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Winner takes all [pv Danny]

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Winner takes all [pv Danny] Empty Winner takes all [pv Danny]

Post by Jean Robert Boisvenu May 8th 2019, 6:09 pm


She opened her eyes and found herself face to face with her target, now her father. He lowered himself on his knees to be at her level.

-Listen, I know you don't like dresses, but daddy has really important customers today, so you have to act like a well behaved little girl!

-But it's all itchy!

She was scratching on the collar of her dress, the other hand remained in her back. But her eyes were pleading, she was sure the old man would fold under her gaze. She bit her lower lips for even more effect on him.

-No! You're not gonna get away with this! I need you to behave today! If you do, I'll give you anything!

She felt... annoyed, it wasn't a thing she wanted! She wanted her daddy! He was never at home, always working! And she was really tired of getting presents in lieu of caring. She was just a decorative thing to display to guests. Well if he didn't care about her, she wouldn't care about what was going to happen to him.


-Anything, you name it!

-I wanna try the Cleopatra Necklace!


-It's so shiny and sparkly, and it belonged to a queen. It would make me so beautiful!

-But it's a treasure honey!

-Am I not your treasure?!

-Well yes but...

-Please daddy, my little daddy. I promise to be the perfect little girl you always wanted!



-Yes Really, but you have to promise me to be on your best behaviour.

-Pinky promise!

She held her little finger out, waiting for her father to seal the deal. She hated each and every words she just uttered, even a necklace as pretty as it was was at best boring but what she wanted to do, well it was gonna be so exciting, so fun and she wouldn't be punished because technically well she wouldn't do anything bad. Her father shaked her finger with his.

-I love you daddy!

He hugged her and brought her to the limo. While seating, she put the thing she was hiding into her little purse. So far everything was going according to plan. Well except she would have to behave and it promised to be sooo boring. As to why she needed a limo to go back home... well probably something like a divorce with shared custody.

For what she got, her father was too busy totake care of her and he thought that he could replace love with presents. Also she hated dress and sparkly lovely glittery things. But anyway, what was going to happen wasn't linked to anything the man did to his daughter. No it was just a bet, a bet made by JB with a lady called Danny. He must have been really drunk to spill the beans, but a bet was a bet, whatever state he was in. The first one to steal the Cleopatra Necklace, one of the most heavily guarded jewelry. Well you can't guard against everyone and certainly not against the apple of your eyes, even if she was rotten at the core. Still he had to buy a replica, the same one that she hid in her purse.

Wonder if Danny still remembers their bet, probably not in this reality, JB never existed. However she did seem quite interested in this necklace.

The limo was parked and she was escorted by maids to be toroughly cleaned, brushed and dressed. Then the bell rung. Looks like papa's guest were here, wonder what they would be like.

Jean Robert Boisvenu
Jean Robert Boisvenu

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 21
Registration date : 2019-04-29

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Winner takes all [pv Danny] Empty Re: Winner takes all [pv Danny]

Post by Danny The Sphinx May 14th 2019, 1:00 am

Danny wiped her hands on a paper towel and tossed it aside after applying the last bit of shadow to her eyelid. "Suzy, I already told you, I don't know why, I just think something odd is going to happen with the thing of Cleopatra."

"It's a necklace. It's called the Necklace of Cleopatra. Also, Bliss doesn't want to babysit a kid. Also, I don't know why we are babysitting a kid." Tsukimi wore a black dress with lace around the shoulders that finally fell down just above her knees.

"It's all a part of the plan." Danny put her applicator back in her bag. Her bracelet stayed attached to her open arm, contrasting the white sleeveless dress that hugged her form all the way down to her knees. A curly updo kept the rest of her hair styled out of her face.

"What's the plan?" Tsukimi backed away from the mirror and took her phone out, typing up a message.

"It's another feeling. I have a feeling about this plan. Mitsy and Erica can both be in on it too." Danny took out her phone and took to her part of the plan.

Together, the duo stepped out of the bathroom, not seeing Bliss, Erica, or Mitsuko in her immediate eyesight. The gala already began to wind up around the courtyard of the mansion. Danny knew to expect a small child at the front door for some reason. She could not explain how or why she knew it, but she did know she should expect a child- no, not just a child, the child of the man currently in possession of the Necklace of Cleopatra.

