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Adventures in a land down under (Closed)

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INV ONLY Adventures in a land down under (Closed)

Post by Champion September 18th 2019, 2:05 am

Recovery didn’t take as long as he thought considering the damage done to him. Miguel had been sure that a few of his bones were broken in the fight with the armored man but within a month he was perfectly fine, traveling with a member of The Blackguard that had seemed to taken pretty well with him. He could even call them friends, despite the fact maybe they didn’t know each other well enough to use the term outloud. Wasn’t really what they needed to do anyway, though his own tendency to flirt might have made things awkward for anyone else.  Either way thanks to Blackguard and their considerable funds he found himself in Australia, or rather an airport.

The sound of wheels rolling along behind him was drowned out by the mild din of people moving about, though he mostly just turned his attention to Marshall with the same smirk that always decorated his face. ”So this is where you come from? Didn’t take you for an aussie,” He said with a shrug, wondering what they would even do here or rather what he would do considering this wasn’t his homeland. His was on another continent entirely. There had to be something someone could do to entertain themselves, though he didn’t mind just enjoying the look of the attractive male he found himself coming along with. Might have made them seem the odd pair, one looking rather rough with somewhat messy short cut hair, a lip ring and noticeable sleeve tattoos which came up to his knuckles.

The other, well he just looked like the kind of wholesome boy next door type. Usually not the kind of person that spent any time with him at all, aside from to piss their mom and dad off. That had happened to him a few times, though the meta human part didn’t exactly make them like him any more. The fact even one dad tried to blast him with a shotgun, now that was funny. Despite the fact he did more damage to his wall than Miguel himself who made him pay for a new shirt in the end. Lucky for them the son broke it off with him the next day because he was just too scared apparently. Before he knew it the two of them were standing outside, and he felt what he assumed was supposed to be the Australian heat, though it just made him almost nostalgic for his training days.

”So where exactly did we want to go?” He asked looking to his friend and arcing a brow as if allowing him to have control over the situation.
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INV ONLY Re: Adventures in a land down under (Closed)

Post by RoyalAurelius September 18th 2019, 8:57 pm

To say Marshall was excited was an extreme understatement. He had not been back home for a long time, never possessing the funds or transportation to make it back after his original internship that caused him to move to the other side of the planet. The sheer joy and glow that he emitted would make anyone think he was a sheltered kid seeing snowfall for the first time ever. The entire 17 hour flight, he was practically shaking in his seat, peering out of the window every hour or so, just to see the vast horizon of varying shades of blue from both the sea and sky. For the first time during his stay with the Blackguard, Marshall didn't feel anxious or shy..... he was just plain ecstatic! The landing was smooth, and the airport was busy as usual, but Marshall felt at home and comfortable, especially since Miguel was with him. His young, somewhat boyish voice gave off a chuckle at Miguel's first comment, before turning his big hazel eyes to the large Hispanic man that was accompanying him.

"Really? I thought for sure the funny way I spoke would have given it away? I suppose we didn't get much time to meet and greet before the whole thing happened...." After his comment of what happened, he gently clutched his ribs. Despite the miraculous work of the Blackguard doctors and a good bit of time to heal, his body still ached, particularly his ribs. He shook the thoughts, and the ache before focusing on him once more, giving him a big smile. "Well, you're in for a treat.... I thought this place was great before... but now we have money!! First thing's first..... beach!!" Marshall made sure to have their luggage taken to the hotel for storage, already having reserved a room for the two of them and their indefinite vacation. The young man was clearly taking a liking to the funds available to him, having spent a good portion of his life simply scraping by to make ends meat. He felt like a rich guy with all the money in the world, and he planned to enjoy it.... especially after that whole city business.

