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Nightlight's 1st Advancement

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Nightlight's 1st Advancement Empty Nightlight's 1st Advancement

Post by Puglife43vr November 8th 2019, 8:28 am

Item/Character Advancement Name:

Dark Shroud

Item/Character Advancement Description:

This item is summoned by Nightlight's ring in times of need. It surrounds Nightlight and comes in the form of a bird. The head of the bird over his own head, wings over his arms, etc. It is pure darkness, but seems transparent as one can see Nightlight beneath this armor. The rings used by Nightlight are connections to dimensions of pure light and darkness. This advancement causes Nightlight to widen this opening to transport more dark energy to this world. At Night, this energy is strongest with the avatar being massive at dozens of feet tall. In the day, the avatar is more condensed around the body of Nightlight. Between them, it stands out a bit more around his body.

Item Power(s):

Avatar Damage - The avatar does increased damage to all goes, but even MORE damage to Light users. It can and will rip a light based defense to shreds. A flap of the shadowy wings will launch a normal man off their feet and send them flying for miles! (Not literal miles!) His own dark attacks do more damage as they're shot out from the Avatar.

Avatar Defense - The avatar also comes with increased defense for Nightlight. No longer is he left a weakling compared to his allies.

High Speed Flight - The avatar, being a bird, has the ability to travel at Mach speeds to take on foes.

Item/Character Advancement Weakness(es):

Light - Light in general will lower the strength and durability of the Dark Avatar. Light based attacks will do increased damage to the avatar to the point where it's like a Kevlar vest to an armor piercing round.

Energy Intensive - This avatar draws a great amount of energy from Nightlight. It drains him like trying to power a car with a Double A battery.

The Name - The Shroud has a specific name that if one obtains through any means, will be able to shut the avatar down merely by speaking the word.

Item/Character Advancement Price:


Nightlight's 1st Advancement HRN5OeL
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

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Quote : "What would you do... For a Klondike bar?"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 298
Registration date : 2018-06-03

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Nightlight's 1st Advancement Empty Re: Nightlight's 1st Advancement

Post by Zonkes November 9th 2019, 7:56 pm

Nightlight's 1st Advancement DVDJiez

Approved until stated otherwise.
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : I was that guy Zai. To Vorik, to Murph and to Pat. I’m sorry.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 649
Location : Somewhere between hell and a hand basket
Age : 28
Job : Professional Manipulator
Humor : What’s the difference between a clown and a pancake? Not much after the steamroller incident.
Registration date : 2017-01-10

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