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Broken Arrows

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Broken Arrows  Empty Broken Arrows

Post by Demonhunter November 14th 2022, 5:52 pm

Deimos could not believe he was doing this again.

Last time he let Jordan get him plastered he ended the night with a boyfriend and more questions about himself than even currently he’d had answers for. God help him for what tonight would bring, however Jordan made a friend, he was a half-dragon too and half dragons don’t let other half-dragons get white girls wasted alone.

Eugenia was currently the best place to do so after the London fiasco, blending in relatively decently with all the magical creatures rolling around. Just to further blend in he currently had temporary dye in his hair, dyeing it a much darker black and a fresh new cut keeping it a bit shorter in the back than it previously had been. It took a bit of getting used to as he kept reaching back to feel the shaved hairs at the back of his neck. He had a few spells up his sleeve to fix this, but he just wanted to go back to being nameless in the public eye.

And here they were at the bar, he assumed was run by the fae due to all the color as he sat at the bar.  Deimos asks as he goes for his cards, giving them a quick shuffle. Quickly a card all but flies out of the deck and slaps itself onto the wood of the bar with great haste. The fool… Uh oh.

He throws out three more cards, The hanged man, a nine of cups and ten of pentacles…. Sugar daddy? Oh god what the hell was this going to be. “So… Jordan… what's this other guy like?” Three more cards find their way out of the deck. A three of cups reversed, a tower and the knight of pentacles reversed. Deimos visibly cringes as soon as he realized the tower and the surrounding cards. “Jordan… this is a terrible idea. I’m staying, but what the shit.” He sits for a moment trying to make sense of this. Three of cups reversed was essentially the cards telling him tonight was going to be absolutely wild, perhaps going off the rails a bit too much as evidenced by the tower and the knight of pentacles had him stumped. This card was typically Jordan… but reversed? One more card should do.

Queen of Wands. Was this the ‘this will be okay’ card… Sooo what he could tell… Go have fun, shits going down, but it’ll be fine. Oh well. He gathers his cards back into the box and sighs. He then gets an idea. He holds up the box to Jordan. “Pick one.”
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Broken Arrows  Empty Re: Broken Arrows

Post by Jordan Reynolds November 14th 2022, 7:07 pm

They were going to get plastered again, though this time with his new friend. Jordan was just excited to have Deimos meet his new friend also named Jordan. Sure, it was going to get confusing but then again that was a problem for future Jordan. This outing was all about having fun, so that drew them to Boston. The city that was changed through some kind of magical cataclysm, though he had heard many good things about the city.  Also that dragons could fly freely through the sky, something that he was sure Deimos was gonna like.

Deimos had dyed his hair, turning is a darker black color but he didn’t mind it. For partying he dressed up simply, jeans he had cut into shorts, and a flannel shirt unbuttoned over a simple grey shirt. Now they waited for his friend, his elbow rested on a bar top and blankly scanning over the bar while he drank at some kind blue colored fairy drink. It tasted fruity with a sparkly sensation that danced along his tongue. Whatever was meant to happen to him didn’t work against his body which apparently had protection against poisons.

”Wonder how much longer he’ll be,” He muttered to himself, almost worried his friend wasn’t able to find this place.  That was when the cards were turned towards him, brow quirked. Oh, it was those tarot cards he was always drawing from? ”Let’s see what I get,” He said reaching to draw a card from the deck.

Now what would it be?
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Broken Arrows  Empty Re: Broken Arrows

Post by Humanity November 15th 2022, 4:49 am

On time was never really a thing for Jordan or his kin. They were either incredibly early, or fashionably late. Of course fashionable was not the way Jordan was wearing the time he had right now. He navigated the large chambers of his father's lair, looking around at the piles as he continued to move forward. He eventually came to the Throne, then looked around at the items that seemed to be on display, hanging or encased in boxes. He wasn't a genius by any metric, but he knew people liked to use display cases to show stuff off.

