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A School trip gone horribly wrong

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INV ONLY A School trip gone horribly wrong

Post by Lilbunnyblu October 13th 2022, 8:27 pm

Anya looks around the Arcade. She always enjoyed places like this when she was little. She loved claw machines, especially since she could use shadows to win extra prizes. She giggled at the thought of the first time she won something properly. She imagined the large Halloween cat plushie at home on her bed. The silly little Jack-o'-lantern body and the head of a smiling black cat with a bit of a pumpkin top on its head. She lovingly named the plush Wisp. She hands run through her mid-back Golden blonde hair. She enjoyed school trips and the fact she somehow convinced her boss to let her have a vacation.

She was a sight in a navy dress that reaches her mid-shin and black flats. She looked at the toys in the claw machines. She decides none of them were of use so she went towards the nearby ramen shop so she could get lunch instead. Maybe some food could get rid of the nagging feeling of doom she felt the day her mother passed. She remembers it vividly.

She didn't mean to be late that night but she was told by her instructor she had to do a try out that night. She cursed the circumstances every day since then. She remembers walking into the house and smelling the overwhelming scent of rust. the sudden realization how alone she was when she found her mothers headless body in a pool of blood. Unknown to Anya she eventually was walking off in her own headspace.

Status :

Quote : Dont be fooled by my cuteness

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 40
Location : The city of None ya
Age : 21
Job : Twitch streamer
Humor : It tends to be dark or very Gen Z. Guess its an Age thing?
Registration date : 2021-09-12

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