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Ruining Everything

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INV ONLY Re: Ruining Everything

Post by Kubi Tsuru May 17th 2019, 6:58 am



He fucking hated clowns. And now this fucking pumpkin-spice smelling, carrot-in-the-ass having fucking demon turned into a giant flaming one. Oh, hell no. He wasn’t honestly expected; I mean, really, what else could he do but fucking turn away? Hell, he was halfway out the door at the first sight of the fuckin’ thing and woulda been halfway to downtown if one important, stupid fucking thing didn’t get in his way; those fucking hostages. He seriously couldn’t just leave ‘em. Shit, if that demon clown was gonna fuck him up, think about what’d it do to normal people.

He sighed heavily, returning his attention to battle just in time. A flaming pin was aimed straight for his face; a startled yip burst from him. He barely managed to grab it on time. Oh, he was getting ticked now; the brown energy surrounded his body again were tinted by red. That was it. He turns into a clown, terrorizes innocent folk, now he’s throwing shit at his face? His fingers clenched, shattering the material into dust. Oh, but the look in his eyes now was one of rage and frustration … and fear. Oh, yeah, he was pissed, but that didn’t get rid of the primal fear of fuckin’ clowns.

They were just so goddamn creepy.

Still, heroes gotta hero. A crack of his neck, and there was a waver in the armor-like material surrounding him. Muscles strained and his skin seemed to stretch as Kubi pushed his limits to their maximum. Oh, yeah, it hurt, wouldn’t be long before little cuts and bruises started to appear. Even as durable as his body was, it couldn’t handle this much power for long and it would start to break down. Hopefully, it would be enough. He took a step, the sheer force behind it shaking the sand underneath him. A single finger pointed dramatically at Jack, framed against the sunlight of the Chicago sky.

”Listen here, you piece of magic trash. Seriously, I fucking hate magic. You may be a creepy ass, terrified fucking clown right now, but don’t think I’ll hesitate to whoop your fuckin’ ass halfway back to Hell where ya belong. And yer pretty li’l girlfriend over there as well! Ya hear? Give the fuck up!”

He shuddered at the look on the clowns face, but persisted nonetheless. The sheer aura of power around him, the amount of energy pouring off him, could put a nuclear power plant to shame.

Kubi Tsuru
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INV ONLY Re: Ruining Everything

Post by Zonkes June 3rd 2019, 6:56 pm

Jack saw how his act was affecting people and especially his target. He decided that it simply wasn't worth the time and energy to keep it up for this one man. "Alright, Tsuru. You win. I give up." Jack said, dropping his phoboform and looking to Kitty.

He grinned wildly as he stared at the woman in her arms. "Then again..." He flicked a fireball into the womans head, and watched as she became a simple black grease stain on the floor. "This is a lot more fun."

"Hey, Spider-Guy or whatever the hell you are. You handle the metal man, I'll take the regenerating degenerate, and Kitty can take the big guy. If anyone else joins in, handle them." Jack said, knowing full well that he could take out the regenerator faster than anyone else in the room. It sure helped when one was afraid of their weakness.

Suddenly, Jack began to fall apart, or... No. Not fall apart; he was transforming again. Jack fell to the ground in quite literally a million pieces. The sandy floor began moving as maggots with tiny pumpkin marks on their backs converged on the one who revealed his power to them mere moments before. They crawled up the legs of those who were trying to escape, transforming them into meatless skeletons in a matter of moments.
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Quote : I sure love to manipulate people.

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Registration date : 2017-01-10

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INV ONLY Re: Ruining Everything

Post by Puglife43vr June 3rd 2019, 8:30 pm

"Whatever you say, fire clown demon- Oh look, now he's some maggots! Pretty cool. Matches my whole spider aesthetic. Just make my cut relatively large and we'll work well together."

Harry turns to face Kubi. The amount of energy pouring off him would make even this career criminal shudder.

"You're a big boy, aren't ya? Hey, demon guy, how much do you want to bet that I can take out several of these guys at once? I also have a few questions. What's a demon maggot creature gonna do with cash? An Arachnadude has got bills to pay, but don't you just go back to hell and crash at Satan's place?"

Arachnadude grapples onto a wall, yanking himself at high speeds, flying through the air. Another grapple is fired into a pillar as he swings around gaining momentum. The heroes would see in his hand a grapple connected to a large couch.

"C'mon now, heroes! Take a seat. Have a drink! I think this fine leather would fit you all nicely!"

He lands before the heroes and the couch is swung down upon them. It's pretty hefty as well, a few hundred pounds at least.

"Don't get my couch dirty or I'll have to stain your super suits with the dye packets in the vault!"

After the hefty attack, Harry web zips to a chandelier, hanging upside down. He uses the ultimate super power that is the power of observation! The arachnadude peers over at the heroes to see how they react. If he can gauge their powers and level of experience, he can easily defeat them. Or so he thought.

Ruining Everything  - Page 2 HRN5OeL
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INV ONLY So Many...

