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One way vacation

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One way vacation Empty One way vacation

Post by Cerek June 12th 2021, 10:17 pm

A blue Audi drives down a familiar country road deep in the woods, the early light creeps over the hills after a brutal storm the past night. Inside the car, in the drivers seat is Aria Murakis clothed for the chill weather with her leather jacket and red turtleneck, tight black jeans on with some clear wear and tear. She drives some time before pulling up a driveway to a farm house, the residence of one Cebra Ulkenne or Sean Mulny as any official document would read. Cebra must already be awake as the animals were let out of the barn and the smell of coffee permeated the air. Aria pulled up and parked, she grabbed a hold of two pieces of paper and put them in her pocket before getting out. She stopped a moment to watch the cows grazing lost in some thought or daydream. Something from the past lulls her deeper and deeper for a few moments before she snaps out of it.

She makes her way up to the door and rather than knock simply opens the door, Cebra didn't bother locking the door when he was home. She walks in and looks around with an expression of familiarity taking her time before having a cup of the still hot coffee. "Hm early start today." She mutters to herself bringing the steaming mug to her lips. From out of the walls in front of Aria, with mechanical precision and speed emerge three automated defensive turrets, they immediately take aim at Aria. With reactions equally as fast Aria's eyes constrict and a translucent force surrounds the guns. The turrets bend, fold and twist inward as if imploding before sparks start flying out. Aria calmly takes another sip of her coffee unphased by the guns, it was only a second later her telepathy picked up on something. "Morning sunshine, think your turrets need some work." Not two feet behind her stands a tall mans figure brandishing an ion bolt rifle. "... For fuck sake Aria, knock."

Aria stands up, getting close to Cebra and looking him over. "Good... Morning." She says a little sternly and with some expectation in her tone. Cebra sighs out of frustration "Good morning Aria. Now can you tell me why you're breaking and entering again?" As he lowers his weapon draining any tension from the room "You can't keep doing this." Aria cocks her eyebrows "Mmm 'can't' or shouldn't? Either way whatever. Hey I promise I'm not here to start anything alright? Dont get your panties twisted." Cebra tossed his rifle a good ways onto the couch in the front room, he then refilled his own mug and leaned against the counter. "So what? You need help?... Money again?" Aria suddenly cut in "How the fuck did you meet Rai?" with a rather shocked high pitch to her voice.

Cebra was being clumsy again, he could usually dampen her ability to see his thought with Saxon energy. But she had caught him with his pants down seemingly, Cebra had many words to say but all of them were stuck in his throat. "You... Wait... Shit, fucking psychic!" He says in a hissed frustration as he stomps his foot. "Cows? What? You lost some cows... You saved Darcy as well? Wow! That girl gets around fast." Cebra's mind had betrayed him and Aria was now perfectly aware of Cebra's relation to Rai. Cebra lets out a ong defeated sigh and takes a moment to reestablish the Saxon field to block his thoughts. "Yes I know her, we met here. Some mutant thing was fleeing her and murdered Cessie and Dove as it went. We had a little spat before we cooperated to take the thing down." Aria smirk at the word "spat" understanding Cebra's subtle terms. "She fucked you up?" "NO, she did not 'fuck me up. That's not important anyways."

"So where is she now?" Aria looks up the stairs towards Cebra's room "... You didn't." Aria's gaze implying something quite lewd and questionable. Cebra scoffs at her "What do you think I am? The girl is like a lamb outside of a fight. I think she might be in the garden last I checked... Why?" Aria fiddled with the paper in her pocket before taking it out and putting it on the table, it appeared to be two tickets to some cruise line vacation.
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One way vacation Empty Re: One way vacation

Post by Demonhunter June 13th 2021, 11:46 pm

Rai had been having a great time in Cebra’s garden, she’d even gotten to try to start some seeds in a few of his extra pots. She got a few daisies and petunias to come up, some of which were even starting to grow little leaves after about a week. After she got done moving those pots somewhere nice and sunny, she was once again back to staring off into space watching all the tiny souls of the bugs and birds attracted to all the fully bloomed flowers in the ground. Rai was noticing little nuances about things now that she had time to sit and observe, she’d never noticed tiny insects and rodents before. They were so tiny she barely noticed the light flutter of their illuminating soul as it chittered around. It reminded her of how she’d heard humans describe stars, Tiny and bright. She was also beginning to get better at picking flora out from the soil, even if it was still difficult to tell due to lack of ability to see color. She really began to resent that fact.