  He quickly made a B-line for the display cases and began looking over the mystical artifacts. The display case had a large plaque on it, one which read in draconic runes: He Who Waiteth In The Outer Dark. Looking in the long, rectangular display case revealed a few items with inscriptions on cards in front of them.

 The Staff of Suicide, The Cloak of Auroras, Crucible The Puzzlebook, and an amulet called "The Viridian World". Quickly investigating each of these mid-grade artifacts causes Jordan a little bit of distress as he considered how he could impress his friend's friend. He was completely lame when he met the other Jordan, so now he had to make up for it and be twice as cool. He smiled as he stuck his tongue out off to the side, being very careful as he started to jiggle the case after a moment it unlatched, and he picked up the Amulet.

 "Joyce, Rhongomiant, Gáe Bulg and every other weapon was a no go. Jaivardhan, Aegisd and the other shields were a no go. The Necronomicon, The First Avesta and The Tome of Starless Nights were all a no go. Old man Yamm didn't say shit about no random amulets though!" He snickered as he heard the loud footsteps behind him. He looked over his shoulder and smiled as he felt the chitinous pronged tail swish past him, batting him on the side playfully. Jordan reached up and put his hand into the Manticore's hair, scratching behind the ear.

  Looking into the Amulet it appeared to have traces of magical energies, though the nature of them were strange, they weren't the arcane, the divine or natural. He let out a chuckle as he looked into the gemstone, a slightly purple haze seemed to fill the inside of the gem, causing him to dismiss it as a cloudy rose quartz.

  He had to make good time to Boston, and he couldn't teleport. Something about the translocation spells being a huge issue for him, allergies and whatnot. He knew he would be late, but he had to go as fast as he could go. It just sucked because his GPS didn't seem to register the area that he was headed to.

  After following the trail for a good while, Jordan eventually found his way to Boston, but as he entered the city limits, he found himself transported elsewhere. As he stood in shock he watched as a little goblin started walking around, looking out at the direction where Jordan came.

  "Holy Shit. Lucaerys lives here!?" He asked as he looked around. Part of him was actually jealous that his native half-brother was moved to Boston at his own request. Apparently living like a dragon in the days of old was something appealing. He pulled out his phone and realized that there was no signal here. His face turned pale as he realized this means that there would be no mobile games available from him. He felt his heart sink a bit, sighing as he figured that just means he has to be even more entertaining.

  With a handful of platinum coins, Jordan began walking around, acquiring small trinkets as gifts for people, hoping his father would understand that he was only taking a small loan for their antics tonight. He only hoped that Silus was going to be good at distracting his dad tonight.

 He was thirty minutes late stumbling into the tavern. He was dressed in dark blue jeans with a black leather jacket, stitched and patched up as it remained over him. His shirt was a strange red, blue and purple pattern weave, making him stick out just a little bit. Stepping in he got a grunt from an angry, large looking inn-keeper, though Jordan ignored him, his eyes suddenly falling on Jordan and another young man in the corner, causing his mouth to curl into a big smile as his eyes seemed to light up.

 Jordan quickly took the most direct route to his friend as he immediately stepped onto a table with nobody there, then crossed a small divider onto a table with several friends playing cards. His footwork was impeccable, and wouldn't have interfered with the game...had he not tripped at the last second and almost bit the floor. He caught himself on a knee and then stood up, shaking himself off as a myriad of magical creatures and races all glared at him, making a plethora of disapproving sounds.

 "What? It's not like there's any stakes. You're poor." He said, only retroactively realizing what he said was wrong. He smoothly took out a few platinum pieces from his pocket and tossed them onto the table, he didn't take the time to count it all.

 "There, now you can complain." He said as he excused himself and walked over, sitting down at the table and placing a few trinkets on the table. The first was a small leather box, one that seemed to open and close with the proper order of operations followed. The strange clockwork was just vastly interesting to him, and he knew someone as smart as Jordan said Deimos was, would love the challenge. The other was a small scroll of sorts, wrapped up and tied. As he sat down he let out a small rumbling as he seemed to get comfy, then pushing the clockwork mechanism to the stranger, and the scroll to Jordan.

