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The Ancients within The City of Sin

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The Ancients within The City of Sin Empty The Ancients within The City of Sin

Post by Jordan Reynolds May 22nd 2013, 5:52 pm

The sun had just begun its descent over the great beacon within the dessert known as Las Vegas, the city of sin as many had come to call it. This was a place where the vices of humanity were strongest; where everyone was having a good time and the liquor ran thick along with the bad luck. This was where the ancient daughter of Rome found herself one fateful evening, as what seemed like the last fading lights of day began to wane and were overcome by neon. That painful prickling running across her otherwise perfect skin had slowly begun to fade away until she was left with that near absolute numbness that was the usual at night. ”Finally, I thought the sun would never go down.” She said with a lilting voice that held the hint of something that predated the very country that she found herself in and even further then.

The deluxe suite was well furnished, with a singular plush bed dominating the majority of the rooms center. There was a slight click of heels as she walked over the tile that composed the flooring of her suites balcony. This was not a permanent placing, but likely this could hold the vampiress for quite a while. Give the humans a small dose of her blood and they are more than willing to do as she wished, all for another taste of that sweet nectar. In fact they so gladly gave up such a posh suite to her and that was good enough within itself, excellent actually. Humans were so easily controlled when drugs were introduced and her blood was likely the most potent of all of them. Her reasons for visiting the great city was not for the simple pleasure of hiding away within this hotel suite but something deeper.

”I wonder how long i'll be left waiting.” she muttered to herself as pale lips pursed, and what looked like a single fang protruded before disappearing. Soon enough her private question was answered when a man walked through the door, looking upon the attractive woman in question. She put on the false smile, one that was convincing enough to the man who reeked of expensive wine. While such a thing would have been unapparent until he drew closer, her refined senses could smell it from here. ”Tony, so you return from another night of drinking I see.” She said with mock enthusiasm.

”You know it baby, and I see you've been busy.” He said noting the unconscious man laying on the bed, though anything else was lost upon him in the low light settings. While the man may have seemed like another naive human, he was actually one of the few that knew her secret. ” So you want me to do the usual Anna?” He asked with a coy grin, teeth flashing between pale pink lips. It may not seem wise to have a human confidant but within this rapidly changing world, Delicia found it something that she absolutely needed to keep going. They all at the start wanted the sweet immortality that she could offer, but in the end they gave up on such a bleak prospect. Sure living forever sounded nice, but it was a curse; one that she would not wish upon the worst of humans.

”Yes, take him to his room and make sure that any sign of our encounter is erased. I also want the bruising on his neck dealt with.” Delicia said in the same, calm tone as she tapped her heel lightly against the tile. The man would curtly bow before throwing the sleeping one over his shoulder and walking out of the room. There was no one to really witness the act and thus she could not be implicated within this small little crime. He would wake up in the morning feeling dizzy, and would probably blame it upon the copious amount of booze he consumed the night before. In the end she would have nothing to worry about. She could not spend all night looking over every detail within her feeding, when there was far more important business to attend to.

Vampires from across the nations were converging, but for what purpose she was unsure. The thought occurred to her as she stepped within the glass elevator that still gave her an amazing view of the strip that stretched out beneath her. It must have been important if they sought out an immortal as old as her. Within a few minutes the elevator had taken her to the ground floor and she stepped out, drawing the attention of the few guests hobbling through the immense lobby. No one could really ignore her unearthly charm, but in the end they shrugged it off as the effect of the cosmetic science of the ages.

Through the clear glass front doors she could see what appeared to be the ride sent for her. It was likely that she was dealing with a wealthy denizen of the night, or they had a fair share of influence over mortals themselves. She would not be so rude as to deny the luxury of an amazing ride and sat within the plush back seat and within the span of ten minutes she was taken to what looked like a rather high end casino. The vehicle stopped out at the front and let the ancient off, as one of the young men in black suits seemed to motion for her to follow him.

The gambling hall itself was still live with the buzzing of people trying to make it big and few gave her a second glance, save for those who were interested in far more than simply getting lucky at the slots. Those however were ignored, as well as the rest of the bags of blood as some vampires she had met referred to humanity. She was lead into what looked like a back room with humanoids as equally as pale as her, though most had far more of the color of humanity than she did. Even among the undead she was like a porcelain doll; unreal. One of them motioned for the ancient one to take a seat before they could begin what looked like a rather dire meeting.

”So you arrive. I never thought you would actually heed our invite ancient one.” A mocha skinned vampire said with what sounded like an English accent; cockney to be exact. To hear such refined words coming through such an ugly filter never seemed to amaze her really, but then again that was reality. He looked like he was powerful within his own right, but then again they were all powerful when compared to the average human. Male vampires of her variety always were stronger than the females, but that meant nothing. She had the strength to match, if not overpower all of the younglings within this room, however that was not the point of this meeting.

