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Broken Wings: Blood Bath

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Broken Wings: Blood Bath - Page 3 Empty Re: Broken Wings: Blood Bath

Post by Alpha May 15th 2016, 8:07 pm

The flashbang went off, managing to blind Delta pretty good as Drifter would swoop in for their finishing blow. Even trying to close his eyes didn’t work, so he was left blind as they ended up slamming him into the ground as a large current of electricity was sent through his body. They convulsed for a little before falling down, though drifter would not get to enjoy their victory as they would feel as if they air was ripped from their lungs. ”They’re right, you were pretty scary.” Eta said walking to the downed Delta as well as Drifter who would likely quickly be fading into unconsciousness. ”I guess that explains why Alpha doesn’t like you, huh? Likely now he would be down, as Eta motioned, creating a small funnel of wind that lifted his brother into the air, seeming to take them away from the scene.

”Alright, let’s get going Rob.” He said cheerily, as he would let Drifter fall once he fell unconcious. ”All this fighting is pretty stupid anyway.” So he would leave, not even thinking about making a killing blow.


Number of posts : 1832
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Broken Wings: Blood Bath - Page 3 Empty Re: Broken Wings: Blood Bath

Post by Gemini May 16th 2016, 4:07 pm

Solitaire tapped his fingers against his thigh as the Plague Doctor stated his terms. When he mentioned the ear piece, Solitaire brought his fingers up to it and squinted slightly. "You want the ear piece?' He pondered for a moment, before lowering his hand. "Since you have essentially just murdered me will you at least indulge me as to why you are so interested in Rise? Does it go beyond the 'not wanting to be extinct' thing?"
He raised an eyebrow before he lifted his hat of his head and began fanning his face.
He could feel himself sweating gently. A finger twitched.

"I mean, no ordinary man would knowingly come to a place where Gods were going battle without a strong motive. And I doubt you'd be here alone." He paused for a moment, hearing earth and rock being torn asunder in the distance and looking in the noise's direction "All the others are havin' a brawl and here we are, talkin' like respectable gentlemen.' He looked back to Quincy, who had his hand outstretched. "So, who's in your posse?"

He deliberately avoided mentioning whether or not he was accepting the deal.
"And just how did you know to come here?"
A card appeared in his fingers and he began spinning it between them, slowly.
Post Mate
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 111
Humor : You relieved or satisfied a demand or feeling all over my face
Registration date : 2013-09-22

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Broken Wings: Blood Bath - Page 3 Empty Re: Broken Wings: Blood Bath

Post by Stoic May 17th 2016, 6:19 pm

So, Drifter had done it. This was a good run. He pretty much beat three of the alphabet lame gang members, making a bit of a point. He wouldn't be crossed by them anymore. This was as much about revenge as it was Intel on both the Talons and Rise. He got both, so he was ready to back up and leave. A good days work earned him a beer in front of YouTube. But that's when he found the air leaving him, being pulled from both his lungs and his mask. Right about now he wished he had implemented the hydrogen and oxygen tank system in his mask for just this situation, but who knew he was going to fight an air manipulator? He soon found himself drifting off into dream world. Great.


"This isn't a comic book dude, why would i tell you?" Quincy said, wondering if he should just wait it out and let the guy die then take the communicator. It would certainly be easier, and full of less banter.

"Whatever, it's not like it matters. A war is coming, it has been for awhile. We're just gathering information on the two most powerful superhuman groups in the world, ya know, so we don't get crushed like ants." Quincy was getting impatient. He took a step forward, still outstretching his hand to the man and holding the other on the syringe.

"And i doubt my partner's name would ring a bell, you don't even know who i am. Just give me the communicator and take the injection, before you fucking die." Quincy said. He was done talking. He figured this guy would be too, but the amount Solitaire ran his mouth brought that into question.

Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "See, I am a serious vigilante with serious themes dealing with serious issues. You may some day achieve this grand seriousness, but for now, fetch my coffee."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 290
Location : The Moral Highground
Job : Vigilante, of course.
Humor : You cannot ban that which is neither banned nor not banned.
Registration date : 2015-07-27

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Broken Wings: Blood Bath - Page 3 Empty Re: Broken Wings: Blood Bath

Post by Gemini May 29th 2016, 11:58 pm

Solitaire slowly began folding the card that he was weaving through his fingers down to the smallest size he could manage. He put his hat back on his head and sighed before putting the small pile of folded card into his mouth. He held up a finger as if to say 'Give me a second' before he made a difficult swallowing sound. He burped gently before smiling. "Sorry about that, old Gypsy tradition - swallowing a Queen of Hearts brings you luck. It sounds weird but it really works." He didn't let on that what he had just done was swallow a card that was already beginning to counteract the poison rushing through his system. "And in my current predicament I am gonna need all the luck I can scrounge now aint' I?"

