.

Kolson: Over and out.

Nessa: I shall take my leave.

She returns into the water as Kolson watches her swim away, but not too far as she wants to make sure they all leave. Kolson and NPC 3 head out leaving Fleur to her own devices.


NPC 1 continues to run until he see's what he think's is natural light he's done it he's found the entrance to the secret city in the underwater volcano. He however is not alone in the shadows a native shoots him in the neck with a dart and he topples over into the water.

Fin on my part ~
Day Dreamer
Day Dreamer
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Sea World Transportation (Double XP)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Sea World Transportation (Double XP)

Post by Ultragal July 28th 2016, 1:52 pm

No plant, no matter how rare, was worth risking her life for. Fleur swam back to the surface. She made it back to her double-wide chassis truck/social club. She opened the driver side door. She sat in her driver's seat. She started the vehicle up and left the area as fast as she could.

Thornette and Burr took their usual seat behind Fleur's. Fleur saw their puzzled experessions in her rear view mirror. She told them: "Don't even think of asking questions, you two!" They both simply shrugged and kept quiet until Fleur drove well away from the area. Fleur wouldn't ever forget what the guy in the high-tech scuba gear (Kolson) told her.

A Sweet Cinnamon Roll

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Quote : "To be good, kind, and fair will always triumph over evil, being ruthless/cruel, and being a tyrant/dictator."

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