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It's The Perfect Crime (Prodigy Recruitment)

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It's The Perfect Crime (Prodigy Recruitment) - Page 2 Empty Re: It's The Perfect Crime (Prodigy Recruitment)

Post by Gemini October 5th 2014, 1:50 pm

Spinning the sharp blade from the table, the woman held it near the Parrot's face, who was rather humanly trying to push himself back from it on a seat. He was trying to break a scared sweat but unfortunately birds can't, so he resorted to jerking his head from left to right.

"You are far too intelligent to be a mere animal...'

The Cougar walked around the table, and stared straight into Chimera's eyes.

'Tell me, before I make you; What are you."

This isn't worth it Colin. Either she skins you now and wears you as a feather boa or you just reveal yourself as a meta-human and face the consequences. Well. Pretend you're gonna face the consequences and then run away from your responsibilities.

The woman's iron stare held, and slowly Chimera sat up. But just as he was about to change his shape and reveal his true nature, there was a large crash from outside. Cougar turned and snarled, narrowing her eyes and marched to the door. With a flexible twist she opened the door and span outwards, flinging a bolas at the girl engaged in combat with some of the magnificent Dr. Carcose's ensorceled robot mannequins. After a successful scuffle, she began to approach the now unarmed Danny, her machete's blade shimmering in the light.

"It's not very nice to snoop around after closing time. Illegal even." A sharp smile grew across her face, and suddenly the she-cat dashed forward and span on the spot, lifting her leg into a 180 degree ankle before using the momentum to try and stomp on the girl with her heels.

Meanwhile, inside the small office, Chimera struggled once again, trying to flap his wings and wiggle his tiny feet.

Great, she left before she could free you. Well, what are you gonna do now? You're just a parrot. Squawck, Squawck. It's not as if you can transform into every animal known to the biosphere now is it? Oh wait it's totally as if you can do that!

With a singular grunt, the small parrot's body began to grow. The legs of the chair he was sitting on began to bend and the thin metal bindings of the bolas were stretched to their peak, snapingg and freeing the bird from their clutches. His wings shrunk and became covered in light brunette hair. His small black parrot feet swelled in size, and became far more akin to a mammals. His torso grew in size and when he hopped the chair he stood slightly shorter than your average man. His new Kangaroo form was ready for battle!

Bouncing from the office, he intercepted The Cougar's attempted kick to the girl's face with a kick of his own, right in her hip. She snarled and span around again, spinning the machete in her fingers.

Awww yeah, you're fearsome as hell. Gotta intimidate her now!
Roar or something!
.... What noise do Kangaroo's make?

He simply opted for another quick jump attack, knocking the bracelet from The Cougar's wrist and onto the floor once again. He curled his relatively tiny hands into fists and beared his, hopefully,  fearsome kangaroo teeth.

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It's The Perfect Crime (Prodigy Recruitment) - Page 2 Empty Re: It's The Perfect Crime (Prodigy Recruitment)

Post by Danny The Sphinx October 5th 2014, 2:51 pm

Things looked bad, but they still looked workable. Danny got herself out of the bola while a lecture came from the other side of the room. "Well, I think the police will look the other way when I show them what you've been doing." No plain nefarious deeds presented themselves just yet, but something here could be used as evidence. "You're clearly doing something. Like stealing my bracelet..." Danny continued her game of I-spy to locate something illegal. "And that-oh god..." Once Victoria jetted across the room with a glorious display of agility, Danny could only watch as her legs came forward to crash against her face.

Right when it looked worst for Danny, a giant marsupial put the woman on the ground. It continued a savage barrage, knocking Danny's bracelet to the ground. Getting too close to the giant hopping, kick machine seemed like a dangerous gambit. Those things are descended from velicoraptors. Or maybe that was an ostrich. She could look it up later, now she just needed to focus on getting her bracelet and figuring out what to embrace.

"Um?" This woman throw bolas and could do somersaults in heels. What beats that? While Chimera continued to fight the machete wielding huntress, Danny rolled the bracelet around to find a sapphire gem. "I can't remember which one this is, but here we..."

