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The World of Yesterday's Tomarrow

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The World of Yesterday's Tomarrow Empty The World of Yesterday's Tomarrow

Post by dunnsavo September 27th 2012, 4:29 pm

The library was closed for the day, the doors were all locked, the windows all shut., the light all out except for one. All the way in the back corner of the library impossible to be seen from the out side, shown one light it was set to it dimmest setting as Jack liked it. He knew he was not supposed to be in the building at such a late hour particularly since it was closed. But these factors mattered little to him. He needed to be here the puzzles were calling to him, and this was the only time he was sure that he would not be interpreted by the masses who would never be able to understand. This was the only time that he felt complete as if solving these mysteries, riddle, and puzzles was some how going to be able to fill the whole that he felt within him self.

this had become a nightly routine for him. He knew the the library closed persistently at 9:00 pm every night. He would leave his apartment at 9:30 to patrol the city as was one of his superhero duties. He almost never found any one beside the common muggers and purse snatchers but he knew the one time he did not patrol would be the one night that some one really needed him. At 11:00 pm Jack would fly over to the library and made sure no one was looking before shifting in to his incorporeal phase before flying through the wall of the library and shifting back to his normal phase. He would then search the shelve diligently for the first thing the peaked his interest. This particular night it was a collection of riddles in their native Russian, one of the many languages he had picked up over the years, after exhausting the English selection of mysteries riddle and puzzles this particular library had to offer. He had soon afterward found that the challenge of learning a new language helped to sate his thirst for mental exercise so he found that he began to learn quite a few.

Jack took his book and went to his seat perfectly situated so that no one could possibly see the light from the out side of the building. He torn through the book until the first signs of day light at which point as he did every night he returned the book to where he had found it only having partially sated his ever growing hunger for something vexing. He turned off his light Shifted phases and flew home, it took ever fiber of his being to keep him self moving forward as ever inch he move away from the delicious enigmatic tomes stowed withing that library tore a larger whole within his soul that with each night more was needed to sate the savage hunger. Hopefully something today would sate him at least partially he was not sure how much will he would be able to exert over himself day after day, eventually he was going to snap.

Phase Shift:

signature color= 102372

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 21
Registration date : 2012-09-23

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The World of Yesterday's Tomarrow Empty Re: The World of Yesterday's Tomarrow

Post by stonetemp1pilot September 27th 2012, 5:06 pm

Kongamato Was told to go to Ft. Leonard Wood MO for his next assignment. When he got there, they seemed massively eager to get him to St. Louis. No supervision, No oversight, just told to go to the Saint Louis area and be prepared to fight something. No Specifics, no Details, no Mission statement. In fact, the word 'no' came up alot at his briefings in Ft. Leonard Wood.

So Trailing I44, He flew from Leonard wood to St. Louis. Making good time he asked, person to person. If their was any suspicious activity that they saw, after a few hours of asking around (and foiling a mugging), he got a response that sounded promising. He was told of an urban legend of a ghost like figure entering a local library and exiting early in the morning. Suspicious? Hardly, as nothing was ever mention as stolen or damaged, and the teenagers that told him this could have easily been screwing with him, but that was about all he could go on. So he sourced the library in question, a rather plain building of concrete and glass, but it was a large building for a library.

He perched on the roof of the Library and took a look through the window, and the rumors had been true. A man in a blue and grey spandex out fit sat in the back, looking intensely at the book he had before him. Kongamato, not wanting to get into a fight he could not win, dropped down quickly and tapped on the glass door of the library. The Man in the back looked up and saw Kongamato. K.M. held his breath hoping that this phantom wouldn't be scared of him. or worse, Hostile.

You're listening to your politicians
They claim to speak to God
Can't you see it's just a fraud?
You're rituals and superstitions
Don't you find them kind of odd?
Might as well kneel before Zod

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 17
Job : Goon
Humor : Left-wing Reptile
Registration date : 2012-09-23

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The World of Yesterday's Tomarrow Empty Re: The World of Yesterday's Tomarrow

Post by dunnsavo September 27th 2012, 5:39 pm

Jack turned quickly to see the source of the tabbing. He internally panicked for a second what if some one had found out about his nightly forays and had come to stop him. He was not sure how long he could last with out his excursions he needed the, to keep at least an image of sanity. In the split second it took him to turn he decided that he would fight for his puzzles if he needed too.