Since their hands were free of luggage, Marshall made good use of his and grasped Miguel's firmly. His strength was usually a problem in this case, but the tough Hispanic was sure to be able to hold his own, especially since the young man's excitement was clearly taking over his better judgement. He would lead them out of the airport, wave down one of the drivers they had also arranged for them, and start heading to the hotel resort that was waiting on the other side of the city. The drive was about a half hour, so they had some time to speak before reaching the hotel, and Marshall couldn't keep his smile suppressed. Thoughts of food, beach, sun, and friendly people were swirling through his head at supersonic speed and he couldn't contain himself. "So.... what do you think of this place so far? It's not where I grew up, but I've always wanted to thoroughly enjoy Sydney, its beaches and attractions. Have you seen any places you want to try out? We even have MacDonald's like America... but we call them Maccas!"

Status :

Quote : "Being human means feeling different things; love, hate, regret, solace, joy, pain, pleasure..... the world is full of jerks. Don't be another one."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 98
Age : 33
Registration date : 2019-03-18

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INV ONLY Re: Adventures in a land down under (Closed)

Post by Champion September 19th 2019, 12:45 am

Miguel gave a shrug towards the statement of the man speaking strangely, and didn’t even think about it until it was pointed out towards him. Maybe he should have seen that difference, but then again that was his own ability to ignore differences cropping up. ”Huh, I should have seen that but I guess ” He stated with an awkward smirk, eyeing the guy up and down before frowning. Aussies didn’t have the same difference in looks compared to him and anyone else around him. Still he accepted the fact he should have noticed it. Then a mention of the beach came, which seemed to have jumpstarted his spirits much more than they might have already been before. Spending some time on the beach honestly sounded pretty great, even if he had the feeling people would be staring at his tattoos more than anything else.

”Beach huh? Guess I’ll have to buy me some swimming trunks for that,” He stated he a shrug, wondering where he would do that and if the hotel they had would be any good. Didn’t expect to share a room with the kid but then again he was the one who picked out how things were. Let the person who knew what they were doing in their home country do their thing. Their luggage was being taken to the hotel, which allowed Marshall to drag him along with that superhuman strength. The pressure was there but his body seemed to be able to take any strain that came from the considerably strong man.

Once they were moved into a cab, that allowed Marshall to babble questions and the like while he listened. ”Beach is something I’m looking forward to going to. Plenty of sand, water and I always like looking into the beaches when it go to a new place,” He said already trying to imagine what the other would look like on the beach. ”nothing I’ve seen so far though. Would be pretty fine just following you along since you seem to be having all the fun here. Views fine with me,” He gave a wink, resting his chin against his palm and elbow against  the back of the seat.
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INV ONLY Re: Adventures in a land down under (Closed)

Post by RoyalAurelius September 24th 2019, 7:56 pm

Marshall's lack of perception in these matters made it nearly impossible for him to detect any of Miguel's flirtatious signals. He noticed his winking, the change in tone of voice, and the body language..... but it was a foreign concept to him. All Marshall knew was that he liked Miguel, he was comfortable with him, and he made him feel comfortable in his new surroundings. This made him want to spend time with him, a connection Marshall hasn't felt in a long while.

"Awe..... well we'll have loads of fun at the beach. The hotel is also really nice; big pool, dining area, chocolate shoppe, and there is also a few shops nearby where you can buy your shorts from. Or a speedo, whichever you prefer."

His tone was sympathetic at first, but shifted to boyish excitement once more as he sat right next to Miguel, thigh to thigh. He gave the large man a smile, wanting him to not feel uncomfortable or anything, especially since he was so far from his own home. Marshall's sympathetic nature kicked in, and now his focus was on him, striving to make him feel welcome. The cab pulled up to the hotel, magnificent as it was, and the men with them began to unload and move their luggage. This is when the excitable young man slapped Miguel's knee gently before sliding out of the car.

"Silly.... I told you to pack for a swim. I told you..... but no worries, plenty of places to buy shorts from. For now, let's get up to our room, settle in and shower, then we can head on down to the beach for some warm fun!"

