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The dance of death [Inkblot]

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The dance of death [Inkblot] Empty The dance of death [Inkblot]

Post by The Bolt July 12th 2012, 11:07 pm

”Hunting down someone am I?” She muttered eyes scanning over the document clutched within her hands,legs hooked around a bar as she sat suspended upside down. White hair following the laws of gravity as it seemed to fall down in a clean sheet. Where would she be sent to this time? Eyes ran over each line at lighting speed, tingue running over her lips as she took in all of the imformation. Though it seemed like a cut and dry assassination mission,something she was all too good at. If there was one thing she knew how to do;it was killing people. ”Don't even need to ask. They'll be dead before you know it.” She said with the usualy confidence as she unhinged her legs from the metal bar, body tilting as she flipped onto her feet, landing with only a small sound as she looked upon her handler.

” We expect the same as always Reaper, do not fail.” There was the same cold tone that she always got but it was what she expected from the cold bitch. She may have only been a little more efficient than the common soldiers,she was not going to be treated like one of those idiots. The emotionless salt and pepper haired woman looked at her as she did with anyone else, as a tool that she could exploit in some way to her. Shayla was just another tol to this woman but she knew that she was meant for more than simply being the pawn that they saw she was. Flashing a toothy grin she gave a mock salute to the woman as she strapped the belt holding the throwing knives to her naked thigh along with her precious weapon.

”I won't disapoint,mam.” She said in what one would call a polite manner as she wrapped the twin schythes to her leg as well as the holstered pistol, adjusting the straps of her boots. True one would call her attire inappropriate but it wasn't like she really cared what people thought. Clothes were cumbersome and she did not like to be held down by anything, anything that slowed her down was a liability in a fight. It was only a matter of moments before she was ready for this little venture,wiping a strand of hair from her face. The woman lead her to the transport,some of the soldiers sitting within it but only two of the paltry troops she was unfairly compared to. Sitting on the end,she was actually handed a damn parachute,which was rare since she usually was just told to jump. Maybe they realize she wasn't like one of the stupid soldiers that couyld fall from any distance with little damage.

The engine whirred to life as she pressed the back of her head agaisnt the cold metal and took in a deep breath. Eyes closing as she allowed the time to pass, now within a state that was between sleep and conciousness. She woke once the sound of rushing wind caught her ears,following a weightlessness that usually accompanied falling. Without a thought she reached for the drawstring but all that happened was nothing as the wind whizzed past her ears. ”THAT BITCH!!!! Reaper screamed as she began the descent. The city blossoming out below her as she looked for the nearest thing to catch onto,which was a flag pole out the side of a building. Whipping one of her sythes out,it caught the pole and abruptly stopped her descent. Takign in a deep breath she grabbed hte other and jamed it into the buildings tough material as she felt herself sliding down towards the street level.

After a minute she was on the street,making sure she atleast was wearing something that resembled shorts to avoid too much attention. Her eyes scanned through the crowd untils he saw the target, eyes locking in on her like a homing device. Picking up her pac she approached the young woman with a confident stride as she stopped only a foot away from her.

”So you're the one I have to kill.”
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Age : 28
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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The dance of death [Inkblot] Empty Re: The dance of death [Inkblot]

Post by Twinkletoes July 13th 2012, 11:24 am

That morning Lilia woke up from one of the most peaceful slumbers she has drifted into for a long time, nothing had interrupted the warm dreamless embrace she fell into the instance her head hit the pillow the night before. Having a proper night sleep was an extremely uncommon thing for the light-sleeper, a girl who had conditioned her body to wake up to anything that would otherwise wish harm onto was not an uncommon thing to have her sleeps interrupted by unfriendly guests in the dead hours of night back at base.

The warm sun had crept through the drawn curtains and traced her cradled form, the heavy blankets completely drowning her in an expanse of bed linen and cotton and she let out a content sigh. Fluttering her eyelids open, Lilia propped herself up with her arms, the sheets dropping to her waist like white water as she allowed the last remnants of sleep to drip off her. The smell of burnt food from the kitchen wafted into her room clogging up her nostrils, causing the young girl to tentatively tip toe out of her bed, her bare feet barely making a sound on the timber flooring as they gently carried her to the doorway. Peaking around the corner Lilia groggily glanced into the cosy little kitchen that Sheryll took so much pride in, a small grin forming at the corners of her lips. Before her were two pieces of burnt toast which sat idly on a plate, releasing the smoky scent into the air. Stuck on a table next to it was sticky note with messy scrawl all over it “GONE OUT! BE BACK SOON” the note read.