She was kind of jealous she’d never see whether the daisies she planted were white or yellow. To her they’d be the same strangled white color every other flower in this garden was. Oh well, she’d still be happy to show Cebra her seedlings. She picks up the pot and carries it inside, straight to the kitchen with no hesitation.

“Hey, Look! My petunias sprouted.” The reaver beams, proudly setting the pot on the counter. Only then did she notice Aria's very specific, bright soul.  “Oh, Hey Aria. I planted things. And they didn’t die.”

It was as if she was even more proud of that last bit.

Rai really didn't know what she was expecting with the plants, she almost wondered if she touched the dirt if all the flowers would shrivel up into dust. Then again, if reavers really did cause illness like they said, why did they have them guarding fields? The more she thought on it, the more she realized a lot of things she was previously led to believe made no sense at all.

The reaver had no idea the underlying context between Aria and Cebra, Rai thought by 'history' Cebra meant the two were good friends. And good friends kind of showed up at each others houses, right? This made sense. No reason to suspect irritation on Cebra's part. Besides, Grumpy was kind of his default setting.

"did you come to plant things too? Cebra has a lemon tree. I wanted to try to make of of those but. They take a while."

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One way vacation Empty Re: One way vacation

Post by Cerek June 16th 2021, 5:44 pm

Rai entering the house gave a sudden cut off to Aria as she took notice immediately of the Reaver girl, as did Cebra. Aria walked up to Rai and leaned in to give a good look at her flowers. "Well don't you have a green thumb. So this is what you've been up to since our fun little night together hm?" Cebra visibly flinches at that phrase but plays it off by drinking from his mug. "Indeed, she's been quite the busy little bee planting and pollinating the flowers around here. Actually been quite a help, everyone is planting their flower gardens now."

Aria takes a seat and on the table slides over two the two tickets.
"Royal Caribbean cruise line 'The premiere hero cruise line corporation'
One free admission to the July two week vacation cruise.
-Tickets are non refundable-

Cebra takes one and gives it a read, a skeptical look overtakes his face with an arched eyebrow. "You... Won these? Fairly?" Aria fiddles with her mug before she dismissively waves Cebra off "Not relevant, the point is I have them." "So you stole them." "Oooooh my gaaawd please dont start being a bitch, I'm trying to be nice and shit." The two glared at each other until Cebra ultimately sighed in defeat. Cebra remembered Rai might have trouble reading these things, also this could actually be a good opportunity even if it was by ill gotten gains. Cebra's moral compass was intricate but solid. He had no interest in going out on a cruise if that's indeed what Aria had in mind, but Rai could use a little more exposure to the outside world. His thinking was that a cruise is a decent relaxing environment to socialize. "So funny thing about this cruise line is that it's not really advertised anywhere, also getting a hold of the companies physicals location is a maze of phone calls that lead nowhere. Weird huh?" Aria says now taking out a beaten up and crumpled cigarette from her coat pocket.

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Quote : Ho ho ho to the bottle I go! To heal my heart and drown my woes

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One way vacation Empty Re: One way vacation

Post by Demonhunter June 16th 2021, 6:39 pm

“I’ve done some other things. We killed a giant plant monster and zombie animals, I ran a demon out of a town near a lake, and shut down a portal to hell in a city called New York. Then I came back here.” Rai recounts, having to really think in detail about what all she’d done in the past couple of weeks. She thought that covered everything. Except the bridge thing. To be honest, Rai didn’t know if that actually happened or if she’d gotten hit in the head by something and it was a death-dream. Some Reavers could hallucinate vividly when they had to regenerate, so vividly they almost seemed real.

Rai hoped that the fight on the bridge was just a hallucination.