  "Sorry I'm late. I bear gifts, but sadly cannot gift bears. Whazzup?" He asked completely forgetting to introduce himself as he looked over the two strangers with what could only be described as a dopey smile, the necklace hanging from his neck as it seemed to pulsate an invisible magical aura.


Broken Arrows  Humani11
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Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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Broken Arrows  Empty Re: Broken Arrows

Post by Demonhunter November 15th 2022, 8:22 pm

Ace of Pentacles.

This earned an odd head tilt from Deimos. Some kind of material success… He supposed the cards were playing tricks on him. He’d wouldn’t put it past them to spit out random cards just to be sassy. “Alright. Lets see how this rolls.” Deimos pulls Jordan’s cards back in his deck. “I have a general idea… lets hope I get too plastered to see it pan out.”

The half dragon takes a sip of his own fruity drink, far weaker in the alcohol department as he didn’t want to get toasted before he met this new friend his boyfriend (?) was so adamant about. He’d even dressed up a bit more than usual, opting to ditch the flannel for once and showing just a bit more skin with a Navy v-neck. Over that his leather jacket was fleece lined to protect him from the chill that threatened to drive the cold blooded half-dragon into grogginess. Other than that is was down to his usual dark wash jeans with a few scandalous rips around the knees a pair of freshly shined doc martens. Deimos shifts a bit uncomfortable as his slightly tight shirt brushes against the still angry script of magic from an unknown origin,simmering and still warm to the touch. Just the edges of the loopy script peek out from above his exposed collar. He was feeling rather off, as if his spine was uncharacteristically stiff and now that he was thinking about it, it was all he could think of.

Luckily he didn’t have to dwindle on that too long as the bar door all but slammed open and this goofy looking man strides right on in… right over several tables. Ah… here it is. The fuckening was here. Deimos sucks down another heavy gulp of his cherry flavored something, just hoping to get the booze in. His memory sorting back to his cards. Oh shit. The feeling of absolute awe only continued as did Jordans strangeness and before he knew it he was out of drink and an elven bartender was bringing him another. “Double vodka.” He asserts watching her pour in even more liquor.

Deimos couldn’t help the laughter at the bearing gifts comment, at least he was funny already, he could forgive the hell of an entrance as he examines this clockwork puzzle box. It would take a bit of ruminating over when his mind wasn’t clouded with lovely russian potato juice as slightly as it may be. “Thank you! I am assuming you are Jordan?” He smiles, pushing around some of the mechanics on the box fairly certain he could get it eventually… which then lead to him doing to usual routine of etching patterns into the wood of the bar, little tick marks that were draconic for what operation he’d done in what order as he was finding himself occupied with the box so much so he’d drowned out conversation for a moment. Getting a good three rows of writing down various operations permanently etched into the oakwood bar. This could take a while.

As he works he is still paying attention to the Jordans, just still working. At this rate, Jordan might be the foreseen fool, that was fine… what bothered him was that tower pull. Aint no party like a tower party that was for sure, now just what was going to be the cause of the cataclysm here. He thinks backs to Jordan’s pull… The ace of pentacles could also mean an object of great significance. Perhaps the tower was referring to the box he was currently half-hazhardly treating like a rubix cube. No the magic was much stronger than that and definitely not in his hand. He could feel it pulsating like a gentle push every so often. Oh well… He’d find out soon enough. Besides… everything would be fine. He was with Jordan… well… his Jordan at least. This was bound to get confusing over time.

Eventually, four more columns of writing later and a soft click resonates.”ha!”

“Hey, you can’t just scratch up the table like that!” The barmaid groans noticing the plethora of draconic scribbles now taking up almost all sections within arms reach of Deimos.

