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The youthful ones get everything.

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INV ONLY The youthful ones get everything.

Post by Cerek March 6th 2020, 2:01 am

"And endless expanse of grey oblivion" thought Ika as he stared out of a window from a skyscrapper. the light was dim this day and Ika was feeling the blah especially hard. With the meagr amount of money he'd managed to save up he planned to attend the Spring wine festival that was supposed to take place later after the rain stopped and clouds cleared. The building he was in belonged to the Ferdinand corporation that was sponsoring the festival. The loor Ika was on had a line up of people looking to sign up for various activities or competitions, Ika wanted to participate in one of the strength competitions and maybe a few others. It was a small fee but even so a monk of the binding light does not pay well. He scrapped enough money together for some festival food, games and the sign up. The lady at the register was gangly looking twenty something hipster, type with her phone out at all times.

"Ex... Excuse me... Miss?" Ika waved at the woman in his gentle manner and soft spoken voice. She stopped looking down at her phone to shift her eyes up almost condescendingly looking Ika over. Even in a world of caped and costumed super weirdos Ika dressed odd for a young man. Stark white clothing that in this weather one might think would be stained and wet. But it shone brightly this get up of his, gave him an aura like his demeanor gentle and light. "Yes, how can I help you sir? she said in a nazely tone. Ika took out some crumpled bills and change quickly straightening it out and making sure it was all there. "I would like to sign up for some of the events."

The streets below were blocked to traffic for a block or maybe two. There were decorations made of many spring flowers and plants, also coloured lights of green and blue matching the rest of the decor. Ika had some cash left to afford a beer battered cod on a stick, he was partial to seafood as it was inexpensive and healthy for the most part. There was a sudden commotion as he perused the stands and festivities going on, on the corner of the street just east of him smoke rose up and fire alarms. Though this kinda thing could probably just be handled by the local police or firemen it couldn't hurt to see if any help was needed. Ika made his way weaving through a crowd near to the front. There was a crashed vehicle ploughed into the corner of a garage, the driver was out cold and possibly dead. The car had run into some gas cans and punctured a few so the fuel leaked out. Already there were some beat cops ordering people back. Well if Ika was going to do something he'd have to do it quick, having another hand would help though. He wanted to get the driver but that car needed to be moved as well.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : Ho ho ho to the bottle I go! To heal my heart and drown my woes

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Number of posts : 624
Location : Montreal QC
Humor : In good balance
Registration date : 2017-03-20

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INV ONLY Re: The youthful ones get everything.

Post by RoyalAurelius March 6th 2020, 2:43 am

Apart from his trip back home with his good friend, Miguel, this was the first time in a while that Marshall got out to relax and rest. Ever since he had been recruited to that team, it seemed to be mostly work or outings involving heroes. It was nice to just walk around and enjoy the city for a bit, without worrying about being attacked by some crazy alien or god or something. Marshall was intent on enjoying himself away from the others, although it was probably a bit selfish, but he tended to keep to himself when he felt a little overwhelmed.... which happened a lot in his particular line of work.

The streets were closed off, a sort of festival Marshall had never seen before. Thanks to his position, the youthful looking man had a fairly limitless credit card he could use for nearly anything legally acquired. This card also allowed him to dress rather snappy, something he preferred to ordinary clothes. He wasn't vain, by any means, but he did enjoy finer clothing. Today he donned an off white button up, rolled sleeves, and a dark mahogany vest. His pressed slacks were a dark charcoal colour, and his dress shoes were a freshly polished jet black. Purchasing a ticket, he also signs himself up for some events, including one in strength, which would technically be cheating.... but there was a chance there would be other supers there competing.

The young man was quietly roaming around, buying a deep fried banana and some coke, and avoiding the larger crowds of people to keep his mind straight. As the noise and crowds began to intensify, Marshall could feel his anxiety building up and overwhelming him.... however this was immediately diverted when he spotted the smoke and flashing lights just outside the festival. There were police and cones being placed as they dispersed the crowd for breathing room and safety, and Marshall could see upon entering the crowd, that there had clearly been an accident.

