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Super Serious Hero Business (Vegail)

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Super Serious Hero Business (Vegail) Empty Super Serious Hero Business (Vegail)

Post by Vile June 23rd 2014, 10:41 pm

So here he was again. Champion, the chosen one of the gods; a warrior who's skills had been blessed by the heavens, and symbol of righteousness and justice was... Saving another cat from a tree. As much as he respected these animals they did have a nasty habit of underestimating the height of the trees they decided to climb and getting stuck in them. Much to the dimsay of their owners who were usually children or old ladies. In this case it was the latter. She had a wrinkled face, round spectacles and was quite hilariously short. With a small cane she smiled pleasantly at the tall man, who eyed up the cat's wooden stand.

"Sure, I'll get her down for you." he crakced his knuckles and rushed to the tree. Within an instant he had locked his foot into a crevice and used his superhuman strength to push himself up the trunk. Grasping onto the branch he used his blessing from Baset in order to pacify the cat and stop it from  scratching him before he set it on his shoulder and gently climbed down from the plant. With a reassuring smile he handed the lady's cat back to her, and she nuzzled it's warm ginger fur.

"Thank you, Mister!"
"Please, call me Champion."
"Why would I call you Camp Eon?"
Her hearing must be going. Champion simply smiled and gave her a two fingered salute, which she retaliated to with another grateful nuzzle with the cat who was pleased to be back with it's owner. Despite her rather old, cold looking hands. Dusting his figners, Champion prowled the streets awaiting more heroic things to do.

Ducklings which needed help across the street, old ladies who needed help across the street, girl scouts who need help across the street. Hey, being a hero isn't all about battles to save the planet - it's about being there for people in the community when they need, it may seem like nothing but it's things like that that get a hero recognised by the people, and trusted by them. Sure you get publicity from stopping crimes and the occasional super villain but they were scarce. The media greatly over exagerated how many of them there were.

After a girl scout paid him with a rather delicious Cookie, Champion turned a street corner and was alerted with the sound of shouting and smoke filling the air. He dropped the half consumed cookie whenever he saw an apartment building which was being eaten from the inside out by fire. People were standing outside, as well as the fire brigaid and the police department. Gently pushing through the crowd, Champion made it to the front of the gathering.

"What happened?"

The police must have guessed from his armour and the fact he had a sword and shield that he must be some sort of super hero so let him cross the safety banner. This action was met by cheering from some of the crowd. Champion enjoyed it when they cheered, it made him feel appreciated.

"Some one in the building had too many plugs in a socket. They must'a sparked and caused this fire!' he shook his head 'It's an electrical fire, there's nothing much the fire brigaid can do with their hoses."

The situation turned from distressful to extremely frightening whenever the image of a child could be seen banging against a window on the fifth floor. Everyone, imcluding Champion, looked up and gasped.

It's hero time.

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Super Serious Hero Business (Vegail) Empty Re: Super Serious Hero Business (Vegail)

Post by Corgi Defender June 23rd 2014, 10:52 pm

Vegail walked away from the pretzel stand rather content. Who knew food that was so obviously bad for you could taste so good? He made  a mental note to come here again, and soon (unlike when most people make a mental note, this was a literal “mental note”; that is, Lucius hardwired the detail into his brain. Short of a lobotomy, he wasn’t forgetting this anytime soon). The salt dried out his lips a little, so he began to drink from the beverage. God Bless Phoenix.

He wandered about for a few minutes more, glad for the reprieve from the office work that had started to become rather tedious. Not that he didn’t enjoy making money, but the fact he had to constantly play someone else, not cool. As such, he had promised himself today off from work, and he would be himself, enjoying himself.

After a few more blocks, sirens filled the air, their shrill screeching grating at Vegail’s ears. Deciding he had nothing better to do on his day off, he followed them until they reached their destination; a burning building. A child was to be seen trapped inside, and a man in a silly costume was in the crowd gathered; these “superheroes” and their attire amused Michael.  He jogged  forward and showed his ID, albeit for a minor, to the police, and they moved aside; being a billionaire had its perks.