Marshall proceeds to pull him from the cab, leading him up into the lobby of this fancy hotel. The outside had an entire theme of beach and sky, but the inside was elegant..... almost like royalty. Purple and gold accented curtains and carpets, marble counter tops and golden gilded lanterns. It was like a royal palace in the inside. Approaching the front, the young man checks them in as the receptionist gives them a raised eyebrow. After a moment, they were once again in an enclosed area with nobody but each other as the lift begins to slowly ascend.

Status :

Quote : "Being human means feeling different things; love, hate, regret, solace, joy, pain, pleasure..... the world is full of jerks. Don't be another one."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 98
Age : 33
Registration date : 2019-03-18

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INV ONLY Re: Adventures in a land down under (Closed)

Post by Champion October 1st 2019, 3:05 am

Miguel was growing used to the younger looking man not catching his flirtations and honestly, he found it charming. As if he were dealing with a genuinely innocent person who just didn’t know what he wanted. Maybe he did know and was just going about things in his own way. Very possible when he thought about it. ”Fair, my memory is just kind of terrible,” He admitted with a smirk as if that were something that should have been known, though he didn’t exactly share that small detail. He didn’t need the sympathetic tone but it was pretty nice, to know that apparently someone saw him in need of that kind of thing.

”Wonder if they have anything I would wear, though wonder how you think I would look in a speedo,” His smirk was playful as he allowed the men to carry away their luggage and the two of them could talk further as they slipped into an elevator and began ascending. Allowing him to think while he took in the amazing looks of the place. ”so beach after this right? Because that sounds pretty fun actually,’ He nodded along as the box stopped and he looped an arm around the other man and led him through the sliding the doors.

The room they picked out was really amazing, enough to make him actually present how amazing he thought it was. ”Wow! Don’t think I’ve ever slept in a place even half as cool as this. How much money does this lady have!?”
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INV ONLY Re: Adventures in a land down under (Closed)

Post by RoyalAurelius October 1st 2019, 3:57 am

Marshall smiled, giving a soft blush as he mentions him commenting on a speedo for swimwear. He wasn't completely oblivious, just mostly. The lift was luxurious and roomy, giving them both plenty of space, but Marshall stood closer to Miguel, for comfort. He just felt so safe and comfortable around the large man, as if he weren't resilient enough, he now has a large tank to protect him.

"It's all right, I can help to remind you... if I remember myself that is, haha." He paused with a blush and then smiled big towards him. "I'm sure you would look great in a speedo, you're in fantastic shape Miguel."

He wasn't surprised when Miguel wrapped his arm around him, walking out of the lift together as they made their way towards the room. He welcomed it in fact, however he kept his hands to himself.... mostly out of sheer shyness. This didn't make him pull away from Miguel though, just curl up slightly beneath his strong arm. Anyone looking in on them would think that Marshall was small and helpless, oh how wrong they would be.

"That's the plan, beach fun. I hear they sometimes have karate or other martial arts tourneys on the beach too. I wonder if they'll be one this year. I didn't read about anything, but then again I wasn't really looking. Sometimes they have dirty contests too, like woman's mud wrestling. I never understood that.... mud is gross, and fighting in it is even more gross...." He slipped from Miguel's arm the moment they entered the room, going straight to the bed and sliding his hands across the soft fabrics. "Wow.... the beds are so soft too.... I can't wait to lay in these clouds!"

Status :

Quote : "Being human means feeling different things; love, hate, regret, solace, joy, pain, pleasure..... the world is full of jerks. Don't be another one."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 98
Age : 33
Registration date : 2019-03-18

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INV ONLY Re: Adventures in a land down under (Closed)

Post by Champion October 1st 2019, 4:24 am

”Well yeah, these looks aren’t exactly something that just comes with super powers,’ he gave a small flex of the bi cep, almost marveling over his own work. Tattooed muscle becoming more apparent before he relaxed his arm once again. ”will have to keep that in mind though. Can’t disappoint now can I?” He took small note of the male seeming to curl into his little physical action, though he said nothing at all as the two of them stepped through the threshold of the room and took the whole thing in with a scan. What people thought of the two of them didn’t matter, because he didn’t particularly care about what they thought.

