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Xeonix Tetra Artillery System 3.0 Please Review. ^_^

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Xeonix Tetra Artillery System 3.0 Please Review. ^_^ Empty Xeonix Tetra Artillery System 3.0 Please Review. ^_^

Post by Saileyra April 19th 2013, 7:43 pm

Xeonix Tetra Artillery System 3.0

Broaden Your Horizons. Fear Technology For It Can Breathe.

The History:
The Creation of The Bird:
Xeonix has been many metals, xeno-alloy is his primary force, then Xetallium, or star diamond was coated alongside the metal of the creature. Saileyra's older brother Jairou created Xeonix. Every form one XETA is given these robotic creatures to protect them through what their race considers infancy. After Form Two many XETA cast away their XERAM. In this case, Saileyra perfected what a XERAM is. Jairou put X-Cells that matched Sai's in Xeonix. Ever since they could connect on a biological level through a XETA Sync. Normally between two XETA's there is a vitality and power boost in this case this is just the connection in Sai's subconious to the bird it'self. Over time and exposure to mana mana's xeonix developed an A! that is mana based. Now, the AI is no longer an computer unit, it is actually a living conciousness trapped in the vessel of the bird.

Recently, materia being placed into Xeonix, he had changed into a more intricate conciousness allowing him to become much more human like. His humanoid form more soft, weaker, in the sense of perceiving pain. But his phoenix nature has become true, he is able to handle heats beyond recognition although he doesn't heal from it.

Forms and Abilities:
The Bird Form/Tactial System:
Xeonix is 9 feet tall, four feet tall when perched from foot to top of the head. The bird has 9 feet long wings, 30 barbed tails. It's own conciousness powers it's form but it has no sense of pain unless in humanoid form. This is where the fabroids inside the creature is exposed much like nerve endings as an armor but also they perceive pain considering a little living person is in there. Xeonix can feel, love, and be happy just as any other but is subject to being nothing more than a weapon when it comes to battle.

UV Plating Can Allow the Xetallium Star Plasma to cause heat and ignite allowing the bird to catch light like a phoenix. In this form, Xeonix can reach speeds up to 150MPH rivaling Sai's top olympian speed in this world. Allowing this creature to take flight, long distance battles, and take control of ranged targets giving Sai's lack of multiple target focus a larger range. Both of them are connected through their biological cells. Xeonix resembles a phoenix in the conciousness in his core burns with might, utilizing his conciousness, and plasma core reactor he can heat himself up to dangerous amounts of heat.

Xeonix has telescopic eyes and can see through night vision, heat vision, EMF, EMP to create a fine field of vision. He can see up two foot ball fields giving him that wicked 'birds' eye people like to talk about. Anything dangerous to Sai they can relay to each other through their connection.

The Gauntlet:
The tails become a shoulder harness, the shoulder spike and elbow spike protrude about two inches from the top end of the shoulder. The elbow spike is presented and the talons are two inches long. The gauntlet is always combined on Sai's right arm. Most of Xeonix's abilities are rendered useless and the simple fact of the matter is the gauntlet is now in place to be just a simple device to fight with sword and add some defence to battle. Not that it protects her overall person, but a shoulder spike to the face for defense never hurt anyone.

The Sword:
Xeonix takes form of a double pronged blade the wings spinning and coiling into the blade along with the strips of tail folding and morphing itself. Through mental thought this weapon can change plasma outputs when being thrusted or waved. In length, the blade is about three in a half feet long in length. Offering a deadly offensive weapon when Xetaken would not be needed for her personal purposes, personal vendettas.

With the increase of size, Xeonix will become three feet tall and six feet in length. Thus an increase in the length of the double pronged blades. With an extra shifting mechanism in place, the blade becomes nodachi length at five feet allowing the blade to shift and cause an opening to single sword at five feet length with hooked edges.

The Body Armor:
Xeonix curls around Sai and becomes an entire set of body armor due to this her defence goes up one. Albeit, Xeonix cannot stay in this state for long periods of time due to the fact he perceives pain. This is the flaw to this armor. The creature is alive, living, but is still half machine none the less. The more pain he feels the more likely he is to release. This form of armor had more boost than sustainability, lasts for three posts.

Humanoid Xeonix:
Xeonix takes this form mostly during social occasions, it can be considered either his strongest form or weakest form. Due to the materia radiating plasmic heat between the plates of the armor he is at least 200 degrees in natural body heat. Fabroid armor is receptive to pain, if you cut his arm, he'll feel it. Despite not being able to breathe, the red glowing weavings. The conciousness essence filters and crystallizes becoming a sword at the base of his back. He can utilize this as a blade to fight along Sai. The humanoid form doesn't offer many perks other than closer range combat and more social interaction among peers. Albeit, he just got this form so it's not all that cracked up as it looks.

Grid: (24 is the max) (No stat over 6)
Intelligence: 3
Strength: 4
Speed: 4
Durability: 3
Ability: 4 [ For Shapeshifting and Vision. ]
Fighting Skills: 4
Flight: 2

Xeonix Tetra Artillery System 3.0 Please Review. ^_^ SaiSig_zpsbe04a7d2
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Xeonix Tetra Artillery System 3.0 Please Review. ^_^ Empty Re: Xeonix Tetra Artillery System 3.0 Please Review. ^_^

Post by Elena Vexus May 1st 2013, 9:14 pm

Xeonix Tetra Artillery System 3.0 Please Review. ^_^ Medium
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Ms. Elena Vexus
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