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The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL)

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The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL) Empty The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL)

Post by The Womb November 26th 2012, 1:51 am

The Womb strode out of Split Shot's shack and made his way down the street. It was past noon now and the streets had gotten busier. People walked by him, many of them staring at his ghastly appearance. It mattered little to The Womb that they gawked at him. Their lives and their minds were not what mattered to him. What mattered was the acts of villainy, tyranny and atrocity being committed all around him, as well as against him. He would see to it that all who advocated evil would be struck down by the hands of the Legion.

He did not stop, he made his way further along and found himself getting closer to what seemed like the hub of the city. Many humans mustered there. Many adorned in bright clothing and luxurious garments. Look at the gluttonous wretches. They feast while another man starves right there in the street next to them, in plain view! Humanity has truly become evil in its ways. As he passed a beggar he stopped, knelt and looked into the mans eyes. "I shall avenge you." The man nearly screamed, a look of pure terror plastered upon his visage as the specter stood and walked away.

Pushing through the throng The Womb became more aggressive in his mood. The arrogance of these people! What have my children become in my absence!? "Wow cool make up dude!" A teenager said in awe as he passed The Womb. The Womb turned to him and grabbed him by the shirt. "Tis not an illusion boy. This is my face" With that he shoved the boy backwards and onto the floor.

"Hey, that was my son! You son of a bitch!" A man yelled in protest. He swung for The Womb and connected with the back of The Womb's head. The Womb felt the impact but little effect did it have upon him. He turned and with a swift movement batted the man with his left hand. The man stumbled, not expecting such a forceful strike. The Womb grabbed the man by the face. "You would dare raise a hand to me? I, the one who spawned you into existence!? I the one who gave you Life and Death!?" His outrage was evident and he slammed a fist into the mans jaw sending him sprawling backwards into the crowds around them. Another man tried attacking Womb, The Womb stopped the mans fist with his own hand and twisted the mans arm, and the proceeded to boot him in the chest and into a wall winding him. The Womb was blinded by rage, appalled at what had become of his beloved child.


Last edited by The Womb on November 30th 2012, 1:11 am; edited 1 time in total

"Only from The Womb springs Life and Death" - WOMB

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The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL) Empty Re: The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL)

Post by BrightChaos November 27th 2012, 5:03 am

Miracle Boy followed the skeletal member of the Refugees. He took to the air and walked on the roofs of the surrounding buildings following Womb enjoying the wind in his face. He came to a stop to see Womb seemingly scaring a ragged looking man. The boy looked concerned considering if he should intervene but wasn't entirely sure what was going on so he waited curiously.

A fight broke out between Womb and several guys. He could see that Womb wasn't trying to kill them so he waited on the rooftop while Womb made a rather emotional declaration. He hoped the Womb wouldn't go to far or he'd have to jump in.
"What is up with him?" He pondered. Womb was throwing people around left and right. Thankfully the crowd was shrinking with many people fleeing. But maybe his speech would reach afew people.

The boy flew to land next to Womb and took hold of his wrist to stop him from tossing anymore bystanders.
"Relax. Let me try this." He said to womb before jumping on-top of a car to try his own speech.
"What he means is, join us for the adventure of your life! Save those in need and see the world!" He called to those who remained.

Miracle Boy
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The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL) Empty Re: The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL)

Post by Jakal November 27th 2012, 8:40 pm

Split shot followed behind the two of them. He saw them both go on their little crazyness. He knew womb would be fine, but thought they could use a little muscle. Soon the car was surrinded by clones as split shot jumped up next to miracle. " yes, join us in our fight against evil." "Hey," a man called from the crowd "I know you, you trashed my store."
"No sir, that was my dark half, but he's gone now. He won't be back." He felt his wrist at where sideway managed to escape. "Who will rise up, and join the legion of doom. Not convinced we mean business?" He saw an old junker car across the street in a dump and activated his nanobots. He slowly focused them and sent a laser beam straight into the car. "Boom shackalacka"

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The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL) Empty Re: The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL)

Post by Forceaus November 27th 2012, 9:30 pm

John Capore was in Los Angeles, California for what qualified as a vacation.It was only the second one that he had had since his mother's death.The last one of course was in Tampa where he met those two metahumans that were around the same age he was and actually made friends with both of them.One of which he would later meet again in Pennsylvania and actually managed to get him to join the Talons whom he had previously been a member of.Having heard recently that he was still considered a member to some extent despite having quit warmed his heart a bit.It was good to know such a thing.