”Martial arts tournaments? Sounds like it would be pretty unfair if I signed up, though they might have some kind of prize if I win,” he stroked his chin with a free hand, considering this far more seriously than he should be. Because the sound of fighting and making money, now that sounded pretty nice. ”not sure about mud. Don’t like the feel of it getting all over me, though I guess I don’t mind it. Since I’m all about blood and thunder afterall,” The image of a barbarian did come with him, though people tended to ignore it once they came to know him.

He followed along once the man slipped from him, miming the brushing his hand along the fabric of the comforter. Woah, it felt pretty nice. ”Yeah, definitely feels like it would be nice to lay on. Almost want to jump on the thing now, ” He grinned, flashing his canines and actually doing it and stretching out over it, though that mostly composed his upper half stretching out and allowing the tension within his limbs to fade before lurching to a sitting position. ”well, think I should buy that speedo if we want to go moving to the beach,” He said almost whimsically and rolled his shoulders which let out a few pops.
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INV ONLY Re: Adventures in a land down under (Closed)

Post by RoyalAurelius October 2nd 2019, 11:06 am

Marshall laughed as Miguel leapt onto the bed without hesitation, the sheets and pillows all bouncing and fluttering from the sudden drop of weighted muscle. The bed was sturdy though, at lease enough for the larger male..... Marshall however was much more cautious as to not drop his own density onto the fragile bed. After all, it wasn't reinforced like the furniture back at the Blackguard place.

"Miguel, the bed was so neat and clean.... you couldn't leave it like that for a little longer?" Marshall was of course joking, but he found it entertaining to be able to speak to him like that. If he spoke to Victor like that.... he would probably shoot him. His lips curled into a sweet smile before he began to explore the rest of the bedroom. He continued to look around, almost as if he was searching for something, all the while he was speaking as well.

"As for the tourney, I believe the prize is cash. They always give cash and I think a trophy..... I forget what shape it's in though. A fist.... or a kick..... or perhaps it just has 'Strongest' written on it. It's been so long, the tourney must have changed a bit." He then stopped and turned to Miguel, who was still laying across the bed like a sculpted god statue. "I do agree though, it would be unfair for you to join.... it's why I never joined. I didn't want to hurt the others.... or be called a cheater. I can't explain myself to the people out there..."

At this point, Marshall makes his way towards the bed and sits upon the edge. Leaning down, he slips his shoes and socks off, letting them air out as he then lies down gently on his side of the bed next to Miguel. "Sorry we have to share a bed.... we could have gotten seperate rooms, but that seemed impolite of me."

Status :

Quote : "Being human means feeling different things; love, hate, regret, solace, joy, pain, pleasure..... the world is full of jerks. Don't be another one."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 98
Age : 33
Registration date : 2019-03-18

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INV ONLY Re: Adventures in a land down under (Closed)

Post by Champion October 2nd 2019, 5:47 pm

”Oh no, definitely couldn’t just leave it like that. Bed doesn’t look right unless the blankets are messy,” Miguel stated with a shrug which somehow managed to ruffle the covers under him even more. He didn’t partic8ularly mind being spoken to like that and in a sense he liked to think that was part of his charm. People always seemed to be more relaxed around him, as if they didn’t need to impress him or something stupid like that.  

Miguel watched Marshall explore the room from his little seat on the bed, wondering what he would find on that trek but expecting nothing beyond the normal fancy stuff that came with expensive hotel rooms. He was aware that fighting would be cheating, but then again that reminded him of something. He seemed to unsnap something from one of the belt loops from the back of his shorts and considered the well-worn leather bracelet.