Luckily she didn’t have to dwell on that thought long before Aria slid a seemingly blank paper over! What was it with humans and their blank paper? She was completely oblivious to the fact that Cebra and Aria were having a small argument, the tone of their words completely flying over her head, rather she was currently trying to read the paper in front of her. The tickets did look like they’d been through a printer as there were very small indentations in the paper, but the lamination completely ruined her ability to read it at all. She could make out a few letters and that was about it. She could also see where the paper had gotten a little creased in Aria’s pockets.

It didn’t take long for Rai to give up her attempt to read. If she had one complaint about this world, it was that nothing was ever handwritten or printed with heavy presses. She instead chose to pour a bit of leftover coffee in a nearby mug, mimicking Cebra and Aria both. It smelt good enough, and she’d noticed Cebra drinking some almost every time she came over in the mornings, so she supposed it was a social norm she hadn’t been told about yet. She drinks, only to realize it was nothing like she’d expected it to taste at all. The aroma was so sweet and tempting, but the taste was just so bitter. Her face betrayed her usual ability to suppress any expression of distaste as she sets the mug down a good distance away from her. Did things just taste strange to her, or do humans enjoy drinking things that taste bad on purpose?

“So… what’s a cruise and why is it weird?”
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One way vacation Empty Re: One way vacation

Post by Cerek June 16th 2021, 8:50 pm

Cebra took note of Rai's mention of more demon activity, this notion was still ridiculous to him but he had convinced himself it was part of her faith. Far be it from him to question someone's faith. "No cruises in Reaperville huh? Honestly sweet heart that place sounds more depressing every time I learn something new." says Aria with some exasperation in her breath, Cebra quickly turns to Aria with a disapproving leer. She quickly moves on "I didn't mean any offense of course ha." with such a degree of awkward in her tone as her cigarette seems to ignite out of nowhere, though it was her pyrokinesis "But yes a cruise is where a lot of people gather onto a ship, a big luxurious ship. If I were to relate it to something you might know then... It's like a big festival for nobles and wealthy clergymen on the ocean.

Cebra noticed Rai shy away from the coffee, he smirked as he skirted by Aria to take Rai's cup while Aria explained things. He added quietly added sugar, cream, vanilla and a little fresh ground cinnamon. He offered it back to her as the new smell wafted up. Aria continued on as this happened "It's all REALLY fun if you have the money and dont mind the ocean. As for the weird part of this." She takes a haul and makes sure to blow the smoke away from the two other people and out a window, the smoke guided by here telekinesis as to keep any foul smell away. "It seems as though people or rather heroes are vanishing on this cruise... Kind of. When the ship returns to port there are a lot of reports of people returning differently. It's hard to explain but they dont seem to be the people they were. Story is kind of under the radar, considering the scale of things high powered folks deal with that's not too surprising. But I sort of have some personal investment in looking into this, sort of a job for a friend. Dont ask. Anyways here let me show you something."

Aria got out her phone from her pocket and dusted off some tobacco that had fallen out of her cigarette. She brought up a picture of the ship in question. Cebra took the phone and looked at the ship, nothing odd about it at all. Rather nice looking if not a little dated in design. Though the deeper he looked at the picture the more something just picked at the back of his mind, it was almost uncomfortable. It was like reeling from a really bad stench but it didn't offend the nose, just the mind and. "This thing... Weird. Here Rai."
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Quote : Ho ho ho to the bottle I go! To heal my heart and drown my woes

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Registration date : 2017-03-20

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One way vacation Empty Re: One way vacation

Post by Demonhunter June 16th 2021, 11:35 pm

“So… your oceans aren’t dangerous?” Rai asks, wondering why anyone would want to get out in the middle of the ocean like that. In Dis, the oceans were absolutely the most dangerous place anyone could ever attempt to travel to. The demons there were so large no weapon they had could deal any damage except a full ballista. And ballistas were expensive to make, heavy to cart around and were really only used to keep flying demons off church walls. Overall, expansion into an ocean was never a great idea. But this world just allowed people to go out into open water for merriment? This world only got weirder.