Be...back, back...soon” Lilia whispered scrunching her brow, trying to form the words with some semblance to proper English, her whispery accent adding a gentle delivery to the stuttering attempt of the foreign language.

Although Lilia had trouble reading the English, which was messily written anyway she got the general gist that her superior had gone off for some private time. Lilia let out a stream of air through her clenched teeth; Agent Gossamer did take good care of her, even going as far as comforting her in the early hours of the morning when the young girl would wake up in hysterics due to a bad dream. A soft sigh accompanied her moment of contemplation and she gingerly picked at Sheryll’s attempt of breakfast and hastily swallowed it down, ignoring the bitter taste.

She scrunched her toes as she felt a cool breeze flow through the half-opened window across the kitchen bench, causing goosebumps to swarm over the pale, delicate body. All was calm and good, even though the breakfast was less than stellar it was still one of the best meals she’s had since being relocated. Her early morning trance was immediately halted when heavy banging on the front door reverberated throughout the apartment, causing her to recoil and gasp in muted shock. She had no idea what to do with visitors she might not even know.

A second heavy knocking on the door forced the girl to cautiously simper forward, her hands clasping the edges of her white silk bed shorts as she bit hard on her bottom lip, a nervous sense of dread beginning to creep into her. This choking fear was only made worse when she hesitantly opened the door. A gloved hand had reached in and pushed the wooden obstruction to the side causing the petite agent to yelp in surprise as the three armed dominus troopers stormed into the apartment, towering over her; their metallic visors making them all the more intimidating.

AGENT ETOILE YOU HAVE BEEN SUMMONED TO UNDERGO A LEVEL 5 MISSION! YOU HAVE APPROXIMATELY TWO MINUTES TO SUIT UP AND JOIN US” the trooper barked, pushing her trembling body forward as she scrambled her brains to try and understand the order. The man was pointing to her room and she ambled forward, her body flinging her into the gentle confines of her the bedroom. She hurriedly ripped off her clothing, not caring to close the door behind her, allowing the peeping eyes of the troopers to follow her half naked body’s panicky movements. The girl was out of breath as she grabbed the nearest items of clothing, briskly putting them on and buttoning up all the necessary buttons as hurriedly shoved her slender feet into the nearest pair of flats...she had no time to put on leggings.

Her brown hair was a cluttered wispy mess, its sandy tone reflecting the rays of light that bounced off her panicky movements. She only had enough time leftover to grasp a pristine white blazer and put her slender arms in the right holes before the trooper yanked her by the waist and shoved a bag over her head, a blurred darkness drowning out her sight; the last thing she heard before getting whisked away was the front door to Sheryll’s apartment slamming, a startled gasp escaping her trembling lips as the troopers rushed her into what she assumed to be a car downstairs.

Lilia sat frozen on her seat, her trembling hands clasped together as she sniffled underneath the choking mask they had forced onto her. The troopers did not talk at all and they seemed oblivious to her overwhelming level of vulnerability, not even amusing themselves by toying with her body like many Dominus men had previously. The car swerved occasionally and she felt that wherever she was being taken was a place of importance, she knew for a fact that ‘LEVEL 5 MISSIONS’ were incredibly important and often involved her having to track someone down and kill them, a task she did not enjoy at all.

What seemed like hours cramped inside the speeding vehicle was immediately halted when the vehicle jerked forward, stopping somewhere that was surrounded by a lot of a busy intersection. The sack was removed from her head and a photo was immediately shoved in front of her tear stained face, a sniffling gasp escaping her mouth. Placed in front of her was the mugshot of a woman, who although did not appear much older than Lilia herself, had flowing white hair that should only be seen on those of aged years. The photo was quickly snapped away just as Lilia began to take in all the specific details of this woman and the trooper leaned towards her, making her shudder in fright.

“Kill,” was all he said, a word that Lilia only knew too well the weight of his command building up in her chest as she absorbed the task of killing the white haired lady. Once this order was given she was thrust out of the car into a mass of people, passing pedestrians giving her quizzical looks as the black SUV sped off into the distance. Eyes wide in both shock and fear the young agent scrambled to her feet as she quickly stood up, brushing her dainty fingers alongside the stainless white skirt that elegantly billowed against her shivering thighs.

It was not long before her very target came to her, saying something strange with a sort of cocky determination found in many young adults in the modern world. Lilia gasped at the white haired woman, a pleading look flashing from her teary blue eyes as she stared at the woman in front of her. So many thoughts ran through her head, does she kill the woman now in front of all these people? Does she incapacitate her with a quick strike? Does she have a chance at begging for her victim to escape? All of these queries sprinted across her mind before her lithe starveling body took action before her brain did.