”Well, even if I had normal person strength I would still probably win. I’m pretty good at fighting actually, ” The bed shifted when Marshall sat on it, causing him to turn towards him and arcing a brow. ”don’t mind sharing a bed. So long as you don’t mind that I can be a little into cuddling,” He smirked, gauging how the guy would react considering most people tended to have one or two reactions really.

Well maybe more but that was just mincing words at this point.

”Pretty polite of ya though. Only way to get some team bonding done I guess,” He leaned back and joined the other in laying down. Well, maybe he would mind sharing a bed with someone so adorable.  ”so do you want to share a bed with me for a little bit or are we gonna get ready for the beach. I’m fine with both really,” He smiled flirtatiously, giving a light wink and allowing the man to respond.
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INV ONLY Re: Adventures in a land down under (Closed)

Post by RoyalAurelius October 3rd 2019, 10:51 pm

He smiles and nods, seeming to let the cuddling comment roll down his back. Marshall had not been physically intimate with someone for a good long while, and all Miguel's flirtations were basically hit or miss..... mostly miss. He still knew that he liked him, and enjoyed spending time with him, especially after what happened back in New York. He then chuckled and looked to him, a more curious expression upon his face now.

"So, does that mean you're going to fight in the tourney? I mean.... I can't stop you, but it isn't fair. I... kind of thought about it, but I'm afraid, as I said, that I would hurt someone unintentionally. I'm really strong, I know this..... and I tend to break things without realising.... I'm pretty clumsy...." He was clearly embarrassed about his strength, finding it difficult to perform simple tasks like brushing his teeth without snapping the brush or causing the tube to explode with paste flying everywhere. "It's.... kind of the reason I don't punch or kick.... even bad guys.... I'd hurt them really bad.... I once broke a mugger's arm when he tried to stab me, and all I did was push his arm so he didn't actually poke me."

The young man began to recede into himself, tightly wrapping his hands around his stomach as if there was a pain, but all he was feeling was insecurity. This was the first time in a long while that Marshall actually spoke to anyone, intimately, about his feelings on his abilities. He always either hid it as best he could, or avoided drawing too much attention to himself. Marshall was not one for the spotlight, and he felt Miguel may understand this.... despite his clear natural fighting ability. "I'm sorry..... I don't mean to be a downer.... I just.... never spoke to someone like this, person to person. I mean, I told the boss lady..... but that was more of a test thing... and she destroyed my whole building to make sure I was who I was..... that sucked." His head tilts to the side, Marshall feeling somewhat guilty for speaking about his boss like this, especially when it was her funds that gave them this vacation.

Status :

Quote : "Being human means feeling different things; love, hate, regret, solace, joy, pain, pleasure..... the world is full of jerks. Don't be another one."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 98
Age : 33
Registration date : 2019-03-18

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INV ONLY Re: Adventures in a land down under (Closed)

Post by Champion October 4th 2019, 12:18 am

” Probably not, despite how much I really want to join. I’d be too skilled for them so it would just be no fun,” Miguel gave an almost non-committal shrug as he noted the male seem to fall into…self-consciousness. He couldn’t tell really, though that otherwise happy expression seemed to fall somewhat. Miguel sighed and allowed himself to inch closer, wrapping an arm around Marshall and pulling him into a half hearted hug as if that did something. To hear the boss lady destroyed a building to test the guy he was now trying to comfort made him feel…something.

”She’s kind of a bitch isn’t she?” He stated with a chuckle, thinking back to the time that he did get recruited by Katrina. ”when I was young I used to have a hard time controlling my strength. I always felt…violent I guess and it was harder back then. Found out I’m some kind of war god or demi-god and  I know that’s not an excuse. Still…I do have something that might be able to help you with your strength problem if you want,” He presented the worn leather bracelet and tried to shift the mans wrist to try and tried to apply it.