Post by FantasyBound June 7th 2019, 12:44 am

So he just HAD to be stopped by some crazy lady. She went on about this Lorraine lady, she had a ring to her neck and threatened to make things nasty, so Lucas just stood there, obviously held in a pretty peculiar position. The one guy there started making a threat of sorts, kinda more an obligatory result of things, was he gonna let her go or something after this? Luke didn’t like the position he was in, not one bit, so he decided, the best thing to do was a stall,

” I see where in quite a position here. Well I mean, I could leave and let you kill all these innocent people… But if I move, this sweet lady will...”

Luke felt heat, then he saw before him the hostage catching on fire, in a moment, she ended up just a pile of grease on the floor, he would look to the ground a moment, thinking how screwed he was in this situation; so far both villains revealed they were very powerful, then that newcomer spider guy seems to be some nuisance, but if Lucas where to be distracted things, could screw up real fast with Spider-assassin or whatever the hell he was. Lucas took the time to swing his ax at the freaky woman in front of him, hopefully even just grazing her would give him some confidence that this wasn’t hopeless.

Lucas heard something behind him… rustling, squirming, minor squeals. A chill went up his spin, he turned around to see what appeared to be a mass of… Maggots! He would stumble back, frightened to an incredible degree, some people would get these putrid creatures in them, and with screams turn to dust, maggots upon maggots. Lucas would try his best, using his okay arm and making a slapping motion, a gust of wind would blow a bunch of them back, but oh, that wasn’t enough; they crawled into his legs, he watched in panicked horror as he saw the couple that made themselves present in his body, he felt the dry paths they were carving in his body, the pain was dull, but that just made it worse. Luke would start gagging, looking panicked as he felt them in his thigh, he desperately clawed at his regenerating flesh, pulling apart flesh as he scrambled and pushed his way from the rest of them, he pulled chunks from his skin, sandy tunnels dug through his flesh, and he saw purple veins, the flesh grew gray in his hand and soft, they were doing some messed up shit to him, and he was near to lying in the fetal position… But he knew if these things got to the others, they likely wouldn’t survive… With something in mind, he crawled his way away from the maggots, shuddering and gagging. He needed to stay away from everyone, these things wanted him, so he decided to let them have him, just as long as the others can hopefully make it.
There goes the mighty Revenant, crawling his way away from everyone in desperation and in hopes to have the maggots follow him, his skin was turning a weird gray and purple, not his normal grey either, and giant purple veins would show, alongside the bumps that were the maggots traveling in his flesh. His body wasn’t healing as fast as it normally does, and he started slowing down, this was how he was going to die maybe…

Nah, not time to die. He looked up, feeling the squirming things going up his spine, oh the horrid feeling, he crawled on, looking back to make sure the maggots where following him, attempting to actually do something, squishing them, but oh, the gooey feeling in between his finger made them feel like he was on the inside of a horrid beast, he wretched as he tried killing them, after about maybe ten, not even, he would look around, so many… So many… So Many… SO Many… SO MANY! He screamed, before curling up, this felt terrible, he just wanted it to stop, he wanted this all to just… STOP! He kept on, muttering, rocking, curled up,

So many… So many… So many...
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INV ONLY Re: Ruining Everything

Post by Katrina A. Russel June 23rd 2019, 8:07 pm

She sensed, more than saw, the spectacle Jack was about to make, another side effect of their connection. As the fire burst from him, almost in slow motion, he let go, flipping backwards gracefully to avoid the splash of the woman's greasy corpse. She only has one outfit after all, and it would be a shame to spoil it with something as ugly as body oil. Really, any kind of body oil, that was gross. She giggled at the stain on the floor, seeping into the floorboards, filling the room with a stench that could only be described as “burning human”. For good reason, too, as that’s exactly what it was. For it to smell like anything else would just be weird. Despite her glee at the brutal way the woman was massacred, she couldn’t let Jack get off scot free.

”Dammit, Jack!” She spun to face the source of her ire, ready to tear him a new one, but the sight of his grinning, all-too-handsome visage sent chills down her spine, her simmering anger fading to a nearly non-existent spark. It was kinda scary, if she was honest, this hold he had on her. It almost wasn’t natural, an enchantment of some kind, not that Jack was capable of such a thing. No, he was very much the “curses and hexes” kind of magic, which she appreciated about him. Lips, previously curled in anger, smoothed out into one of adoration. ”I ain’t fireproof, you ass. Next time you’re gonna burn what I”m holding, give a girl a warning!” She was serious, of course, but she said it with the same look of burning adoration she had fixed on him the entire time.

”Right, Jacky, but you owe me after this!”

A gleeful yell and she was off, ignoring the mess of maggots that became of her boyfriend. Dating a demon, you were used to this sort of thing. Or, “dating”. S’pose it wasn’t official yet, but hey, they’re killin’ civilians together, if that’s not true love, who knew what was? She had already chosen her path, gold rings surrounding her, across the shattered floor, golden circles blossoming across the sandy surroundings like desert lilies. A flash of light, and a sword appeared in her hand, a wickedly sharp, Egyptian-style blade, golden metal glistening in the light, and she raised her hand to strike at the large man. Kubi saw her coming and could only raise an eyebrow.