”I can't turn down such an.....extravagant invitation and your persistence interested me. I already killed around three of your messengers, yet you continued to send more and I suppose I have to give credit where credit is due.” Delicia stated simply, her deadly silver eyes glaring into his deep brown orbs that were once human. Like hers, they seemed to absorb the light around them and gain a color all their own. ”So what did you want with me......” She paused unsure of what the young vampires name even was.

”They call me Mason.”

”Ah yes. What did you want of me Mason? I'm sure it must be important if you sent all of those younglings to fetch me.” She reclined within a plush red chair, pale fingers intertwining as she thought over the multiple possibilities.

”As you are aware, the Lord of Shadows has changed and with it the future of our race as a whole. He goes about killing as he wants and causing wanton damage with no regards for secrecy. There is also the fact that he is not a vampire, but a simple meta human masquerading as one. With his increased activity, there is also those that call themselves hunters getting more vehement in their hunting of all vampires. We were hoping that one of the oldest of our kind could help in dealing with this upstart before he could ruin our reputation even more.” He finished reclining within his chair.

”You expect me to kill The Lord of Shadows? Are all of you as daft as you want me to think? I won...” before she could finish her statement, a single cross bolt of fire shot through the wall and implanted within the heart of one of the vampires to the right of Mason. Within seconds he was nothing but a pile of ash, but the screaming before set her ears upon end. People could be heard from the other room screaming and running about; while she tried to keep her cool. Delicia knew that fire would be even her end, but that was no reason to panic just yet. That was when men in what looked like white masks began to to storm the room with their weapons enchanted with what appeared to be powerful fire enchantments, ready to slay the vampire menace.

And here she was staring at the new arrivals with a look of confusion and annoyance.

Last edited by Delicia on May 24th 2013, 1:13 pm; edited 1 time in total
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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The Ancients within The City of Sin Empty Re: The Ancients within The City of Sin

Post by CainVulsore May 24th 2013, 12:32 pm

Las Vegas, Nevada, a desert City and one overrun with tourists anyway. Cain never understood why such places attracted so many people, but they did and so he himself finally decided he’d have to check it out. Not only was there that reason, but there was also the ‘little’ fact that one of his more trusted Higher up Vampires let him know that a select few ‘rouge’ vampires over in the area were plotting to kill him. He at first didn’t believe it because, come on, let’s be honest here he was the Lord of Shadows, the King of Darkness, their leader by ancient right and magical voodoo crap. As far as he was concerned if they even spoke about things like this they were asking for a death wish. Yet, it still needed to be checked out and put an end to, to prove that he was who he said he was and deserved that position.

So, there he was walking the streets of Las Vegas, Nevada in his usual attire of a purple shirt, slick black leather jacket, black jeans and black Nike shoes. His destination was a high end Casino near middle of the city where everyone could see. It was a casino that was bustling with people, all moving this way and that way going wherever their little hearts…or money, would carry them. Cain himself knew the meeting was being taken in the back of the Casino so of course upon arrival he moved in that direction, trying to stay unnoticed to the obvious Vampires surveying the area and working in the club. But, when you were the Lord of Shadows it was quite hard to remain inconspicuous to the children of the night, he was spotted quite early on in his arrival, but none made a move to tell the ‘owners’ of the club that he was here. This of course made things all the more easier for Cain.

Walking towards the bar he grabbed a glass of wine and took a sip of it before continuing on his path to the back of the Casino. Halfway there he heard the screams, the shouts of anger, and the snap of crossbows being fired while the bolts whizzed past him. It seemed the ‘owners’ of this club weren’t the best at keeping their location a secret. Now, Cain may not be the most inconspicuous vampire ever, and he did make his presence known more often than not but at least he was able to keep his ‘home base’ a secret from Hunters, while these fools who thought they were going to kill him couldn’t even do that? They certainly had a lot to learn, and although part of him wanted to leave them here to die he knew he couldn’t. The Lord of Shadows would just have to save the…night.

Watching as the men in white hoods with UV powered crossbows and swords hanging on their hips raced into the back room, about twenty of them in all, Cain followed behind with a sinister glint in his eyes. He ran up behind one of the Hunters and snapped his neck before the bag of blood even knew what hit him. Unsheathing the Kilij of Shadows two more were quickly dispatched before they had time to realize they were being attacked. Yet, after that the other seventeen Hunters realized what was going on, but it was far too late now, they were in for the ride of their lives. They had come to this Casino expecting to walk right over the vampires here and dispatch them with ease, but they had not anticipated the Lord of Shadows to arrive.

Some turned and ran while others fired off their UV powered bolts, it mattered little to Cain what they did. A shadow wall rose up in front of the New York Vampire and shot out at the group of about five that fired off their bolts and they were crushed against the wall, the weapons harmlessly bouncing off the shadow wall. With those five down there were only twelve more left standing, or more so running and shooting at whatever moved, which was perfectly fine with Cain, he needed not move for this fiasco. Three whips shot out from the wall and upon lashing out at their intended targets turned into spikes, impaling the fools through the chest. Nine more hunters remained after that, eleven had already been removed in the time span of not even two minutes.