Rai was busy really listening to Aria and trying to wrap her head around a big floating party. However the bit that caught her interest was the part about people coming back differently than the way they left paired with Cebra’s reaction to the picture of the ship.

Taking a sip of her new coffee, Rai is immediately happier with the taste. “Thanks.” She whispers, not wanting to interrupt conversation. This one actually tasted like it smelt. Her eyes lift when she is handed a phone, which immediately loses both signal and wifi, however the page stays up. Just as she was about to admit she couldn’t see what was on a phone screen, she couldn’t help but actually look at the screen… She could see the ship.

It was isolated on the white plane of the phone, nothing else, just the ship clear as day. “That ship is not right.” She immediately states, really looking at the phone. “I can see the ship the same way I can see demons. I have only ever seen whole buildings before if there's been so much demonic energy for so long the place gets severely desecrated. ” Rai hands the phone back to Cebra, to which the signal and wifi both restore themselves. “Demonic energy soaks into land over time like a wine stain. The longer it’s there, the less likely it is to go away.” Rai takes a long sip of her coffee, really enjoying the novel taste of cinnamon.

“I’m going on that cruise. People going missing is never good when it comes to demons. Some demons collect humans as pets, meals and… um.”
Rai has to think for a minute on her vocabulary. “Praem” She finally says in her own tongue. “Like a reward or a prize.” Rai takes a second to slow her thoughts down again. “Troffy?” She finally nails down the word she’s looking for, even if grossly mispronounced. “Anyway, sometimes they collect, sometimes they kill, sometimes they simply toy with them. Either way, if there’s a demon on this ship, it’s doing something really bad with the people they’re taking.”
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One way vacation Empty Re: One way vacation

Post by Cerek June 17th 2021, 11:59 pm

Cebra subtly rolled his eyes at the mention of demons, almost an involuntary gesture. But if she could see it with her vision then definitely there was something worth looking into, Cebra had come to trust her judgement on these things even if the idea of magical demons was lost on him. "Well then I suppose the two of you are going to need to get packing, looks like it might be a lengthy trip in some very sunny weather." Aria got a mischievous look about her face and spoke in sly tones "Mhmmm, just Rai and me on deck... In naught but cute lil bikinis eheeheeeh. But Rai you do look a bit pale, might be good to have some tan lotion rubbed on you. Helps protect from the harsh sun on fair pretty skin." Every word of that uttered with a side glance at the now about faced Cebra, an aura of frustration almost thick enough to cut hung around him.

"Aria I think you made your point yeah?" He suddenly cut in, still not turning to face her though. Aria giggles in response, giving Rai a cheeky smile and wink "Alright well I wont hold up your day too much. The cruise ship sets sail tomorrow, it's a few hours drive to the port... soooo. Mind if I stay here the night?" Cebra let out a very loud sigh. "Oh come on, it's business related or whatever ya know?" Cebra waved his hand dismissively "Yeah yeah you can have the couch." Cebra's lax nature was not lost on Aria, she knew him well and what to do to sway him. "Heeeeee dope! Love the couch."
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Quote : Ho ho ho to the bottle I go! To heal my heart and drown my woes

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Registration date : 2017-03-20

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One way vacation Empty Re: One way vacation

Post by Demonhunter June 18th 2021, 2:06 pm

“Does the sun damage skin?” She asks in almost a shocked expression. Most Dis was almost always cloudy, she never would have gotten the chance to get a sunburn before, even if she could. She’d never heard of a Reaver getting burned by a random clear in the weather. “Also, what is a bikini?” Completely oblivious to Cebra’s discomfort, she hadn’t even noticed he’d physically turned away from the conversation at hand. She didn’t understand why he’d be upset with Aria, Was sun damage rude conversation?

“I love the couch too! It feels like laying on a sheep… but cleaner.” Rai couldn’t deny sometimes grabbing the little wooly things and holding some of the lighter ones when no one was looking. They had such an interesting texture, even if they did have a very distinct and unpleasant smell. “I don’t know what I’ll do overnight. Last night I found a bunch of deer and some kid’s treehouse. I may go see what’s to the north, I haven't been there yet.”

