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Patriot Empty Patriot

Post by Bayou March 5th 2023, 3:22 pm




"The Nation's Defense."


The Bio

   Real Name: Stephen Sterling
   Hero Name: Patriot
   Title: The Poster Boy, Legend of Tomorrow
   Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
   Age: 35
   Gender: Male
   Race: Human
   Hair: Blonde
   Eyes: Blue
   Height: 6'5"
   Weight: 240 lbs
   Blood type: AB-

The Looks


The Personality

Patriot is a media darling and entertainment personality on the surface. Charming and humble, ready to serve the public's need for a true superhero. And although he is quite accustomed to a extravagant and eccentric lifestyle, it isn't always what it seems. In truth, all this corporate America paid lifestyle comes with quite the NDAs to ensure Patriot remains the governments prized Meta powered possession. His freedom only guaranteed that he follows his handlers orders; lest they lose control of their strongest asset.

The Story

Stephen Sterling was born in a "orphanage" secretly concealed as a government laboratory in 1988. He was raised there and studied upon by various scientist disguised as potential adopters, orphanage keepers and doctors. His powers were constantly tested and his limits further pushed to increase his capabilities and power level. Given everything happening within the country and around the world, the US government wanted a meta they could control and utilize against the growing threat of metas world wide. Stephen Sterling, soon dubbed Patriot, would be their answer to these new events.

Patriot was molded into the perfect weapon while presenting himself as a wealthy playboy who the media was 'encouraged' to report favorably on. At first, Patriot's AO was just the national capital; Washington D.C. Eventually this was expanded into the entire east coast and then the entirety of the United States. As his fame and reputation grew, Patriot was seen as the defender of the country and American people. His government backing ensured everything he did was a success and he was provided all the logistical support he would need. Every situation he went into was carefully chosen by his handlers to ensure the best outcome was attained. This included having federal, state and local agencies supporting him as well as providing the best intelligence before going into a situation.

Nowadays, Patriot has even been deployed overseas alongside American military forces on operations to kill or capture high profile terrorist, assisting in global relief efforts and even attending diplomatic visits and conferences to speak on behalf of the American government. He has become a effective tool of multiple administrations who have all used him to their fullest delight. And Patriot himself is eager to serve. He see's himself as the Defender of the US, it's foremost capable warrior, judge, jury and even diplomat and foremost media star. He has everything he could ever want and while he is very aware of his 'imprisonment' and being a tool of the government itself; he simply doesn't care.

The way he serves, with the powers he has been given serve better in his current situation than they ever would should he attempt to rebel and go solo. He does far more good now than ever. Patriot remains the United States' foremost 'hero' and will remain so into the future. Even as his popularity and powers continue to rise.

The Powers

Superhuman Strength: Possessing incredible strength, his Meta powers allow him to lift upwards of 250 tons with effort. He once lifted a full grown Blue Whale out of the ocean for cinematic purposes.

Superhuman Durability: He has been recorded getting smacked by Tomahawk missiles and walking away unharmed. It would take a concerted effort and multiple blows of this caliber before his natural defenses could be breached.

Superhuman Stamina:  Great stores of energy are needed to fuel a Meta such as himself, needing the stamina to perform his feats. He could potentially fight at peak performance for three days assuming a consistent effort and lack of other factors.

Superhuman Speed: His reflexes and grounded speed allow him to 'slow things down' and see differently from his perspective, allowing him to react faster than most. Due to gravity and friction, his fastest reaction time was around Mach 8.

Superhuman Senses: Including eyesight, hearing and smell. He is able to see, hear and smell anything specific within a 100 mile radius. Though that requires concentration and effort on something specific. Otherwise, it would all sound and smell like a bunch of ruckus.

Heat Vision: Due to his powers being granted by solar radiation, he is able to utilize that energy and convert it into gamma rays. The most convenient and practical application being through his eyes for better control though it is theorized he could use it in other ways.

Flight: His top cruising speed has been clocked at Mach 10, though with enough effort and energy he could easily reach upwards of Mach 12.