He moved over to where the “hero” was, and said “I haven’t done anything like this in...ever. I believe I would be more than competent for this job; would you mind if I joined you?”. As he finished asking this, he took another bite from his pretzel.
Corgi Defender
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Super Serious Hero Business (Vegail) Empty Re: Super Serious Hero Business (Vegail)

Post by Vile June 23rd 2014, 11:00 pm

Just as he was aboutt o bolt into the building, a well dressed individual was allowed past the banner. “I haven’t done anything like this in...ever. I believe I would be more than competent for this job; would you mind if I joined you?” Champion paused for a moment. Should I? He says he's compotent but how do I know that? Maybe he isn't. Swallowing, he nodded. "Ok, you can come." If he proved to be helpless, then Champion was sure that he could save both him and the little girl - he was the CHampion of the gods of course.

Taking his shield from his back, he ran through the open doors of the apartment building and looked around. The fire hadn't really effected this floor, it had started on the third. Sure there were speckles of fire here and there but nothing major. However whenever he began to venture up the stairs you could feel the heat which was bursting downwards. Even with his supernaturally blessed flesh, it still stung his skin. He raised his shield before him and called to the person who insisted on coming with him. "Stay behind me, I may shield you from the flames." and with that he pressed onwards. The second floor was much more englufed by fire, although it was mainly the ceiling. A hole had been made in the roof where a sofa had fallen from an apartment above and allowed the fire to start eating away at this level. He could hear the little girl's cries over the flames.

"We are getting close to her. She is on the fifth floor, and the heat is only going to get more intense the further up we travel. Are you sure you can handle it?" he turned and asked the person who decided to accompany him. His brow had softened with a mixture of genuine concern and a bitter pain originating from the heatwaves that were consistantly lashing his back. He was a superhuman and this hurt, he could only imagine what it was doing to the small girl. Champion awaited an answer before going any further.

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Super Serious Hero Business (Vegail) Empty Re: Super Serious Hero Business (Vegail)

Post by Corgi Defender June 23rd 2014, 11:10 pm

Vegail was ready to use the "puppy dog eyes"-and shove the man out of the way telekinetically-until he said "Ok, you can come". That was relieving; a squabble before they did the job together would have been embarrassing, not to mention horrible for Public Relations. The Board would have been at his throat. Before they rain in, Vegail took the last bite of his pretzel, finishing the delightful piece of bread with a half of a second.

They dashed in together, Vegail following slightly behind the other male. "Stay behind me, I may shield you from the flames", the costumed man said. This was so sweet. However, it was not unfounded concern; this could prove really bothersome if he were burned.

To reduce the risk of this, he activated his nanites, and they swarmed over his skin, creating a somewhat visible sheen (+2 DUR). They continued up, the air becoming harder to breathe. Vegail wished he had thought to bring his radiation and toxin prevention suit; it could have kept the smoke out of his lungs.

"We are getting close to her. She is on the fifth floor, and the heat is only going to get more intense the further up we travel. Are you sure you can handle it?" the other male inquired.

"I will be fine; I did not come unprepared." And he had not. As they went higher up and the amount of flames increased, Vegail used his powers to shift aside any timber in his way, and as they rushed past certain areas of flame he made a vacuum around the area, depriving the fire of its necessary oxygen and killing it out.

"Though your concern is endearing. What should I call you, Mr. Hero?".

Last edited by Vegail on June 23rd 2014, 11:33 pm; edited 1 time in total
Corgi Defender
Corgi Defender

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Super Serious Hero Business (Vegail) Empty Re: Super Serious Hero Business (Vegail)

Post by Vile June 23rd 2014, 11:17 pm

The duo rushed up the next set of stairs, and Champion found even his superior body struggling in the enviroment. The flames were burning the oxygen in the air and replacing it with hideous, thick smoke. It filled his lungs and coughed him to cough. However much to his relief it appeared as though the man who went with him was a meta-human. Using his powers, he moved a large wooden beam which had been blocking their path and starved the fires around them of oxygen causing them to die out and give the pair a very brief break from the consistant battering off heat. "I see you are a metahuman of some description, that shall be useful." he smiled after he said that - everyone enjoyed feeling appreciated.

