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Post by Guest July 18th 2010, 11:40 pm

Nightkill stood at the top of a building.
What was he here for? There was a genetic engineering building here, and it promised to make huge improvements in science and cloning.
Nightkill was here to buy it, which he just had. Seth Masters was a millionaire, and he saw no point in doing something illegal if he could accomplish it legally.
Right now, he was actually at the top of his apartment, just observing the world, when he decided he was getting bored.
He transformed into his scorpion form. Then, he jumped onto the street below. People freaked out just seeing him, causing huge havoc.
Nightkill laughed. Ah, he needed this. He waited a minute. Someone was bound to come soon.

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(Closed to WhiteShadow and Keres) Empty Re: (Closed to WhiteShadow and Keres)

Post by Keres July 19th 2010, 11:26 am

{{Umm... Nightkill, I would just like to point out that you fail at coming up with ideas. Very Happy}}

Macie was asleep after a long night of nothing, and the terrified screams of people on the street below her apartment woke her up. She swung her legs over the side of the bed and glared out of the window. A large scorpion-like thing was on sort of a rampage on the pavement, and it was laughing. Macie sighed, and rolled her eyes as she stood up. Moving to her closet, she dug into the back, where a tiny door was situated with a lock halfway between the wall and the ceiling.

She pulled a key off of a shelf in the small storage area, and slid it into the keyhole before clicking it to the right and pulling out her outfit. Macie laid it out on her bed and then shed the clothes she wore then, and stepped into the adjacent bathroom's shower. Her long red hair flattened and drew long, silky lines down her back, and the smoky lids that covered tired blue eyes closed, washing away the make-up and most of the sleepiness.

Macie yawned as she wrapped a towel around herself and dried off, only to slip her outfit on. The familiar material welcomed her, and as she held the soft mask and gloves in her hands, a familiar sense of pride at what she could do swelled inside of her. Macie smiled, then slipped the mask and gloves on before flashing to the door, stopping only to take a sip of coffee from the pot on her way.

It wasn't a surprise that no one saw her go up to the roof of her building, then jump onto the fire escape to watch the activity from above. She nimbly made her way down the ladders and platforms, reaching the bottom one as the scorpion-thing stopped for a moment. It actually looked like he was... Waiting, for something. Macie felt a small smirk tugging at the delicate corners of her mouth, and then she jumped sideways onto the ladder, sliding down with it to the concrete below.

My Blog. My FictionPress. My My DeviantART.

(Closed to WhiteShadow and Keres) Shadow10
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 209
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Job : Pleasing the assholes of the world.
Humor : Sarcasm. And my friends.
Registration date : 2010-03-20

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Post by Guest July 19th 2010, 3:12 pm

(I know. I will now wait for WS.)

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(Closed to WhiteShadow and Keres) Empty Re: (Closed to WhiteShadow and Keres)

Post by Havok July 19th 2010, 4:00 pm

Voltron entered the street, accompanied by two Cyborg Betas and a Cyborg Gamma. A crowd of panicking people just rushed passed him, not even paying attention to him as they were extremely terrified of the scorpion like creature that was at the other side of the street. Voltron looked over at the beast and immediately recongnised him as the very same being that had corrupted him and caused Voltron 2.0's very existance. He began to approach his old acquaintance and as he did so, he shouted over to him "Nightkill, long time no see."
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Post by Guest July 19th 2010, 4:15 pm

Nightkill saw a girl fall to the ground. Obviously a superhuman, a normal person couldn't survive a fall like that.
Nightkill also saw Voltron. He raised a hand lazily in greeting.
"Hello, Voltron, good to see you." he said. He also stabbed his tail into a passing bystander, and sucked the life force out of the poor sap. He sighed. "I needed that energy boost." he said, as the man fell to the ground, dead.
"So, Voltron, what can I do for you?" he asked, noticing the cyborgs accompanying him. "I see you brought friends."

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(Closed to WhiteShadow and Keres) Empty Re: (Closed to WhiteShadow and Keres)

Post by Keres July 19th 2010, 4:24 pm

Macie frowned, her brow furrowing as she trotted toward the scorpion, now accompanied by an Android. She shook her head and approached them, "We shouldn't be causing trouble, boys." Macie kept her distance, not wanting to get too comfortable- she didn't know who they were, or what they were capable of.

She glanced around at the people, and then at the body lying in close proximity to the scorpion's tail. "Hungry, or bored?" Macie asked, one eyebrow raised and a hand on her hip.

My Blog. My FictionPress. My My DeviantART.

