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In The Pale Of The Moon

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In The Pale Of The Moon Empty In The Pale Of The Moon

Post by The Lost September 8th 2012, 10:05 pm

They say it wanders through here. Aimlessly, listless and wanting. Some call it a ghost, some say a demon, but most have come to call it "Dead Man Walking".

They used to talk about a suit of dark black armor, but lately they say he looks like a pale man with stitches all over his face. They say it's eight foot tall, and wails a ghastly cry, like a banshee's wail. They say that once he gets his hands on you, there's no escape. Although, somehow there's always conveniently someone survives to tell the tale.

Some say it was a restless knight who failed to save his princess, another legend says he's an escaped convict who faked his death at his execution, yet another urban myth claims he is the manifestation of the people's fears. The stories are not that farfetched, compared to the truth.

Whatever the truth is, kids from the local high school have been making a game of coming out here in groups, late at night, to wander the dark alleyways of the city as a test of courage. As dangerous as it's, its actually not the stupidest thing kids these days do. Though it is right up there, along with things like the coking game or vodka eyeballing.

The kids moved down the next alleyway. Though they had initially been frightened and determined to prove themselves to each other, drinking and an otherwise uneventful night had lighten the mood. The group now was merry and cheerful as they joked about this and made fun about that. They were just stupid kids being stupid kids.

"Hey Jim, watch out for that garbage bag!" one called out as drunk teen stumbled and fell into the darkness. He complained loudly as he got up to his feet. He called the bag stupid as he kicked it, only to grab his foot in pain.

The garbage bag began to stir, then it began to rise. It was not a garbage bag. It was the cloaked figure of EverAfter. He rose to his full height, towering over the children. The sharp edges of his dark black obsidian armor caught the moon light enough to hint to them his menacing form, but the black blended into the night enough create an air of mystery around him. He was there but not there, almost like a ghost. He was not eight feet tall, but none of them were thinking of that at the moment. They backed away in fear and astonishment. They couldn't believe it was real. He took a step towards the strange people gathered around him, curious. They screamed and turned to run. He noticed one on the ground, gripping his foot looking up to him frozen in fear. He did not understand their fear. He barely understood his own feelings, the idea that others felt fear for him was beyond his grasp. He leaned over the teen, and reached out a curious hand to him. The teenager screamed and scrambled away. EverAfter watched him wonder away in wonder and confusion.
The Lost
The Lost
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Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 148
Location : Lost.
Job : Mastermind.
Humor : Twisted.
Registration date : 2012-09-06

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In The Pale Of The Moon Empty Re: In The Pale Of The Moon

Post by flashzune September 8th 2012, 10:38 pm

After months of being away from New York, it was good to be back. I had left the city to pursue other interests. After my encounter the mad scientist and his weird pet, I decided to help these people, sure they couldn't defend themselves and were close to the brink of extinction, but there were people out there who could hurt the defenseless people. So I made it my new job to defend those who couldn't defend themselves. So on my first night back in the city, I took it upon myself to patrol the city. Hell, with my strength, what could stop me? I saw some teenagers walk into an alleyway, giggling and stumbling on themselves. Scans shown that there blood levels were way out of whack for teenagers, these kids were drunk. I realized that these kids would end up in some trouble, so I took the initiative and followed them. Using infrared, I saw the pulsating multicolored figures walking down the alley. There was also a blue figure hurdled in a corner. The blue figure stood upright and seconds later, screams ring through the alleyway. Switching off the infrared, I saw the teens run frantically in my direction, one not to far behind them. I grabbed the running teen by his arm. What['s going on, what are you running from?Monster...behind us!I released the frightened kid and he nearly stumbled over himself as I let go. I decided to investigate this "monster" for myself. Walking towards the end of the alleyway, there in front of me was an clocked figure, about eight feet tall. I couldn't make out the features, but this guy has the same vitals as every superhuman I have encountered. I didn't know who or what this guy was, but right now, he was messing around in the wrong city.