She ran.

The dance of death [Inkblot] Tumblr_m953irNOXB1rv240t
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The dance of death [Inkblot] Empty Re: The dance of death [Inkblot]

Post by The Bolt July 13th 2012, 2:03 pm

This girl looked like she would be no fun the second her eyes fell upon her. Reaper could tell these things,the girl was probbly more scared than should be in this situation. Though she made the mistke so many made,which was running away. Did she actually think she could get away with such a pitiful speed? Sure it was impressive when compared to the average person but she was no human being. This was more like a dog running from car,not much of a challenge really. Though she would entertain this girl if she really wanted to play this game. Taking off at the lowest “speed setting” as she dubbed it,her feet were moving. It was easy enough to match her speed as she ran beside her.

”So,you wanna take this to a more private venue? Don't blame you really,since i'm going to splatter you across the ground but try to be quick about it.” She said to the probably fightened young girl with a smirk drawn upon her lips. This was becoming a game to her,to see why they wanted this girl dead so badly,since she looked harmless to her;but looks can be decieving when dealing with superhumans. So she would follow her until they reached a more private location,where she could get to the murdering. Once they were in a more secluded location,Reaper would choose to stand opposite of the girl with arms crossed over her chest.

”So how we gonna do this?” She asked cracking her knuckles individually as she looked the girl over, scanning for anyy flaws within her stance. She seemed like a capable fighter but how would that helpher against Reaper? That was the question really,the answer would be fighting of course. That was always the way she dealt with things really. Fingers curled around the wooden sheath as she drew the weapon,though no blade was attached to it. Running her thumb along the handle a blade of energy formed from the handle,humming rhytmically. Pointing the blade at the woman,she let a sigh escape through her lips.

'Your move.”
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Mega Poster!

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Number of posts : 1262
Age : 28
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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The dance of death [Inkblot] Empty Re: The dance of death [Inkblot]

Post by Twinkletoes July 14th 2012, 10:31 am

Even though she had successfully leaped over the safety fence her pursuer easily followed with a violent lunge of her own causing the girl to let out a worried gasp. Lilia's knees shook as she bounded into what appeared to be an abandoned restaurant its weak doorway easily giving way for the girl who barged her way through the rotting wooden door. She was now retreating back into the dusty foyer of the restaurant, stepping over broken glass and cracked tiles, ignoring the cool dead breeze that crept its way up her stocking-less legs. Rats scuttled away as the white haired woman confidently advanced, unsheathing a dangerous looking weapon which was something the young agent had never seen before. Its eerie monotonous hum sending a shiver down her spine as her breathing began to quicken...what she originally believed to be her target had actually attacked her first and all the girl wanted to do was curl up into a ball and cry.

Although no form of weakness had to be shown, for the consequences were always severe and Lilia quickly sniffled away the shock and confusion of the situation and attempted to clear her mind of anything that would otherwise distract her from completing the mission. She knew pleading with the woman was not going to work, why it was her very target which initiated the hunt itself and she could easily sense the raging bloodlust in her opponent. Lilia swallowed, clutching onto the edge of her skirt. She had no weapon like this lady did, and it was not because she was unskilled in wielding such things...rather it was because she was the weapon, she was practically human artillery.

Her ability was both extremely beautiful as it was deadly and the girl knew that once she assumed her diamond form she would have to get rid of the blade wielding psycho in front of her. She could not simply show people her power..she had to use it, even though she knew that the consequences of such an action would leave her opponent dead and or heavily injured. Taking in a deep breath Lilia stared the girl right in the eyes, a muted sadness permeating from her soft blue was a silent apology.

And with that her body began to glisten with a translucent glow, and alongside her clothing immediately began to take on its stunning alternate form. All colour on her body began to recede and crystallise, the light that once brightened her youthful skin was now bouncing off the flawless pale blue superhuman skin of Agent Etoile. Lilia cocked her shimmering head to the side, the diamond hard laces of hair flowing in the air like her usual sandy variant would, only difference being they were made up of the hardest material known to mankind. Even though she was now taking the form of an organic diamond lady, Lilia still held onto her graceful nimbleness that was honed in her ballet training, what could be worse that flexible diamond that could release barrages of diamond shrapnel.

And that's exactly what she did.

Flicking her arm forward in a balletic manner she released a flurry of diamond scales, which quickly soared towards the winter haired woman...

