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Count Astraic Nez Mazakilian of House Mazakilian

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Count Astraic Nez Mazakilian of House Mazakilian  Empty Count Astraic Nez Mazakilian of House Mazakilian

Post by Vorik March 10th 2023, 12:33 pm

Count Astriac

"Count Astraic Nez Mazakilian of House Mazakilian"

The Bio

Real Name: Harold Lay
Title: Count Astraic Nez Mazakilian of House Mazakilian, Mage Killer, Patrol Division III Leader, That Fucking Asshole
Age: 182
Gender: Male
Race: Vampire
Hair: Black
Eyes: Red
Height: 6,2
Weight: 179lbs

The Looks

Count Astraic Nez Mazakilian of House Mazakilian  Varnie10

His broad-shouldered and lean figure gives Astriac a cutting presence as he stalks the streets of Eugenia. With his prominent cheekbones, long tousled dark hair, and red eyes that seem to be constantly calculating everything around him he gives off a sense of dread much like that of a predator.

Clad in a worn green long coat with a white blouse and black trousers there is an air of regal mixed with the working class. His talon-like hands are covered in formfitting fingerless gloves that match his coat.

The Personality

Count Astraic finds a lot of amusement in what he does for a living. He enjoys the thrill of the hunt and loves the chance to stalk and prey on beings of high magic to drain. He thinks highly of himself and doesn't view the commoners as threatening or comparable to vampires and treats them more like how a cat toys with a caught mouse, prey. After all, treating someone with respect like an equal doesn't make sense when you are clearly and outright better in every way.

While he generally doesn’t respect those he thinks are beneath him, he isn't arrogant when dealing with beings of magic or those with weird and unusual abilities and powers. If he isn’t sure what he is up against he will opt to be cautious and stalk his target from a distance until he has gathered enough information to have a general idea of what they can do.

Outside of hunting and his job as a patrol division leader, he can best be described as a conniving rat bastard. He will always prioritize himself and his amusement above everyone and everything else. While he can and will scheme for power, whether it is in the vampiric courts or personal power, it's never for the sake of power itself. Rather, he is entirely motivated by hedonistic pleasures, and being more powerful makes it easier and more convenient to get.

He likes to put on a front that he is this intelligent, noble, and charismatic hero who is above it all but in reality, he is a smug asshole who likes to get a rise out of others, chase women, get drunk, and swear constantly.

The Story

When what has now been dubbed “The Wave” happened, all of Boston was transformed in the blink of an eye by a chubby nerd with far too much power in his hands. No one is quite sure how the boy Eugene found such a magical artifact but many chalk it up to pure luck. Regardless of the reason, Eugene completely and utterly changed Boston from a modern city into something straight out of a Dungeons & Dragons adventure called Eugenia.

Eugenia was a place of not just magic, wonder, and adventure, but a living, sentient world bent on forcing everything and everyone to fit the narrative Eugene imagined. It wasn’t enough that the buildings and landscape changed but the hundreds of thousands of citizens were also altered to fit their new roles.

While the majority of people have experienced changes whether it be their race shifting to an orc or elf, or their professional knowledge being replaced, few have experienced personality changes to the extent of Harold Lay.

Before The Wave, Harold Lay was your run-of-the-mill 40-year-old plumber earning an honest living, trying his best to provide for his family of 4. He wasn’t popular, special, or even successful but he was content with his lot in life. A simple man in a simple time. Everything that made Harold who he was instantly and dramatically changed when The Wave hit. Gone was the dad who liked to watch Sunday football and crack lame dad jokes, in his place was a violent and ruthless vampire.

Count Astraic doesn’t remember much of his life before his transformation, only the odd hazy memory here and there. While he does know that he used to be someone else he can’t bring himself to care all that much. After all, why would he mourn a life lost that he doesn’t even remember missing? No, he is sure that whatever or whoever he used to be pales in comparison to what he is now. A powerful, magnificent, and handsome predator amongst the sheep of the world. Yet there are those rare moments when he is left alone in the quiet of night when those hazy memories tug at him, hinting at a world he had lost.

While he is a New Blood, a vampire created by The Wave instead of traditionally like the Old Bloods, he has quickly adjusted to his new role in vampiric society. He may not be the strongest vampire but his unique ability to sense and drain magic alongside his devious mind has led to him rapidly climbing up the hierarchy to become a patrol division leader in charge of securing Eugenia against those who seek to undermine his vampiric overlords both within and without.

The Powers

Drain Magic: He is not only immune to all forms of magic but he passively absorbs the energy and uses it to empower himself to an incredible degree. The more magic he absorbs the stronger, faster, and more durable he becomes. He can also choose to not absorb spells and instead redirect and use them himself. If he gets hit with a fireball for example he can redirect cast it himself. Because of his need to drain magic, he has an innate sense of it. He can smell magic in the air from hundreds of meters away and the more magically powerful the source the more apparent it is.

Supernatural: As befitting a vampire, he has innate supernatural gifts that make him much stronger, faster, and more perceptive than humans. He can lift up to 2 tons normally and move at incredible speeds approaching Mach 1. Lastly, he has incredible regeneration that makes him almost impossible to kill as even getting decapitated can be fixed by reattaching his head.

The Items

Cloak of Night: With his position as a Patrol Division leader, Astraic has been gifted with a long green cloak that makes him utterly invisible. The cloak itself is lined with leather stitching that forms zigzagging spiral patterns.

Silver Plated Rapier: A long, slim sword shining in the pale moonlight. It is wickedly sharp and made of pure bane materials incredibly potent to werewolves. There is also an enchantment of wind control etched into the side of the blade. The enchantment allows the wielder to store highly pressurized air in the sword and release it at a moment's notice. Long-range attacks of pressurized wind, releasing the air inside someone mid-stab, etc.

The Weaknesses

Aggh, It Burns!: Count Astraic is a vampire and while it comes with many perks, he is vulnerable to fire as it hinders his regeneration. Holy fire outright stops his regeneration until he snuffs it out.

Running Water: Like many vampires, he cannot move through water in motion. He can't cross streams/rivers, and holy water is a strong acid.

Rolled A Nat 1 On A Stealth Check: The Clock of the Night can make the wearer invisible but too much movement will break the illusion. It is not possible to actively fight and maintain invisibility.

Long Rest: The Silver Plated Rapier can only hold enough air for 7 uses. Once all 7 charges are used the sword needs 8 hours to recharge.

The Minions

Commands a patrol division of lesser vampires, thralls, and hunting ghouls.

The Fluff

While he is a vampire, he isn’t harmed by sunlight. It's more of an irritant really.

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Last edited by Vorik on June 10th 2024, 11:22 am; edited 5 times in total
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Count Astraic Nez Mazakilian of House Mazakilian  Empty Re: Count Astraic Nez Mazakilian of House Mazakilian

Post by FantasyBound April 8th 2023, 2:15 pm

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Count Astraic Nez Mazakilian of House Mazakilian  Empty Re: Count Astraic Nez Mazakilian of House Mazakilian

Post by inquisitor June 11th 2024, 12:43 pm

Approved and moved. Again.
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