Before Danny could put the bracelet on, a hand grabbed her mouth and an electric rod moved perilously close to her neck. "Why is a kangaroo in here?" Dr. Carcose looked down to Danny and removed his hand from her mouth.

"You should've asked, 'If a kangaroo is the second most deadly thing in this room, why am I not focusing on the first'?" Danny latched the bracelet and shot herself backwards. If she moved away the rod would only electrocute her, but her backward spiral sent the hand wielding the weapon away to give her a little wiggle room to get free. [i]Punch with the palm; it keeps the fist from taking too much impact.[i] Her palm struck Carcose in the chest and knocked him into the wall. "That was a good idea. I should do it again." This time her palm hit the wall with all her force. Before the electric rod could hit her in her stomach, she brought her knee up to hit Carcose's elbow. "Too slow."

"Is that the truth of it?" The rod would have found home in her kidney, a knockout shot, but her deflection only moved it further up. The hot poker rested in between rib six and seven. "I don't think so." The jolt of energy surged into her. While Danny cried out in pain, Carsose grabbed her wrist and gazed over her bracelet. "I do love gems. So elegant, but on such a dumb child it almost seems..."

Carcose flew back when Danny's forehead impacted against the bridge of his nose. "Too creepy." A flick of her wrist broke the hold and freed up her palm to launch another strike, but she could still feel the sting of that electricity.
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
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It's The Perfect Crime (Prodigy Recruitment) - Page 2 Empty Re: It's The Perfect Crime (Prodigy Recruitment)

Post by Jordan Reynolds October 5th 2014, 5:58 pm

Running, that was what Ryan was doing but he was not exactly sure why he was doing running out of all things. His heart was pounding, and adrenaline was beginning to flow through him rapidly, taking the highways of bloodvessels to spread itself throughout his body to keep him moving enough that he would likely not get caught by the mysterious things that were chasing him. Either way he was running, and these things were in hot pursuit of him through the water treatment plant, following a male that was unknowingly within his own element, even though he had not thought about that small fact. Granted it was not raining around him as it usually was, but he still probably had enough water to protect himself if he needed to, and he most definitely needed to.

Taking a turn, he would continue to run until finding himself met with a wall of sorts, one that had two large almost wall like formation of pipes that were a little too small for him to crawl through any nook, or cranny, and that meant that he would have to turn and face these things, or maybe he would have to get creative in this uncertain time. Ryan grumbled to himself at the idea of getting creative, as too much thinking tended to hurt his brain, and so he would have to think of another way to get about doing thing. Pressing himself up against the wall, he would begin to concentrate, hoping to draw upon his power and maybe get them to work in his favor, rather than against him as it typically did.

”Come on Ryan, you can think of something.” the metahuman muttered to himself with an almost whining tone, as he let his mind reach out for any near by water, and he remembered that this was some kind of water treatment area or something along those lines. If that were the case, then all he had to do was....draw some water from the pipes, and that was something that he could do easy enough. From around the corner the things would come, and without wasting any time they would barrel towards the male. He attempted to draw the water form the pipes, watching as they bulged and bent, but nothing happened, and before anything did he found himself being tackled to the ground by one of the ancient warriors.

The imapct with the ground was painful, as a shock ran through his body and drew a yelp from the male. His vision was swimming as hands would clamp around his arm, as well as his ankles, and the next thing he knew, his power would do what he was not, and that was defend him. Despite the painful grip on his limbs, it seemed as if the unconscious signal was enough, ice forming over the hands of the warriors as these now fragile extremities would begin to crack, then breaking apart as they froze through. Even with their hands now removed, the freezing effect would continue to spread through the things, and within a few moments they would be reduced to frozen statues.

Ryan would scramble to lean against the wall as he looked to the now frozen things, one of them falling over and shattering loudly on the ground with iits sections sliding along the ground, and seemingly causing the other to meet a similar fate. He paused for a moment and gathered his breath, before pushing to his feet, and wiping away a few drops of blood that he noticed clinging around his lip. Without even remembering why he was here, Ryan sighed and stood to his feet remembering that there was someone that was also breaking into this place with him, and they would likely be in trouble with the security people after her. With a thought, he would slip into the ice that had formed around where he stood, and then appeared back to the enclosure that he had snuck into in the first place.