The dance of death [Inkblot] Tumblr_m953irNOXB1rv240t
Post Adept
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Quote : Hard as diamonds, soft as silk

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Registration date : 2012-05-24

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The dance of death [Inkblot] Empty Re: The dance of death [Inkblot]

Post by The Bolt July 14th 2012, 4:54 pm

”Awww,the little bitch is scared. I can see it painted across your face kid,you're terrified.” She said twirling the humming weapon within her steady hand as she thought of how to deal with the strange girl. Reaper was already feeling the bloodlust welling up as the fear itself seemed to be feeding her,like pouring gas upon a fire. The display of her power only added to the excitement. She had never faced a diamond girl before,no one more durable than the Goliaths at least but they could be peeled from their suits easily if you actually tried.,while people like her would die if you peeled the tough skin from the body. This left her with an interesting dilemma,which was how to deal with what would seem like an impossibly durable young woman with a blade that might not even be able to damage her. Had her damned handler forseen this and set it up simply to kill her under the guise of a failure. Only another reason to write her off as a failed experiment. She would show them that she could kill an fucker that they sent her way with ease.

”Don't cry though,i'll cut your head off before you know it.” Tongue danced across her lips as she prepared to charge the young diamond girl,who was already launching an attack of her own upon the young albino. Would the shards be as powerful as her skin seemed to be or would they be weaker? Leaning forward she went off into a dash,only allowing herslf to go half of her maximum speed which was about 75 mph, wrist flicking as she batted one of the deadly shards off its course, only scratching her wrist instead of skewering it like it would have. Though there were still others that were coming her way, all of which she was aware could kill if they hit anything vital. Dancing around the projectiles,Reaper reached out and grasped one as the facets cut into the fabric of her gloves as well as her palm. It seemed they would serve well as weapons.

Closing the distance between the two of them, Reaper lashed out at the young girl with the shard of diamond that was only moments ago aimed to kll her. The target was the exposed throat,maybe even in this diamond form she would be vulnerable to damage that would kill a normal human.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Mega Poster!

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Age : 28
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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The dance of death [Inkblot] Empty Re: The dance of death [Inkblot]

Post by Twinkletoes July 15th 2012, 6:47 am

The seething albino woman proved to be more skilful at dodging the diamond artillery than the young ballerina initially thought. What she initially hoped to be a quick and painless death for the energy blade wielding target soon turned into much a bigger challenge than she previously assumed. Nails dug into her palms as she watched on, horrified, as the older woman managed to evade a majority of the soaring scales, what did manage to hit her only punctured the snowy white skin.

Whilst the dodging was indeed effective, the young agent was less than impressed as she stared wide-eyed at the charging banshee. her opponent moved in a clunky, jerky manner and if one were to observe more closely her movements were extremely rigid, like her unquestionable anger and hatred seemed to dictate the very mechanics of her body. Whilst the casual viewer would have no understanding of such things a person disciplined in one of the most graceful, serene and nimble art-forms could easily distinguish lithe movements from anything less than stellar. Why it was like a hooker on LSD had somehow stumbled upon the lead act of Swan Lake and ruined it with her uncouth presence.

Just as the white haired foe swung at Lilia's shimmering pale blue neck all the years of physical conditioning finally kicked in.

Lilia literally dropped into a vertical split, the ravenous swing of the diamond shard soaring above her head as she came face to face with her opponents pale abdomen. Not wasting any time marvelling at the well sculpted abs of her foe, agent Etoile propelled her body up with her arms in one fluid movement. She launched her petite body into a forward somersault as she flicked her strongest leg forward aiming for a blow to the snowy white head, getting smacked in the head with a diamond leg was bound to hurt. Although this was in no way a killing move it was the first ploy in her killing 'routine'...

The dance of death [Inkblot] Tumblr_m953irNOXB1rv240t
Post Adept
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Quote : Hard as diamonds, soft as silk

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The dance of death [Inkblot] Empty Re: The dance of death [Inkblot]

Post by The Bolt July 15th 2012, 2:05 pm

She knew that no normal person would be able to dodge her but this girl was far from normal,that much could be told. It seemed like she was not the only skilled fighter in this but that would mean little when she cut her head off,which was likely to happen soon if she had though this through well enough. Compared to Etoile's movements,Reapers were not elegant but they got the job done;and that was all that mattered in her profession. If what she did killed people,it would be continued until a superior method was thought of. The foot came down upon her head as there was only a brief second of pain,not that much either. This was not what she expected of a diamond woman,it was far weaker. In facts he didn't even need to register such a weak blow,it was pathetic.

