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Sig "Ignis" Eirikson

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Sig "Ignis" Eirikson  Empty Sig "Ignis" Eirikson

Post by Ignis March 15th 2016, 4:17 pm

Subject Code named "Ignis"  
"I'm just old and tired of hiding."

Basic Biography

Real Name: Sigurd "Sig" Eirikson
Renegade Name: Ignis
Title: The Origin Flame, Balder walking, The Wrath of Fire
Alignment: Neutral Good
Age: Estimated born in the early 11th Century
Gender: Male
Race: Unknown
Hair: Dark brown and Grey
Eyes: Brown
Height: 6'2
Weight: 12 st 4 lb
Blood type: Unknown - see power

The Looks


The Legacy

Personality: Sig  is a rather taciturn individual, believing quite strongly in "show, don't tell." He has a habit of speaking in rather clipped sentences and until recently hasn't really had many people he would call friends. That's not to say he's unpleasant, he's always very polite and accepting of people, he's just a little broken inside. He's very tired and it creeps into his eyes when he thinks no one is looking, a longing for people who have died and left him alone again.

He's the kind of person who finds great pleasure in doing things "The old fashioned way" and working with his hands. Over the years he's learned a great many trades and thinks that if something is worth doing, it's worth doing properly. He's also a great believer in arming yourself with knowledge and that knowledge should be shared not hoarded, as such he has a great love of books and libraries and contributes to local libraries wherever he moves.

While he is a very reserved person a lot of the time if speaking about something he's passionate about he  can get very animated and gesticulates heavily, particularly if he's learned something knew about a subject, he very much wants to share his knowledge and it's one of the few times when there's no pain or tension in his expression, his eyes seem young again and free from the pain they normally hold. This hold true when he is learning as well, something which he has a great love for.

Alongside this he loves building and repairing things and has over the years rebuilt from the ground up cars and motorbikes which for the most part he has sold on, although he does love driving and riding, particularly going long trips where it's just him and the road and he feels like he can lose himself.

He has very strong views on weaponry and does not like things which have no other purpose than to kill other people. For that reason he dislikes swords and handguns, but has no problem with axes, hammers and the like. "No point in a creation which only detroys." As he has been known to say.

Sig has no time for people for people who try and strongarm or force others into doing what they want and speaks plainly and bluntly virtually all the time. He sees no point in lying when asked questions, however is very savvy when it comes to other peoples emotional health. He has a habit of sticking up for the downtrodden.

One thing about his personality that is recorded in the history books is that you should never threaten those he considers family, due to his history he reacts...poorly. It is considered something of a hard rule amongst those in the know - if you bring down his wrath, be prepared to burn.

History:  Born at the tail end of the viking age in what is now Norway, Sig's life wasn't really anything special. He apprenticed to a blacksmith and never really noticed that the fire from the forge didn't hurt him as it did the others. He had a quiet life, peaceful - well as peaceful as you could get at that time in history. He tapped into his powers a little after he had went through puberty, awoken by stress while fighting off some raiders from a rival king's province. He blasted the man he was fighting off his feet and the battle stopped very suddenly. The enemy viewed him as a monster, his fellows a hero, touched by the gods. He never showed his powers in public again, so they passed it off as a lone incident. It wasn't until much later that his powers truly awoke though, only little snippets of what he could do happened, until a horrible night.

He was nearly 35 when it happened, one of the christian missionaries that had been travelling the region bore witness to his power as he used it to put out a fire in his forge that had been caused by an apprentices slip. He controlled the fire and prevented a blaze, bearing it no mind, however the priest took it as a sign of witchcraft, saying that he and his family were consirting with the devil. No one thought anything more of it until a few days later. At night the priest came back with some men from that same rival province, including the man he had burned those years before. They waited until he was alone in his forge and attacked, beating him viciously and knocking him unconscious before barricading he and his family in the house, setting it alight.
He woke up surrounded by the bodies of his family pulled himself out from the ashes of his house. He mourned for three days and nights before taking up an axe and heading to the neighbouring territory. He took no one with him but followed the old way, pegging out a square in the street before barging into the home of the first man he could find that was part of the attack, dragging him from his house and throwing him into the square, he demanded information. Then he gave the man his axe. Then he killed him. He repeated this over and over again until he got to the priest. He crucified him and set him alight in front of the church the priest had set up, he burned the church to the ground and then went to the king of the region, telling him what had happened. Then he left - no one tried to stop him.

For the next hundred years he lived in the mountains, fading into myth and becoming known only as a mountain spirit who would help travellers on their way. He took a long time to mourn his loss and come to terms with his new life. He noticed quickly that he was not getting older, and any time he made a fire when he was hurt the flames were drawn to him, going into him and healing his wounds, keeping him young.