It took some thought, but he formed a small platform of ice that could raise him up, allowing him to throw a leg over the railing and land softly onto the floor as the construct would fade away. Either way he found himself on the look out for said person, but sneaking through the place was mostly on his mind. Until what sounded like some manner of pained cry drew his attention, and so the male would follow the sound, which lead to the office or some kind of office anyway. Here he saw what looked like a kangaroo or something like that, eyes widening in confusion as to what he was witnessing. All he noticed was the female with the scary weapon, and concentrating, he would form a bolt of water meant to knock her back and launched it at the woman.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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It's The Perfect Crime (Prodigy Recruitment) - Page 2 Empty Re: It's The Perfect Crime (Prodigy Recruitment)

Post by Gemini October 5th 2014, 6:41 pm

After recovering from the kick to her hip, The Cougar stood and began spinning her machete around in her hands. While she was moving towards the Kangeroo with a flailing motion of razor death she noticed that the Magnificent Dr. Carcose had snuck in from behind and apprehendedthe girl with the bracelet. What appeared to be some sort of high-tech tazer was jabbed into her ribs and she moved to capitalize on it. The blade in her hand was twisted backwards and then she struck, attempting to slice the blade along the girl's cheek. However, he feline senses allowed her to smell and hear the young hydrokinetic enter, so she reeled back her attack and turned to look at him instead. He conjured and fired a ball of water at her, and she hissed. I hate water.

She casually flicked her blades under her arms and leaned to the side like something out of the matrix, the water splashing into the wall behind her, while The Cougar kicked from the floor and sent herself into a flip. She landed flawlessly on the floor, even in heels, and charged towards the hydrokinetic boy and after some extremely impressive flips and spins, attempted to curl her leg around his throat and spin him into the floor and into a choke hold. Meanwhile, Dr. Carcose stood from the floor and held his electro-rod within his hands. He pointed it towards one of the broken remains of a mannequin and his eyes glew a vivid pink colour, scarf blowing in a magical wind.

His magical wand made from advanced technology channeled a beam into the 'corpse' of the construct, and telekinetically dragged it's body parts from across the room. Within a few seconds both of the mannequins were standing once again and he turned to face the trio of warriors. He pointed his stick towards them and telepathically ordered his minions to attack. They heeded his commands and rushed forward, once attempted to tackle Danny's lower body while the other attempted to move behind her and punch it's plastic fists into her upper back. Dr. Carcose himself looked at the Kangaroo, and paused for a few moments.

"Aha... so you must be the creature Victoria was telling me about. First a lion, then a parrot and now a... Marsupial. Curious. I must study you." He pointed his electro-rod forward, and arrogantly scoffed. "After you've been apprehended, of course." and then, from the end of his staff, a beam of electricity moved from the floor towards Chimera - who used his Kangaroo prowess to leap backwards and scrape along the floor.

Holy shit, that guy just shot lightning at me! Why the hell am I even still here? I'm just a kangaroo.

He looked at the other two people who were in similar situations as he was.

But if I don't help them, these two won't stand a chance! Why the hell am I such a nice person.

Chimera dug his feet into the ground and was about to make another battle cry, but remembered that he didn't know what noise Kangaroos make, so simply remained silent and hopped towards Dr. Carcose, who gasped and stepped back.
Post Mate
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Registration date : 2013-09-22

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It's The Perfect Crime (Prodigy Recruitment) - Page 2 Empty Re: It's The Perfect Crime (Prodigy Recruitment)

Post by Danny The Sphinx October 5th 2014, 7:05 pm

This fight seemed very unnecessary. Sure, Danny sneaked past security, but electrocuting her just seemed mean spirited and the cougar of a woman looked as though she would tear the first person to get close to her to pieces. Danny assumed the giant kangaroo would dominate her attention, so she never saw the blade swiping towards her cheek. Her reflexes would not get their in time, but luckily a bolt of water pushed her blade to the side just enough for the blade to only merely scrape her cheek. "Too far, this is assault with a deadly weapon."