Raising his hand Cain swept it in the direction of the remaining nine, catching five of them in a giant shadow like hand and crushing their bodies with ease before chucking the lifeless bodies at the wall. The remaining four Hunters were not granted swift deaths as out from their own shadows rose four werewolves under the servitude of Cain, and not being prepared to fight off the werewolves the Hunters were quickly taken care of and left to the demise of the wolves…Laughing at the sight Cain turned to face the Vampires who remained in the room with a grin upon his face. “So, who here wanted to kill me again?” He asked crossing his arms over his chest as all the shadows in the room started to dance, while in the background the screams of the Hunters could be heard as they were devoured by the werewolves.

Cain Vulsore
The Ancients within The City of Sin Pbucket

Creatures of the night
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Posting Master

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Quote : "Bitch, I am the Lord of Shadows."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Age : 27
Registration date : 2011-08-21

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The Ancients within The City of Sin Empty Re: The Ancients within The City of Sin

Post by Jordan Reynolds May 24th 2013, 1:33 pm

The casino was in chaos the moment the hunters had made their move and with it the vampires as well. They had not dealt with such a situation before, given how young they were and knew not how to react really; while the ancient within their midst stayed as calm as ever. A single spark leapt from the burning corpse of one of the vampires and caught the extravagantly plush carpet aflame; leaving the others scrambling to escape the deadly flames that would consume their very blood like gas. The acrid smell of the one already burnt hung in the air, burning Delicias' nostrils and causing her beautiful face to crinkle in disgust. ”I thought these fools would have planned a little better. Its pathetic really.” She muttered under her breath standing to her feet as the fire seemed to only continue to spread.

”So what now Mason? Are you going to sit in the corner and cower until the humans kill all of you?” She asked raising a snowy eyebrow, not noticing that something had pierced the wall behind her and run right through her shoulder; sending a lancing pain throughout her body. The pain itself was not a human one, so she didn't feel the need to cry out when struck but it sent a shiver throughout her entire being. When her eyes looked upon what had injured her, it was not a flaming bolt but one that seemed to release a strange light that felt oddly familiar. It was likely one of their strange UV weapons that had been spoken about so much within the vampire circles of the day. There was a bright flash that sent all of the younglings reeling as their skin for a brief moment began to bubble and burn before it stopped.

If they had been struck with the bolt like she, it would have been instant death, but her body had long ago gained a resistance to the damned orb within the sky they call the sun. Still she felt that weakness creep across her body, the preternatural strength ebbing away within that moment and with it she felt a brief second of what mortality felt like. That feeling of knowing that your body was dying and with it a primal fear that welled up within her before fading away as quickly. Without a second of though she ripped the weapon out of her shoulder as the black blood shot across the carpet and some landing within the flames spreading, quickly burning up. However the flesh had already begun to knit itself back together and soon enough it would be as if she were never hurt.

”So its true, you are a Daywalker.” Mason said somewhat exasperated as how she was unaffected by the bolt that would have killed the average bloodsucker. Among their kind, the Daywalker was a legend, a myth almost. A vampire that could walk in the sun; embrace their very weakness as a human would was unthinkable yet well sought after. ”I thought the rumors were false but it seems like my information was correct. You'll be perf....” He was stopped by a foot slamming against his throat, cutting off the sentence with a gurgle as his eyes shot wide open at the grimacing vampire glaring down upon them. He tried to remove the foot from his throat but that was a futile effort within itself and the others feared what she would do if they were turned upon.

”Why don't you shut up? I told you I have no interest killing this Lord of Shadows or whatever the hell he is.” She growled increasing the pressure behind her foot before glaring at the others looking upon the severe vampire. ”That goes to all of you.” The fire alarm was ringing and in an instant water came down from above, drowning the fire within moments. When that was done the loud noise vanished, leaving them with a near silence, not even the sound of the pounding boots of the hunters. Instead there came a curious voice, wondering who wanted them dead and that alone drove another spike of fear within the already scared vampires. Hell, if they were human they would have been shitting themselves.

”Well what do we have here?” She mused looking upon the undead being known as Cain Vulsore. He was a rather attractive young man as vampires went and she could smell that he was one for sure, there was no mistaking the scent on one of the undead. ”Well it seems like your informants are not always right Mason. Meta humans do no smell like that, but I suppose you have some sort of excuse for that as well. Come on, I’m waiting.” She was annoyed, agitated that such a small fry would waste her time, especially like this. Removing her foot from his throat enough to allow him to talk, Delicia waited for an answer, her attention moving from Cain to the vampire under her heel. He coughed and sputtered for a moment before managing to gather his breath and talk.

”It was her....she wanted to kill you.....get the....title for herself.” he said through a damaged throat slowly repairing.

