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A Conflict in Schaffhausen [Open]

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A Conflict in Schaffhausen [Open] Empty A Conflict in Schaffhausen [Open]

Post by CORE July 26th 2013, 5:28 am

Oberon strode the streets between the renaissance-era buildings with his odd two-leg-limping gait. After his roaming around the Alps, he had gone down into what was locals called the 'modern' cities of the time. He was looking for a specific local who was rumored to be fluent in magic, and he wanted some answers. That's what it was always about for him. Answers. He had been walking for several minutes when he came to a T-intersection. To his left, a house, to his right another. Checking his directions again, he assured himself he was in the right place. He knew he as on the right street, and the right intersection, but he didn't know which corner. He picked the left, and walked up to the door, rapping on it twice. The door was answered by an older man. Oberon entered, and the lights flickered. Several minutes later, he exited. "It was to the right." He walked across the street, whistling as he went. His cape billowing in the wind, he stepped up  the stairs in front of the door. He checked around to see how many people were nearby. "Few enough."




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A Conflict in Schaffhausen [Open] Empty Re: A Conflict in Schaffhausen [Open]

Post by Mykel Thames July 26th 2013, 5:47 am

As Mykel was making his rounds stopping villains everywhere he stopped he decided to prowl the streets looking for anything. In Switzerland the time here seemed more peaceful than in a few other countries. No fighting or random out burst in gun fight. No rape or murder so it was nice to visit every chance he could get. Who knows it would probably never stay like this for ever. As he walked around a corner he seen people with spray cans. They took a hard glance at Mykel and walked up to him. Something they seen him he was in mostly black with white spots here and there. They walked up and spoke English and started marking him for being from this place. Sorry, but I hate to tell you I'm also from America and I understand every insulting word coming out your mouth. Also Graffiti is illegal here too so I'm taking y'all to a lock up facility for being as stupid as you make yourself. He quickly used his air manipulation to clutch their neck grabbing onto the pressure point until they fell over.

Later that night, he had taped up the artist along with their paint cans and the location of their so called art. He was sitting on a far off roof looking at the stars. Luckily he could still see them because even around her the light blinded out the lights in the sky. He rolled over onto his stomach and looked down. He seen a guy walk into a building. He must be getting home from work. But he seen another man close the door. Well if that is not random... The guy had come back out leaving that house and walking over to another house just on the other side... I guess he lost his sense of direction. Mykel chuckled to himself as he continued to watch the man seeing if it was still the wrong house.

He placed his head on his arms and tried relaxing and hoping no one would bother him. It would be a pain to have officers all around him making him get up. He was not going to get to comfortable because he still needed to do another sweep but he figured he would rest for about an hour since he has been active all this time.
Mykel Thames
Mykel Thames

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A Conflict in Schaffhausen [Open] Empty Re: A Conflict in Schaffhausen [Open]

Post by Vile July 26th 2013, 6:26 am

It had been a very.... long day today. There had been much to do, and only a week to do it in. It had been orchestrated abit like this.

Monday - Quell the troll infestation underneath The Grubenmann Bridge, and return to the Pixie Witch for his reward.

Tuesday - Solve the haunted of a rather illustrious manor of some eccentric Swedish millionaire who had an awful habit of collecting possessed and enchanted items but a rather ironic fear of ghosts.

Wednesday - Plant the dragon egg in the middle of a field, several miles from the outskirts of the city. Walking there took ages but he had finally managed to walk there and planted the egg. Now, I heard you say, 'Planting an egg, my good sir, that is ridiculous.' well Dragon's are not even meant to be real so do not speak of what you do not know.

And now, there was today. Thursday. Hocus Pocus' hands looked at the neatly folded list in his hands, and opened the paper outwards to reveal his next task. Oh, of course. A really long and tedious one. What was he thinking when he accepted these flabbergasting tasks from that ogre. Investigate the wizard underground. How very cloak and dagger. And how very long this task extended. Bah.