“That was pathetic!” She spat as she pushed the foot away, flipping several times away from the young woman. “So you wanna play around with fancy fuckin moves? I can do it too.” Which was true,considering she had had a phase with Ballerinas. Limbs loosened up as she leaned forward,sheathing the katana. Now it was time to see what made her truly fierce,her unarmed skills.

With no warning,she rushed the girl full speed. This time she would need more than luck to stop Reaper as she aimed to unleash a barrage of powerful punched upon the girl before delivering a powerful kick to the side.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1262
Age : 28
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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The dance of death [Inkblot] Empty Re: The dance of death [Inkblot]

Post by Twinkletoes July 16th 2012, 12:52 am

Lilia flinched as the scantily dressed woman screamed at her, subconsciously taking a step back as the verbal diarrhoea spewed out of her opponents snsrling lips. For her to so easily brush of a blow from a diamond leg caused the girl to let out a gasp of genuine shock, other targets have had their skulls cracked open from such attacks. The albino seemed to of become more agitated, Lilia could see the unquestionable thirst for blood leeking out of her furious aura and it was then that the young agent actually believed that this ravenous superpowered stripper could possibly defeat her. A passing image of her shattered body at the hands of this monster tore through her coinsciousness. No, i must not fail she commanded herself shaking her head in an attempt to get rid of the ghastly images.

Her foe proceeded to mimic Lilia's hybrid fighting style, although it wasn't the same it was horrfically close to the original form, albiet a bit more ruthless in its delivery. The woman wasted no time in looking gracious and broke out into a sprint with an inhuman level of velocity, preparing her attacks as she charged head on towards the petite form of agent Etoile. The young girl gasped as the space between herself and the older woman rapidly shrinked as a barrage of punches attempted to shatter her nigh impenetrable defense. Whilst some of the blows did connect they were barely even noticed by Lilia as she tried her best to get herself out of the corner.

Before she could leap to the side a strong kick connected with her belly. Whilst the pain was practically unnoticable she felt the full force of the move spread throughout her abdomen as she was sent soaring towards a concrete pillar. Again, no pain was felt but the hit stunned her as she tried to dislodge her diamond arm from the brittle concrete...

The dance of death [Inkblot] Tumblr_m953irNOXB1rv240t
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Quote : Hard as diamonds, soft as silk

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The dance of death [Inkblot] Empty Re: The dance of death [Inkblot]

Post by The Bolt July 16th 2012, 1:10 am

Each blow landed filled her with a primal pleasure only prompting her to continue the deadly flurry of punches, she was now a blur as she unleashed her attack. The girl didn't seem bothered by the attack but she was blinded by the daze of bloodlust that has settled across her vision. This was the hunt and she was the powerful lioness pouncing upon its kill,knuckles aching as they continued the assault until she finally decided to end the attack with something special, as she kicked the girl aside. A pillar gave way to the diamond girl,sent flying from the pure force of her kick Though this was not the end of the deadly barrage,she would not stop until the girl was a smashed piece of glass upon the concrete. There would be no end until that had happened and not a moment sooner. Reaper never failed a mission and this girl would be no exception to that record,which was exceptional even in Dominus.

Stepping through the slowly settling dust of the debris she sidestepped a few shards of diamond that would have surely taken her down if they had connected but they did not. Rushing forward,she quickly grabbed the young woman by the arm as she twisted around,flinging her against a lamppost that stood outside of the ruined diner,metal bending against the tough skin of the diamond girl. Falling to the ground,reaper gave her no rest as she continued the rush,kusarigama already drawn as she had the chain wrap around the girls neck,slamming her hard against the ground as she rapidly stomped the girl into the ground. Concrete spiderwebbing underneath as she increased the force to the highest level possible but why was this girl not fighting back? Anger welled up within her,mostly at the prospect that the prey was not fighting back but that was sadly not the case.

Burning hot pain coursed through her stomach, a pain that was almost unfamiliar. Reaper staggered backwards as she saw the diamond shard now sticking out of her stomach, blood seeping from the deadly wound ”You......bitch.” She spat as blood came from between her teeth in a thick glob,she was losing blood fast and soon enough she would pass out;but Reaper would not go down yet.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Mega Poster!

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The dance of death [Inkblot] Empty Re: The dance of death [Inkblot]

Post by Twinkletoes July 16th 2012, 1:50 am

Lilia did not even comprehend the ferocity of the other woman's attacks, regardless of the fact that they felt like mere gusts of wind against her extremely tough hide she was still unprepared for the barrage of combos that her opponent gleefully released onto her petite body. Rather than damaging her intended target the white haired maniac was completely destroying the surrounding area with the vicious attempts of scarring the much younger agent. However this violent wrath was nothing compared to the abuse she faced daily back at the dominus base, and even then she did not have her unique ability to nullify the pain. No, everything this opponent laid into her was pitiful compared to the ruthless acts of evil forced onto her teenage body by her so called handlers.