It was almost instinctive as he pushed through the people gently, despite possessing significant strength to throw them out of the way. As he approached the police officers who were waiting for the firefighters and the jaws of life, he flashed a special card he had recieved from his team and his superior, indicating that he was a hero and was there to help. The police did not argue, though they did grumble as they allowed him to pass, feeling as if their work was being inhibited by the so called heroes. Marshall was unaware of the policeman and their lack of respect for his profession, simply focused on the passenger and getting them out alive.... if they still were.

He approached the car, his shoes lightly splashing in the pools of fuel that had spilled all over the roadside and coated the vehicle. He was going to have to be careful..... he was fireproof.... but nobody else in the immediate area was.

Status :

Quote : "Being human means feeling different things; love, hate, regret, solace, joy, pain, pleasure..... the world is full of jerks. Don't be another one."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 98
Age : 33
Registration date : 2019-03-18

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INV ONLY Re: The youthful ones get everything.

Post by Cerek March 25th 2020, 9:13 pm

Ika being a member of the order of binding light was not technically certified to do hero work by the city. But due to the immense amount of respect the monks have garnered in the community and with a large amount of local law enforcement. The monks were usually allowed to opperate without any restraint for the most part, also being a religious organisation with quite a few none monk followers gave the legal system a nightmare if they wanted to prosecute for something. As such Ika wasn't stopped by the police as the recognised his garbs and aura, dim though it was. curiously there seemed to be another young man passing into the fray, perhaps another hero? He looked rather dapper and clean cut but perhaps Ika saw him that way in comparison to his poor threads. No time for introductions and idle thought though as Ika proceeded to the wreckage, he would do his best to coordinate with the other possible hero. Ika breathed in deep before a pulse of red light spurred forth from his core. The ghostly image of flame wreathed his body, it cracked, snapped and hissed like a bonfire around him. He looked to the other young man and he noded towards the car, hopefully he'd understand that Ika intended to use his powers to lift the vehicle away from the fuel.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : Ho ho ho to the bottle I go! To heal my heart and drown my woes

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 624
Location : Montreal QC
Humor : In good balance
Registration date : 2017-03-20

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INV ONLY Re: The youthful ones get everything.

Post by RoyalAurelius April 3rd 2020, 7:19 pm

Marshall was surprised when the monk looking guy walked right up to him. He was about to tell him to be careful and step back, but when he unleashed his aura he was immediately indicated of his potential hero status. Admittedly, he was dressed rather strange for someone in the big city, but how could he judge when he was able to lift tanker trucks like it was nothing. Strange world indeed. His hazel eyes focused on the young monk and his rather impressive aura, unable to decipher what it is he wanted or intended.

"So.... um.... fire and fuel. We need to make sure that the passenger is safe. I don't know your power, but I can lift the car or something. I'm also fireproof so... I'm not worried about the explosion. Cool aura by the way."

Marshall proceeded to glance around, seeing that the fire truck hasn't arrived yet. This posed the issue of snuffing the flames to avoid an explosion. Part of him hoped that the new guy would have some cool wind power or something, but if not.... perhaps he could use a hydrant or something. He needed to think quick. He turned his focus to the car, seeing it still leaking fuel as the sparks continue to fly from the damage.

Status :

Quote : "Being human means feeling different things; love, hate, regret, solace, joy, pain, pleasure..... the world is full of jerks. Don't be another one."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 98
Age : 33
Registration date : 2019-03-18

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INV ONLY Re: The youthful ones get everything.

Post by Cerek April 7th 2020, 11:08 pm

Ika was acting more on instinct and noded his head at the other hero. "If you can move the car then I can get the driver out and give first aid." His compliment didn't brush by Ika, he thought the man might be making a sarcastic remark though. Ika was not sccustomed to having anyone compliment these old monk clothes. The only good thing about them was they were always kept stark white and pristine. Ika couldn't be sure if it was sincere so he just flashed a confident smile.

