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[NPC]: R.E.D

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[NPC]: R.E.D Empty [NPC]: R.E.D

Post by Zodiac May 3rd 2015, 1:59 pm

"The Red Ghost."

Basic Biography

Real Name: Agatha Alkaev
Pseudonym: Lucilla Sinclair
Villain Name: Red
Title: "The red ghost"
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Age: 37
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Hair: Long brown
Eyes: Hazel
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 148lbs.
Blood type: B-

The Looks

[NPC]: R.E.D 501769435_5a8e0e4ac4

The Legacy

     A cunning and cruel woman, Red is an entity what will stop at nothing to ensure that the information she desires is the information she obtains. She is a ruthless, cuthroat of a woman that knows no limits to do that which needs to be done in order to ensure her victory. Despite her ruthlessness and her sinister methods, Red does hold true to the fact that there is honor amongst thieves, and that she is no different. She holds true to the fact that if a thief has outwitted her, outsmarted her or otherwise won the day over her, she knows when she is defeated.

   A kind, warm and loving woman, Agatha is a concerned mother who has nothing in mind other than the future of her crazy daughter.

     Welcome to the last generation of totally not Russian spies. Actually, truth be told no one can remember if Agatha is a Russian spy or not. Her last name is Russian, but she had been a turncoat for so many different people that even she has lost trace of her origins. Agatha underwent training as a Russian spy at one point, and that's as far back as she can remember. She was quite easily the best of the best. If there were ever a human to come from Russia to potentially be one of the greatest non-powered spies... it was Miss Agatha Alkaev.

     Trading secrets, secret dinners and playing the game of chess in the form of social advancement. Agatha dined with diplomats, drank with town drunks and danced with diabolical masterminds all her life as she honed her trade from the apex of pristine and beyond. Covert missions, operations and years of service finally awarded her with the opportunity of a life time. She was assigned the most important mission in what was perhaps Russian history. She eagerly accepted, taking full control of the situation as she eagerly embarked to see to the death of a target she once collected information on before. Elena Vexus.

  Upon arriving, Agatha found herself perfectly defenseless, as she had been delievered into the hands of her "target" Elena Vexus as a mutual agreement between the Russian government and herself. Her annihilation for something in return, likely technology to give them an edge. The Russian government wasn't too broken apart over it, after all she was a spy for someone else before them and her overqualifications and secrecy were enough to make them wary of her and her loyalty. As loyal as she was, her skills made her a risk, one they would not take. Unfortunately their caution was well placed, as Agatha managed to "escape" the situation with the deception of her feigning death.

    Following those events it was quite clear to Agatha that with her "death" she had all the more reason to live. She had yet another enemy to destroy. Two of them. Russian spymaster, who was in the running to become the Russian head of state. The other enemy... she didn't want to destroy them. She understood. It was just business. But she still wanted to give them the sign. The signal that she wasn't out of this yet, and that they needed to watch their backs.

  Donning a red trench-coat and a red hat with a pair of black tech-savy sunglasses she stepped out of her hiding one week after her supposed death and began her own privitized war against Russia's officials. Leaving her very own calling card, a woman in red that was almost transluscent on a business card attached to a black rose that she left in the hands of her victims. Soon enough the work got around and there was nothing but talk of "The Red Ghost" that seemed to move about. Many people believed it was the ghost of a soviet spy that was angry at the Russian government for it's changing towards democracy, though very few knew the truth.

  Setting up her own network of spies and setting up in the shadows, Agatha or rather "Red" had taken on her own underground business, prioritizing trades of secrets and information in exchange for favors, money or other useful resources. Currently she is in a "co-op" with an entity named "The Black Knight" and works with him in order to ensure a mutually beneficial business relationship.

The Powers

I got skillz: She has the combat training to put most people to shame. She even has the occassional ability to surpas the limits of what humans have ever been able to reach in order to dodge, evade and react with better percision.

Master of Disguise: The ability to quickly change apperances, pitch and change ones voice as well as their scent and conceal themselves as someone else PERFECTLY and without flaw. This excellence of disguise will even be able to fool X-ray vision and other means that would otherwise expose her. As a spy in the metahuman world, she needed to learn to blend in to very specific details.

The Weaknesses

Item reliant: Red is reliant on her items to complete most of the functions she desires. While she may have peak human physiology she is still at a grave disadvantage in the world of the superhuman. Her items are her only means of damage and escape.  

Combat evasive: Red does whatever she csan to avoid combat and maintain her secret as best as she possibly can. This being said, she is more often than not likely to try and avoid conflict close to her personal area. If someone gets "too close" she will likely try to abandon ship and get the heck out of there before they can actually get ahold of her.