After a while he got restless and decided to travel, he spent a few hundred years moving around, never really settling down in one place. At the very end of the 15th century he found himelf in Italy and met Da Vinci. They became fast friends and he stayed there until Leonardo's death. He had learned many things from "Leo" as he reers to the other man and it was there that his spark of life was truly reinvigorated. He decided to travel and learn as many things as he could. Spending some time travelling about europe, he learned carpentry and some metallurgy, which, given his blacksmithing background, piqued his interest. Due to this he travelled to the east, seeking out the famed Damascus steel. He spent some time learning the methods of it's forging before following east, searching for more interesting things.
When he finally finished living in Japan and studying there as a smith, learning the secrets of Tamahagane steel, he realised that he had spent a couple of hundred years constantly travelling and learning, every time he had stopped to learn something new he had lived in his new place for a decade or so. He suddenly found himself very tired and decided to leave the world for a while. He went around over the next few years and collected his earnings as the owner of several businesses, selling them where he could and eventually finding himself quite wealthy.
He went round several reputable banks and set up accounts, before moving to Norway, not far from where he had originally live all those many years ago and set up a small house in the mountains, where he composed several books and published them under assumed names. He moved around every fifteen or so years to make sure no one got suspicious of his lack of againg and generally ignored the world, living in small towns and becoming used to the world leaving him alone. Along the way he met many people but two of his favourites were Vincent Van Gogh and Nikola Tesla, both for very similar reasons, in his words; "They saw the world for what it could be, full of colour and light".

He hid himself from public view for the longest time, unfortunately with the recent events of New York he's decided to step into the limelight. He's recently arrived in Los Angeles and has set up shop, owning a book store and a carpenters next to each other and putting a forge out the back, he lives in the appartment above the two of them but is looking to get a feel for the area, hoping he can find or found an organisation whose thinking he agrees with and trying to bring a little more light into the world.

The Powers and Weaknesses

(All characters can be as powerful as they want, as long as they are balanced with proper weaknesses.)

Power 1: Pyrokinesis: Sig can create and control fire in all it's forms, including shape, intensity and brightness. He has a high level of control over his power due to the sheer amount of practise he's had over the years. He can create your standard offensive and defensive constructs - blasts, weapons, shields, etc. And can also create semi-autonomous animal constructs which follow their specific command from creation for brief periods of time - for instance he could create a construct with the command "Defend" or "Attack" with a target in mind. He has the ability to create a flame that leans very heavily to either light or heat without the other if he so chooses, however standard yellow/orange/red flames are the easiest to create.

Power 2: Flameborn body: Sig can absorb flames which are not his own in order to heal himself, in fact this is the only way he can heal. Normal medicines do not work on him, his blood is completely incompatible ith other human beings (and is highly flammable when outside his body). Alongside standard wounds and damage, his body absorbs fire in order to heal from what it perceives as damage as well, this includes muscle degradation, meaning that so long as he absorbs fire his body stays at an olympic level of fitness, aging, leading to his ageless "immortal" status. He also can't get a suntan, as his body views reacts to it as damage. He can be brought back from the "dead" in certain circumstances, for instance if he was stabbed and bled out before he could absorb fire to heal himself, put him on a bonfire or in an incinerator and he'll come out of stasis and back to life. Fire generated by other people can harm Sig the same way it would harm anyone else, however naturally occurring fire cannot, ie. fire with a fuel source rather than generated by someones ability.


Weakness 1: Water, obviously enough, is his primary weakness. The nature of this is quite simple, in the event that his fire meets water, for this example using a water based ability similar to his own, in circumstances where they two forces meet with the same amount of energy and volume, his fire would lose outright to water, in order to defeat water he would have to expend a ration of 1.5 times that of the opposing water force.

Weakness 2: Vulnerable like a human: stab him and he bleeds, shoot him in the head and that's an instakill, same as a human being. The best way to describe it would be to compare him to a zombie, cut off his head or destroy his brain and there's no coming back from that. Damage his brain but don't kill him and he's losing serious chunks of memory.

Weakness 3: His power at times feels like it's alive and the larger a thing he uses it for the more "hungry" it feels. This has led to a reluctance to use his power for anything large, small things and every day tasks are fine but if he is confronted with a real fight then his first instinct is to not use his power as he fears one day he will give in to it's hunger and become a worse monster than anything he could fight against.

RP Mechanics

RP Mechanic(s): Man of Many hats - he has lived a long time and has had many professions, including Carpenter, Blacksmith, Mechanic, Bookbinder, Author and Martial Arts Instructor. He is of a mind that a person should always keep learning, so he does.

Immortals get rich - simply through living quite so long he's now a very wealthy man, due to interest, the selling of things he's collected during his travels and the multitude of professions he's had over the years.

1967 Chevy Impala with red leather interior, he rebuilt the engine himself and takes great care over his car.
Harley Davidson Softail Fatboy - his go to cruising bike
The Collection - he has a room in his house where all the most interesting things he's collected over his life live, the rest of it is sattered throughout the world in several banks and safety desposit boxes, just in case he ever needs a quick cash in and can't get money from his accounts.
The Arms Locker - in his apartment he has a selection of axes, hunting rifles and other weaponry that he's become proficient with over the years. These are not significant weapons by any means, these are his down and dirty "I need to kill people now" weapons.
Physical Priority
(You are to put these physical attributes in order from 1 to 4. 1 is the highest priority, 4 is the lowest.)
Agility 4
Endurance 3
Reaction 1
Strength 2

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 16
Registration date : 2016-03-10

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Sig "Ignis" Eirikson  Empty Re: Sig "Ignis" Eirikson

Post by Red March 15th 2016, 5:32 pm



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I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
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Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

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