"This does not concern you." A savage swipe of the electric prod swung over Danny as she ducked.

"You're trying to kill me. What part of that doesn't concern me!" Danny threw her palm into Carcose's shoulder.

"Does not. Does not. It is pronounced 'does not'." Carcose lunged with a strike to put his prod into Danny's solarplexes, but a blast of water saved the young lady in a painful way.

"Whatever loser. How about..." Before Danny could engage Carcose again, the duo of mannequins returned to life, placing a fist into Danny's stomach and another bringing down both hands against her back. "Didn't I beat these things."

"These contractions cannot be tolerated! Pummel her!" Carcose directed his golems with his staff. Each one continued to fight Danny into the prone position on the ground.

Danny struggled to put her hand against her bracelet to channel another warrior spirit. A quick dart of speed burst out from her legs and she quickly took one of the mannequins to the ground with a lock down of its knee. "Doesn't. Doesn't. Doesn't."

"Stop you vile creature!"

"Can't. Don't. Wouldn't." While she focused her attention on taunting the arrogant doctor, the second mannequin took her from behind and locked his arms under her shoulders to put her in a headlock. Both of her legs popped up and drove into the creature's legs, kicking for her release. "You won't win this. I can still show you my text messages to break your will."
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Registration date : 2014-09-28

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It's The Perfect Crime (Prodigy Recruitment) - Page 2 Empty Re: It's The Perfect Crime (Prodigy Recruitment)

Post by Jordan Reynolds October 5th 2014, 7:20 pm

It seemed with little effort the female would move out of the way of his potential debilitating attack, but then again it was rather easily avoided anyway. All one had to do was move, and the thing would sail out of the way, but then again not as if he was expecting it to hit, or he was but that is not the point. Within a matter of moments the female would close the space between them before Ryan could even react, and with a fluid motion he found legs clamping around his throat in a sort of hold that took away his ability to breathe. Muscles clamped around his airway, and took the poor hydrokinetic down with little effort, as his head would slam against the ground with a painful thud, and once again sent his world into turmoil.

Still Ryan had to remember that this was a person that was holding him in a choke hold, and freezing them would only end with him killing someone, and he did not want that on his conscience. Scraping at the legs holding him, Ryan desperately tried to think of a way that he could break out of the hold, and then remembered that he had his neat little water trick, and it felt like his body was ready to go for another round of liquid fun. So his mind would attempt to grasp onto whatever caused it, and with luck he would fall into a liquid state, likely causing the females grip to go lax as all she was holding became liquid and slunk out from her hold.

Without even wasting time, he would slink away from the woman that was trying to hold him still and with admirable speed, he would slink a few feet before quickly forming into a person again. With little time to really react likely, Ryan would let his power do the work and let a sheet of ice spread out around him to remove any sort of refined movement, as it seemed simply letting the ice do its thing was better than trying to control it. Spikes of ice would rise from the ground that had been shelled within ice around him, ones that would make walking or movement around him in general perilous, yet Ryan had not thought that far ahead.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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It's The Perfect Crime (Prodigy Recruitment) - Page 2 Empty Re: It's The Perfect Crime (Prodigy Recruitment)

Post by Gemini October 8th 2014, 11:03 pm

The Cougar gasped when she felt the solid objected being crushed in the vice that was her thighs disperse into liquid and vanish. By the time he had reformed, she'd already stood up from the ground and was marching towards him once again. "Didn't your mother ever tell you that trespassing wasn't very nice?" But before she could get close enough to act, the ice spread outwards from the young boy and she hissed; stretching backwards she put a hand on the floor and flipped away from the sheet of slippery spikes. She flicked the machete out from under her arm and was about to throw it straight at the wet child.

Chimera saw her intent so rushed straight for her, bouncing off the floor with his powerful legs and bringing both of them into the poacher's shoulders. The unexpected strike sent the feline fighter off her feet, through the air and crashing straight over a desk. After a few seconds it became apparent that she was out for the count and out of this fight. Dr. Carcose sneered at her failed efforts, placing both hands onto his electronic sceptre. What was he even paying her for. The young girl carried on butchering the english language like a monster. "You have to be conscious to show me your vile text messages!" Raising his staff again, he sent a tazing wire from the end towards the young girl.