“Oh shit. Sorry!” He waves. “I’ll come back tomorrow and fix it.”

“You better! My boss will have my ass.” She groans as he just blinks at his Jordan.

“Sorry! Hi, I’m Deimos.” He chirps now that he realizes he probably just made this awkward, his cheeks heating up from the rising blush.
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Broken Arrows  Empty Re: Broken Arrows

Post by Jordan Reynolds November 16th 2022, 7:23 am

Ace of Pentacles.

He didn’t know what it meant but with how Deimos reacted, he was sure that it wasn’t anything bad.  He gave the card a look over, nodding a few times as if accepting whatever that kind of reading might have meant for him. ”It anything good? Maybe a great night with a good friend and my adorable boyfriend?” He grinned, leaning over and giving Deimos a peck on the cheek.  Something about the younger half dragon always made him feel amorous, even protective over him.

Maybe it was the state he came to him days after the London incident but he just seemed more fragile. Jordan wished he could help him, ease whatever burden he held in his mind but that wasn’t his lot. All he could do was love and support him with all the energy he had within him. Fight those that would seek to hurt him and protect those he cared about as well, a bulkwark of protective love or whatever. With that he continued sipping at his drink, quickly ordering another one as his eyes returned to the door to make sure he had his eyes out for his friend.

Not that he was hard to pick out. The guy had a certain scent, something he had made sure to keep in mind. A sort of salty ocean scent alongside something else, fish and maybe ozone. A smell he had come to find pleasant.  Made him want to be around the guy as much as he could, though he know that was probably strange to think. Especially considering he was one of those people flirtation or whirlwind romance didn’t even come into mind around. He was just a person Jordan liked being around, learning more about and things like that.

Quickly Jordan came through the door like a storm. The kind of storm that just made him smile as he watched, partly crashing a poker game and calling them poor before walking towards them. Mentioning something about bearing gifts but not gifting bears; which got a laugh out of him. ”Last time I got bears it was just a bunch of hairy guys. Really disappointing,” He added, voice a little hoarse from the laughing he had been doing. Trying not to slam his hand on the bar, if only because he knew what would happen when he did that.

He wasn’t even paying attention to the writing Deimos was scrawling into the table, mucking up the wood and pissing off the bartender. ”Not much other Jordan. We were pre-game drinking but most of the stuff here is weak sauce for an earth dragon like me,” With that said he threw back a shot, barely feeling the burn and none of the booze that was mixed in. Dwarven stuff was supposed to be strong but poisons, even alcohols didn’t affect him much. ”Deimos was defacing a table, probably doing magic stuff too but...oooh gifts,” He reached out for the scroll, unfurling it to give a look. ”So what kinda magic scroll we got here?”
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Broken Arrows  Empty Re: Broken Arrows

Post by Humanity November 16th 2022, 8:00 am

"Yep, I'm Jordan. You must be sexy dragon. Oh right, Deimos." Jordan said as he looked at the other Jordan for a moment with a nod. He let the half dragon start working on the puzzle, though he seemed to contemplate the fact that this guy was young. Like his dad young. Wait, no that thought process was confusing. He started to stare off for a moment as psychic damage cleared right field and beamed him in the head.

"Ah." He said, rubbing his head discretely, then fixing his jacket and shifting the amulet from against his skin. The ping gem seemed to sit against a rusted black crescent moon and a star that was conjoined above it. before turning his attention to his friend

Jordan looked at his namesake friend and cocked an eyebrow, titling his head to the side like a small dog that heard a strange sound. What did he mean hairy guys? Bears were mammals so maybe he was confusing the humans with the bears? It was possible, though Jordan always remembered it that he didn't have a bear form, or an otter form, or even a lion form. He had a dragon form and a human form.