The Weaknesses

Solar Radiation: He was tested upon with many types of different chemicals, metals and radiation. Though solar radiation proved to be the most successful in enhancing his powers. Due to these test, the sun is his source of power for lack of a better term but also his biggest weakness. While he would still be a relatively strong superhero otherwise, without the ability to 'recharge' himself via gamma rays he would remain rather vulnerable and weak or outright lose some of his abilities.

Diamond: For reasons unknown, this remains the only physical weakness for him. Every other metal and chemical has no effect on him. But the allotrope of carbon will slice right through his impervious skin with ease.

Puppet: Having been born a orphan and raised in a 'home' concealed as a lab has its effects on a person. The people he thought were his parents were really just the government lackeys who still control his life today. The American government wanted a Meta they could control and wield for their own national defense given the rise of Meta humans across the globe. Though he has earned some leeway in his years of service; including wealth, fame and security he still remains a prisoner to the whims of the government.

Morality: While he remains a hero on the surface, he isn't above selfish acts either. He is a physical and Meta version of what the government is like. Attempting to do good, keeping a good PR presence and policing on the terms he sets. But sometimes saving a thousand lives means sacrificing a few in returns. And Patriot is not above sacrifice. The end justifies the means so long as the status quo is kept. Order and patriotism via the American way.

Metabolism: Like most Meta humans or even high end athletes, he requires quite the daily calorie intake to fuel his body which ensures it keeps up with his solar provided powers. No machine can run without fuel. Though this is provided for via specially created nutrient bars by his handlers; he would otherwise feel sluggish, starved and dehydrated without them.

The Items

His suit is specially made for himself. The material alone consist of neoprene, silicone, ceramic, and tantalum carbide. All materials designed to resist heat, friction and radiation in the extreme. It ensures his gear doesn't burn up or dissolve at the speeds he moves or during especially grueling brawls. While he doesn't require much in the way of gadgets, he does however have a communicator set within his right and left wrist to ensure direct and encrypted communication to both his handlers and local, state or federal authorities.

The Minions


The Fluff


The RP Sample

The sun was setting on the national capital. The shadow from the Washington Monument shaded the bottom floor of the massive penthouse Mr. Sterling called home. Modern, sleek and brightly colored and heavily decorated. One could confuse the place for the bachelor pad for some playboy billionaire. And one would be correct. Because that is exactly what Stephen Sterling was. A meta first and foremost, sure. But one with the best government contract defense companies would keel over to get a hold of. For Stephen Sterling wasn't just any meta.

To the people of the United States and maybe beyond; he was the meta. Their champion and defender. To others? An American puppet. Both were true. But Patriot, as he was called, cared not. His purpose served a greater destiny than simple government tool. And all this wealth and fame suited him. It aided him and gave him a reason to exist and continue to provide his powered services to the 'people'. From CIA handlers to military operations overseas and diplomatic visits, to high level defense conferences and high profile media interviews. He did it all. Patriot was all. He existed to be a beacon of American dominance. Now in the meta field as any other.

Heels clacked on the marble floor as a woman approached with a tablet resting in her arm and against her torso. The brunette, exceptionally beautiful as she was intelligent, was the one who organized his daily life. Both as Stephen Sterling, playboy billionaire, and as Patriot, American Hero.

"Mr. Sterling, your presence has been requested at the medal ceremony for that young Marine. You're to stand besides the President and assist with rewarding and speaking on the actions of the Marine." Jess said, stopping behind him and looking him over with a slight smile.

Stephen turned away from his floor to ceiling windows and activated the privacy mode, darkening the windows all around and bathing the penthouse in its own lighting. "Very well, Miss West. Anything actually exciting to do afterwards?" Said Stephen.

Another smile graced the womans beautiful features as she quickly looked over her tablet and tapped once. She already anticipated his question, as usual.

"A...troublesome meta villain has presented quite the risk to national defense near Gaza. The Pentagon would like you to fly over and investigate at your earliest convenience."

A small smirk graced the lips of the handsome blonde as he nodded before speaking. "Good. Bring my suit, as usual, with me to the White House. I'll depart right after the ceremony. Should only take a hour or so at my flight speed."




   Application created by Chellizard | This code is open-source and available for free use.


Status :

Quote : I bring order.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1
Location : Washington D.C.
Job : Superhero
Registration date : 2023-03-05

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