Tia: Red's biggest weakness is quite obviously her daughter. She will spare no expense and betray every loyalty to ensure the safety of her young daughter.

Honor amongst thieves: While she will take any job she upholds to the concept of having honor amongst thieves. If you manage to beat her to the target, then the honor is yours to keep. She upholds her contracts to the very letter though if she fails she is more than willing to accomodate for the failure.

Lone wolf complex: She has a complex where she needs to work alone. If she cannot work alone entirely she wants to be alone while she does the work with someone else on the same job. This leads to communications errors unless she is the one giving directives and overseeing the mission.

The best course of action: She carefully contemplates every action, sometimes overestimating or underestimating the abilities of the people before. To adapt to this she has developed a course of action that forces her to "draw out" events and make over elaborate plots in order to garner information on people. This is a weakness akin to "playing with your food" before eating it. It draws out and gives people just as much of a chance to strike back.

The typical mastermind: As a typical mastermind, Red would not reveal herself in a plan without the advantage being clearly in her favor. The moment the advantage is lost she retreats. While she plays this off well enough as being a move of strategy it's truly a move of her underlying cowardice of death. She does not wish to die as revenge fuels her very being.

RP Mechanics

Where in the world!?: Her identiy is a total mystery. As Agatha she is on many databases with false information that will sate ones curiosity. As Red or "The Red Ghost" no one on earth can find her. When she dons the coat and hat she is no longer able to be found by any living person so long as she does not wish to be. No manner of machine in present nor future can detect her, no DNA can be taken from her and even her fingerprints are protected through her gloves. Essentially once she's donned this red... she'd gone rogue worse than Sarah Palin. Of course this has no applicable effect in direct confrontations, if someone stumbles upon her or anything like that. Provides no combat assistance as she is always able to be seen.

Mundane gadgets: Grappling hook, a knife, binoculars two handguns and one sweet ride to take her to her own little lair of shadows and secrets.

The Items

Item powers: X-ray, video recording, information streaming, hacking electronics, 360 vision, flash-proof, water-proof
Item Weaknesses: Normal sunglasses durability, EMP, magnets, can be used by anyone wearing them, flashes of light won't blind but will disable 360 vision for 1 post, vibrations and high pitched frequencies will disable hacking and inner workings for the remainder of the topic, if exposed to overly cold tempuratures or are frozen over, then the sunglasses will instantly shatter.

Hair clip:
Item powers: Explodes in a huge BOOM when thrown at a person or target. Explosion create a large cloud of knock-out gas that is clearly visible and is the color green which indicates to toxic.
Item Weaknesses: Gas cloud is not mobile, Gas cloud is avoided if you hold your breath and run through, the explosion is dampened by water, the gas cloud is dampened by moisture, requires it to be thrown, will blow up if it the wrong way. Only one hair clip per topic.

Item powers: Adhesive capability, claw protrusion.
Item Weaknesses: Claws can be broken, adhesive ablity is less effective on wet surfaces, claws are negated by EMP's, gloves can be removed, can be used by anyone with a petite hand size.

Item powers: EMP-proof, EMP blast, laser beam
Item Weaknesses: EMP blast requires a 10 post cooldown, the effects would only last 5 posts at maximum, laser beam requires a 2 post cooldown after use, the laser beam is only the size of a laser pointer, EMp blast disables her own items, bracelet can be used by anyone, bracelet is not made of actual metal therefore it could break rather easily if hit.

Item powers: The ability to posion an enemy upon contact. The poison is known to cause dizziness, nausea and then projectiel vommiting and hallucinations.
Item Weaknesses: The posion takes longer to take effect in the cold, the posion is dispelled upon sleep, obviously it is permission based, the severity or las of hallucinations varies case by case, regenerative factors dampen the effects of the posion to mere nausea for a few minutes.

Physical Priority

1 : Reaction : 1
2 : Agility : 2
3 : Endurance : 3
4 : Strength : 4

[NPC]: R.E.D Guilty10
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Killing never takes a villain out of this world...It just replaces them."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 643
Age : 28
Job : Your salvation through destruction.
Humor : [19:13:20] @ Forceaus : The racking of sperring skirrs means you rack disciprine
Registration date : 2013-08-18

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[NPC]: R.E.D Empty Re: [NPC]: R.E.D

Post by Alpha May 3rd 2015, 2:05 pm

Approved until stated otherwise

[NPC]: R.E.D CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 30
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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