"Not magic. A permit. I talked to dad and thought that since you've got your breath weapon down, you should start looking at a lair. It's uh...a royal degree or whatever." Jordan said as he tried to explain it a bit. The woman came over to the bar and started complaining about what was going on with the tables, and that her boss would have her ass if Deimos didn't fix it. Oddly enough, Deimos agreed to do it. Jordan was about to say something to the woman, though was cut off by Deimos introducing themselves in a rather awkward way. Jordan didn't even skip a beat as he turned to the other dragon.

"Oh, uh. Yes, Hi. You are Deimos. You boyfriend. You smart one." Jordan than reached over and tried to shake Deimos' hand. He wasn't attempting to be condescending, but he was trying to be fun. Sadly with his family they tended to mix a bit. "That work? The amnesia gone?" He smiled as friendly as he could before looking at the puzzle box and all the draconic script he had been writing. He did all that in the course of a minor conversation.

Awe man. He WAS the dumb one.


Broken Arrows  Humani11
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Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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Broken Arrows  Empty Re: Broken Arrows

Post by Demonhunter November 16th 2022, 6:16 pm

The blush that spread across his cheeks at both the peck and the confirmation of ‘boyfriend’. He supposed these last few weeks, Deimos had been a bit extra in terms of handling the whole London situation. Wait… did this mean he’s a little gay? He leans in, laying his head upon Jordan’s shoulder just taking a moment to accept that. The moment passes and he realizes it would take a while to just accept such a realization but it could be done. “Yes, a great night with you. Shits going down. Some major shit. But we'll be fine” He breathes.

With another shift he coughs at the rapid fire 180 in conversation. Hairy men?He couldn’t help but choke down laughter with that one before being referred to as the boyfriend dragon. Oh god… Social anxiety kicked into overdrive. Between getting accosted by the barmaid and now being met point blank with someone else who knew about the boyfriend thing AND was calling him smart. “Oh! Right, Hah.” He laughs nervously fiddling with his straw for a moment, chewing on the plastic. “Sorry, Zoned out entirely there.” He offers an explanation as he takes blue jordan’s hand.

Deimos’s hands were cool to the touch, only warmed with whatever heat he could absorb from others and retain, although he himself wasn’t acting as though he was as cold as his skin would suggest. Fleece lined coat doing its best to insulate against the lightly nippy air. “So what is all on the plan tonight? I know there’s some good clubs down the main stretch of town.”
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Broken Arrows  Empty Re: Broken Arrows

Post by Jordan Reynolds November 27th 2022, 9:35 pm

Jordan grinned when the other Jordan asked if Deimos was the sexy dragon, nodding along as if that confirmed everything.  He had the feeling his friend approved, which made it all the better. It was always nice when your friends approved of your boyfriend, especially since it would have been awkward if he didn’t approve of them. ”Cool. A little disappointed it’s not magic but a decree is cool too. Means I’ll have to find myself a lair and hoard up some treasures now,” Jordan liked it overall, though he was hoping there was magic involved but  not everything went as expected.

”He’s very smart. Like top three smartest people I know, which either says a lot or not much about the people I know,” Jordan offered with a smirk, watching the two shake hands. Yeah, they were definitely getting along. ”I know we were drinking but there’s a lot to do.  Could see if any of the clubs downtown have anything actually worth doing. If we’re lucky they might even have Seal,” He noted offhandedly, imagining just a taste of that wonderful drink, slipping the scroll into his mini pocket on the inside of his shirt. He occasionally bothered Aaron to sew little pockets of holding into his clothes, made things easier.

”Anything you wanna do other Jordan? You always seem like someone who knows how to have fun.”
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Broken Arrows  Empty Re: Broken Arrows

Post by Humanity November 29th 2022, 10:56 am

A decree? Had he been saying that wrong this entire time? Absolutely. It suddenly made a lot more sense as to why he was chronically getting weird looks when he was talking about the formal declarations among the peoples. Instead of handing out declarations he was handing out diplomas like it was the American education system. The fact the thought came from JORDAN of all people was concerning.