He was in LA visiting some relatives from his father's side.This was the side he saw less often over the years.He didn't know any of them very well at all and had trouble really establishing any relationship with any of them.Because of this he was now out touring the streets instead of hanging out with any of them.Not like there was anything to do but sit around anyways.It was a noisy city for sure due to how many people lived here but the noise coming from down the block seemed quite excessive.Straining his neck to see what was going on up ahead he saw three people drawing attention to themselves.People was a loose term though.One of them was in fact a skeleton.Another of which he also recognized as that one kid who hadn't even been aware that New York had been destroyed.Then again he didn't seem all that bright at all.Listening closely he could hear what they were saying and what he heard were things he did not like at all.

He decided quickly to take action.He wasn't going to let them continue unchecked.It was too much of a risk.Ducking out of sight was easy to do with everybody else focused on those three individuals.He quickly found a hiding place and changed into costume.Once done with that he strode out and shouted out back at them."Hey if you guys want someone to talk to I'll be glad to be of assistance." Now the crowd turned to him and cleared out of the way between him and them as he slowly walked closer to him.His power surged within him just in case they tried to do anything particularly aggressive.

Mega Poster!
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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL) Empty Re: The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL)

Post by Swordsmaster November 27th 2012, 9:49 pm

Las Angeles, California, a place Darren Cross had always wanted to visit, how he ended up there he wasn’t quite sure and he didn’t care because it truly didn’t matter that much to him. He was the Talons Hobo Kid and he was able to go anywhere he wanted it seemed, that’s all that mattered to him. Well that and the fact that he might get to meet some famous movie star again like he did in Chicago when he first met Jack Maroon, the fire guy with a sword, and the Comic Star herself, they also got to have fun in Central Park and beat up some baddies. Hey maybe he’d get to do that with some movie star here in California, it was the city of dreams or something like that, right? Shrugging he dived behind an alley grabbed his costume out of his backpack and attached his trusty sword.

Jumping up onto the fire escape and onto the rooftops he took off at his full speed, which after a bit of training with Sean was now up to around 110 miles per hour or something awesome like that! Way better than his old lamey lame eighty miles an hour. It didn’t take him long before he saw a group of people bustling about and making a ruckus, which was totally not sway as that was his job. He jumped down onto the ground, after jumping across some stuff to do so, then barrel rolled up in front of them, next to some guy. A guy who after some closer inspection he recognized with ease, it was totally John…err Forcewave! “Howdy Y’all name’s Swordsmaster, and I reckon you shouldn’t be doing this right about now.” He said with his best southern, cowboy accent, because hey he always wanted to be in a ninja versus cowboy western movie.

So, after laughing at his lame accent he cracked his neck, swung his sword out of its sheath and pulled his hood down tighter over his face. “Like Force over there said you want to talk we’ll be the ones you talk too, if you wana dance then let’s dance. Love to see how you fare against two Talons.” He said in his normal Australian accent. Sure, Force wasn’t a Talon anymore because he quit or whatever to go solo but you could totally be solo and still counted as part of a group when you were one of the first couple of members to join it, specially if you still got special recognition and all that jazz every once in awhile. “Now as two on three don’t seem too fair for you three we’ll make this dance fare and square, Forcey whatcha say? You take Mr. Shackalacka and I’ll take Skeletor and Fly Boy?” Ooooh he was gona have so much fun.

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The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL) Empty Re: The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL)

Post by BrightChaos November 28th 2012, 3:39 am

Miracle Boy turned to see Split Shot approach. Looked like the whole group was here now. Split Shot mentioned a dark half? That was new. Then Split Shot called them, the Legion of Doom.
"Wait, I though we were calling ourselves the Refugees!" He protested. If they were making a club they at least needed to decide on a name. Then a car exploded after Split Shot blasted it.
"We're not getting any more members today." The boy said below his breath. These guys needed to learn how to make friends.

And sure enough soon not one, but two, people arrived intending to fight them. Both were older teens. One calling himself Swordmaster and calling the other Force. One seemed to have alot more fight in him and spoke in two different ways. This one then challenged them to a fight wanting to fight him and Womb at the same time. He wasn't one to fight unfairly but this guy did volunteer.

All of the bystanders had cleared out not wanting to get caught in a fight between five super-powered individuals. If they did want to fight at least it was safe to.
“I'm Miracle Boy!” The thirteen-year old boy exclaimed.
“And these are my friends, Womb and Split Shot. We're the Refugees.” He said with what he had been told was their club name. They were going to have to clear that up sometime. All that was left was to see how his teammates responded to the challenge.

