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An Run in with a Giant (Trog)

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An Run in with a Giant (Trog) - Page 2 Empty Re: An Run in with a Giant (Trog)

Post by The Bolt April 10th 2013, 9:29 pm

Once again Agent Reaper had found herself cleaning up another Dominus mess. One of the scientists had gone out with some sort of experiment and from that a situation had grown, mostly involving what sounded like a very dangerous meta human. Information on his was sparse but from what she knew, this guy was a deadly one. Would have to play it safe when she went in to fetch the missing goods. With a quick transport she found herself in the mostly intact section of New York, hovering over the theater that was reduced to a rubble. ”reaper we want both the girl and the scientist evacuated, that is all.” The special agent chimed in, albino nodding as she looked out into the street below.

There was a brute of a man as well as what looked like a mass of metallic liquid attempting to take on a human form, there was no scientist with them though. As much as Reaper wanted to jump into the fight, she knew that finding the brainy dude took precedence or something like that, humans always taking importance with the Dominus stiffs. Shayla rolled her shoulders, issuing loud pops as she checked the multiple energy based weapons hanging along a metallic belt. ”I'll deal with this in a flash.” She said with absolute certainty, as the transport leveled over the theater, around a couple hundred feet in the air, nothing for her to fall from.

Jumping from the edge of the craft she felt herself plummeting through the open air, wind whipping past her snowy locks as they flew about her face, and nearly obscured her vision. With a resounding crash she fell through the roof, rubble falling about her until she hit the floor. Wiping away large chunks of the ceiling from her skin and armor, Reaper scanned the room for anything that would appear to be who she was looking for, but in the end all she saw was a body lacking its head, as well as the pool of blow slowly widening around the neck. It appeared to have been bitten off, and with the manner of dress, was the guy she was looking for.

With a grimace of disgust she picked up the headless body, noticing the head with a steely expression etched into it only a few feet away from the body. ”Wonder if they'll get pissed if I bring back just a corpse. After all they did say bring him back and....orders are orders.” She said to herself with a somewhat sadistic but pleased cackle as she walked through the front entrance with body in tow. Now she would make herself known to all of them, especially the poor metallic girl who was for the most part being destroyed by the strange humanoid being.

”Hey metal girl! Get your ass together, we're leaving this dump!” Her eyes then turned towards the brute with a morbid interest. He looked big enough to bite a mans head off.

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An Run in with a Giant (Trog) - Page 2 Empty Re: An Run in with a Giant (Trog)

Post by Artemis April 10th 2013, 11:15 pm

The cave man seemed to be dead set on killing her. He finally spoke him name, in all honestly sounded more the the sound a persons stomach makes when hungry. For some reason she thought the thought was funny and she cracked a smile. She just couldn't stop smiling, she was scared for her life but only funny little thought just made her smile. She closed her eyes, waiting for the bus to land on top of her, not even sure if it would kill her or not. But then she heard a voice call out to her, calling her metal girl. Her eyes flew open and she turned her head as fast as she could with out hurting it to much. A woman stood there, dragging the headless body of her caretaker behind her. Was she from dominus to help her or just somebody being nice. Ariana guessed dominus would be more accurate or else she wouldn't be dragging her caretakers body behind her. She didn't question it. She liquefied and moved as fast as she could to the woman. But her moving wasn't very fast, even in liquid form the beating she took had a major toll on her and her regen couldn't keep up fast enough with the giant's beatings. She reformed closer to the woman and tried walking from there, but only moved slower then she was in liquid form.
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An Run in with a Giant (Trog) - Page 2 Empty Re: An Run in with a Giant (Trog)

Post by Troglodyte April 10th 2013, 11:35 pm

A low, barely audible blood-curling growl escaped from somewhere deep within the Catastrophy-prone Crude, Carnivorous Caveman's Craw. He had heard her little laugh and would not tolerate it. She wouldn ot laugh at him. Nobody laughed at Gwharr and got away with it! But this was moot compared to the fact that she had tried to kill him earlier. He just could not forgive that sort of behaviour. No, her little giggle was just he icing of the cake of lethal whoop-ass he was gonna open on her. He hoped that her end would serve as a deterrent for her eventual friends. He was not the sort of individual to let bad guys get away with this sort of shit.

