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One way vacation

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One way vacation - Page 4 Empty Re: One way vacation

Post by Cerek April 5th 2022, 6:15 pm

Aria's head is spinning in such a way she can barely register what's going on around her, there are strange siren like sounds and screaming of some sort, certainly not human. As the fog cleared she came to understand her predicament a little more. Smoke and sparks from everywhere, what looked like tendrils of black ichor consuming the room from the core of what was once the magical orb. "Rai what did you" The sound of metal bending and straining under pressure cuts through the panic of the hags scrambling about, the tension in the air is thicker than the steel hull and just as such it explodes. The ship is violently hit on the port side and lurches over tossing everything to one side, it lurched back almost as harshly once again throwing passengers and things about. Aria looks upwards as something pierces through the decks above like a torpedo being dropped, just smashing through until finally a massive black tendril entered the room. It ripped and tore everything it could reach asunder like a maddened beast, Whipping at anything that it could.

"They freed it! Run my sisters! We flee this vessel" The hags all scramble to a large ring made out of coral in the floor , the coral ring holds a pool of deep blue water that despite the breaking of the ship remained still as glass. Upon the wave of the tall ones hand and a whisper of some secret magic the pool glimmered and an image of a beach came into view. The beach was tropical with palm trees and great ferns along the coast and inland as far as the eye could see. Overhead were dark clouds and fierce thunder, a storm blowing tree bending winds and rain so raging it might feel like a cursed paradise. The hags jumped into the pool making no splash, just a few small ripples. Aria stumbled a bit and barely missed getting a blow from the wild black tendril "Rai! The portal thing!" She yells as she hobbles now with slightly greater speed than her stumbling.

Hull breaches start to flood the room with water, if that wasn't enough of an incentive to move for the portal then the monstrous security ghouls busting in through the doorway certainly was, there's no sense fighting on a sinking ship. Aria makes it half way to the portal when she is wracked with a horrid pain in her back, the tendril whipped and struck her right in the back so hard it had pierced her and damaged her spinal column. A gush of blood meets the water as Aria falls down face first in the gathering shallow water. She's so stunned by the strike no sound escapes her as she lay just at the edge of the portal.

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One way vacation - Page 4 Empty Re: One way vacation

Post by Demonhunter June 24th 2022, 1:50 am

It was as if a flashbang had gone off in Rai’s face, the area flooded with the cloud of magic as the signature ozone scent of the remnant burst into the air. All the new colors and visuals of the desecrated ship flooding her senses as water filled the floor. “I don’t know.” She yelps back at Aria, just as confused as she was about the shit hitting the fan. It seemed like an available solution at the time.

And once again there was another portal beckoning her to take the plunge again, sending her to god knows where. Yet, she didn’t hesitate on it long as the water fills to her ankles leaving her to slog through the rising water, dodging the creaking steel as it bowed.

She pulls Aria up as she goes with as little couth as possible, just throwing her over her shoulder like a sack of violently angry potatoes and leaping into the portal with baited breath.

They get spit out into the sand with very little grace, sending Rai face first into the white sands. She sits up, shaking her head, just glad the place was not as desecrated. Her vision somewhat returned to normal and showing her the silvery shimmer of Aria’s blood. “Ah shit, Aria?” She asks sheepishly.
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One way vacation - Page 4 Empty Re: One way vacation

Post by Cerek August 14th 2022, 12:01 pm

The beach is littered with the wreckage of ships from one era of humanity to the next, from biremes to Galleons to more modern war vessels and cruise ships. The beach line seems to stretch on forever or at least past the mist that currently lay over the shore. The people from the ship seem as though they've woken from a dream state, bewildered and frightened including some of the heroic people on board. People wandered about looking for their significant other or family members.  Their cruise ship was nowhere in sight and everywhere there were frightened people with a few heroes trying to calm the crowd.  Aria lay passed out before Rai, her head shifting infrequently as the blood seeped out of her wound, strangely enough it didn't stay that way. Much the same way she'd seen with Cebra, Rai witnessed Aria's blood start to crawl back into her body.

After an hour Aria came to, she rubbed the back of her wound as she climbed back to her feet and had a good look around at the situation. "Rai?... What happened? Are we... Are we dead or something?"