Every strike against the concrete flooring summoned a new memory of each piece of torture her handlers would eagerly bestow upon her. Slicing the soles of her feet and forcing her to dance, strapping electrical wires across various parts of her body to boost her natural 'resistance', beating her up within an inch of her life for not 'performing well' and the nightly visits by different men who enjoyed her cries of pain...these events of her life were etched into her mind to the point that she could no longer return to the innocent little girl she once was. As a much as she wanted to ignore such things the scars on her body were always a constant reminder of the trials she was forced to endure.

And she made sure that this raving lunatic of a woman would not add to her gallery of pain and humiliation.

Almost by instinct a large diamond shard formed at the edge of her wrist, its pale blue appearance masking a sharpness that could penetrate some of the toughest substances known to man. Plunging the makeshift weapon into the exposed belly, Lilia let out a bewildered gasp as the blade sunk into the warm flesh of her opponent, vibrant red blood cascadjng down the icy blue dagger.

Rolling backwards Lilia shook off the temporary paralysis from her now bleeding opponents assault. Staring at the lady in front of her, a soft almost apologetic expression appeared on her shimmering face as her opponent tore out the shard, staggering to her left as a stream of blood flowed freely from the deep gash. Lilia stared at her feet and swallowed the lump in her throat, she mustn't faulter even if she had to kill the woman. The mission could only be complete with this woman's death and the young girl took in another deep breath before staring the woman straight in the eye, pure unflinching sorrow drifting from her warm blue glance...she did not want to do this.

And with that Lilia proceeded to execute one of the most dazzling pirhoettes ever witnessed by another human on earth. Light sparkled and bounced of the ballerina as she gracefully spun and spun, the sheer beauty of such a move breathtaking in it's own right. As she gained more momentum sharp diamond scales were released from her twirling form piercing anything they plunged into.

Her dance of death both magnificent and deadly end to this battle..

The dance of death [Inkblot] Tumblr_m953irNOXB1rv240t
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The dance of death [Inkblot] Empty Re: The dance of death [Inkblot]

Post by The Bolt July 16th 2012, 2:20 am

A simple injury like this would not stop her,she was Reaper,the bringer of death and there was no way she would die from such a pitiful wound. The look of pity only added to her hatred,the hatred of one who many looked down upon. She was not what they wanted. Not a super soldier that could kill in a matter of seconds by means of some inhuman power,nor was she some sort of hulking beats that could throw cars around with absurd ease. Fingers clenched around the shard as she pulled the object from her stomach,fresh pain coursing through the point of impact. Diamond clattering to the ground as she took in a deep breath through clenched teeth before letting out a primal roar.

'WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM?!?” The scream came from her throat like an explosion as she let out a gout of blood. ”I AM THE FUCKING REAPER AND YOU THINK YOUR FUCKING ATTACKS WILL DO JACK SHIT TO ME?!? YOU FUCKING IDIOT!” Her body was growing weaker but that fighting spirit blazed only brighter within her as she attempted to stay conscious, swaying as the shards missed by only inches,the only way she dodged was by using something she had heard about called drunken boxing,though mostly its swaying motions that allowed her to nimbly move around the attacks.

” You were born to kill,killing is what you're good at dammit.” She muttered as she fell to weak knees,though something within her kept her moving as she drew the energy blade once again,in the hopes it would prove more useful. It was almost a flash as she closed the distance between the two powerful agents,blade only an inch from Etoiles face as Reapers gaze burrowed into the young girls. It was a mixture of hatred,rage and somewhere deep within it was sorrow. A sorrow in the truth that she had failed her mission;that she was a failure.

”Father.....i'm sorry,.” Somewhere beyond the haze of pain she could feel the slight warmth of a tear,as her body grew weak and she collapsed.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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The dance of death [Inkblot] Empty Re: The dance of death [Inkblot]

Post by Twinkletoes July 16th 2012, 10:10 am

Completing her shimmering pirouette Lilia expected to see the shard riddled body of her albino foe, hoping that she gave the bloodthirsty opponent a quick and painless death. However instead of a peaceful corpse riddled with diamond shards she was faced with a ragged and disorientated woman who was still on her feet, swaying from side to side as a crimson stream poured out of her belly. The woman screeched at the top of her lungs causing the girl to flinch and shield herself with her arms, shuddering at the overwhelming hatred directed at her by the woman.