"Oh uh...I dunno. I forgot to ask Lucaerys what there is to do in Boston..." Jordan said as he crossed his arms and furrowed his brow. He thought about it for a minute, before realizing that he hadn't gotten the chance to be a dragon much before. Now he was right in the middle of a medieval styled realm with dungeons and magic. Why couldn't they be Dragons there? What would a dragon do?

"Clubs sound good! Should we like...find a blacksmith?" He asked. He paused for a moment realizing that he perhaps Deimos wasn't talking about physically clubbing things. He reached up to his neck and pulled up the amulet and began to rub his thumb over in contemplation. "Oh...Seal is good. Wrong type of club ehehe...sorry." Jordan said as the beginnings of a plan formed in his mind. The amulet seemed to pulse slightly to his touch, and he began to contemplate how he could take advantage of this unusual fantasy realm adventure to try and practice being a dragon.


Broken Arrows  Humani11
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Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

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Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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Broken Arrows  Empty Re: Broken Arrows

Post by Demonhunter December 13th 2022, 8:47 pm

The itching feeling of magic still pulled at Deimos and it refused to go away.

His face didn’t convey the deep thought he was in, still trying to pinpoint exactly what was wrong but it seemed like each time he came close to some conclusion his mind was steered elsewhere by some unseen force. The more he thought on it the more the mark across his chest scalded him, forcing him to stop any further mental prodding and absent-mindedly scratching at the irritation.

“Oh I don’t know about top three, top ten maybe but never three.” Deimos’s blush grows deeper, not quite used to overwhelming praise. In all truth, Deimos didn’t see himself as very intelligent, just very persistent at learning things and a tendency to tunnel all his attention on one thing for hours to the detriment of quite literally every other thing going on in tandem. Deimos pushes his straw around, feeling just a touch of the vodka already hitting him, meaning time to slow down to keep pace with the Jordans and not get too hammered too fast before they even really start.

“At some point we have to hit the magic store. They get new shipments on Saturdays. They might have my book I ordered too.” He hums, before realizing that a magic shop was probably not the party vibe the pair wanted. “Ah fuck it, I’ll pick it up tomorrow. You guys can do the seal. I tried a drop once and don’t remember anything from that point on. Amazed I didn’t die.” Deimos cringes as he does at least attempt to remember it, but fails as he was likely just completely laid out on the couch for at least a day.

“So wild party clubs then? Downtown can get pretty wild.”
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Broken Arrows  Empty Re: Broken Arrows

Post by Jordan Reynolds December 30th 2022, 8:18 pm

Ever since its change Jordan didn’t know much of what to do in Boston. He didn’t even know what to do with the city even before that change. He had been to plenty of cities, mastering the tourism of another just didn’t sound like something he wanted to do. ”This is like a fantasy land, so maybe they have a master dwarven blacksmith,” Jordan noted, sounding even a little excited by the concept as he downed another ineffectual drink. It tasted good enough to drink without even thinking about it, casually inserting himself into the conversation. He hoped that Deimos and his friend were also getting along too. It would have been awkward if that wasn’t the case, or it would be in his own opinion.

He turned his attention towards the other Jordan, considering what he had said and drawing a proverbial blank. Already he had slipped his decree into one of his pockets, wishing it were one of those pockets that held more than they seemed they could. ”If we’re looking for any good clubs, probably one run by Elves I bet or the fey if they’re around here,” Jordan offered, wondering how much his knowledge translated to this realm. ”Dunno where we’ll find any Seal, so might have to hunt it down,” That sounded like it could be fun. A little scavenger hunt for booze that would actually hit him.

”If we’re lucky we’ll find a Tarrasque to wrestle here too.” He shot to his feet and looked between the two. ”So, downtown?”
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Broken Arrows  Empty Re: Broken Arrows

Post by Humanity January 4th 2023, 10:37 pm

”Nah it’s not magic. Just says that whenever you pick where your lair is, as long as they don’t also have a decree, they are messing with you, then they messing with The King of Dragons as well.” Jordan said, sort of lamely as he wished he could have given his friend a better gift. He began to rhythmically tap on the table, drumming his hands off it and licking his teeth he clicked his jaw together, his teeth producing little blue sparks as he sat there.