A few of the passengers come up to Rai and Aria with concern on their face and no short amount of questions "Excuse me, are the two of you gal ok? Anyone need medical attention?" comes the gentle raspy voice of an older gentlemen, his hands glow a feint heavenly light that feels like the warmth of home. The old man has nothing but tattered dress pants and a shirt to his name but has been tirelessly giving medical help, his deep huffs and sweat drenched brow are proof of his hustle. Beside him was a young lady that couldn't have been more than 14, she clearly had a particular style to her as she was dressed completely in black. She didn't seem to have any problem in this heat while she was wearing a dress, in fact she seemed to be one of the more cam and put together survivors with nary a scratch on her. "They look fine Grampa, I wanna get out of this light pleeeease thank you."
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One way vacation - Page 4 Empty Re: One way vacation

Post by Demonhunter January 12th 2023, 5:57 pm

Rai blinks for just a moment, staring into the sky, which to her was full of just empty black space. After a few seconds she sits straight up and takes a look around. So far… just a bunch of nature! Trees… sand. Rai had never felt sand before and it had her experimentally picking up a fist full of it and letting it fall through her fingers. It was like water but not. How strange. No more boat she guessed and no more colors.

Glancing over Aria looked a wreck but the silvery pool surrounding her slowly began to seep back into her wounds, which was good enough for her. Eventually she was fine, so no harm no foul. “I don’t think we’re dead… no fire and brimstone and it smells too good.” She experimentally wiggles her toes around in her sandals, cringing at the realization sand in the shoes was a very unpleasant feeling and likely one she’d have to deal with for the entirety of her stay in the sand as no amount of flicking her feet around rid her open toed shoes from the sand. Man she missed her boots.

Eventually she settles on tossing the sandals just as a man comes asking if they needed assistance. “I am fine. My friend might need some help though.” She thinks out loud looking back at Aria unable to tell which bloody streaks were dried blood and which were still bleeding or if she was still bleeding at all. “Where are we?” She asks, still not really sure what falling off a boat entailed.

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One way vacation - Page 4 Empty Re: One way vacation

Post by Cerek March 11th 2023, 12:31 pm

Aria managed to get back to her feet slowly, it was fortunate her ability to heal from physical wounds was not compromised like her telepathy. Wounds began to seal themselves off at a pace slower than Cebra's but still sufficient, her body produced its own pain killing sedative to keep Aria going. "Well at least we're alive." She looks around at the mess they caused and was taken aback by the devastated ship and state of the passengers. Perhaps she would keep the fact that they were responsible for this incident to herself.  She rifles through some random luggage and manages to find a pair of more comfortable shorts and a Hawaiian shirt, all this right in front of the three now gathered before her. The little girl and old man look at Aria awkwardly as she stumbles around bloody and puts clothing on.

"Yeah er I... Who are you again? Aria addresses the old gentleman and young girl. "Ah yeah, My name is Daryl and this is my niece Heather." The young lady gives a reserved wave. "Oh... yeah right, no worries buddy, I'll be fine in a bit." She said slightly skeptical of having an old dudes glowing hands all on her, that and it wasn't required. "My name is Clara and this is my friend Rai, the two of you look in relative good shape." Daryl nods "Well thank goodness for that, though it's kinda weird out here no? Like... You got abilities yeah? They feel off?" Aria cocks an eyebrow as she puts her hand  to her hip "So it's not just us then." The teen girl nods confirming this "Normally you'd not be able to see me." Intrigued by the girls words Aria is compelled to ask "So what is it you both do exactly?" Daryl perks up "Oh well I used to be coast guard until I came into these powers, now I run my own private medical clinic. My niece here gained her unique powers when she was very young... Not uh, not a story we like to go through. But I suppose you could call her a witch, she's got abilities like one that's for certain. Been staying at a monastery and I'm taking her out here for her birthday."

Aria looked at the wrecked ship and wondered if anyone was coming to look for them, not like those hags were worried about contacting the coast guard. "Well at least she's a lot more calm than the other kids around here." A statement made after Aria's gaze passes over some crying children and while their parents comforted them.
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One way vacation - Page 4 Empty Re: One way vacation

Post by Demonhunter June 3rd 2023, 1:03 pm

Rai’s brain was sent into a tailspin as soon as Aria seemed to change her name. Clara? She blinks, thinking as hard as she could for a minute to try and remember that as not to let it slip later. She also couldn’t help but notice the question as to where exactly they were was completely unanswered. This, she supposed, meant no one really knew. The major source of alarm was when it was mentioned that abilities seemed to be all but gone. With a head tilt she chooses to test this theory, outline of her body echoing out it’s signature green whisps, but no dash to follow. It was like she couldn’t quite build the magic momentum needed to plunge her forward, or really any direction for that matter. The longer she tried, the less it seemed to work, like a battery running out of juice.