"Though your concern is endearing. What should I call you, Mr. Hero?" Champion lifted some burning debris from the way of the staircase to the fourth floor, and set it too the side. Sure holding the fire hurt, and even left his hands red but it was worth it. That little girl up there was probably terrified. "I am Champion." he began rushing up these stairs, but stopped and looked over his shoulder. "And what may I call you?" after the individual told him his name, the blessings of Thoth gave Champion a new insight to the situation.

"Michael, be very careful with what you do with your powers - the fire will have made this place unstable, if we move something which is inse'
he coughed 'insecure, we could bring the entire structure tumbling down; with the Little Girl and Us in it." he nodded to him and moved up the fourth floor. They were so close to that little girl that he could practically taste it. He took a step too heavily and the floor baords beneaht his foot gaveway, causing him to slip through the floor; thankfully there was a telekinetic on hand.

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Super Serious Hero Business (Vegail) Empty Re: Super Serious Hero Business (Vegail)

Post by Corgi Defender June 23rd 2014, 11:28 pm

Vegail frowned as the other man seemed to contract tuberculosis suddenly. It was a disease he was well acquainted with, and he knew that the symptoms didn't set in that suddenly, and so logic dictates it had something to do with the smoke inhalation. "I see you are a meta human of some description, that shall be useful". Vegail nodded, though it was not the time to argue that, while in the technical sense of the word he was "beyond human", he was not what most would call an actual meta human. Lab experiments usually aren't.

The man opened his mouth to answer Vegail's question. "I am Champion. And what should I call you?". Velon almost laughed aloud; he called himself Champion? Or was that his literal name? In either case, he felt bad for the man; in one case, he had bad parents, and in the other he was obviously mentally addled. If they did not just go about their separate lives after this, Vegail would find out soon enough. "You may call me Michael."

"Michael, be very careful with what you do with your powers - the fire will have made this palce unstable, if we move something which is insecure we could bring the entire structure tumbling down; with the Little Girl and Us in it". The other male-"Champion" warned Vegail. Not a necessary warning, but at least it proved the other had some intellect about him. Or watched too many documentaries on The Discovery Channel. Either could work here.

Champion was walking hurriedly ahead of Vegail when the floor gave way underneath him and he began to fall. Vegail reached out with his hand and telekinetically grabbed Champion, hoisting him back up and onto more stable footing.
Corgi Defender
Corgi Defender

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Super Serious Hero Business (Vegail) Empty Re: Super Serious Hero Business (Vegail)

Post by Vile June 23rd 2014, 11:35 pm

As soon as the floor failed him and caused his bdoy to slither through the floor Champion cursed himself for being so clumsy. It reminded him of a time he'd been persueing a rather slippery thief through a pyramid and they used a device which created portals to cause him to fall for what felt like eternity. He did want to to live through that again. He felt as if he was going to vomit when ever the thief finally released him from the trap. Thankfully however, Michael grasped onto his body and hoisted him from the spikey, burning, wooden abyss. "Thank you, Michael. I owe you." he smiled once again, before looking to the final set of stairs between the pair and their objective. He made haste ot the stairs, but his steps were filled with a new found caution.

Sweat was tearing down his body, and was dribbling into his eyes ever so slightly. The heat was so intense that it was getting hard to move, thankfully Michael kept up the habit of starving their ever-hungry flames with his pwoers causing them to die before they oculd cause serious harm. When he reached the fifth floor, he turned moved down a hallway and kept an ear out for the little girl's crying. When it hit his ears again he movied forward with the same speed, but constantly reminded himself to take easy steps. When he found the room it was coming from he was about to carelessly open the door.

Backdraft. The word hit him like the waves of heat around him. When you opened a door which had a fire in it the difference in pressure caused an explosion or something similar. He took his hand away from the handle and stepped away from the door, before looking to his telekinetic tag along. "I need you to do something for me. You need to open this door and create a shield around it. Do you think you can do that?" if he could, Champion conintuned. "And do not lower the shield until the explosion has been starved. Ok?" he nodded to him, and took another step back.

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Super Serious Hero Business (Vegail) Empty Re: Super Serious Hero Business (Vegail)

Post by Corgi Defender June 23rd 2014, 11:44 pm

Vegail was very near exhaustion by the point that they were at, and yet they still had to keep going up. If only he had been thinking clearer outside; morals or laws be damned, it would have far, far easier to have lifted the girl through the window then safely collapsed the building. This was the last time Vegail ever did the heroic thing.