"Gwharr is CRUSH YOU!" The caveman roared, his inhumanly deep voice, booming along the street, causing the few people that remained to turn their tails and run. After all, not too long ago, a certain other superhuman had destroyed their city pretty much just like that. Gwharr could not help but to think the fact that he smashed her over the head with a van would constitute enough of a danger for them to evacuate. Especially since he had literally smashed a fair bit of the movie-hall interior. There was even a hole in the wall visible from the little scuffle he had been involved in earlier. Presumably from the first punch he threw that missed when the girl puddle-ified. But she wasn't dodging no more, he had beaten that bad habit out of her.

He felt a wave of joy and triumph surge through his limbs as he brought the van down on her, seemingly managing to crush her, but soon enough, a trickle of silver poured up moving along the street towards. . . Towards some sort of albino dragging a headless corpse. His first thought was of Essa the half-crazy "Amazon" he had met long ago in a bar, but he soon dismissed the thought. She was far too small to be Essa, and whilst Essa had massive muscles and an excellent physique this one shared none of her beauty. Gwharr quickly decided that she was an enemy and that she would pay for interfering. He hurled the car in the general direction of the pair, before leaping at the newcommer, Giving up a thudering roar, so loud that it almsot drenched out all the other sounds around them, blood mixed with saliva pouring from his mouth into his beard before dripping onto the ground. bringing his arms down on her as a sort of "hammerpunch" that would turn this portion of the street into a big, broken crater.
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An Run in with a Giant (Trog) - Page 2 Empty Re: An Run in with a Giant (Trog)

Post by The Bolt April 11th 2013, 7:57 pm

The cave mans moves were slow and clumsy, something that she was not. Even with the weight of the corpse and the metallic girl, Shayla was sure that she could dodge this the car that he had hurled towards her, with minimal effort of course. Reaching for the battered female, the albino made her move as they careened towards her, followed by what seemed like the giants attempt to crush both of the with his fists, but both were not fast enough. Throwing the corpse over her should and metal girl under her other arm, the female leapt forward, using the car as a stepping stone to leap even higher as she sailed by the brute and landed unharmed in the center of the street.

”Anyway i'm getting you and the corpse outta here, Dominus orders. Couldn't really care less about the creep you're fighting, doubt either of use could take him anyway.” She had seen a small file on this monster of a man attacking her and from what she read, even Agent Reaper would not fight such a foe willingly. [color=orange}”saved me the trouble though, this idiot probably would have had his head lopped off anyway for sending an agent against an enemy far stronger than her,”[/color]
The Bolt
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An Run in with a Giant (Trog) - Page 2 Empty Re: An Run in with a Giant (Trog)

Post by Artemis April 11th 2013, 9:05 pm

The woman had grabbed Ariana and next thing she new she was up in the air. The woman explained that dominus sent her to get her out of there. Ariana smiled weakly, maybe it was her regeneration finally being able to kick in or maybe it was the woman said. The woman landed and turned to say someone to the caveman.

"T-thank you..." said Ariana, not sure what else to say or do. "Just wondering but who was that anyway, I was just told to attack... I didn't want to fight him..."
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An Run in with a Giant (Trog) - Page 2 Empty Re: An Run in with a Giant (Trog)

Post by Troglodyte April 11th 2013, 10:14 pm

Gwharr roared in triumph as he brought his fists down onto (what he believed was) the two annoyances, pounding them into the street once and for all. Indeed, he had put quite a bit of power in this blow, causing chunks of asphalt to be hurled away from him by the extreme force he unleashed. Heck, even a few of the lighter cars that were parked nearby 'jumped' a couple of inches into the air. massive cracks appeared along the street and quite a few of them climbed up the facade of buildings. A lamp-post nearby even fell over, due to its foundation being uprooted, causing a small shock of sparks to fly out from the base of it when the wires were torn apart.

It was only now that Gwharr realized that the girls had managed to escape his punch of doom and destruction, seeing them leap away from him. Well, one leaping, carrying the headless corpse of the annoying sunglassed corpse aswell as the still seemingly shaky-looking woman whom he had been trying to kill in the first plae. This chain of events had been unacceptable, and he would not stand for it.