(sorry for bad posting and late posting etc. I've been feeling weird lately, my sleeping cycles broken and my muse well is drying)
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It's The Perfect Crime (Prodigy Recruitment) - Page 2 Empty Re: It's The Perfect Crime (Prodigy Recruitment)

Post by Danny The Sphinx October 9th 2014, 2:30 am

Before she started to truly poke this tightly wound bundle of social disorders, Danny probably should have made sure her fighting abilities stood on par with his. They almost did. But the electric staff prodded into her side and sent her to the ground. Squirming from the surge, Danny grabbed for her bracelet and rubbed one of her jewels. Sadly, even with the fighting style of the greatest fighters in the world amounted to nothing when muscles no longer contracted when sent messages. One more attempt at kicking her leg failed and Carcose pulled Danny to her feet. A spark shot perilously close to Danny's face and everyone heard the voice of Carcose crackle over the hiss of the wand.

"I have had it with you rambunctious children, you incompetent henchwomen, and these dirty, stinking, animals. I am taking her for insurance and you two are going to take the rest of the night to get your worthless affairs together." Carcose tightened his grip on Danny's arm as she struggled to break his grip. "Now, I'm assuming..."

"You said a contraction!" Danny sprung to life, but failed to free her arm.

"I did no..."

"You said 'I'm'. You broke your own stupid life philosophy. You're terrible. You're terrible. You. Are. Terrible."

"Enough." Carcose threw Danny to the ground and lifted his rod to cane the girl over her head with a savage fury.
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
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It's The Perfect Crime (Prodigy Recruitment) - Page 2 Empty Re: It's The Perfect Crime (Prodigy Recruitment)

Post by Jordan Reynolds October 9th 2014, 2:37 pm

While he could see the murderous intent within the woman as she had attempted to throw the weapon in a way that would surely have damaged him, if not killed him, it seemed that the animal everyone was so worked up about saved him. Sent through the air with a single kick, she would collide with something and within a moment she was out, leaving them with one less person to worry about,. Granted they still had the crazy guy talking about contractions or something like that, with his deadly zappy stick or whatever. Either way, he had a feleing that he would need to stop this bad guy before he did something bad, like killed someone or something like that. It seemed however that it was likely with the male managing to put that girl that was fighting with them in a precarious position, that being that he was about to shock her to death or something like that.

Ryan did not have time to think, considering that thinking of a way to disarm him would have been a while, but then again his plan had the same result anyway, so no real harm done. Water would from before him despite there not begin much around, perhaps in a more unconscious act rather than one of will, and with a thought it would shoot out in a high pressure beam towards the cane that was being raised to bash the female over the head. It would sheer through the weapon with seemingly little effort, severing it only a few inches above where he held thew weapon, as the top half clattered on the ground. ”Y..yeah I did it.” He cheered softly to himself.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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It's The Perfect Crime (Prodigy Recruitment) - Page 2 Empty Re: It's The Perfect Crime (Prodigy Recruitment)

Post by Gemini October 11th 2014, 8:49 pm

Dr. Carcose's heart sank whenever he heard the metallic clink of his staff on the ground behind him. Lowering it, his eyes narrowed at the sight of his electro-rod's destruction. Turning to look at the boy who did it, his brow furrowed into a scowl and he lifted a hand above his head. Conjuring sorcery to his hands, his eyes began to glow purple once again and a purple orb formed within his fingers. "You two are fools, you and that cur-sed animal!" Chimera's eye twitched alittle and he punched his kangaroo fist into his kangaroo palm and his brow furrowed to match that of the Doctor's. He subtly altered his vocal cords to allow himself human speech once again, but the process began to trigger his transformation back into a man.

"Who're you callin' an animal?"
Dr. Carcose let out a surprised and shocked gasp, both at the revalation that the animal was indeed a metahuman and the fact it had just used a contraction. The magic at his finger-tips flickering out, he narrowed his eyes. While Chimera hopped towards him, his body rapidly changed. His kangaroo feet left the floor in a quaint bounce, and when they touched the ground once again they were human legs wearing dark blue jeans and boots. Now walking towards Dr. Carcose, he rolled his shoulders.