Last edited by BrightChaos on November 30th 2012, 11:29 pm; edited 1 time in total

Miracle Boy
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The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL) Empty Re: The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL)

Post by Jakal November 28th 2012, 7:18 am

"Well, look if he has to fight 2 against one," split shot said reducing himself down to only himself an a copy, "so should you." He tenatively looked around, then decided to speak up "hey, I can almost garantee you have a fighting power don't you, well I can''t use my laser vision for four hours so let's make this even."
He walked over towards where the car had exploded and found a stop sign, oddly it was on a cylindrical pole rather than a rectangular bracket, "strange"he thought to himself". He picked it up to test its weight, then began twirling it skillfully and started talking "did you know, before I became a mutant I took 4 years of karate, one of the things I happened to learn" he said landing in a stance with his new found weapon extending outward. "Is how to use a bo staff". Meanwhile his copy stood nearby watching, awaiting commands "Damn" splitshot thought "i may only need one of me."

Last edited by Jakal on November 28th 2012, 10:25 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Wasn't up to snuff)

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The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL) Empty Re: The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL)

Post by Orojed13 November 29th 2012, 8:17 am

Red 53 had only reached Los Angeles last night, but was already starting to work on his current contract. Dressed in his red armor, his holsters had their weapons, his pouch full with shurikens and smoke bombs. Last night he had quickly found his target, but had decided three on one just wouldn't work. This moment was a wondrous turn of events though.
He stood not three feet from where the kid had been standing, now glad he had hidden when the kid was coming. Now he needed to hurry though before someone else did his job. Jumping off the side of the building, he landed in a fire escape and went down quickly. Running quickly, using the fleeing crowd as cover he rounded the beginning melee.
As Red 53 positioned himself in his target's blindspot, he released a shuriken at the back of the skeleton's head. Not waiting to see the result, he rushed forward. As he neared, he silently drew his kusarigama and did a wide sweep at Womb's legs.

Red 53
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The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL) Empty Re: The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL)

Post by The Womb November 29th 2012, 6:34 pm

Womb saw his two followers begin to help him in his quest. However as they too shouted pleas to the crowd two men made their presence known. The Womb saw his opportunity to converse with them and decided to take it. He noticed that Miracle Boy and Split Shot were gearing for attack. The two unknown men also seemed hostile.

"WAIT! Do not attack them my disciples. They may be able to aid us." There was now quite a crowd watching the confrontation. A wide circle of people watched silently as Womb walked forwards with his arms outstretched in order to show he showed no ill will to them. Their elaborate costume told The Womb these men were super powered human beings. They could be worthy additions to the ranks of the Legion. "Brothers, we mean you no harm. We wish simply to show the world what they have become. It has been hundreds of years since I set foot on this earth and it is as bestial and and uncaring as it was then. I have been set upon by many a human already and I have witnessed great evils being committed blatantly, for all to see. I wish to put an end to it. I am tried of seeing my children suffer at Life's hands. I wish to change Humanity's situation for the better by attacking the evil at its source and educating Humanity in order for the world to become the paradise it should always have been." He paused, for a moment. "Would you join us--?" As he finished his sentence he felt a sharp edged object strike the back of his skull. It did little damage but his inexhaustible rage had been brought back to the surface. "Who dares accost The Womb in this manner! Does your cowardice know no bounds?" He turned around as he spoke and as he did he caught a glimpse of red darting towards him.

In a flash of metal a long sword hummed towards the lower part of Womb's calves. The blade cut through The Womb's tough skin and sank deep into his left leg. However it lodged in the bone as it cut, stopping it from completely dismembering him. "GAAAHHH" The hiss of pain was harsh on the ear. Without thinking Womb brought his arm down hard and fast towards the attackers head. Wielding his fist like a re-enforced club.

"Only from The Womb springs Life and Death" - WOMB

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The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL) Empty Re: The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL)

Post by Orojed13 November 29th 2012, 6:50 pm

Red 53 was vaguely aware of the shuriken actually hitting it's mark. Of more importance was that the scythe portion of kusarigama hadn't made a clean cut through flesh, but had been lodged in bone. "Damn!" He thought to himself. As he continued forward, he saw the shift from leader to combatant, shortly followed by Womb's arm coming down in an unruly club motion. Red 53 dropped the chain and dove to the side, releasing two more shurikens. One was aimed for the hand, the other for Womb's face.

Last edited by Orojed13 on November 29th 2012, 7:03 pm; edited 2 times in total
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The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL) Empty Re: The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL)

Post by The Womb November 29th 2012, 6:53 pm

((OOC Alright I'm making the post order. I was going to have it in order of how we all posted but seeing a I've been directly attacked it seems to make sense to have Orojed go after me. So it goes me, oro, bright, jakal, force, swordmaster and Psych. Hope that's cool with everyone)

Last edited by The Womb on November 30th 2012, 1:11 am; edited 1 time in total

"Only from The Womb springs Life and Death" - WOMB

The Womb's Bio
The Womb's Experience
The Womb
The Womb
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Quote : "Heed me Humans. I am the Womb!"