If Rai had to be honest, it was night that got her into the most trouble. During the days she’d usually been doing menial things like farm work with Cebra or going wherever she was needed nearby to deal with possible demon threats. However, at night she was actively hunting for demons, monsters, anything that was the like. If she were honest about all of what happened last night, she’d been working on driving a few imps out of the surrounding forest and using Cebra’s water hose to clean the blood off her each morning. She’d heard murmurs about a small pack of dretches to the north. Small, pig-like creatures that when alone were harmless, but get too many in a group and they can easily kill a man.

She had to admit, this small town was in much less danger than she was used to. Some nights she had to trek out miles to find anything that could be considered dangerous. Some nights she found nothing at all. It was an immense culture shock to the reaver, who was used to finding three to four threatening menaces on a slow day.

Rai settles into a kitchen chair, happily drinking her coffee. “Unless one of you wants to go with me.” She offers. Cebra tended to dodge the out right demon hunting, but Aria might want to squish some ankle biters with her.
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One way vacation Empty Re: One way vacation

Post by Cerek June 20th 2021, 7:51 pm

Aria's lips curled into the the most unsettling grin "A bikini is just something you wear when it's too hot... Or you want attention. Suffice to say you have just the figure to be able to fit one nicely." Aria says as she gets up close and personal to Rai. "I think you have just what it takes to wear one, dont you think so Ceb?" Aria holds Rai by the hips and turns her towards Cebra. Cebra opens his mouth to say something before he realizes that he has no idea what to say right now, his eyes catch her hips and even he cant disagree. "Y you're such a little cu..." Not wanting to expand Rai's repertoire of profanity he changes his words quickly "nning asshole you know that? Listen I have errands to run, you two." As he grabbed his keys and headed for the door. "You two can hunt all night, try not to make too much of a mess yeah? Aria stay away from Bullshacks." And with that is gone.

Aria giggles "Geez what a stick in the mud right?" Aria had very little sense of "keep your hands to yourself." She wouldn't even think twice to grab Rai and squeeze her, as she does right now. "Ah we're gonna have so muh fucking fun! Finally we get to fight together, I wanna see some magic shit nahmean?" Aria clearly very psyched for this with the grin of child across her face.
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Quote : Ho ho ho to the bottle I go! To heal my heart and drown my woes

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One way vacation Empty Re: One way vacation

Post by Demonhunter June 20th 2021, 10:37 pm

Rai had no idea at all what Aria was insinuating or where exactly Cebra’s eyes were drawn to. All she knew was there was a demon to kill and the back of her mind was already itching about it. The short lived argument between Aria and Cebra did catch her attention though. Was Cebra mad she’d be wearing this attention-drawing ‘bikini’? Was that not a thing you did? Or was it a Cebra-specific thing that he didn’t want her wearing one?

Either way he was out the door soon enough and it was just her and Aria, who was currently squeezing and hugging her. Rai was kind of shocked Aria was excited to go kill a demon, like… this was fun to her? “Fun? You aren’t worried about having to deal with a demon with a bunch of people? I don’t know if we’ll be dealing with a magic using type, but the fact it was able to desecrate a ship in a short amount of time says it might be.”

Rai sets down her coffee, realizing she’d done a lot of the things she was supposed to do today already and really didn’t have anything left on her to do list. “Want to go hunt down those Dregs?” She asks, not really knowing what you do when just in someone else’s house with a third party.
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One way vacation Empty Re: One way vacation

Post by Cerek June 22nd 2021, 12:13 am

"Worried?" Aria repeated giving it a second to tumble around in her head. I mean this is kinda a good chunk of my life, fighting for one reason or another. At least I'm legit helping people this time. I hope we can help them if they're in trouble but also people die all the time, especially in this world sweety. You'd better brace yourself, there are worse things than demons here... depending on your definition of bad I guess."