He once again let out an ear-defeafening roar before he leapt afte the two, effortlessly bounding over, and in some cases through both cars and any other veichles in his way, however, it had already became apprant through her dodging-abilities that the woman was quite a bit faster than he was. However, he would not let them get away that easily. He grabbed ahold of an old volvo and a newer mercedes, one in each hand, hoisted both of them over his head, and hurled them after the escaping villains, hoping to crush them beneath the veichles.

However, despite the inequality when it came to speed, he still decided to leap towards them, hopefully the cars had either flattened them or at least slowed them down enough for him to be able to close the distance and pummel them into a tasty red jelly.
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An Run in with a Giant (Trog) - Page 2 Empty Re: An Run in with a Giant (Trog)

Post by The Bolt April 12th 2013, 8:11 pm

”Think nothing of it.” She said examining the movements of her monuments foe. The destruction that he had caused was impressive, far more than when she hit the ground, but then again she wasn't a caveman. Then came the next attack, as if this thing knew nothing more than attacking, even when their foe did not fight back. First was the loud roar, similar to an ape in sound before launching himself at them after hurling two vehicles, both of which probably would hurt like hell if they connected.

”We're going up again.” She leapt forward with her payload, foot connecting with the hood of the Mercedes, the albino running across it still in mid flight, hoping that the girl did not let go of her and the body dangling like all corpses do. She then proceeded from this to the larger vehicle until she found herself standing on the other end of the street, though it was worst for the wear. This could go on for hours, if not a day without her breaking a sweat, but that was not her goal in this situation. She was supposed to escape, not keep on fighting, even though it would have been fun.

Placing the metallic girl on the ground, Reaper called Dominus in through a small communicator in her left ear. ” I want a transport prepared around four miles from this location. I will bring both targets to the designated place and then we can do...whatever. Agent Reaper out.” This was likely to annoy the caveman but it was of no consequence to her.
The Bolt
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An Run in with a Giant (Trog) - Page 2 Empty Re: An Run in with a Giant (Trog)

Post by Artemis April 13th 2013, 11:56 pm

Ariana held onto the woman tightly. Her athletics were amazing, something Ariana doubted she would ever be able to do herself. She didn't care that she was sent by Dominus to pick her up, Ariana just hopped she could be as cool as her some day. When they touched foot on the ground again, she was placed on the ground as the woman made a call into Dominus.

"S-so can I have a name to call you by? I'm Ariana." said Ariana, making sure to stay close to the woman. She looked at the headless body of her care taker. She felt sick again. She knew humans would turn green if they felt sick, she wasn't sure if she would turn green. She forced herself to look away from her caretaker. "H-he made me fight.... I didn't want to fight. I don't like to fight. The giant seemed really nice before I was forced to fight."
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An Run in with a Giant (Trog) - Page 2 Empty Re: An Run in with a Giant (Trog)

Post by Troglodyte April 14th 2013, 2:47 pm

Gwharr snorted in contempt as the woman once again leapt away when he appraoched. it was starting to annoy him, and he was thinking that she was playing games to stall him, deliberately baiting him before leaping away to mock him and all that he stood for, whatever those things were. Probably caveman-related issues. And Bliss, he definately stood for Bliss. However, as dim as he might be, even he realized that he could not catch them by his current methods. he could keep this up for as long as it took, but the woman was simply faster than he was, and she made no sign of slowing down, despite the bodies on her back. She was far more powerfull than she looked, no doubt about it.. Still ,now that the onlookers had departed he did not need to hold back his more destructive impulses. Maybe one of them would even the odds a little bit.

"Face me, coward!!" The Monster bellowed after the escaping pair, His bestial voice deafeningly loud and dripping with rage. It was fairly obvious that this little game of 'keep away' did not amuse the caveman in the least. In his mind, it was cowardly and despicable, And he would do his best to let the stupid pale girl, the annoying silver-woman and the despicable headless corpse of a thuroughly murdered enemy have a taste of his displeasure. The police might be close and he had no intention of starting another big-arse battle, but he had no choice. His honor demanded that the did his utmost to stop these villains from escaping his mighty wrath.