A knock came at the front door, away from the festivities. "The plan has begun." Danny walked towards the door to open it. "I can feel it."

The door opened, presenting Danny and Tsukimi to the young daughter.

Winner takes all [pv Danny] Giphy

Danny's Partners (Tsukimi, Tori, and Abby)

The Dress Shoppe Danny Stole From Bliss
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Number of posts : 849
Registration date : 2014-09-28

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Winner takes all [pv Danny] Empty Re: Winner takes all [pv Danny]

Post by Jean Robert Boisvenu May 19th 2019, 3:10 am

-You are...

-Oh yes, I forgot about that. Karin meet Danny and Tsukimi, they will stay with you while daddy is taking care of the guests.

-I won't stay with you?

She felt... betrayed. She was under the impression that she would have to stay with him, that somehow he would be proud to introduce her to all this people who stole him  away from her. Even if it was boring! Well looks like she didn't matter as much as his collection! Well she already knew that and it was so... unfair!

-But daddy...

-Now now dear! Remember, you promised!

The anger and the hurt were overwhelming! She was shaking to hold it all in.But she pinky promised, and pinky promises were really, really, really serious and she wouldn't break them!  Besides, she needed to get closer to the necklace to punish him. She took a deep breath and counted until ten to calm herself.

-Now that you decided to be reasonable, why don't you introduce yourself.

She curtsied in front of the two ladys. Like a well behaved little girl who wasn't thinking about a way to punish her meanie of a daddy who was just a jerk! However she couldn't stop her face to show that she was displeased.

-Pleased to meet you mrs Danny, mrs Tsukimi.My name is Karin.

Her tone didn't show any warmth, all her anger was directed to her father. To anyone, there was no douvt she was pouting.

-I'm sorry, I really don't know what came over her. Normally she is such a sweet girl. Once again, I'm really glad that you were available . When Mrs Robinson told me she couldn't come...

Out of habit, she let the adults speak between themselves. This lady, there was no doubt... she was Danny. The Danny she made a bet with. Did she remember it? In her mind it was a bit hazy, however JB did drink too much. Even if she didn't, she was certainly here to steal the necklace.

Well she wouldn't let it happen. It was her daddy's necklace, and no thief, even a pretty lady would take it from him! She hugged her daddy's leg while staring intently at the two ladies. How would they steal it, did they have top secret gadgets, like in the movie?  Maybe a grappling hook! But where could it be hidden, not in their clothes because...

-Your dresses are really short.
Jean Robert Boisvenu
Jean Robert Boisvenu

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 21
Registration date : 2019-04-29

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Winner takes all [pv Danny] Empty Re: Winner takes all [pv Danny]

Post by Danny The Sphinx May 19th 2019, 7:27 am

"They're not really short." Danny looked down to her mostly covered thighs. "They are just more accommodating for dealing with situations that could occur and need a swift dealing with."

"You didn't say there was a dresscode." Tsukimi kneeled down to talk to the little girl. "They aren't short. We're just too tall." While somewhat true with Danny and Tsukimi both standing over five foot nine, they still could have invested a little more in cloth.

"We're here to take care of you tonight." Danny leaned her head down, but remained fully prostrate. "You know, make sure you have plenty of fun with everything going on."

While Danny and Tsukimi prepare for having tons of fun, Bliss and her group fell prey to the preliminary strikes from a well organized group of rabble wreckers. One by one, they dragged Bliss, Mitsuko, and Erica off to a supply room, while taking their position as wait staff. Secretly armed wait staff. They nabbed the first three easily, but their intel said only one of them would be meta powered, grabbing the second meta could be more difficult- unless they had an easy way to compromise her. Say, a child to use as a shield.

Slowly, and unbeknownst to Tsukimi and Danny, the infiltrators began to take their positions.

Winner takes all [pv Danny] Giphy

Danny's Partners (Tsukimi, Tori, and Abby)

The Dress Shoppe Danny Stole From Bliss
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 849
Registration date : 2014-09-28

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Winner takes all [pv Danny] Empty Re: Winner takes all [pv Danny]

Post by Chellizard May 20th 2019, 2:10 am

Danny gets XP. Trashed.

-My DeviantArt-
Winner takes all [pv Danny] JiLqjv0
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Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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