Aria wasn't quite sure what desecration by a demon meant, was it like in the bible? If the demons were like that she wasn't sure what she'd be able to do. But if Rai was inviting her then Aria thought she must be useful. She sheds her jacket and tosses it on a chair, she then heads upstairs to Cebra's bedroom. She grabs one of his old T-shirts, something a bit ragged with an band on the front and a few rips. She heads back down quickly, ready to try out this new hunting stuff. "By the way, let's keep this between the two of us. Cebra might get all naggy if he knows I borrowed his old crap."
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Quote : Ho ho ho to the bottle I go! To heal my heart and drown my woes

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One way vacation Empty Re: One way vacation

Post by Demonhunter June 28th 2021, 8:45 pm

Rai gives a light shrug, the motion off putting by her usual stone-like stillness. It was like watching a painted marble statue attempt any form of subtle movement. “I’m less worried about the demon and more worried about the side effects.” Even in Dis, humans died often, even more-so than in this world. However, when reavers fought demons, there was a general consensus amongst the humans to stay well enough out of the way to avoid catching a friendly sword to the head. “I am noticing the humans of this world are hard to fight around. Rather than avoid an area where I am fighting a demon, they seem to flock to it.” Humans here were used to heroes that could be filmed from a distance, however the monsters Rai faced were less interested in fighting her and were not above picking off a brave human who wanted to get a good photo for their social media feed. Rai had yet to lose one, but she knew it was coming. “Anyway, probably a mute point.”

Rai couldn’t help but linger on desecration. Any demon could desecrate an area if they hung around long enough, their negative energy seeping into the environment. However, the stronger the demon the faster they managed to desecrate, therefore the fact the ship had been soaked through enough for Rai to see it in as short as what she assumed to be months was a slight tip on what Rai could have to deal with. It was either a lot of demons, or a few very powerful ones.

Her eyes lift to find Cebra’s scent on Aria… only through context did she realize she was wearing one of his shirts. “Only if you don’t tell him I do it too.” She cracks a smile, not realizing Cebra probably knew she borrowed his shirts. She was as subtle as a brick when it came to lying and she sometimes forgot that Cebra could flat out see when she was wearing one of his shirts due to having normal human vision. “Okay, last I checked, the dretches were somewhere to the north. Past the school, I had to run them off that playground. We might find them near that creek in the woods. You’ll know if we get close.” She groans as she opens the front door and tosses out the glass figurine of Grimmorah from her pocket. “They smell god awful.”

All at once the glass shatters into the ground and the hellish squeal echoes through the morning sky. As the sulfurous smoke clears, Grimorrah gives a heavy-hooved prance, dead eyes giving a look of pure malice toward Rai as she grabs his reins. Seemed he knew what she was planning. Throwing her leg over the saddle she extends a hand to Aria to help her on the saddle as Grimmorah attempts to swing to the opposite side instead and throws his head up in angry protest.

A swift tug at the reins and a kick of her left heel has him reeling back into place, but he did twitch an ear in Aria’s direction to express his residual grumpiness. “Sorry. He’s an ass sometimes.”
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One way vacation Empty Re: One way vacation

Post by Cerek July 2nd 2021, 3:22 pm

Aria wasn't one to usually care too often if people were too close to the action, if you're dumb enough not to flee when you see people with powers in combat then it's on your ass is her motto. She was very mindful that she seemed to share that trait with Cebra. "You ran off some monsters in town? So like how big and gross are these thing anyways?... I tend to fight with my bare hands so uh... hm." Aria pauses for a moment before she recalls where Cebra kept some work gloves, it was a short search inside a tool box. She put them on and though they were a bit large for her she made them works well enough.

The magic horse thing that Rai just summoned made Aria jump back. For possibly the first time a bit of her accent slipped, there was definitely a touch of Swedish to her voice as screamed "Fucking balls!" It took her a second to understand what just happened, and still she was a bit nervous looking up at the big lug of a horse. Aria was hesitant to take Rai's hand, but far be it from her to seem afraid of anything she took Ri's hand. "Mmm right, asshole. That's reassuring. This thing isn't gonna... Go nuts or something is it?" Working at a zoo gave Aria some familiarity with animals even if she was mostly involved with cleaning, this thing was unnatural and temperamental.