As his eyes came upon the creature tapping at the window he became extremely confused. It was an anthropomorphic pterosaur. It was fascinating to behold. He needed to know everything about it. The rest of his mind went blank and became filled with an inescapable need to know. In this last remaining rational thought he though to take measures in case it was hostile. He reached to the small of his back and pulled out the compacted Spear he had just finished constructing. He through it up in the air and mentally gave it the activation command. morphed into the fully extended 5 foot spear that he had spent week practicing with. He next put the spear and his own power on stand by they would not be usable for a second but he would have enough time to react to an attack. He flew over to the window the creature was at and opend it before jumping back into the air at his full speed spear at the ready and exclaimed " What are you? I must know" this was undeniably going to sate his ravenous needs for at least a day or two and that got him more excited thne any one could even guess at.

Phase Shift:

signature color= 102372

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 21
Registration date : 2012-09-23

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The World of Yesterday's Tomarrow Empty Re: The World of Yesterday's Tomarrow

Post by stonetemp1pilot September 27th 2012, 6:32 pm

The Force of which the man jumped at Kongamato was a shock. Reacting with a slight sence of worry, Kongamato jumped back and made a instinctual display, making him self seem larger, wings spread as far as they would go, and chest puffed up a tad. Kongamato's human mind took over and he deflated his display. A sweeping grin covered the face of the phantom in front of him. Embarassed a bit at his short show of beastliness, Kongamato tried to cover himself quickly with a display of humanity.

"I, uhh, I beg your pardon?" Kongamato Chirped, Tilting his head slightly to display confusion. He lowered his claws to his side to prevent any undue harm to the man, or to himself. The Man restated his demands and Kongamato followed quickly.

"Oh, Umm... My name is, Jack Skru- I mean, uhh, It's Kongamato now. I work for the US Army, I was once a man like you, but I contracted Crichton-Doyle Syndrome from an animal bite. If I was Smart It would have been Skrubbs Syndrome, but they screwed me over. I'm sorry, but can you lower that spear, It's making me a little nervous." Kongamato Squawked. He was willing to answer the questions, but pointy objects weren't something he wasn't willing to put up with if he didn't have to.

You're listening to your politicians
They claim to speak to God
Can't you see it's just a fraud?
You're rituals and superstitions
Don't you find them kind of odd?
Might as well kneel before Zod

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 17
Job : Goon
Humor : Left-wing Reptile
Registration date : 2012-09-23

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The World of Yesterday's Tomarrow Empty Re: The World of Yesterday's Tomarrow

Post by dunnsavo October 1st 2012, 4:44 pm

At first the creature seemed spooked by Jack's quick movements and the look of his spear. he reacted as any beast would when it fear being attacked by a predator he made him self look as big and intimidating as possible. But then something with in him changed as if a different part of the brain was taking control. the creature's behavior started to shift to something more human. Then to Jack's utter surprise and amazement the creature spoke and explained him self.

By the end of the creature explanation Jack was almost giggling with pure joy. He then looked down at his hand and saw that he was still holding his spear. Jack through it at the ground in between two floor board as not leave any damage. He then flew up to the pterosaur man and said " Nice to meet you Kongamato, names Phase Shift may i ask why your in my city. It usually pretty quite around here no reason for some government dinosaur man to be hanging around" trying to hide as much of his giddy ness as he could. He could feel that their was going ot be a puzzle in the near future and it took all of his will power not to seem like a giggling school girl.

Phase Shift:

signature color= 102372

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 21
Registration date : 2012-09-23

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The World of Yesterday's Tomarrow Empty Re: The World of Yesterday's Tomarrow

Post by Kasai Rex October 1st 2012, 6:06 pm

"That's because you both are being played for saps, Birdbrain." A loud bombastic voice yelled from around the corner.
"Chile." Kongamato said.
"It's Kasai Rex, now." The being came into sight. His scales glistening with a form of oil that he had recieved form the nice guys over at the government desk.
"Aww, iddinit cute? You've made a friend. I've got one for you, 'Why does the sunshine?'"
"Not now Rex-"
"No, now. Listen, I don't know if you are aware, or really if you even care, but the government has just developed a craving for metahuman corpse pie, Authorized dominus to organize and deploy, and any metahuman with too much pride to sign on to the 'do not eat' list are going to be slaughtered, ground up, baked and eaten. I, on the other hand, have made my place as a leader of small band scuzz balls to round up those for the slaughter. Sign or die style stuff. and they told me to tell you personally to sign, so, We'll need your personal information, but we already have it, we just need your permission to transfer your information from the Army, to the State. What do you say? Oh, and what about you blue, you smart enough to not want to shoot yourself in the foot?"