He laughed before looking at Quincy. "You're a tough guy I'll give you that. You know what? What the hell!' He began reaching up to his ear. 'If you ask me, you earnt this earpiece - it takes a lot of balls to approach a guy who you know has got himself some of them superpowers when you yourself don't got any. Some serious fire in your belly. 'Aint yella at all.' He appeared to be struggling with his ear. 'Ugh, damnation, give me a sec' it's really wired in her-'

With the speed of a gunslinger, Solitaire flung his other arm upwards, a Four of Hearts inbetween two of his fingers. He'd thrown it at the Doctor's face in an attempt to stun him before he rapidly drove his other arm forward, an Ace of Spades resting between two of it's fingers. He tried to drive the incredibly sharp card straight into the man's belly, twist it and rip it out by punching the man straight in the chest. He'd hoped the sudden act of violence from the man who hadn't really shown any aggression yet would throw the impatient man off guard - why would he even think of trying to hurt the person with the only means to save his life, right?
Post Mate
Post Mate

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 111
Humor : You relieved or satisfied a demand or feeling all over my face
Registration date : 2013-09-22

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Broken Wings: Blood Bath - Page 3 Empty Re: Broken Wings: Blood Bath

Post by Stoic June 1st 2016, 4:40 pm

It seemed Quincy had been outplayed here. The cardslinger swallowed one of his magic cards, and he was already cleared of the toxin in his body. He then proceeded to trick Thesis and the male ended up with a stun card to the face. He fell back, but before he hit the ground another card, this one razor sharp, was in his belly. He yelled out in pain, spitting up blood from under his mask, and then slipped off the card onto his back. It looked like he was about to die today, and maybe Drifter would get captured or killed, all because his partner didn't take into account the cowboy's assortment of items.

But that's when a gunshot would be heard, a sniper to be exact. Then another went off. By the time anyone saw where the shots were coming from it would be too late. The first shot hit the ground around Solitaire, spewing a gaseous substance around him. At this point, Thesis was crawling as fast as he could away. The next shot ignited the gas, and would cause a fiery explosion which sent Thesis flying off into the woods.  


A mysterious figure would appear when the dust settled, out to collect the unconscious bodies of the two vigilantes. They would end up waking up in Drifter's car, not knowing what the hell happened. But for now, they were alive, and they contributed to and escaped a blood bath.

Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "See, I am a serious vigilante with serious themes dealing with serious issues. You may some day achieve this grand seriousness, but for now, fetch my coffee."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 290
Location : The Moral Highground
Job : Vigilante, of course.
Humor : You cannot ban that which is neither banned nor not banned.
Registration date : 2015-07-27

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Broken Wings: Blood Bath - Page 3 Empty Re: Broken Wings: Blood Bath

Post by Gemini June 8th 2016, 7:43 pm

The cowboy's eyes narrowed and his lip coiled like a snake to form a smile. He flicked the card to the side, it's edges covered in fresh blood. He could hear the man gurgling on the floor. Solitaire span the card between his fingers and chuckled. "The classic Bushwhack. A cowardly man's most dangerous weapon."

Slowly, the Cowboy paced beside the man, his spurs jingling, the card spinning through his finger. "Now, unlike many, who always seem to fall for this trap - I know for a fact that if I just leave you for dead that you'll survive through some miraculous miracle and seek your inevitable revenge." He stood directly behind the floored man's head. "So unfortunately I will be making sure you bite the dust." Solitaire slowly crouched down. "But first, I want to see the face of the Greenhorn who tried to kill me."

He slowly reached his hand toward the downed Doctor's face, and just before they touched his mask a gunshot rang through the air. Without hesitation, Solitaire's cowardly instincts kicked in and he skedaddled away from the body. Only a simple man sticks around when someone's shootin' at them. The bloodied Ace in his hand turned into a Joker and he span on the spot, the air being filled with smoke. His body exploded into a blur of green energy and cards, narrowly avoiding the consuming flames.

A tear appeared in the air beside the Cabin and Solitaire came from it, out running a fall. He regained his balance and looked over his shoulder, scanning the scene. The earth had been torn asunder, there was some blood, some burning wood. Solitaire chuckled slightly when he realised there was no-one here. Everyone else had already scarpered. "And I thought I was yella." He brought a cigarette up to his lips and flicked a two of clubs to it's tip. A small flame consumed the tip of the smoke and he smiled before letting go of the card, allowing it to fly through the air on a cool morning breeze. "I guess this makes me the winner.' He took a long draw 'What's new?"

The red cowboy walked off before his body exploded into green energy and cards. His body once again appearing in his private quarters at Sancutary. With a fluid motion he threw his coat off his body and over a chair before he picked up a bottle of Jack and began walking to his bed. He saw the covers move and from underneath came a blonde haired beauty.
He had forgot she was there.
"Where'd you go? Come back to bed baby...'
Solitaire laughed, took a swig and began walking towards his bed.
"Can I wear the hat?" She giggled and began reaching for it.
He gently held her wrist and looked her in the eye.
Post Mate
Post Mate

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 111
Humor : You relieved or satisfied a demand or feeling all over my face
Registration date : 2013-09-22

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