”Now you're lying? That's very poor form Mason, and here I was considering sparing you and then you pull that. In a single motion he found himself hoisted in the air, with his eyes meeting with Delicias. ”Perhaps I should throw you to the Lord of Shadows himself and let him decide your punishment. Maybe he will be far more merciful than I? You know, since you were the one plotting his death and all; but what do I know?” With a swift kick he was sent flying into the wall. ”So you must be this Lord of Shadows everyone’s so worked up about. Not sure why they would want you dead, you seem competent enough.” Delicia noted turning her full attention upon the young vampire, as well as the lycans feasting upon the remains of human that could be seen through a hole within the wall. ”As for who was trying to have you killed, it was that fool I just kicked. Feel free to do whatever with him.”

”You bitch!” His curse was however left unheard as the ancient simply took her seat back within the plush chair untouched by the flames that were once ravaging the room.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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The Ancients within The City of Sin Empty Re: The Ancients within The City of Sin

Post by CainVulsore May 28th 2013, 2:14 pm

The answer he required didn’t come as quickly as he had hoped, but he did not truly expect the answer to come at all. There was always finger pointing, eyes crossing, and scary faces that came with the accusation. So, Cain allowed his eyes to wonder the room in which he stood now, there were at least ten live vampires still spread about the room, not counting the two who seemed to be having their own little one sided conversation. The beautifully busty female standing on top of a fool whose name didn’t register at the moment, talking about lying and throwing him to the Lord of Shadows or what not. Whichever it was Cain truly didn’t hear, he was too busy wondering why he had never seen the sight that stood before him in his room before. That would certainly change soon enough if he had his way, which he usually did.

Before he knew it though, the man vamp was kicked into the wall and was calling the female a bitch. Obviously he was the one who plotted to kill Cain and that suspicion, or guess really, was confirmed not too long after by the female whose name he needed to get very quickly. “Thank you my dear, The Name’s Cain as I’m sure you know… and you are?” He said walking more into the room and towards where the fool on the ground was, lifting him up with one hand and smiling at him. “Me and you are going to have some fun…quite a lot of it… well mainly I will." He said dropping him into the shadows and watching as his body was transported to his torture chamber back at Shade HQ. Turning to the female he walked closer getting a better view of her and her pale skin with silver hair. “Wait…you’re the Daywalker everyone is so obsessed with right? Delci..or something like that”

Sure, Cain had heard about her how could he not? It just didn’t truly interest him as much as it probably should have. Thanks to Chelle making him a true vampire, and one like her he was able to move about once more in the sun. Albeit before he could not go in the sun because as he found out he had a disease that burned his skin every time he touched the light the disease was cast out upon taking the first sip of vampire blood. A delicacy he would never taste again sadly as it was poison for a vampire to drink the blood of another vampire. Or something like that, he used to have all these things memorized but the lore was so big one never truly knew what was fact and what was truly fiction.
((sorry post was shitty))

Last edited by CainVulsore on June 2nd 2013, 12:28 pm; edited 1 time in total

Cain Vulsore
The Ancients within The City of Sin Pbucket

Creatures of the night
Posting Master
Posting Master

Status :

Quote : "Bitch, I am the Lord of Shadows."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 434
Age : 27
Registration date : 2011-08-21

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The Ancients within The City of Sin Empty Re: The Ancients within The City of Sin

Post by Jordan Reynolds June 2nd 2013, 12:01 am

"Daywalker? The younger ones have come to call me something like that. Its a rather simple title but I've been called worst." She noted checking her flawless nails for specks of dirt, but of course they were as clean as ever. Within a few moments the upstart was taken care of and that lowered the count of the undead within the room to twelve, counting the Lord of Shadows of course. The fear that he inspired within the creatures of the night was understandable.

By right they were under his control and any being of the dark with a right mind listened to what he wanted, but she was not one of them. Delicia had shed such a shackle long ago and now she walked among those of the day as freely as she did at night. It seemed they knew not the power of drinking blood from a vampire as old as her sire."However my name is Delicia. Its a rather common female Roman name but my father took a fancy to it, but the more mundane individuals call me Anna Whitman."

The others were in awe at how she spoke to the all powerful Lord of Shadows as if he were just another person, as if he posed no threat threat to one as ancient as her. While it was obvious to the others and possibly even her that he could kill her with a thought; fear had long ago left her mind when it came to death at the hands of one of her own kind. Then again he was not one of her kind but a being that simply shared the need for blood, longevity and pale skin; as well as devilish good looks.

If she were a foolish mortal woman, this Cain man would have been irresitable but now his beauty was something that she had seen within many young ones. His flesh still had that warmth to it that only mortals had, yet anyone could see he was not fully human, but something far different. The wine of his immortal blood was calling to her, yet she kept herself restrained as deep silver eyes bore into his with their ancient mysteries.

"I am curious how you came upon such a title as such a young age. Its very rare that fledlings ever reach the rank of Lord of Shadows, atleast not before they reach the twentieth year within their stretch of eternity." She questioned with a pleasent air about her. "Is the taste of the blood of your maker still fresh upon your lips?" pale lips stretched into a Cheshire grin, fangs protruding through the small slit created by the gesture.