He wasted little time in moving towards the car and quickly examined the inside, the driver had a pretty bad head gash and that was only the visible injury. Ika's thunderous rage aura gave him the strength to easily rip the door off the vehicle, that's when bad got worse. The fuel was ignited by some flying shrapnel from the door hinges bursting from Ika's strength, an unfortunate side effect. Ika quickly spotted the flame fortunately and hauled ass with the passed out civilian over his shoulders. That car was gonna blow REAL soon if it isn't removed from the area.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : Ho ho ho to the bottle I go! To heal my heart and drown my woes

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 624
Location : Montreal QC
Humor : In good balance
Registration date : 2017-03-20

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INV ONLY Re: The youthful ones get everything.

Post by RoyalAurelius April 8th 2020, 12:58 am

Marshall listened as the other hero spoke calmly with confidence, before watching as rips the door off with ease. Marshall was impressed, not realizing he was strong.... but most people thought the same of him. The door was thrown with great force, but seemed to avoid causing any damage upon impact. However the sparks that were created as the door was torn off the hinges caused even bigger problems. The flames rose up quickly and the car was moments away from a rather deadly explosion.

He had to act quick, but wanted to get another glance at the other hero to be sure they were cooperating still. That's when he spotted him dashing away with the civilian , making sure to clear the possible explosion. Once they were clear, Marshall didn't hold back as he began to use his immense strength to crush the car into a much more manageable size. In moments he had it down to a large spherical shape, before pushing it into the concrete beneath them, essentially burying the car.

"Everyone get back!!!"

This was all he shouted, nervous that this wouldn't muffle the explosion enough. It didn't matter, since only moments after he had it beneath the street, it exploded. He was holding it with his hands, so the impact from the explosion was significantly reduced, but unfortunately caused some damage beneath the surface of the street that would be expensive to repair. The flames and shrapnel shot straight up into his face and chest, causing his hair to flail wildly before leaving him in a cloud of smoke as the crowd murmurs on, wondering in the hero was all right.

He stepped from the cloud, coughing and hacking violently  but otherwise seemingly untouched. His clothes were slightly stained, but still intact as well. The crowd began to clap for the heroes, not just Marshall but the monk as well for saving the civilian. The sharply dressed hero would ignore the crowd, instead heading for the monk that he had worked with to save the civilian. He smiled with his youthful face, trying to make himself as friendly as possible.

"Nice work, and awesome strength there. Is that what the red flames were for?"

Status :

Quote : "Being human means feeling different things; love, hate, regret, solace, joy, pain, pleasure..... the world is full of jerks. Don't be another one."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 98
Age : 33
Registration date : 2019-03-18

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INV ONLY Re: The youthful ones get everything.

Post by Cerek April 15th 2020, 11:12 pm

Ika was at a loss when he turned back to see the other young man practically engulfed in flame. Though admittedly he couldn't see much as he was covering the body of the injured citizen with his own. It took a second before the smoke cleared and Ika jumped to his feet taking a few quick steps forward before stopping dead in his tracks. It looked like he was still standing and furthermore he at first glance was still alive and breathing.

Ika didn't register the crowds applause at first as he instinctually returned to the ground beside the injured man and his aura changed. The wreathing flame around his body snuffed out in a gentle flash and was replaced with one similar but of a jade hue. The flame blew wildly as if with it's own wind thrashing back and forth. The flame to anyone close was the warmth of a campfire and felt more inviting. Ika glided his hand over the head wound and the broken ribs, the flame caught to his wounds like wood and healed them. He was still in need of a real doctor but was out of immediate danger.