(Closed to WhiteShadow and Keres) Shadow10
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 209
Location : Everywhere. Nowhere. Your wine cellar.
Job : Pleasing the assholes of the world.
Humor : Sarcasm. And my friends.
Registration date : 2010-03-20

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(Closed to WhiteShadow and Keres) Empty Re: (Closed to WhiteShadow and Keres)

Post by Havok July 19th 2010, 4:25 pm

Voltron continued to make his way closer to Night and said "I actually came here to steal from the genetic engineering building there, but I suppose that you will be getting in my way now, you being the owner and all, Seth."
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Post by Guest July 19th 2010, 4:29 pm

"Both." Nightkill said to the heroine. He then looked at Voltron. "Let's not get hasty here, my friend. I'll give you whatever you need, for a price, of course." the android said affably.
He looked at the heroine. "And who would you be, ma'am?" he asked. If you weren't noticing the fact he was a monster sucking the life force from a human, his attitude would be downright friendly. Nightkill was trying to see if the heroine would be a problem. He already knew most of Voltron's limits and powers.

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Post by Keres July 19th 2010, 4:33 pm

Looking him up and down, Macie was trying to figure out what to think. "I think we can save the pleasantries for when I decide whether you're a threat to me or not." She put on her best good-girl smile as she said this, batting her eyelashes sarcastically, but inside she was rolling her eyes again.

My Blog. My FictionPress. My My DeviantART.

(Closed to WhiteShadow and Keres) Shadow10
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 209
Location : Everywhere. Nowhere. Your wine cellar.
Job : Pleasing the assholes of the world.
Humor : Sarcasm. And my friends.
Registration date : 2010-03-20

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(Closed to WhiteShadow and Keres) Empty Re: (Closed to WhiteShadow and Keres)

Post by Guest July 19th 2010, 4:40 pm

Kill nodded. "Alright, I'll introduce myself. I'm Nightkill." he said. "You may know me if you keep up with the police records." he said.

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(Closed to WhiteShadow and Keres) Empty Re: (Closed to WhiteShadow and Keres)

Post by Havok July 19th 2010, 5:32 pm

"Excuse me Miss, but I wish to speak to Nightkill here about important business so if you don't mind I'm just going to have you killed now." Voltron said as his Cyborg Gamma and a Cyborg Beta charged towards Macie.
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(Closed to WhiteShadow and Keres) Empty Re: (Closed to WhiteShadow and Keres)

Post by Keres July 19th 2010, 5:43 pm

She grinned as the cyborgs started running towards her, and she skipped lightly away, keeping far ahead of them as she did so and not letting them catch her. Macie dropped out of skipping and starting earnestly running and not playing around, flashing from spot to spot, and not letting the cyborgs get a hold on her. "You're going to have to try harder than that," She whispered roughly into the Android's...Ear,or whatever passed for one, only a few centimetres away. Macie bit her lip, and danced backward, avoiding the arm being flung toward her in the split second she had stopped, managing to keep her face.

My Blog. My FictionPress. My My DeviantART.

(Closed to WhiteShadow and Keres) Shadow10
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 209
Location : Everywhere. Nowhere. Your wine cellar.
Job : Pleasing the assholes of the world.
Humor : Sarcasm. And my friends.
Registration date : 2010-03-20

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(Closed to WhiteShadow and Keres) Empty Re: (Closed to WhiteShadow and Keres)

Post by Guest July 19th 2010, 5:45 pm

Nightkill watched the cyborgs fight the heroine. He turned to Voltron.
"Anyway, good fellow, what exactly do you want from my factory? Or do you want revenge for me turning you into what you are? Or have you come to terms with that?"

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(Closed to WhiteShadow and Keres) Empty Re: (Closed to WhiteShadow and Keres)

Post by Havok July 19th 2010, 7:16 pm

Voltron ignored Macie and simply made his cyborgs try to attack her once more and while they did that, Voltron walked right infront of Nightkill and said "No Nightkill, I don not seek revenge, nor do I feel gratitude for what you have done. To want either of those two things I would require emotion, and that is something I am now without thanks to you. What I want is your research on genetic engineering, normally I would have just taken it via internet, but it seems that I need to manually retrieve that information from your computers."
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Post by Guest July 19th 2010, 7:19 pm

Nightkill nodded. "I can give that to you. But at what cost? You need to give me something in return. I can't give it to you for free, you do know that."
"How about you give me the prototypes to build your cyborgs, and I give you the genetic engineering things."

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