"The taste never really leaves though, your body will remember it until it fades away into sweet oblivion. That is if you ever reach such a time." There was the smell of dog not far away, the smell that came when a lycan was near ye, but she tried to ignore such a thing and kept her attention upon the scent of the blood of the slain humans. Delicia was truly hungry and there were so many vampires younger than her filled with the mystical liquid that drove them.

"Now that the small insurrection is dealt with, what will you do now? I was considering going on a hunt and if you wish, perhaps you can accompany me?" She suggested standing to her feet, wiping a single silver strand from her eyes but never letting the piercing gaze stray from Cain.

Last edited by Delicia on June 3rd 2013, 1:23 am; edited 1 time in total
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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The Ancients within The City of Sin Empty Re: The Ancients within The City of Sin

Post by CainVulsore June 2nd 2013, 1:03 pm

So, Delicia was her name and she was as old as the Roman’s themselves then? He wondered how a vampire could live to be as old as she without being killed off. The simple fact that she did manage to live this long thought meant she was truly an amazing hunter, Vampires were considered the Apex Predator and she obviously was the perfect example of this. “Roman you say? Then you are truly the second eldest vampire I have come to meet, nearly as old as the female who blooded me, but not quite there…” He said, the last part more so thinking out loud than anything else but the words still slipped off his tongue and so he let them without much hesitation. Mainly as to not seem like he hadn’t meant to say it and partially to give way to any doubt left that he was not a true creature of the night.

“Most who ask that question I simply give a demonstration of my power to, to show them I deserve the title, but for one as ancient and obviously highly respected as yourself.” He said motioning slightly to the onlookers that were simply gawking at her. “My half-sister was the past Lord, or more so Lady, of Shadows and upon killing her and taking up the Kilij of shadows.” He motioned to the Kilij that was sheathed on his side, “The title became mine own, a year or so later I came across a Vampire willing enough to dare tell me I was not truly a Vampire…and well now we are here.” To Cain that explanation was all that was needed, sure she may have been one of the eldest vampires alive but she didn’t truly deserve to know everything about him. Not when he knew nothing about her, no, where was the ‘fair’ trade in that?

As for whether or not the taste of his maker’s blood was still etched into his mind, and whether or not he could still taste the sweet mercury upon his tongue was a question he chose not to answer. Of course, he still had the flavor upon his mind and he knew he would truly never be able to taste blood as delicious as that ever again. But that did not mean he had to tell this elder that, he was the Lord of Shadows and could do as he pleased, he could answer whom he wanted and deny what he wanted. She had no power over him, and yet by not answering her question it was the same as answering it anyway. The silence gave way to the truth, the truth that he indeed did still desire the taste, like she so ‘poetically’ described out to him.

Cain watched as Delicia stood and spoke of how she was going to go out on a hunt and whether or not he would care to join her. As he himself truly had nothing better to do he compensated the thought for a second or two before nodding his head in agreement. “A hunt does sound like a rather lovely thing to do; it would certainly take my mind off of those wanting to kill me for a while. Which of course I do hope when I return any thought of replacing me will be soon gone from the minds of all those who stand within this room.” He let the sentence sink into all of the ears and minds of the twelve vampires that remained as he whistled, the Lycans coming away from their meals to his side. Patting the lead one on the head he had the shadows rise up over them and shadow travel them back to the Theater.

Turning to Delicia he gave a half bow before moving out of the way, “Ladies first, this is your hunt you lead my dear and I shall follow suit… I do hope you know some good pickings here; as this is certainly not my territory.” The last part of his sentence was somewhat of a lie though because as the Lord of Shadows whichever town, city, state, or province he visited automatically became a part of his hunting grounds. Being the King of Darkness and all the creatures that resided within the night had its perks, this of course being one of them. The second being that by the end of the night he would be able to bed whichever female that caught his eye, and tonight that female just so happened to be Delicia.

Cain Vulsore
The Ancients within The City of Sin Pbucket

Creatures of the night
Posting Master
Posting Master

Status :

Quote : "Bitch, I am the Lord of Shadows."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 434
Age : 27
Registration date : 2011-08-21

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The Ancients within The City of Sin Empty Re: The Ancients within The City of Sin

Post by Jordan Reynolds June 3rd 2013, 1:22 am

His silence gave her the answer that she seeked, though a verbal answer would have been more desirable. However, his title as Lord over those that lurked within the shadows have him some measure of authority and if it could send these lesser beings into cowering he surely was something to behold. Still she would not find herself beholden to anyone, especially a man barely past a years mark within his vampires journey; upon the endless road. The fact that his sister was once a retainer of such a title was of minor interest, but she would not dwell upon it for too long. Even lords fell and his time would not last forever, eventually there would come one that would usurp his position and with it a new time within the shadows would come.

"Trust me, the blood in Vegas is one of the richest i've tasted in centuries. Not since i've had the pleasure of of tasting the blood of Queen Elizabeth; it was quite the vintage really." While human blood could not compare to that of an immortals, it was still delicious and in bulk. In fact she could not foresee a future where humanity was not thriving, but then again the world had its way of surprising even the most hardened. "And i'm sure these fledglings won't prove to be a problem again. They shouldn't be foolish enough to try the same thing twice." If the ancient was correct, this should be the last that she heard of such a foolish plot, or one that she was dragged into.