”This thing was the only reason I didn’t go around hurting people. Wore it…ever since I could remember so I wonder if it’ll do something to your strength. Used to lower mine to…well more normal levels but maybe it’ll make control easy,” If there was one thing, he knew what it was like to feel terrible about uncontrollable strength. ”think this thing is magic, so that’s why it does the thing it does with strength.” He smiled as if trying to assure Marshall, though perhaps that was just him trying to help someone.
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INV ONLY Re: Adventures in a land down under (Closed)

Post by RoyalAurelius October 4th 2019, 2:11 pm

Marshall cracked a half-hearted smile, feeling Miguel wrap his arm around him in a semi-sort of hug. Despite how small it was, it felt a lot better then someone trying to hurt him, or test his durability. Most people don't realise that even though Marshall is very durable, he can still feel pain and is in fact quite sensitive to the sensation of touch. He had to wonder if Miguel knew that already.

"Heh.... yeah, I guess she can be a little mean at times." He then allowed his wrist to be manipulated by Miguel, letting him apply the bracelet to him. It wasn't very thick or heavy, but he could feel that it was a magical item and was much tougher than it looked. "A bracelet huh? I like it, it's very fashionable." It was only attached to his wrist for a moment, but there was a significant difference in Marshall's physiology. The bed actually lightened up, the weight of the young man seeming to disappear in an instant.

"W-Whoa.... that... that feels weird.... it's like.... my whole body just feels so much lighter now. What did this thing do to me?" Marshall shifts his large, hazel eyes towards Miguel's with curiosity and wonderment. What exactly happened to him.... he felt... like a feather.

Status :

Quote : "Being human means feeling different things; love, hate, regret, solace, joy, pain, pleasure..... the world is full of jerks. Don't be another one."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 98
Age : 33
Registration date : 2019-03-18

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INV ONLY Re: Adventures in a land down under (Closed)

Post by Champion October 8th 2019, 4:32 am

Miguel knew their shared boss could be less than nice more often than not, especially considering the nature of their job to begin with. That all made the fact that a guy like Marshall working alongside him even more interesting. How did she talk a guy who didn’t even like to fight to join a group all about the fighting? It was only when he allowed an arm to wrap around the young man that he noticed he wasn’t meant for fighting, despite how dense and durable he truly was. ”Pretty mean when the mood hits her,” He agreed with a small nod, smirking slightly as if the guy agreeing with him was pretty amusing.

Luckily he didn’t have to struggle to put the bracelet on, hearing the statement about how it looked fashionable. ”Not sure about that but it got the job done,” He said with as much of a shrug allowed considering how they were laying down. ”glad you like it though. Might bring together whatever outfits you might try to wear with it,” If the kid was really even concerned with the idea of something like looking good in the clothes he put on. Once the clasp was done, and put around his wrist he noted the sensation of the bed lightening up. Not sagging against and closer to the floor as if a heavy weight were lifted from it.

He seemed to be thinking that over while the male reacted, almost surprised that anything happened at all. It made him think back when he tried to push Marshall and got nothing at all. ”Well normally it made my strength lower to more…human levels but maybe if works different with you?” He seemed to slide from the bed, rising to his feet and leaning over to actually lift Marshall. He knew even without super strength he should have been able to lift someone of normal weight that had the guys same build. So he expected to be able to easily lift him from the bed and up off the floor if that were the case. If the bracelet had somehow not made him weigh so much.

”Huh, seems like it made you weight…waaay less,” he smiled widely with a toothy grin. ”guess that means swimming’s on the table right?”
Post Mate
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Registration date : 2015-07-29

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INV ONLY Re: Adventures in a land down under (Closed)

Post by RoyalAurelius October 12th 2019, 11:55 am

Marshall was now thinking about the young girl who had so brazenly destroyed his building and job, all in the name of a simple test. Admittedly, the young and timid seeming boy was still frustrated about what she had done..... but ultimately he did agree to come here. Maybe it's just the fact that being a super hero wasn't as glamorous or colourful as he initially thought. This was a huge step from stopping back alley muggings and rapes. He never even got a chance to stop a robbery, or police chase. He cracked a smile near the end of his thought train, Miguel now swirling around and making him feel warm once again.