Lilia stood there horrified as her opponent unsheathed her sword, its monotonous hum settling into the atmosphere like a swarm of bees ready to attack the meek ballerina. In a last ditch effort to prove her ferocity the seething woman lunged with an inhuman level of speed, a trail of blood staining the ground as she sped across the concrete towards the younger agent. A startled whimper escaped Lilia's trembling lips as she stood frozen, not daring to look away from the fiery glare of her opponent. The albino woman eyes bore so much wrath, so much hatred for the young girl who had no idea why; and yet for a brief moment Lilia felt that the woman she was fighting was not so much more different to her, just another scared girl being used by more powerful people. However the shrieking drone which penetrated her ears from the glowing blade that was pressed against the side of her flawless face told the young agent that this woman had chosen a completely different path than of unquestionable violence.

Before the tension could weigh down the atmosphere any further the women’s seething facade finally shrivelled. In that last moment of consciousness Lilia witnessed the weight of women’s utter sadness within her glassy eyes and just like the silvery tear dripped down towards the earth she collapsed, a stream of blood freely flowing from both her stomach and mouth. Reaper’s body slumped onto the ground at the ballerina’s small feet, the bright red blood staining the translucent diamond shoe.

The young agent’s breathing quickened as she felt the warm liquid drip onto her body. Her stomach began to churn and she had to force herself from throwing up as the tears began to well up in the corners of her blue eyes. The diamond skin instantly receded as her emotional state finally shattered underneath the absolute horror of what she just witnessed. Like a freight train had ploughed into her, the emotions hit Lilia from out of nowhere and she instantly began to sniffle and choke on her tears as her knees gave way, crumpling next to Reapers body, whose lifeless eyes now stared blankly into the cold relentless air.

Without thinking she turned the woman’s body onto her back and with quivering fingers applied a significant amount of pressure onto the gaping wound, her pale, dainty fingers taking on the same vibrant red hue that leaked out of the woman's midsection. Forcing herself not to gag Lilia immediately took off her pristine white jacket and firmly wrapped it around the damaged area, the blood instantly staining the untouched white cotton which was soon drenched in the woman’s blood. Lilia’s shaky hands gently patted the jacket as she stared wide-eyed at the growing puddle of blood spreading underneath Reapers body.

Lilia gagged once more and stumbled backwards, her breathing getting more strained as she blinked away the tears that sprung forth from her all too innocent eyes and with one last guilt ridden glance she ran, the blood of her foe now splattered across much of her white clothing and pale skin. She did not know where she was, she was lost in a strange city filled with strange people. Here was a blubbering girl covered in blood and anyone unfortunate enough to see something like this would have most likely called the authorities. She did not know whether Dominus was going to pick her up or leave her to die alone in this unknown city filled with the horror and guilt of her apparent murder of the albino woman.

It was all too much for her and she blindly stumbled into an alleyway, tears streaming down her face as she collapsed next to a dumpster, curling up into a ball as she burst into a sobbing fit. Cradling her blood stained body the girl rocked back and forth in the shadowy alleyway, the only thing she managed to blubber out was a the name of the only person she knew that could save her... her big sister, Sheryll Paxton...

The dance of death [Inkblot] Tumblr_m953irNOXB1rv240t
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The dance of death [Inkblot] Empty Re: The dance of death [Inkblot]

Post by Brorschach July 16th 2012, 11:16 am

Sheryll walked back in through the large doors to her penthouse, her arms covered in groceries and a doughnut in her mouth, the only sound that could be heard was the soft, ever present hum of the air conditioner chilling the apartment to just under room temperature. Listening, Sheryll realized she couldn't hear Lilia, so she walked over and set down her groceries, put them away, and walked over to Lilia's room.
She pressed her ear to the door, so that just in case Lilia was having one of her practice sessions, Sheryll didn't disturb her. While Sheryll knew Lilia enjoyed spending time together, those sessions were her time alone, and she could respect that. No sound pierced the thin door to Lilia's room so she took her ear away from the door and knocked once, twice, three times. No response came so Sheryll called Lilia's name, first out to the penthouse, then through the door. Still no response. Pushing the door open she saw the mess that was Lilia's room, which was incredibly strange; Lilia was almost obsessive about having her room neat and in order.
Not just that, but her stockings were left draped over a dresser. Sheryll rushed back out into the living room and scanned the area more closely, her advanced eyes finally seeing what she had missed on her arrival. Slight boot prints. These prints were very faded against the tile floor, but the shape could easily be extrapolated. After all, she had seen the same boot prints in several places. They belonged to the armored Dominus troopers. So, Dominus had broken into her apartment to retrieve Lilia for a mission of some sort. Which explained a lot, especially the state of Lilia's room. Sheryll had never seen Lilia on a mission, so she wasn't sure how long it would take.
In the mean time she may as well make something for when she got back. Sheryll walked over to the kitchen and pulled out a cookbook, before prepping the ingredients. In the time it took the stove to heat up, Sheryll had cleaned and organized Lilia's room once more and was making the beginnings of a curry dinner. Nearly an hour went by when her comlink went off, the smell of the curry told her it was ready so clicked the little node in her and spoke as she poured the curry into two bowls and set them on the table.