"If we are done with this buisiness, perhaps you and I could move to a more favorable venue; this place reeks of death " She noted as the lycans seemed to be cleaning their jowels, tongues running over teeth that could sheer through flesh within seconds. Still if she needed to, they would have been disathced within seconds, but conflict was not on the menu for her tonight. No, she wanted more than to simply spill blood. A waste like that would be smething worth making this ancient cry crimson tears of blood. Perhaps the crying would be a bit too much but she was not one to waste anyway. Small pockets of humans had begun hunting her kind with advanced tech and that made her freedome to feed limited, so every drop counted now.

She motioned for the Lord to follow her out of the casino, away from those that had once conspired to kill him. It was strange how a persons tune can change when faced with a symbol of authority with their guillotine ready to end them. There were many places that she could take him, where there would be blood waiting to be taken from a fresh human form but then again she knew not what his hunting method was. There was hearsay that he enjoyed to make it a spectacle of sorts but then again that could have been some exaggeration. Vampires of her kind were somewhat known for their famous exaggerations or maybe that was the few that she had met.

"Where we hunt will depends upon your preference. I know of many clubs where you can find some choice pickings or we can take the typical back alley route. There are always fresh bags of blood their too, but they usually are loaded to the brim with alcohol or some kind of modern day drug that the dealers force upon them." She noted t her new hunting guest as they would step out of the casino that they were in. Sure she could have left it to a surprise, but then again she was the courteous host of this hunt; it would be rude if he didn't know of the flavors of the city.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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The Ancients within The City of Sin Empty Re: The Ancients within The City of Sin

Post by CainVulsore July 20th 2013, 11:09 pm

“Queen Elizabeth you say? Why that most certainly must have been quite the feast. So, was she truly a female or was she a man like some of the legends suggests?” Cain asked with a small interest as he remembered watching something about Queen Elizabeth being a man fooled into being a queen at a young age. Whatever the documentary had truly been about that of course was the only thing that stuck in the crazed mind of the man, no vampire, who walked the earth and called himself the Lord of Shadows. The second sentence that she uttered out about the fledglings not going to try to usurp him again brought little ease to his mind on the subject if only because he was not worried that they would dare try it again in the first place. He had shown them his power and that should be enough to silence any threat.

A curt nod was given at the statement of them leaving the casino to head out and into the night where they would begin their hunt for the sweet crimson mercury. Breathing in the fresh air of the moon lit sky Cain cracked his neck listening to the places Delicia offered up for them to go and of course out of the suggestions the club rang home in Cain’s brain. Oh how he loved to visit the clubs, sweep a dashing young lady off her feet and lure her away only to tear into her throat and drain the body of all the blood until the very last drop left it and dripped down onto his own tongue. “The club sounds rather nice; I have heard that Las Vegas has quite the night life. I believe we should put that theory to the test my dear. That is of course if you don’t mind it as this is your territory.”

The last sentence was more to make Delicia feel as if she was in charge and even put her somewhat at ease. From his experience the elder vampires did not like taking orders of any kind in the slightest. Not only that but if they felt that he or anyone was somehow intruding on their territory they would lash out without thinking of the consequences. Now, Cain didn’t believe Delicia to be as backward as some of these elder vampires but she was of course the eldest one he had met, beside Chelle of course, and so he would need to be at least somewhat cautious when around her until he knew more. Of course, this didn’t mean he wasn’t planning on seeing just how experienced this dashing lady truly was in the things that mattered…or at least mattered in Cain’s sick and twisted mind.

Cain Vulsore
The Ancients within The City of Sin Pbucket

Creatures of the night
Posting Master
Posting Master

Status :

Quote : "Bitch, I am the Lord of Shadows."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 434
Age : 27
Registration date : 2011-08-21

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The Ancients within The City of Sin Empty Re: The Ancients within The City of Sin

Post by Jordan Reynolds July 20th 2013, 11:40 pm

Delicia found herself somewhat amused at the fledglings statement involving the legitimacy of the Queens gender, though why mortals found that to be important was beyond her. These days people would dig up lost cities simply to find how they disposed of their waste, instead of trying to find out anything of actual importance. When they could be trying to cure things such as cancer, and venerable disease, humanity worried about what cosmetic would make them look more attractive. ”Oh, she was a female as far as I could tell.” Delicia said in answer to the younger strange question, letting the multiple names of various casinos slip through her mind as she tried to choose one. There were many that she could attend and all of them were well aware of their beloved VIP; the one who had made herself comfortable with their managers.

After barely a second of thought, the perfect casino came to mind and one that she was sure that Cain would very much enjoy. It had beautiful people and they were all filled to the brim with blood, though the vampire was unsure if she wanted to let some of the choice pickings die simply to sate this dark lords appetite. She even found herself unable to believe that he truly accepted that this was her hunting ground, a place where the ancient was free to feed on the seemingly endless amounts of blood. A city where only those given her blessing would be allowed to hunt without being torn apart, without being introduced to their funeral pyre.