A blush would cross his cheeks as he worked on his wrist, the intimacy of the situation naturally making him curious as to their friendship. Marshall wasn't one to pick up on romantic gestures and flirtation, but in his mind he felt much closer to Miguel than he did the other heroes. At least the ones he has met so far, plus him Miguel and him could agree that their boss wasn't the friendliest person around, which made Marshall that much more comfortable with him. He simply gave a nod, taking in the new sensation that he was feeling throughout his body. Was this what everyone else felt all the time, or was it simply because all the immense weight of his seemingly fragile figure was lifting in an instant. Regardless of that, Marshall felt like a cloud, and he wanted to enjoy it as much as he could. That was when Miguel stood from the bed and approached him, lifting the young man up with no effort whatsoever, causing his eyes to glow with excitement.

"Whoa..... you can... you can lift me!? I feel so incredibly light now! You're bracelet must have done something with my heavy body....... THAT MEANS I CAN SWIM!!!!!" The last bit of his statement was a shout of pure bliss and excitement as he wriggled from Miguel's grip and dropped to the floor. He winced lightly, but he didn't cause a tremor or break through the floor. Like a child on Christmas morning, he began to run around the luxurious room, feeling like he could leap over the moon with his new body. One last test before leaving though.... the bed. Marshall eyed it before he leapt with his entire body, bouncing lightly on the fluffy material as the blankets and sheets all ruffle and flail from his significantly lighter weight landing firmly in the centre. Within moments he was back on his feet as he ran to Miguel and wrapped his arms around him, giving him a tight squeeze to show his gratitude and appreciation for the new item he had given him. At this moment, Miguel would feel that Marshall maintained his strength, but it was far less destructive..... now in check with this bracelet.

Status :

Quote : "Being human means feeling different things; love, hate, regret, solace, joy, pain, pleasure..... the world is full of jerks. Don't be another one."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 98
Age : 33
Registration date : 2019-03-18

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INV ONLY Re: Adventures in a land down under (Closed)

Post by Champion November 29th 2019, 7:10 pm

Miguel had been wondering what the bracelet would do but as he lifted the formerly heavy individual he found him now much lighter. Even as heavy as someone of his height and build should weigh. ”Yeah,, you can do that,” He stated with a nod and a small smile, watching the guy run around the room like someone who had been told they won the lottery or like they could go to the chocolate factory. Now he wanted chocolate. The frolicking ended when he leapt onto the bed, sending ripples through it but not causing him to crash through the floor and through the possibly shattered bed.

The hug that followed did show that he wasn’t weaker by much, mostly by how his back popped and he was pretty sure the kid could snap him in half if he got a little too excited. ”Alright alright, try not to hug me too tight.” Miguel said with a mildly strained chuckle, giving the guy a one armed hug ands pulling back once the hug was broken. Not that he minded being hugged, because there was something about physical contact that pleased him.  Granted that was not an unexpected considering what people knew about him.

”So let’s take this thing for a ride and see if we can get’cha swimming.” Miguel stated, thinking on what he could do as far as something to swim in, considering people likely would have been annoyed by him either wearing only his underwear or his own clothes. Since those weren’t meant to be swam in normally. Would leave him uncomfortably wet. ”not really much for martial arts tournaments anyway, since i’m pretty sure there’s no one who could fight me evenly anyway.” Miguel shrugged, fully aware the kind of skill that he possessed. ”though I could probably try wrestling a shark, even if that would probably be boring anyway.” Regardless if Marshall agreed to the beach thing, he would lead them  out to the beach after making a quick stop for some trunks.
Post Mate
Post Mate

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 184
Registration date : 2015-07-29

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