"Agent 0173, this is Dominus Actual, we need you to do a pick up." the deep voice crackled out, leaving a slight buzzing sound in her ear.

"What? Can't someone else do it? I mean, what's the package?" she asked. She didn't want to leave and have Lilia get home to an empty apartment.

"It's Agent Etoile ma'am." The deep voice responded.

"Understood, send me the coordinates! I'll be there momentarily. A0173 out." Sheryll said, trying to maintain a facade of professionalism and hide her growing sense of panic.

Sheryll rushed into her room and hastily donned an N.A.S. suit. If anyone had harmed Lilia, Sheryll would bring the the righteous hammer of god's wrath down upon their insignificant skulls. As she rushed out her balcony door, the coordinates displayed across her vision showed her exactly where to go. She shot her wires and allowed them to lower her slow enough to the ground before rushing to her car and zipping off into the near empty New York streets. It was only a matter of minutes before she arrived at the location, a small abandoned restaurant. There were blood stains everywhere, all leading into the back alley. Sheryll nearly tore the door off it's hinges as she rushed into the alley, the sounds of muffled crying the only thing to be heard. Sheryll saw the blood lead behind the dumpster and -grabbing the large metal container- she threw the thing out the other end of the alley, ready to destroy whatever was behind it.

What she saw... was not what she expected. Sitting there in the fetal position was Lilia, the young girl could be heard muttering something under her breath that sounded like "Sheryll...."

Sheryll reached down and put her hand on the bloodstained ballerina's forehead, a soft smile on her face as she whispered "It's okay Lilia, your big sister's here."

Lilia grabbed onto Sheryll and held tight, her grip like that of steel. Sheryll reached around her and picked her up, carrying the young, traumatized Agent out of the alley and into the wide open streets. Sheryll trying to make it to the car, but Lilia was not letting go so Sheryll simply smiled. "Don't worry, I'll carry you there" she said, and walked down the street, the look in her eyes daring anyone to stop her from carrying the poor, blood covered girl wherever she pleased.

When they finally arrived at her... their apartment, Sheryll took Lilia up to the top floor and sat down on the couch with her, cradling her in her arms for the next several hours, neither saying a single word.



Blame Jack

"A man who barely maintains an armistice with himself has no business poking about in a foreign soul"
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The dance of death [Inkblot] Empty Re: The dance of death [Inkblot]

Post by The Bolt July 16th 2012, 5:28 pm

So this was what death felt like? Didn't feel that bad really,since she expected something more painful. Pain melted away as the darkness overcame her,giving way to a blissful embrace that seemed to make all things feel pointless. Though that was not a feeling that would last as a burning pierce the brief serenity like a hot knife. Images flashing across the blackness like a projected has been switched on. A single thought that had crossed her mind once long ago when she was only five,back when she was...weaker. The sentence seemed to dredge something within her that had gone long dormant.

”Why was I born?'

Words that were only a mutter sounded at the edge of her hearing,like so many chattering birds. There was a voice that she recognized,someone she knew all too well. ”Father?” The words were weak and she wasn't even sure that they registered through her lips,all she knew was that it had to be him. An identifiable voice among the cacophony of scattered people and beeping machines. Before full awareness left her,she glimpsed through blurred vision an older man, who she swore was her father and the realization that she was now only a liability;perhaps the end was truly upon her.

Darkness was all she knew for hours until something woke her, a pain within her gut. Eyes shot open as she let out a scream,pushing to a sitting position as she felt for her stomach. There was pain,breath coming out in a hiss through her teeth. Men in white came to her,telling her not to move so much and things like that. Red eyes darted towards them with a message that she could rip them apart even in this state,though they ignored it. Soon enough she would be on her own feet again,ready to kill. The technology was already at work,soon enough she would be ready to fight.

”That bitch. Next time I see her, I will fucking rip her head off.” Reaper swore to herself as she reclined, a small grin forming across her lips.
The Bolt
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