With a fluid motion, she flicked a strand of snowy hair from her eyes and tapped an inpatient note with her heel. ”The night life is like nothing i've seen, and the blood is always free.” She said flashing sharp fangs to the Lord of Shadows before they seemed to vanish. ”In fact, I have the perfect venue in mind for tonight’s hunt. One that i'm sure you will find to be to your liking. The name of the place is The Dragons Den. She could have walked there with him, or even called up a mode of transportation so that they could arrive in s yle, but Delicia wanted to see how fast this man could go. To see if he s had that preternatural speed that all vampires possessed, or if he simply was a lumbering fool like many of his age.

”Its not far from here, around ten or so of your city blocks. I'll meet you there Lord of Shadows.” and without even a visible prompt, the vampire was like a blur as she moved across the streets and was gone. To the pedestrian, she was but a slight wind that breezed by and soon enough she was traveling along the rooftops until at last the casino was in sight. It was a rather beautiful place with lights that mingled lovely with the Vista of Vegas and only seemed to hypnotize her even more. With not a moment of hesitance, she skillfully made her way to the street level and stood at the entrance and let silver eyes look through the glass doorway until the Lord of Shadows found her.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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The Ancients within The City of Sin Empty Re: The Ancients within The City of Sin

Post by CainVulsore July 21st 2013, 12:37 pm

The Dragon’s Den, even the name of the place sounded extravagant and Cain had a feeling that the pickings would be just as extravagant from what Delicia had been telling him. The thought of how fun this night was going to be ran threw the mind of the king of darkness. He was going to enter the bar with one dashing female by his side, exit it with another and then dry the fool hearty girl up before the night was done. Then when that was all said and done he would leave once more with Delicia under his arm. If of course everything went as planned and when Cain was involved it usually did not, but perhaps tonight would be different. Perhaps tonight he would get what he wanted…because even if things didn’t go according to plan he usually got what he wanted one way or another.

When she started to speak up again Cain was taken away from his own thoughts and of course only just heard her mention it was only ten blocks away before she too took off out into the night. So it seemed she wanted a race, and with obvious super human speed there was no way Cain was going to win. Unless of course Cain was to use his own personal method of traveling through the night. Which of course he was going to do as he raised his hand into the air and a shadow monster covered him. “Take me to the Casino known as The Dragon’s Den.” With the sentence uttered out and the command given the shadow monster sunk back into the shadows only for Cain to rise out of them a few moments later at just the exact place he requested. Upon rising up out of the shadows he leaned against the wall next to the door of the club/casino and waited for Delicia to arrive.

When she arrived not long after a Cheshire grin spread across the Lord of Shadow’s face. She was standing in front of the doorway looking for him to arrive, how sweet. A cackle escaped through his lips as he rose off of the leaning position and onto his feet, “Oh my, someone has quite the knack for being first to everywhere. You truly thought you could beat me here? Tsk, Tsk, Delcy; they do call me the Lord of Shadows for a reason you know.” He said now standing behind her and looking over the top of her head to whatever it was she was so intent on staring at in the glass door that lead into the club/casino. “Quite the sight, it is a lovely little place, but how about we go see the inside of it hmm?” He spoke out grinning at the people passing by, mainly the dashing young brunette who strolled past them not too long ago. She smelt and looked as if she would be ripe for the pickings…in more ways than one.

Cain Vulsore
The Ancients within The City of Sin Pbucket

Creatures of the night
Posting Master
Posting Master

Status :

Quote : "Bitch, I am the Lord of Shadows."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 434
Age : 27
Registration date : 2011-08-21

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The Ancients within The City of Sin Empty Re: The Ancients within The City of Sin

Post by Jordan Reynolds July 21st 2013, 2:36 pm

Delicia was taken aback slightly by Cains sudden appearance, and the fact that he had claimed to arrived before her. How had he performed such a thing and when did he? The vampire would have these answers soon enough, but for now she would have to watch her step, keep a careful eye upon this intriguing youngling. Perhaps there was some other kind of secret that this being held, one that she would want to be aware of in case she ever had to make a move against him. Not a single sign of her thoughts appeared upon her statuesque face; only an indifferent mask lay upon it which was broken by an amused smirk.

”It seems that they do.” The Daywalker said simply, allowing the false amusement to seep into her voice as she let the scent of so many humans wash over her hyperactive senses, and take her mind away. This would be the perfect place for her to get a choice bite to eat, and perhaps even for the young Lord of Shadows. ”I think that would be a marvelous idea.” She said in agreement to Cains idea pertaining to them checking out the casinos interior. Where it was likely that many mortals would be pissing away their life savings in order to  hit the jackpot as so many aptly put it.