He stood in his hotel room, blue and white stripey pajamas adorned his body for now, and he admired his regalia spread over his silken amber bed covers. He dressed himself quickly, putting on his new cufflinks, and buttoning his waist coat to it's tightest, as every gentleman should. He pulled his shirt's collar upwards and wrapped his bow tie around it, before he tied it quickly and effectively. His shoes, shiny and black were put on last, and their laces knotted into the tightest fashion so they did not slip from his foot. How very unprofessional that would be. And finally, Hocus Pocus' hands moved to his own hat, spinning it around and placing it onto his head gently. He turned on the spot and set out of his hotel room for yet another day of... expeditions. His gloved finger pushed the button for the lift to arrive at his floor and her admired the well polish scenery and Hispanic maids rushing around the place like ants obeying their queen. Fancy, for a 3 star hotel. Bing! Aha, his transportation had arrived, good show. He took a foot inside the lift and the jolly jingle playing was getting rather irritating, as he knew it would get stuck in his head. Do ba do do do. Over and over in some high-pitched chimes. Bing! the lift doors pulled themselves open once more and he stepped out from them, his fancy shoes clicking against their marble floors.

Later, on the streets of Schaffhausen [Kitty Face] Hocus Pocus moved his hands to his inside pocket, and removed a rather well polished silver monocle, and placed it onto his eye, the chain hanging down from the circle. Hmm.... peculiar. Hocus' eyes looked over the amount of magical energy in the local area, all of it flowing around and through certain people. Some had the perfect aura for this kind of work, maybe some of them were Witches, Wizards and Magicians themselves. Of course, some were stronger than others. Perhaps the ones with the strongest auras could tell him what exactly he needed to d- Do ba do do do. Blast and damn nation! He was doing so well and then some cruddy elevator music causes him to lose his train of thought. Typical. Bracing his cane against the floor, he began walking through the streets, the chain of his monocle swinging as the dapper gentleman swaggered to his location.

He came to a T shaped junction of sorts and narrowed his eyes. Which way? The magical energy was definitely in this area... There were two houses however, so maybe one of them new. He went left and knocked on the door with his cane, looking at his shoes to check they were still in splendid condition. Which they were. Naturally. The door creaked open and a short, tubby man stood in the entrance and looked Hocus Pocus' up and down.

"Not another one!" and before Hocus could get in a word the door was near slammed in his face. How absurd! The bodacity, the gall! Closing your door on the stranger how ungentlemanly. No-one of any magical caliber would ever be so harsh to another practitioner. Turning on the spot Hocus Pocus began to walk to the other harsh, however he paused when he say that there was already someone standing at it. Hmm... What to do. Should I ask him about it, was one of the thoughts that weaved through his mind. Another was 'Do ba do do do' that infuriating song stuck in his head once more. He decided against speaking with him, and merely tipped his hand and walked back around the corner, where he remained until he was sure that the masked man had went indoors.

A Conflict in Schaffhausen [Open] Maxresdefault
Post Mate
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A Conflict in Schaffhausen [Open] Empty Re: A Conflict in Schaffhausen [Open]

Post by CORE July 26th 2013, 5:10 pm

Oberon chuckled as he heard someone behind him. He assumed 'another one' meaning either a rather dapper gentleman had followed in his steps, or a magician had. He'd figure it out after speaking with the next man however. He rapped on the door with his cane. When the door opened, he smiled, and pushed the man back into the building, the shadows behind him leaping out and closing the door. Like the first house, the lights in the new one went out. He brought his hands to the man's mouth when it opened for a yell, and two black tendrils of darkness followed, holding his head to the wall. Grinning, Oberon opened a piece of parchment and held it in front of his face. The mage nodded frantically, and drawing a quill out of thin air, wrote a few sentences on the parchment. Oberon thanked the man as a third tendril shot across the room into his stomach. Oberon exited the house with a scroll in his pocket that held the information that he learned from the mage, bound by a stamp of his blood. Looking around, he stepped down the stairs. "Whoever you are, I hope you have the time to sit with me. I could do with a spot of tea, I'm afraid, as I am rather tired." He straightened his hat, and began to move back towards town.