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One way vacation Empty Re: One way vacation

Post by Demonhunter July 4th 2021, 11:24 pm

“Usually just me being around is enough to drive demons away on its own, but yes I’ve been doing a bit of hunting… mostly when Cebra isn’t looking. Dretches aren’t big, but definitely gross.” Rai mentions trying to decide what words to use to describe what size a dretch would be. “They’re about this tall.-” She motions with her hand around the middle of her chest. “And about as heavy as a large man.” They were really compact now that she thought about it. A lot like the pigs they resembled. Grimmora’s ears slick back in Aria’s direction as she takes Rai’s hand, as if he could smell her qualms with him.

The stallion was quite strange to look at, up close his pallid grey skin looked more reminiscent of hides draped over a thick skeleton, bones occasionally peeking through holes in the skin. His teeth jammed into the ivory bone of his jaw like shattered green glass and empty eye sockets that gleamed a bright emerald.

Rai tilts her head at the expression ‘go nuts’. Like hazelnuts? She knew what those were. “Nuts?” She asked as she gave a light pull to give Aria the momentum to get onto the back of her saddle. “Grimmorah voices his displeasure, but he cannot disobey. He does, however, bitch quite a lot.” Rai mentions as Grimmorah irritably side steps, but straightens out as Rai gives a gentle squeeze to the left side of his ribs with her heel and then gives a gentle guide with the reigns to the right, taking them out down Cebra’s driveway at a slow walk, which she then takes into a low-paced gliding lope.

“Last time I saw a Dretch was at the playground. I killed it, but they are like locusts. If you see one, there’s a nest of ten more nearby.” They seemed to be moving a bit faster than a normal horse at just an easy lope would be going, at a much smoother gait. Grimorrah moved much like Rai did, at ghostly fluid tempo, not disrupted by breath nor stumble. She kept him on the back roads as not to disturb any cars or businesses. The park came soon enough. It was heavily wooded and metal playground equipment had ivy growing on it from age, however it was very well used as there were quite a few children running around and playing on the jungle gyms. Rai pulls Grimmorah’s reigns up as he throws his head in contempt, but he does slide to a stop as he was told.

“I’ve learned the hard way not to ride into crowded areas here. Apparently people find Grimmorah disturbing.” She adds in a curious tone that assumed back home a demonic looking horse was just run of the mill, every day occurrence. She offers her hand to Aria as there was a good bit of a drop.
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One way vacation Empty Re: One way vacation

Post by Cerek July 5th 2021, 12:47 pm

"Alright so nothing special, though I am curious what these things would want here. Do they eat children or something? I once read a thing about these creatures called Hobbs that eat kids, Iunno where I read it but seemed creepy." as she rose up to mount the strange steed. "Oh uh nuts just means... Crazy." Her head tilting to look past Rai to Grimmorah's head. The explanation was satisfying enough to Aria, as long as this thing was under her control. She wondered if she'd be able to peer into the horses thoughts, though given the nature of the creature it might be best not to right now.

Aria was familiar with riding various creatures voluntarily or otherwise, she seemed to have a natural comfort being on horseback. She had taken notice of the odd strides the horse was taking and chalked it up to some kind of funky magic stuff. "I am curious as to why you've been doing your hunting when Cebra is absent?... Is it his whole 'MAgiC dOeSN't ExIsT!' crap?" She says using a cartoonish exaggerated voice to mock Cebra. "He's just stubborn, can't admit there's something out there like the arcane. I mean it's easy for me I've encountered monsters before and things."

Aria nods her head understanding the feelings of the locals, they saw a lot of strange things however. Much like Cebra's experience, magic was new to them. Aria manages to hop off taking Rai's hand, less out of need and more out of gratitude. There was kindness behind the rough exterior to an extent. "Have you considered painting him a nice brown colour and putting fake eyes in?" Aria chuckles a bit. "Alrighty so I'll follow your lead captain." As she gives a lackluster salute.
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Mega Poster!

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Quote : Ho ho ho to the bottle I go! To heal my heart and drown my woes

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