The caveman quickly spread his feet wide, digging his feet into the asphalt, trying to ground himself from the viciouslness that would soon be unleashed, and then he parted his arms as wide as he could, whilst snarling lowly at the two women. They may be riding high, thinking they were going to get away right now, but he would show them! He would let them know why you did not attack Gwharr the mighty Once-king of the caverns beneath the city of light. He was the earth-shattered, he was Ibis-bane! He would not be made a mockery off.

That was when he Slammed his fists together with as much power he could muster. A furious castle could be heeard briefly before his hands collided with one another and the ear-destroyingly loud thunder-clap drowned all sounds around them. The shockwave caused even far-away veichles to topple, and the ones closer was even flung away from him, swept away by the raw power of his attack, along with lumps of asphalt ripped out straight from the street. A rain of glass poured down over the street as most of the windows on the streets shattered violently
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An Run in with a Giant (Trog) - Page 2 Empty Re: An Run in with a Giant (Trog)

Post by The Bolt April 20th 2013, 7:18 pm

”Call me Reaper, thats what most people do.” She said keeping her eyes upon the bruite, unsure what his next course of action was, though it seemed like he was getting angry from how easily Shayla dodged his attacks. Then he did something that was not absolutely unexpected, but at the same time it was. He clapped his hands together and unleashed a powerful shock wave from his hands, something that destroyed everything around him, and slammed into the albino agent. It stung like hell and she was pushed back a good few feet, but in the end it was nothing. At the most she would have a few bruises, but the street was far worst for wear. ”That the best you got ya damn dirty ape?” regardless of how he allies condition was, she would take her hand and prepare to make a strategic retreat. ”It was fun, but I have to scoot. Goodbye gorrilla man.” and with that she ran, with both the metallic girl and the corpse over her shoulder, though it was likely even more damaged by the shock wave.
The Bolt
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An Run in with a Giant (Trog) - Page 2 Empty Re: An Run in with a Giant (Trog)

Post by Artemis April 21st 2013, 10:26 am

The giant just seemed to get more angry the more Reaper dodged. "I-I think your making him more angry." said Ariana stating the obvious. Then a shock wave hit her and she held onto Reaper tightly, trying to not fly away. Parts of her where knocked off but they reformed in a matter of seconds. The shock wave dazed her a bit but before she had time to recover Reaper grabbed her hand and they were off. "T-Thanks for saving me." said Ariana.
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An Run in with a Giant (Trog) - Page 2 Empty Re: An Run in with a Giant (Trog)

Post by Troglodyte April 28th 2013, 6:03 pm

Gwharr cackled menacingly as he felt the rush of adrenaline! He had bowled the little group over, seemingly halting their escape. At first he honestly believed that he might've killed the escapeee, but he realized that it might be a bit premature to be celebrating already. After all, both of them seemed to be far tougher than most of the people in this city, so he was would not be surprised if they'd survived his little attack, but that was besides the point. The important thing, the truly important thing was that he had managed to land an attack. He had bowled them over. It was more than enough to slow them down. If he kept shockwaving them, they would no doubt fall over, allowing him to catch up to them, finally being able to face off in melee. Then he would show them! Then he would show them all!!

The thoughts fo combat caused Cruel, Cantankerous, Crude, Cannibalistic Caveman to chuckle slightly as he rushed towards the pair. He was alot faster on all fours than he was on just his proportionally tiny legs, but it seemed that they where still faster. No matter. He had the stamina to match his strength, and he could keep this up for days or even weeks if he had to. They would probably collapse from exhaustion sooner or later. Or from many small injuries combined, while he was a mighty regenerator, and not only that, but they had not been able to even puncture his skin thus far. Another somewhat cruel chuckle escaped his lips as he saw the little group get back on its feet.

Then she asked if that was the best he could do, calling him an ape. He recognized the quote, and even though he did not enjoy being called an ape, he forgave her, solely because he had loved "Planet of the apes". It had made him bawl like a baby at the end, when the man realized it was earth all along, and as an offensively long-lived "timetraveler" (although, he traveled by foot, rather than by time-machine) he had been able to relate. However, this was not a good time to discuss movies

"Oh no, I can do better, little girl! Come'ere an' I'' show ya!" He roared as he once again leapt after the group
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