With that said, the pale beauty walked through the door, expecting the brooding male to follow in suit. A calming melody of the age swept through the air, one that could put one at ease if they were not so set upon their wasteful pursuits. To her ears, she could hear the sound of music even over the din of human voices that seemed to flow like a torrent. Some let their gaze fall from their games of roulette, and various others to look upon the fluid  beauty with skin like snow for a moment before they returned to their gambling. So many ripe for the picking and yet she found herself unable to choose which one she would pull from the vine; one that she would so skillfully drain the life from. Who would it be?

There were already a few that would prove to be excellent choices, but then again it was usually those that would be missed that looked upon her, those that would cause trouble if found dead that would lust for her seemingly perfect body. They were all fools, but then again that was the human condition, and one that she drank in with much vigor. ”Take your pick, there are plenty to go around.” Delicia said only loud enough for Cain to hear, as she motioned lightly with a lithe hand. A large brass  dragon colored black hung above the middle of the gambling floor, depicted breathing its thick black flames.

It was simply a namesake really, but something that the immortal found homely about the place in general, and it took her attention away from the cameras that focused upon her and the Lord of Shadows; as well as the raven haired figure that watched beyond them.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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The Ancients within The City of Sin Empty Re: The Ancients within The City of Sin

Post by CainVulsore July 21st 2013, 10:09 pm

“Excellent.” Cain replied to the silver haired elder vampire beauty, a grin still plastered onto his face as he followed her suit and walked into the casino before them. Upon entering the casino most, if not all eyes, soon turned to let their gaze rest upon the female that Cain had entered the establishment with while the female’s, as well as some males, eyes drifted to the both of them. It was funny how a little drink and the chance at winning it big would let human morals sink almost as low as his own when it came to the fun little game that was played under the sheets. “Someone attracts quite the bit of attention.” He mused just loud enough for Delicia to hear him as he made his way over to the bar letting her words stick in his mind.

Oh, he would most certainly take his pick that much she could be sure of, The Lord of Shadows was not one to leave a hunt without collecting on the piece he set out for. Tonight this object of desire just so happened to be a female that was in either her early to mid twenties, stood at a height of a little under five foot seven, wore a red dress that could easily catch the eyes of many a man. She was certainly a beauty to behold and it was a pity she wouldn’t be in this world much longer to swoon more mortals and others a like but a bag o’ blood she was and she needed to be sucked dry like any other. So, grabbing two glasses of whine and making his way over to her Cain made his move.

Tonight she would not feast on a man or rake in the riches, no tonight she would be drained dry by Cain, it was an honor so few in the long run got to experience. Handing her the whine he gave her a dashing smile and pulled a cheesy pick up line which earned a small chuckle from the lady. She of course asked if she knew him from somewhere to which of course he replied. “I’m sure if I knew you beautiful I would remember it, drunk or otherwise.” The night had just begun and Cain was already close to ending his prey and finishing the hunt. This conversation and flirting went back and forth between the two for quite some time until the two snuck out the back…where of course Cain made his move.

Cain Vulsore
The Ancients within The City of Sin Pbucket

Creatures of the night
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Posting Master

Status :

Quote : "Bitch, I am the Lord of Shadows."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 434
Age : 27
Registration date : 2011-08-21

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The Ancients within The City of Sin Empty Re: The Ancients within The City of Sin

Post by Jordan Reynolds July 22nd 2013, 8:19 pm

A pair of onyx black eyes watched the two vampires as they prepared to hunt, watched with both curiosity and predatory judgment. It seemed that both were unaware of what they were dealing with, unaware of what they had walked into, but she would make that plain as day soon enough. For now, the mysterious pale figure lounged languidly on her long sofa and watched them, and that was all that she would do; watch.”Do you want me to greet them?” A young voice seemingly asked from nowhere as what appeared to be a young girl with hair like fire took her seat on the end of the couch.

”Yes, I think our royal visitor could do with a proper greeting.” She agreed dismissing the young girl, he then walked into the large gambling hall, where she was soon to find her targets.

Meanwhile Delicia and Cain were still on the hunt, unaware of the eyes watching them. A young blodne man in a suit approached the silver eyed vampire, with booze on his breath and lust clear within his eyes; and he wished to bed the immortal. ”Hello beautiful, mind if I buy you a drink?” The line was so horrible, Delicia had to restrain herself from flat out denying him. A fake smile had to be conjured, and she would have to pretend that he was the most charming man alive,at least until the time of feasting.

”Not at all. I would love it in fact.” She flashed a smile, making sure that the razor sharp fangs were in their place and that all he saw was a row of flawless pearly whites. With that said, the man ordered a drink from the bar he was leaning on and motioned for Delicia to sit down as if he were preparing some form of technique to woo her. It would prove useless, but no harm in humoring the foolish.

”So tell me a little about yourself.”

”Not much to say really, i'm on vacation in Vegas and I happen to be in this Casino.” He didn't seem to have time for a response as the man let out a strange gurgling noise, and blood erupted across Delicias face.

”Slims pickings tonight eh? Shame about your prey Daywalker.” The whole place erupted into panic.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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