Magic stores were cool to think of. It was like a lot of those stores that Silus went into, the ones with all the nerds. Although the stuff in the magic stores here were legitimately magic and not just for boardgames and weird stuff like that. Actually now that you mention it it was a couple of rando normies that ran the magic shop. Why was it called a magic shop!? The blank expression of confounded ignorance and blissful internal monologue was visible on Jordan’s face, he had zoned out for a moment.

He did zone back in when he heard the Fey race get brought into things. He snapped his eyes to the other Jordan and narrowed one eye as if he were thinking something over. So the order of operations he had heard was pretty good.

"Oh uh...“Magic Book. Fey Club. Seal- but not for yooou lightweight.” Jordan said as he pointed a finger at Deimos with a smirk then had his eyes narrow with interest as he shifted them back to look at the other Jordan. ”Wrestle the Tarrasque…this is a fun itemizational of things. Let’s do it!" He said as he clapped really loud, looking around. After about a second of doing that his eyes shifted and his expression changed, going from excited to absolutely lost.

”Hey uh. Which uhm…which door is the exit?” He asked, looking between the three doors in the establishment. Jordan stood up and looked around before reaching down and grabbing Deimos by the shoulders. He physically pulled Deimos from the table and stood him up out in the walkspace. ”Lead us, Magic man!”


Broken Arrows  Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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Broken Arrows  Empty Re: Broken Arrows

Post by Demonhunter April 7th 2023, 5:17 pm

“I am not getting drunk anywhere near any fey.” Deimos groans, having read stories about awful things fey have done to even sober folks with their own words. Last thing he wanted was to end up having his fingers turned into sausages or something. “That’s how really bad things happen.We drink with elves.”

He perked when he realized his friends were down to pick up his book with him before their partying started. It would save him another trip, although he didn't mind long flights, doing so with a hangover was not something he wanted. Little did he expect to get hauled from his heat, wings jumping up in alarm as Jordan grabbed him by his much cooler and more solid than normal shoulders as he’d lost a good bit of heat from sitting in a less-than-room temperature bar. Deimos didn’t seem to notice he’d gotten a bit cold, but was now a bit more shocked than anything else. Awkward. “Right, leading the way.” He laughs nervously as he saunters out the front door. He fiddles with his cards for a moment before pulling another for guidance. Temperance. This had to be some kind of warning, however, he was sure that whatever balance the cards were trying to encourage was going out the window rapidly.Or it was a ‘calm down’ kind of omen. Damn cards were never perfectly clear.

Either way, across the street and around the corner, Deimos led the trio to a small hole in the wall smelling of incense and herbs. Vines grew up the bricks with bright white flowers blooming in moonlight, threatening to overtake the door. Inside a bell rings to announce the opening of the door. One full wall was dedicated to books, shelves lined the space between wall littered with huge jars of ingredients ranging from plants, preserved animal parts, minerals from the earth or what looked to be human components with a disclaimer label stating ‘these human fingernails are ethically sourced.

“Barnibas?” Deimos calls, eyeing a stack of books that quickly flies in all direction as a little green goblin stirs from his nap.

“Ay- what ya want?”

“Oh, I’m here for my books.”
“Yer what?” The goblin asks voice growing louder as he adjusts his glasses and grabs a bronze ear trumpet from a table and holds it to his ear to lean in to the half dragon.

“My book order. I had three.” Deimos restates a but louder, more into the goblin’s ear trumpet so he could hear him.

“Ay, why didn’t you just say so! That came in yesterday. Give me a moment.” Barnabas groans as he shuffles away ever so slowly, about a slow as one would expect a very elderly goblin to shuffle. “Damn kids and their fuckin new age magicky bullshit.” He grumbles as he is about half way through the store. “Back in my day we did magic with worms! And Grubs! And all the good goblin things.Now we gotta have books and sun dried lizard dicks.” He shouts just as he enters the back book room leaving the three alone in a shop full of magic supplies and artifacts. What could go wrong?