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The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL) Empty Re: The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL)

Post by BrightChaos November 30th 2012, 11:52 pm

(OOC: Sorry for the wait.)

Miracle Boy waited to see if these two would attack. Were they enemies? Did they just want to spar? He wasn't entirely sure. But it would be fun to play with them. Instead he heard heard Womb tell them not to attack. But he didn't drop his guard yet. However the danger came from the wrong direction when he heard Womb howl in pain. He turned sharply to see a guy in red using bladed weapons on his teammate. He rushed forward forming an energy blast in his hand. The boy hurled it forward like a baseball at the ninja.

Miracle Boy
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The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL) Empty Re: The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL)

Post by Jakal December 1st 2012, 7:56 am

Split shot was ready for this, he had his weapon at the ready when he heard Womb's order. "You know, man. I think Womb is right, we're both heroes, why should we fight." He put his weapon aside and put out his hand, "friends, we could really use you on our team". Then he heard the scream. He saw a blur of red and picked up his weapon and chucked it like a javalin.

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Registration date : 2012-11-13

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The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL) Empty Re: The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL)

Post by Forceaus December 2nd 2012, 9:32 pm

((OOC: Deleting the OOC posts so topic is less cluttered.))

Ater shouting out and interrupting the speeches being given, Forcewave had steadily and boldly walked through the crowd to approach the three individuals that had drawn this large and to some extent hostile crowd to them to check and see exactly why they were causing all this.He awaited a response from them but before one could come somebody arrived on scene unexpectedly.Even more unexpected was who it turned out to be.It was Darren, his easily excitable friend of all people.He was here in Los Angeles.Not for nothing that Forcewave knew that he was the traveling type but last he heard Swordsmaster had officially become a part of the Talons and living at their new base of operations."Da-Swordsmaster.What are you doing here?" he asked of him in barely more than a whisper, utter shock in his voice.

Forcewave saw instantly that things were starting to become hostile between them and the three individuals who had generated this crowd.In response to this he quickly stepped between Swordsmaster and the others then spoke quietly to Swords as he was faced towards him so the others could not hear him."Don't do anything rash.This is not the place to be starting up a fight.There's too many people around.Do you understand me?" he asked in hopes that his friend will respond accordingly.

He turned back around as the skeleton started to speak of what their little group's goals were.His speech was all too familiar to him.He had heard it once before and the one who had spoken it had been by no means somebody trustworthy.He was not finding this guy trustworthy either.As he was speaking somebody appeared behind him and in a flash struck at him with some blades.Forcewave quickly grabbed Swordsmaster's wrist to get him to hold steady as he watched and waited to see what would happen next.

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Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL) Empty Re: The Legion of Womb Recruitment Rally (FULL)

Post by Swordsmaster December 2nd 2012, 10:38 pm

What was he doing here? Well that was a stupid question, cause it had like a bajillion different responses but only two of them would really work right about now. "Same thing you are, responding to public disturbance, namely these three. Buta if you meant why I'm here in L.A. It's 'cause I wana meet some famous people, I mean have you ever watched an old Clint Eastwood movie? That guy is totally sway and I wonder if he's still alive, there's rumors he is you know. Like apparently his brain is frozen or something."Swords rambled off, getting completely off topic, but hey easily excited was an understatement when describing the Talons Hobo Kid. He was like an ADHD kid who was high and on anti-depressant pills that worked at the same time.

When Forcewave suddenly stepped in front of him and spoke all serious like Darren stopped whatever it was he was going to say next and straitened up. He knew when there was a time to be serious and a time for joking he just liked to integrate the two, but obviously now was not that time. Right got it, people first." He muttered back when he saw the skeleton walk up and start to talk. Now, most people think Darren moves too fast, talks too fast, and even does things too fast as a side effect of his ADHD and his superhuman speeds. Although that may be true but it also let him see things moving at faster speeds as if they were moving normally. Just like now for example when he saw the man dressed in red moving about the crowd.

The shuriken was expertly thrown and with some speed too, he probably could have reached it in time but he didn't think to interfere with what was going on. He simply watched as the man moved at speeds that matched his own cutting into skeletor's leg with a kusarigama. A weapon he himself had used before but it wasn't one of his favorites. Here he went to move forward only to be held back by John grabbing onto his wrist. He wanted to go, he wanted to fight, he wanted to do something other than stand there but he sighed staying place anyway. He knew that sometimes watching and learning your enemy inside and out was the best course of action. "The enemy of your enemy is your friend, right? But that guys a trained assassin I can tell by the way he moves... As much as I don't wana say it we gota help Skeletar, Mr. Shakalaka, and fly boy."

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