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Location : Probably somewhere cold
Age : 25
Registration date : 2011-09-23

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A Conflict in Schaffhausen [Open] Empty Re: A Conflict in Schaffhausen [Open]

Post by Mykel Thames July 26th 2013, 6:42 pm

Hmm? This was odd. Another man had appeared and followed the foolish man's path to both houses. But he seem to turn back down the street and walk beside the building. Well how nice it seems when I'm not looking for trouble it finds me anyways. He gave a few thoughts to himself and decided to check out the current house the guy was already in. When the other guy could not see him he used his air manipulation to give him a boosted jump over to the roof of the house. As he controlled his landing so it didn't sound like someone falling on the roof, He heard a faint pitch. It sounded like a muffled yell and as he went down he seen the two guys fighting and then the guy who had entered the house had used a shadow tendril to stab a hole into the guys abdomen. He watched as the guy exited and he seen that there was now no help for the guy in the building.

He jumped off of the house and ran down the street. He turned and slid to intercept the man. I'm sorry to tell you from this point forward I can let you leave. You have committed murder and I pass judgement with my own eyes. You are guilty for killing a man in his own home and you will be stopped. He decided to keep his fire abilities a secret until he needed it. He also heard the guy saying before he intercepted for someone to come out. Did he know Mykel was watching him or was he talking about the new man who came up on the scene. He was not going to give this guy any chance to attack. He would capture him even if it means he had to leave the guy badly beaten. He clutched his fist and the air swarmed around him creating what looked like a mini tornado that spun around him. He flexed his fingers out to where they all pointed out he raised his hand to where the pointed into the sky.

The wind immediately vanished and was about to be used for a more serious use. Looking down and back at the guy he thought about the event he just came upon and wondered why he was not more alert. He swung his arm down sending a wind slicing wave that made a giant cut mark in the concrete they stood on. The mark expanded and the wave grew as it went for the guy aiming to cut him down where he stood. When the wind his the ground at its incredible force it sounded like a roar from a mystical beast. If the guy proved to be a more than worthy opponent he would switch to using both abilities. But right now the air manipulation ability he possessed was enough for some low life that stood before him.
Mykel Thames
Mykel Thames

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A Conflict in Schaffhausen [Open] Empty Re: A Conflict in Schaffhausen [Open]

Post by Vile July 27th 2013, 5:05 pm

Well, now this had escalated shockingly quickly. What has turned from a lovely walk in search of rogue wicked witches and warlocks has ended with Hocus Pocus walking in on some.... young emo freak assaulting a man. And from the looks of such violent wind storms he is conjuring it would appear he is trying to bring justice into his own hands. How typical.

I cannot have yet another man die in the middle of the street. The would-be hero did not even wait until the man was in a secluded area. While it was a bold move, it was rather foolish considering that there could be company all around. Hocus Pocus flicked out his felt gloved hands and then tugged backwards rather nonchalantly, wrapping a telekinetic force around the waist of this Revenant and dragging sideways through the air and onto the floor infront of him. Tilting his neck, Hocus looked at the masked individual on the floor and then looked straight back at this long haired girl-boy. He reached to his hat, and span it from his head gently, reaching a hand into the dark abyss within. He rummaged for several seconds before his eyes widened briefly before narrowing once more into removing a large cane, which was far to long to fit inside any normal hat. He tapped it against the floor and looked at the fringed one again. "Now, my good.... I assume sir..." He paused, looking him up and down. No cleavage. Apparently he only favors having women's hair. "You shall not lay another hand on that man. I am... aware of his crime, and you taking some tattered form of justice into your own hands is both irresponsible and cruel to the people who's job it is. The police."

He raised his cane and pointed it at the Revenant in turn, his eyes narrowed with an equal intolerance towards his actions. The ends of his curly mustache flickered as he spoke. "And you. Do not move a muscle either. I said Justice will occur, and it will."

Good show, taking control of such an action is the only logical course of action. And of course, it was a good chance to educate the young and punish the murderous synonymously. He lowered his cane and quite calmly reached into his pocket to remove one of these flashy new phones which all of these young little whippersnappers seemed to possess. I believe it was called a uPhone9. What ever it was, he did not know how these apps worked, but he did know what it was good for. He pushed a single button which possessed an exclamation mark, which he had discovered was for 'emergency call' and then, with another button his phone released a homing signal which had alerted the police. Within minutes they would be here. Hocus Pocus kept a close eye on both of the would be attackers, and stepped back, cane still held in hand.
Post Mate
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Registration date : 2013-03-08