"Thank you, Michael. I owe you", Champion had said after being rescued from near death. Vegail nodded, both as a way of acknowledging that he had been spoken to and what had been said. If-no, when-they got out of here, Michael planned to collect on that offer. One day.

"I need you to do something for me. You need to open this door and create a shield around it. Do you think you can do that?" Vegail raised his eyebrows and was about to give a very biting, sarcastic retort when he realized this man didn't know his full capabilities, and was honestly asking. Being new around here earned him some slack, for now. So Vegail only gave a curt "Yes," in reply.

"And do not lower the shield until the explosion has been starved. Ok?" Vegail rolled his eyes but did as he had been asked. When the door was opened he immediately threw out a telekinetic shield that would consume the otherwise ravaging flames, killing them off withing seconds. When they died, Vegail started forward, following behind Champion.
Corgi Defender
Corgi Defender

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Super Serious Hero Business (Vegail) Empty Re: Super Serious Hero Business (Vegail)

Post by Vile June 23rd 2014, 11:59 pm

As soon as the fires died, he rushed forward with his shield ready. Surprisingly the fire in this room was nowhere near as bad as it had been in the rest of the building. Infact ti seemed to be specifically avoiding this room. At the window sat a little girl, who's hair was made of flames and an unconcious woman, presumably her mother. Then it hit him. This hadn't been an electrical fire. The reason that the fire brigaid couldn't put it out with water was because this little girl was making the fire. She was a meta-human. However the situation was made worse when Champion actually acknowledged that there was an unconcious lady lying on the floor, within the circle that the fire dared not creep into. "I-I didn't mean it I was jus' playin and then the bad red light came and..." the little girl was crying, scared, and her fear was only adding to the fire's vicious volume.

Stepping forward, Champion ignored the pain of the fire swirling around his feet and legs. He needed to help this little girl. Slowly he knelt down, and gave her and hug and whispered in her hear with a calm, reassuring voice - it was as if Hathor herself was whispering with him. "It's ok, Child, it wasn't your fault. I am going to get you and your mother out of her. We both are." he smiled at her and motioned behind him to the well dressed, and now slightly smokey, Michael. "Do you mind if I pick you up?" Champion asked her gently, and tried to hold back the near-irresistable urge to cough. Slowly the fires around her head began to die down and she nodded. Putting his shield on it's back rest again, Champion picked her up with both hands and then cradled her close to his body with one. Looking at the mother who lay on the floor he also reached down and threw her over his shoulder. Brute strength had it's advantages.

The building let out an extremely pained groan, and some of the roof was beginning to come down around them. A chair from the floor above smashed straight through the floor beside Michael, and did not stop until it hit the concrete floor of the Lobby. "Michael, we're going to have to jump." he didn't add anymore details, he didn't feel as if he needed too. Repositioning the Child and the mother so they were both held at his front, he put his back to the window. "On three... one... two... three!" with three, he fearlessly leapt backwards, his shielding back tearing through the window and himself soaring to the floor.

Now to most such a leap would have proven fatal, or even severally dmaaging but Champion barely bent a knee whenever both his feet hit against the road outside, causing the crowd to gasp. Straight away the paramedics took the mother and the fiery child from him, and into an ambulance to be treated for any smoke inhalation and burns they may have suffered. Michael, who gently levitated to the floor, was greeting with a cheer from the crowd, as was Champion. However their cheering was cut short by an explosion from the top of the building.

"Ok, move back people, move back!"
although with the pyrokinetic child being taken from the building, most of the fire was already beginning to die. This heroic bond of circumstance had saved their lives; and everyone could see it. Champion spent most of this time getting pictures taken with people who did not mind that his face was blackened with soot. Just as he and Michael were about to party ways, Champion noticed an old lady who seemed to be struggling to find a safe spot to cross the road.

It's hero time.


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Super Serious Hero Business (Vegail) Empty Re: Super Serious Hero Business (Vegail)

Post by Chellizard June 27th 2014, 6:16 pm

Surprisingly, this is double XP worthy.

Well done.


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