In The Pale Of The Moon WhJZJ


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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 41
Registration date : 2012-07-23

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In The Pale Of The Moon Empty Re: In The Pale Of The Moon

Post by The Lost September 9th 2012, 12:58 am

OOC: He isn't actually eight foot tall. That was an exaggeration in the urban legend. Sorry for the confusion. He is 6"3'

The figure moved after the teens, curious as to where they were going in such a hurry. What were they doing? Why? As they had approached they had been so happy and merry. The sounds they made. That was laughter. That was joy. He recognized that. Remembered it as if he had once been that way, a long time ago. Their laughter had called out to him in his deep sleep. In his slumber, he did hear it. Happiness. Joy. But when they reached hi, and he stood to join them there was only fear. Fear again. He had become so familiar with it ever since coming here. People were afraid of him, h feared pain, fear and pain, fear and pain. For once there was joy. It was so close, he could almost touch it. He had reached out to didn't there, but all he found was fear. The Pale armoured figure strode after them, thinking of what had happened to the joy. As he watched them disappear into the night, he felt pain again. Different than usual, but the same as well. This pain, it was loneliness. Yes, loneliness. He didn't have a word for it, but it had been without all this time, hadn't it? He hadn't realized until now. By chance he had glimpsed just a bit of happiness and joy, and only after being shown these things like happiness, joy, companionship, friendship, could he realize that he was without it.

"Its Dead Man Walking! Run!" the kids called out, and things like that. The kids mostly ran without stumbling. The sobering effects of terror were astonishing. EverAfter, or Dead Man Walking, as they called him, could not keep up.

He moved after them anyway, almost forgetting his purpose. Not that he had much any to begin with, but a new distraction caught his attention. A man emerged from the crowd of fleeing children. He seemed filled with confidence, and moved with a steely resolve completely undaunted by the armored figure emerging from the darkness.

Now EverAfter was interested in this man. There were not many out this late, and to be honest the past few days have been quite uneventful. He did not shout or scream or even try and talk to him in soothing tones like the others. He simply remained silent as he approached. This made him unique, interesting. EverAfter had stopped to wait for screams or roars, but nothing. So he moved closer to get a better look. He walked towards the man without warning or expression of intent. Anyone could easily assume the black knight's approach was hostile.

What he really wanted was experience, knowledge, and above all understanding. In a sense, you could say he craved brains. When the necromancer witch restored his body, she had intended for him to be a mindless thrall. He was to be her weapon, a sword to cut through the cruel unyielding light that threatened the darkness of her magics.

As such, his mind was left shattered and broken. It was a miracle that he was able to pull the fragments of his fragile psyche together as much as he already had.
The Lost
The Lost
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Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 148
Location : Lost.
Job : Mastermind.
Humor : Twisted.
Registration date : 2012-09-06

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In The Pale Of The Moon Empty Re: In The Pale Of The Moon

Post by flashzune September 9th 2012, 6:19 pm

This guy was too mysterious for human comfort. He was just staring down at me. Though I couldn't see his eyes through the hood over his face, I could tell all his attention was toward me. Despite the figure, this "monster's" imposing looks, I faced him without any form of fear or inhibition. Thank goodness I couldn't feel fear. After two minutes of staring, I managed to speak. "Who are you?Why are you in this city harassing teenagers.If this guy didn't talk, I would have to use the "international language".

In The Pale Of The Moon WhJZJ


Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 41
Registration date : 2012-07-23

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In The Pale Of The Moon Empty Re: In The Pale Of The Moon

Post by The Lost September 9th 2012, 7:25 pm

The man started making noises with its mouth, just like others. This time there was neither fear or soothing tones. Not quite anger either, more demanding and self righteous. The subtle differences in the noises people made confused, but intrigued EverAfter. It never occurred to him to try and make noises back at them. Even if he tried, he probably wouldn't accomplish anything.

He of course remained silent. He continued his approach, trying to get a better understanding of this creature. The chains on his armor rattled eerily as the armored man continued his approached. The tension in the air was thick, as he slowly waded through it. With each slow foot fall, metal struck pavement. The heavy weight of the metal coated man struck the floor with each loud footstep. It echoed up and down the alleyway, becoming louder and louder as he neared the other man. He dragged his feet slightly before raising it, as well. Creating a teeth gritting scraping noise to accompany each step.

The cold night's air was chilly and arid. It carried the unwashed sent of the living corpse over to the brave man. If such a thing were an issue to him, it could be yet another warning sign. The distinct smell of countless deaths were upon him from his years of servitude as a thrall. He reeked like death, or a homeless man. Which ever you were more familiar with was what you were more likely to associate the strong stench with. Both interpretations were rather appropriate for The Pale wander. In either case, it was not pleasant.

And soon, the intimidating figure was upon the man. His questions ignored, The Pale figure in his cloak and armor began to reach out to the man that stood before him in the alleyway. What was the intent of this hand, with its dark obsidian gauntlet and sharp intimidating edges?

The Lost
The Lost
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Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 148
Location : Lost.
Job : Mastermind.
Humor : Twisted.
Registration date : 2012-09-06

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