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A Conflict in Schaffhausen [Open] Empty Re: A Conflict in Schaffhausen [Open]

Post by CORE July 28th 2013, 1:15 am

"If I may," Oberon stood, putting his weight back onto his cane, he motioned with a hand towards the other gentleman's hand, and one of the shadowformed tendrils shot out to attempt strike the phone towards the ground, "I don't think it kind to bring the local constable into the matter. I acted out justice. That man caused the death of my family and the pillaging of my hometown. I have here," he held out his had, with it the open scroll, bearing a few words of confession among other things, "proof. I'd like to very much speak with you though, as I feel you could explain some things to me, and I'd gladly do the same. You can decide to do with me as you please after that." He, turning towards the other... boy, he spoke. "You there, I harbor no ill will to you, but I cannot say that I would hold myself back from you if you came after me again. I seek no conflict." He rolled the scroll back up, and tucked it away, taking his hat off and holding it over his cane.




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Location : Probably somewhere cold
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Registration date : 2011-09-23

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A Conflict in Schaffhausen [Open] Empty Re: A Conflict in Schaffhausen [Open]

Post by Mykel Thames July 28th 2013, 3:29 am

He was getting pestered and it seemed like he was saying he could not bring justice into his own hands. With a ticked mood on his face he stared them down. The guy called the cops, but gladly the guy destroyed his phone. Mykel would have went for his arm being this annoyed. Lucky him instead of Mykel. Snapping back to the conflict he looked around at the two. It seemed he would go aginst both of them, but he liked a good fight. He did not need other people here to get hurt. The reason why I am going after you is because you killed him and given how I am I will capture you like everyone else then I will give you over to the police. Even if that man did do something to you it gave you no right to kill. And since the other guy is a meta to what I seen; if he is like me then you will help me bring you in and if not then he needs to go away its not his fight.

He was unsure if that guy was a meta or not. But seeing the hole in the guys stomach and how little time he was in the house he only guessed that he was. He looked at both of them being side by side. It was now or never. If the meta wanted to protect the guy then let him he would get attacked to. He held up one of his hands and a small twister formed. Now its time for you to come with me. Throwing his hand forward caused the twister to get thrown and in no time it grew into a monstrous size headed for them as the target in Mykel's path. If the meta helped this time he would go against him as well then take the guy and the meta to jail.
Mykel Thames
Mykel Thames

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A Conflict in Schaffhausen [Open] Empty Re: A Conflict in Schaffhausen [Open]

Post by Vile July 29th 2013, 9:17 pm

His phone, spinning from his hand smashed into the floor. Hocus' wrinkled eyes blinked once, looking down at the small shattered pieces of metal spread out over the floor. Pity. He had come to like that phone. He did not fully understand what the young saw in it but it did have it's uses. Pulling his gloves upwards a little, he turned to look at the masked man and then that darkened women boy who did not look amused at all. The masked one claimed to have some Personal Vendetta against the one who he had murdered and this child was determined to play the hero. Pausing for a moment, Hocus twirled his mustache gently, eyes glancing from each of them. However, it seemed that the he-she had decided he wished to cause severe vandalism as well as rob others of their jobs.

Hocus pulled of one of his gloves, and suddenly it animated. It scuttled up his arm and it let out a leap onto his hat and held it down so that the wind did not carry it off. He looked at the child with a rather impatient glare. "Child, I am aware you believe you are going to do some noble deed and try to save the day. But calm down, before you cause severe damage to the homes of those who are near. I doubt they desire their doors destroyed by some adolescent vandal."

Hocus Pocus folded his arms and continued to look at the boy, hoping that he would see sense and actually stop this before it got too violent. But, as he always looked at at least two possibilities, his fingers lingered in his pocket, getting ready to pull Mysticism from his pocket so that he may defend himself if need be. His neck turned to look at Revenant as well. "And you, an eye for an eye leaves everybody blind. You would do well to remember that. Now, stay still and remain calm. This child' He gestured to Mykel 'Wishes to show off, and cause property damage. Attack him, and you condone that, do not give him reason to continue this... parade."

He stood still and calm, he did not wish to turn to violence but he may be forced to, if someone were to strike him. Which would be most... unwise.
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