“He really is the best source of books. I just wish he wasn’t so crotchety. I’m not even buying lizard penises this time.”
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 393
Registration date : 2020-05-01

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Broken Arrows  Empty Re: Broken Arrows

Post by Jordan Reynolds April 10th 2023, 5:12 pm

Oh, so the dragon king would be on his side when he tried to pick out a lair? That sounded pretty great honestly, meant he could pick a lair in peace or relative peace anyway. Well he would be willing to box a dragon if they caused him some issues but hopefully not.  ”That’s pretty cool too.” Jordan noted with a smile, nodding a couple times. He liked his friends gift, but it wasn’t magical so he couldn’t help the mild disappointment.

”Don’t blame ya. Fey mischief tends to lead to problems when you’re not fey...actually even when you’re fey,” He shrugged, feeling his tail manifest and sway around behind him. ”Does this place even have a Tarrasque? Hope we don’t end up wrecking the city when we do,” He wasn’t too worried.

”Lead the way magic man!” Jordan agreed, pointing in what looked to be the exit, and they followed him out away from the sound of music. A hole in the wall was where they ended up, the scent of incense and various herbs overpowering his sense of smell. The place around him was set with various glass jars, books and things like that. The perfect place for a mage to find what they were looking for, and his attention was drawn to human parts.

His mind formulated where those parts had been gotten and how they had been ‘ethically sourced’ and most of them made him want to get angry. ”Lizard penises? What kinda magic does that do?” Jordan questioned, wondering what kind of thing that would do. Increased libido? ”So fey club next or was it an elf club? Either works, though one doesn’t put ‘substances’ into your drinks as often. Not that it affects me but worried for you guys. By you guys I mean Deimos,”
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Broken Arrows  Empty Re: Broken Arrows

Post by Humanity April 10th 2023, 6:01 pm

Wow there was a sudden burst of hatred towards the fey. Not really hatred, but there was this sudden surge of innate racism. Were they not supposed to like each other? Dragons and Fey that is. it made his relationship with his baby brother all the stranger. Granted his brother had many names throughout the multiverse; Lucifer, Loki, Peter. Many of them were all misdirection, or more literal translations, but he knew that many of them were just playful little monikers. He was shocked that nobody ever stopped to think about how many antagonistic figures his cherubic baby brother had under his belt.

"H-hey. No love for the Fey? Imma have to warn my bros." Jordan said with a slight chuckle, nervously walking with the group. He was trying to focus on the group, gauge their reactions and see maybe if anyone had any particular reactions, or if they decided to elaborate on more. If not that'd be fine too, after all they ended up in the shop of a particular gobolinoid. One that decided to go on a small rant about worms and a bunch of things he didn't quite get.

The concept of dried lizard dicks came up, a thought that made Jordan so inherently comfortable that his leg shifted and his hands moved to the front of his jeans, almost as if sympathetic pains caused him to start shielding himself from the potential extractions. The conversation was lively enough, though Jordan couldn't help but shiver slightly, reaching up and rubbing his neck he didn't even realize the way he bumped the chain caused a loosening in the clasp, as the necklace dropped to the ground.

"This time?" Jordan asked, giving an uncomfortable and inquisitive look towards Deimos. As the small green creature returned with it's elderly gaze to grant Deimos his books. "Thanks Barny-bus" Jordan said quickly as he stepped out of shop, trying to funnel the others. Left behind on the ground was a small, faintly pulsing magical amulet, the necklace appearing to hold an emerald or agate gemstone.

"I'm good with either. My brother's real close with the Fae, most probably won't mess with me...but then again... so....uh...Elves it is?" Jordan asked, almost as if he were verifying his thought process.


Broken Arrows  Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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