Ahhhhhh, that feels great, it's always good to stretch the legs. Or tentacles. Or whatever I usually have.

"So you are a metahuman after all. Interesting. Well... I suppose I will get over the guilt of hanging your hide over my mantle piece eventually, mmm?" With a vicious snarl, he raised his hand once again and re-conjured the magical orb, throwing it at the boy.

"Ahhhhh!" Colin shrieked before his powers kicked in in order to try and save his skin. His skin got a freaky, yet intricate Cheetah texture too it, and he slid to the side with superhuman reflexes and speed. Suddenly, he turned around and planted two hands on the ground, legs facing the Doctor. "See yah!" he lifted his legs into the air and the ends of them morphed into a donkey's hoof-esque shape and his jaws parted, unleashing a mighty whatever noise Donkeys make and slammed his feet backwards with the might of the mule!

Kicking ass as an ass!

The Doctor yelled and was taken clean off the floor, Donkey hooves connecting directly with his torso, knocking the wind out of him as well as the fight. Dr. Carcose muttered, whimpered or whined out something about revenge before pushing his belt buckle. In a flash of technosorecery, he was gone, leaving the three off them (Well, four if you include the unconscious cougar chick.) in trashed, empty office in a closed zoo. Rising from the floor, Chimera looked at the two people who assisted him against the dastardly duo; although he would never actually tell them this, he probably owed them his life.

"... Sup? I'm Colin." he waved his hand in a small arc, before positioning it back in his green hoodie's front pocket.
Post Mate
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It's The Perfect Crime (Prodigy Recruitment) - Page 2 Empty Re: It's The Perfect Crime (Prodigy Recruitment)

Post by Danny The Sphinx October 11th 2014, 10:15 pm

In a few seconds the staff would break upon Danny's head and everything in the world would go dark before going even darker. The anticipation drew out the worst of her. She thought about how the thrust of the rod would sound as it drew closer to her face, most likely a Woosshhh and then a sharp crack. And then the cackle of electricity, she forgot about that. In her moments of meditation she noticed her hands still didn't block any kind of blow. If she broke her fingers from her eyes, it could leave her to take the blunt of the attack, or maybe Carcose merely wanted her to lift her hands for a survey report.

Then she heard the metal she feared so much clank on the ground. A blast of ice saved her, but when she opened her eyes the terror of a swirling purple flamed filled the man's hands. He spoke his monologue and then the kangaroo spoke. "Wait, you can talk?" Danny rolled to avoid the blast of fire and watched as the kangaroo became a leopard and finally a donkey, blasting a terrifying Eoorre before putting the man on his back. "Hey, the talking ass is kicking ass by putting the pompous ass on his ass." Two golems still staggered around, but Danny swung for their legs to send the machinations to the ground. She lunged for Carcose, but he began to blink in bright lights before muttering to himself.

"I'll get you Danny the Girl. I'll get you and your little donkey too." A bright light shined out and Carcose left the room behind.

If Danny wanted she could have caught him, but she had no clue where Carcose would teleport her off to. She played it safe and stayed with water boy and donkey breath. "I'm Danny." Before the introductions could too far underway, Danny rushed over to the Cougar and pulled out her bolas. "I don't think we want this..." Danny held up the machete before tossing it behind her. "...To come back and bite us in the ass. No offense, Colin." Bolas made good enough rope to tie the Cougar up while they chatted about being heroes. "So you were what these people came here for? Have you been living in the zoo this whole time? Just being a kangaroo so you can live rent free and get free food. Do kangaroos have bad breath?" Once Danny ran out of bolas, she went and found a roll of duct tape. This woman swung a machete at unarmed kids, this was not excessive. "And, you turn into water? And shoot water? I just have a bracelet and take ballet. I do have a roll of duct tape now. Maybe that will come in handy in the future."