“Yeah. My colossus slayer abilities are gone. But it seems like anything due to being a reaver has stayed. Sadly that means my color privileges have been revoked.” Rai shrugs. She had wished she’d taken the time to learn more colors. She fiddles in her pocket for the glass figurine, usually pulsating with hellish energy and shimmering in the light, only to find it dull. “Grimmorah can’t even reach us here.” Both a good and a bad thing. Having Grimmorah around a bunch of injured, sick or scared people was not the best plan due to his insatiable mean streak. However, it would be very nice to get her feet out of the ankle deep sand or have access to her scythes again as they always appeared on her saddle regardless of where she’d last left them.

“So… reviewing. Got in a fight with the hags, got our asses kicked, found Daryl and Heather…. And now we are lost in sand. Think the hags might still be on that?” Rai asks, gesturing toward the ‘spook ship’ only to realize the desecration was fading quickly. “Nevermind. Definitely not there. Daryl, you were on the ship with us too, right?” Rai turns her attention to Daryl, staring daggers through his soul for a moment. These two at least had souls so they weren’t undead or demons. They did, however, seem to have a bit more clarity about the ship than the other passengers did. This alone made Rai concerned for a moment, but if he was a red blood like Aria and Cebra, perhaps the effects of the lure didn’t affect them as badly. “Were you Um… dull on the ship too? Desecration like that was making everyone else kind of dumb. If you and Heather weren’t as affected, are these people still under the spell or perhaps it is gone?” Rai wonders out loud. The panic of the survivors leads her to believe the spell had been broken or at least put into limbo, however something still wasn’t quite right. The island was having some similar feeling to the ship even if not desecrated. She still felt the unsettling rage indicative of demonic activity, just at a lesser pull.
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One way vacation - Page 4 Empty Re: One way vacation

Post by Cerek July 24th 2023, 5:09 pm

"Ok so our abilities are being cancelled out by something, that's great. Grimmorah? Right your horse friend thingy guy, that might have been useful to have here." As Aria looks at the vastness of the island from the beach, not that she can tell much besides the fact there is a deep jungle in front of her. "Those hags... No doubt they're somehow behind this effect." Aria tries using her telekinetic powers, but they yield nothing now, can't even lift a grain of sand. The only thing remaining is her physical strength, she can still feel the psionic power in her limbs. "Strange, I still feel strong. Ok then that's something." Daryl looks over to Rai and down to his hands after she asks about their abilities "Seems like I'm having some uhh dullness yes, feels like I can't get the healing as strong as it should be. Was I could bring people back from the dead as long as they were fresh enough."

Daryl looks over to Heather "How about you sweety? Feeling different at all?" Heather looks over her body and stares blankly as if she's taking inventory of her mental faculties "I feeeeeel... Ok? Yeah nothing weird with me Uncle Daryl. Besides being visible I guess" Daryl looks at Rai and Aria "Her powers are a bit stranger than most, you see Heather lives in our world and another world. She always flitters between the two, to make a long explanation short: she is like a ghost here in some ways." Heather floats in the air roughly ten feet around Rai "Hm I don't know why your friend is lying to us, buuuut I know her name is Aria." Aria turns to the girl wide eyed "Whuh? How did you?" Heather glares at her "You're wanted aren't you?" Aria gasps before shushing the child "Hey hey hey no need to start showing off your powers kid, just keep that to yourself." Daryl looks a bit concerned now having learned that.

Aria has no desire to stay on the beach and wait for help to arrive, if it ever does. Near the edge of the Jungle a few heroes are gathered and discussing among themselves what they should do. Aria signals to Rai so they can both go check out what's going on and if someone maybe has some idea of what they need to do. Daryl and Heather follow right behind.
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Quote : Ho ho ho to the bottle I go! To heal my heart and drown my woes

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One way vacation - Page 4 Empty Re: One way vacation

Post by Demonhunter September 18th 2023, 7:39 pm

Rai blinks at the idea of another extra-planar being. If she thought about it hard enough she herself was similar, but she was firmly in one plane at a time. Being trapped between the two had to be absolutely miserable. “Eh, she seems a lot friendlier than any ghost I’ve seen. Then again I am usually throwing them out of wherever they’ve set up camp so that explains their grumpiness.” Rai shrugs being no stranger to the oddities. To some she herself was an oddity.

Suddenly the lie was called out. With a blink Rai just awkwardly crosses her arms. She knew lying was bad, but she didn’t realize humans could pick it up that quickly. Thank god she hadn’t tried it. “Wanted?” She asks. “By what?” Was all she could think out loud before the conversation got squashed in favor of joining some new people… She was unsure as to why these humans were different from all the others, perhaps they were redbloods like Aria, Heather and Deryl. Boy this was awkward. She didn’t want to be the one to speak up. She glances over to Aria to hopefully be the first to talk to this strange group of humans before deciding she might as well.

“Hey. Um…” And that was all she could think up for the moment. “Um… we fought the hags and ended up here… sorry.”
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