K. Rex's Theme
Kasai Rex
Kasai Rex

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 11
Location : Area 51
Job : Goon
Registration date : 2012-09-28

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The World of Yesterday's Tomarrow Empty Re: The World of Yesterday's Tomarrow

Post by dunnsavo October 2nd 2012, 6:26 pm

When the second scale entity entered his frame of view Jack's jaw almost hit the floor out of pure joy. Two dinosaur men in one day, how could his life get any more fulfilled for the day. He thought to himself. Then the creature started to talk discussing some sort of government sanctioned meta-hunting campaign that essentially boiled down to join or die. Jack did not really like the sound of it but was overall only mildly effected with the ability to remain in his incorporeal form indefinatly. However the overall scene the Jack was currently immersed in was just so sureal that Jack could not help laughing like a made man once the t-Rex looking dinoman stooped talking. " HAHAHAHAHAHA. okay give me a second to catch my breath" he said slightly awestruck by the shear ridiculousness he was now a part of. "Okay, so you mr. t-rex man are going around hunting metas trying to either capture them or get them to register. Do you realize how ridiculous you sound? this sound like tjhe plot to some sort of comic book and believe me the fact that we live in a universe were superheros actually exist is not lost on me. As for an answer to your question. No I don't think I will be joining you their is not exactly a lot you can do to me" he turned to the wing dinomna and said "What say you on this matter?"

Phase Shift:

signature color= 102372

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 21
Registration date : 2012-09-23

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The World of Yesterday's Tomarrow Empty Re: The World of Yesterday's Tomarrow

Post by stonetemp1pilot October 2nd 2012, 8:59 pm

"A Patriot is one who loves his country all the time, and love the government when it deserves it. I will Fight you to the Death if necessary Rex." Kongomato Chirped back in anger. K. Rex gave a sarcastic laugh.
"Heh, remember Ruby Ridge? Remember Waco? That's what you are. A crazy band of morons who only think they have something to hide. You think you've private lives, think nothing of the kind. You will use deadly force to achieve your goals and innocents WILL get hurt and it WILL be YOUR fault, not mine." K. Rex Said the jokiness drained from his voice, Followed by a Fake Smile.
"The sun shines to illuminate the mistakes we made in our darkest hour, Rex. When it illuminates yours, you'll be consumed by guilt." Kongamato replied.
"I knew you caught that. Though what Schmaltz you've been taking is coming out the wrong way, birdbrain. I suggest you wise up quick, Lest I have to earn my paycheck this week. No Killing, Kay?" Raising his claws into a fighting stance. "You look nervous birdbrain, why so serious? HA HA HA! LET"S ROCK!!!"

You're listening to your politicians
They claim to speak to God
Can't you see it's just a fraud?
You're rituals and superstitions
Don't you find them kind of odd?
Might as well kneel before Zod

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 17
Job : Goon
Humor : Left-wing Reptile
Registration date : 2012-09-23

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The World of Yesterday's Tomarrow Empty Re: The World of Yesterday's Tomarrow

Post by dunnsavo October 11th 2012, 10:01 pm

OOC: sorry stone i completely forgot i was on his site

The two dinosaur men began to banter about patriotism and various disasters caused by men who gained to much power above those around them to a level which the government could not counter. Was that how the norms felt? Jack though to himself. He could not relate his time outside of the physical plane that caused him to lose touch his own humanity. This was in fact the first time he had talked to another person since the event.

While he was trapped in thought the t-rex man moved into a fighting stance. His transformation energy was a full so he could change at a moments notice. He extended his hand and thought the return command. His spear shot back from it spot and reenter his grasp. He entering a stance he called the fools guard and said "Look he heard you and is not interested. Leave before this gets ugly"

Phase Shift:

signature color= 102372

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 21
Registration date : 2012-09-23

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