Danny slid the roll of tape into her pocket to remind herself to always carry one around with her in the future, but for now she needed to call the police. "I don't know what you guys think of staying here for the police to show up, but I'll tell them what happened. Probably tell them she was just trying to steal animals and gems. Not sure how I'll explain why she's all tied up and who I am though." This hero thing looked complicated. Danny took out her phone and called the police, informing them of a jewel thief in the zoo wearing a leopard skirt who a superhero detained. "Well, I'm not going to be here when they show up, and by the looks pf it, I'm a more upstanding citizen than the two of you, so you should probably not be seen as well." Danny's escape would be the hardest with no access to water shifting or flight, so she got started on finding a weak point in the exit and found her way out.

Everyone who looked after Danny either blew up her phone, were blowing up her phone, or waited in call waiting to blow up her phone. Luckily, most of her time stayed tied up in extracurricular activities, so a grounding would give her time to relax. She got in the back of a taxi and rested her head against the back of the seat. She gave the driver her debit card and walked towards the massive estate her parents bought, but never lived in. Something poked her from inside her vest. Pulling out an envelope, Danny peaked inside of it. "I have need of your skills. You are a Prodigy."
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
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Registration date : 2014-09-28

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It's The Perfect Crime (Prodigy Recruitment) - Page 2 Empty Re: It's The Perfect Crime (Prodigy Recruitment)

Post by Jordan Reynolds October 12th 2014, 9:18 pm

So with the mad doctor trying to kill people with the evil magical staff of shocks or whatever now out one staff of shocks, that meant that they would likely not have to worry about being electrocuted, something that made Ryan cringe. If only due to the fact that shocks would likely wreck his body, if more so than the average person he was not quite sure of yet. Still, that did not mean they were out fo the water quite yet, as they were still dealing with someone that could likely still pull something out of nowhere, and well.... that was exactly what they had done. In what seemed like an almost blind rage, they would conjure what looked like a purple flame within their hand, as if ready to do something sinister with it, and Ryan could not let that go on. However what happened next was something that he was not expecting, coming in the form of the kangaroo....talking.

This somewhat caught Ryan off guard, as he was not used to something like an animal talking, but then again he did things like making it freeze and rain, and other nice things like that. So perhaps a talking animal should have no been as surprising as it was, but then again that was how it went. For a moment the magical orb would be dispelled and within a few seconds it was back up again, aimed to take out the poor person that was in the form of a kangaroo, but they had prepared for this, so they would react. Within a few seconds there were cheetah patterns, and then the doctor was being kicked by a donkey, along with a donkey sound and everything, as the male was sent careening over onto the floor with a thud.

Ryan found himself with a mouth slightly agape as the ice around him would begin to fade away. However within a matter of seconds the doctor was gone in a flash of light, leaving the two on the scene, Ryan looking in total surprise, and perhaps wondering what he would do now that the villainous Doctor hard to pronounce name was gone. Atleast he would be able to calm down some with a chance to catch his breath, taking a few deeply in and exhaling shakily as the animal seemingly morphed from that state into a human form and approached both him and the female who's name he did not know as well. The male would introduce himself as Colin, which was a pretty cool name, seemingly cooler than something simple like Ryan. ”I'm Ryan.” He would say upon hearing Danny say her name, following the trend really, but than again that was how it went.

However the female then began to say something about duct tapes, and bad kangaroo breath, none of it making sense, but then again he was not expecting much of it to make sense. One thing that did however was them needing to get out of there before any cops came, and threw them in the slammer, or whatever it was called. Nodding in agreement to the whole needing to get out of here thing, Ryan would think of ways that he could do so, and the best way was a little water portation and so he would do so, forming a puddle of adequate size, and withing seconds his body would become water, and slip through the puddle, disappearing entirely. He would then appear outside, feeling the rain falling down upon him and relatively out of the way so to speak. What he found with upon exiting the puddle was....something rather interesting, in the form of an envelope whacking him in the face.

Picking up the envelope, he would open it and examine the contents after taking shelter from the rain, looking over it with a critical eye, and then remembering something. ”Dammit.” Ryan cried under his breath frustrated, glaring at the letters and wishing there was some form of audio thing on this.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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