Ika could finally relax and it was good timing as the other young man addressed him. "Oh thank you." Ika follows with a bow "Indeed, my power comes from the light itself. I see you are gifted as well friend, your efforts saved many lives." Ika was doing his best to sound solemn and professional in front of another hero as he hadn't had any experience working with those outside of his order.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : Ho ho ho to the bottle I go! To heal my heart and drown my woes

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 624
Location : Montreal QC
Humor : In good balance
Registration date : 2017-03-20

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INV ONLY Re: The youthful ones get everything.

Post by RoyalAurelius May 13th 2020, 2:37 pm

The crowds began to slowly die down, the police and other authority figures regaining control of the situation. Marshall looked around, seeing that the control was back in the hands of the proper authorities, now feeling like he had interfered regardless of the lives he saved. His attention is then directed back to the young, robed man. He smiles and shrugs lightly, feeling kind of out of place, even among the rounds of applause.

"I suppose I'm a little strong.... nothing like your flashing lights though. Did you heal that poor man? That's incredible."

Marshall had a tone of adoration and awe, given that he had never encountered someone with healing powers before. It was incredible. However, the crowd was starting to get under Marshall's skin, and he needed a retreat, something he planned to do, ironically, at the fair event still going on. Besides, he never got his funnel cake. He extends his hand towards the new guy, his right wrist donning a bracelet that felt as if it has a magical tone to it, even though it looked like an ordinary bracelet.

"My name is Marshall.... I don't have a super hero name. What's yours?"

He waits patiently for his handshake, preferring to properly introduce himself before moving on from the crowd. It had been a while since he had spent some quality time alone, but he also hasn't met another hero for a while.... and admittedly he was curious. This kid seemed old fashioned  like even ancient, god so many questions for him.

Status :

Quote : "Being human means feeling different things; love, hate, regret, solace, joy, pain, pleasure..... the world is full of jerks. Don't be another one."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 98
Age : 33
Registration date : 2019-03-18

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INV ONLY Re: The youthful ones get everything.

Post by Cerek June 12th 2020, 10:18 pm

"Oh yes that's the gift light bestows up in er upon me." Slightly stumbling over his almost rehearsed words. "Hm yes it's my pleasure Marshall." Going for a bow before realising the other hero had his hand out for a handshake, once again making the monk fumble and stand up straight to shake Marshall's hand. "I uh sorry, dont really... meet new people that often eheh." He flashed an awkward apologetic smile as he shook Marshall's hand. "My name is Ika of the binding light order, I dont really have a 'hero' name or that kinda thing." Ika noticed the commotion settling somewhat as the situation was in capable hand. He was now more interested in Marshall, it had been a while since he met anyone he could call a friend what with all the training and work.

Cut to the back alleys of the festival area in an old fish stick factory long abandoned since the 60's, two men stand in one of the old offices looking over a steel table with some gear on it; crowbars, knives, burlap sacks, chloroform and two hand guns. One of the men is a tall and lanky white man with a bit of the gaunt face and disheveled red afro, the other man is significantly shorter and Latino with a baseball cap and shades. The tall one nudges the shorter one "Can we go yet?" "In a minute I gotta load the ammo." "How long does that take? I wanna do this then get some eats." "It'll take as long as it takes now shut the hell up." The short one says knocking the tall one in the side. "Now I know I told you a million times but just because you're stupid tell me the plan again." The shorter one says in a mocking tone.

"First we hit the pawn shop and I go through the walls and get everything in the vault. Then we go to the ritzy restaurant place and do the same thing where I sneak in with my powers. Then the jewellers place and their goods in the back. Finally the bakery." The short one was nodding his head until that point, his face scrunched into a confused and condescending "What? The heck do you mean the bakers?" The tall one grins such a stupid grin "Because they got a lot a dough....................." The short one rolls his eyes painfully and scoffs. "Proud a that? Idiot. Just get in the car and remember if or when you mess up I will run distraction incase anything goes wrong or muscle if need be, got it?!"

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : Ho ho ho to the bottle I go! To heal my heart and drown my woes

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 624
Location : Montreal QC
Humor : In good balance
Registration date : 2017-03-20

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INV ONLY Re: The youthful ones get everything.

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