”Yo, yer sending small, dark, and crazy against me? Kinda smart, kinda dumb. I ain’t gonna hit her, but she isn’t gonna be able to do shit to-”

And then, a burst of blood as the blade buried itself into his shoulder. A gasp from both of them, one in pain, one in surprise. Blood poured from the wound, and as Kitty pulled the blade from his shoulder with a sickening suction sound, Kubi could only hiss in pain and surprise. Katrina danced away, staring at the blade in surprise. The calloused hand of Kubi came to rest on his shoulder, blood pulsing from between his fingers, running down the costume, staining the bear red. It had been a long time since he felt the taste of a blade; the bloodlust started to rise in him, the rage of a younger man. He struggled to contain, to shove it down, but the red started to spread through his aura, as if his blood was staining the incorporeal as well.

”My, you’re tough.” Kubi’s eyes snapped up, focusing on the villainess in front of him. The sword was spinning rapidly, but casually, as if she didn’t consider Kubi a threat at all. A detached grin spread across her face, overjoyed at the idea that this wouldn’t be so simple after all. ”Tougher than you look, and you look quite tough, after all! Jacky made the right choice-” And mid-sentence, she lunged at him, but Kubi was ready. His left arm, the non-injured one, blocked the blade, grabbing her by her little wrist and stopping her short. Not to say it was easy, though; a wave of force spread through his body, forcing his frame downwards and cracking the concrete underneath his feet. He grunted and looked up just in time to avoid the backwards sweeping kick; the force of it moved his hair and wrenched her from his grip.

Kubi scrambled backwards, leaning on a wall for support, instinctively raising an arm to protect himself; he wasn’t outclassed, per se, but definitely taken by surprise. This … little girl was a god damned minx. But before he could marshal a defense, Kitty lost interest in the giant of a man. No, instead her ire was drawn towards the spider-like “villain”, if he dared to call himself such, that was currently attacking the metal guy with … a … cough. How creative. But his choice of improvised weaponry wasn’t what drew her anger; it was the callous way he spoke about her Jack! No one, absolutely no one, dared to talk to him like that! Like a viper, her arm flicked out, sending two shuriken at mach speeds towards the “spider dude”. They wouldn’t hit him, she doesn’t wanna kill ‘im, just teach him a lesson. What they would do is impact the ceiling with enough force to knock him completely to the ground and leave a gaping hole clear to the sunshine outside.

”You. Are. So. Annoying! Seriously, stop talking so much, and stop talking about Jack, you insufferable- mmf!”

A massive hand clamped over her mouth, lifting her clear off the ground and into an equally massive chest. A crushing bear hug kept her arms pinned to her side and robbed her lungs of air; blood gathered in a tiny pool at Kubi’s feet, the result of the rather nasty wound he managed to gather from her blade. He was no longer playing around. The aura around him was pitch black, rolling and twisting with his emotions, and within them was the barely-visible form of Kitty, struggling to find purchase on the armor. Audible cracks and groans emitted from the giants body, the result of simply too much power being poured through him; tears in his skin, starting at the joints, began, first thin white lines, and slowly widening to gaping wounds across his body. Despite the pain, Kubi didn’t relent, merely leaning against a wall for support.

”If … if ya’ll could hurry up, that’d be great. Can’t contain the little weasel for much longer.”
Katrina A. Russel
Katrina A. Russel
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INV ONLY Re: Ruining Everything

Post by inquisitor June 24th 2019, 11:09 pm

The chunk of concrete fell from Gavins hand. He brought both up to protect his eyes from the flash of fire, as Jack burnt the hostage to a grease stain. He frowned, and made to step forwards, when Jack yelled orders to the woman and the spider looking guy, and then fell apart into a mass of maggots.

"Right.... Things are getting real weird around here," he muttered to himself. He tilted his head, and looked up, just in time to watch the guy throw a couch at him, and then swing himself up to hang from the chandelier. Gavin grinned, and brought his free hand and his clenched fist up. The hand caught the couch, with the fist supporting it. Looking up at the man, Gavin chuckled.

"You're gonna have to do better than that, little man," he called, before swinging the couch up and around, and throwing it full force at the chandelier.

After throwing the couch, Gavin shot his hands down, and grabbed the support column he had caught earlier. With a grunt of effort, he wrapped both arms around the column, gave it a heave, and spun in place, bringing the column up as he did. Gauging the time right, he let go, sending the pillar up after the couch.

"Try something like this!" he yelled, glaring up at the man, his eyes flashing. "You think you can come here, rob this place, and start killing people, and walk away freely?"

The steel giant ground his teeth together, shifting his eyes from Arachnadude, to Kitty, and then the mass of maggots on the ground.

Last edited by inquisitor on July 5th 2019, 10:16 am; edited 1 time in total
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Quote : Fellas, you can walk out of here on your own two legs, or the EMTs can wheel you out on stretchers. Make the right choice. -Gavin Clough

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Location : Being bouyed by the laughter of podlings.
Age : 34
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Registration date : 2019-03-30

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INV ONLY Re: Ruining Everything

Post by Zonkes June 26th 2019, 3:23 pm

Jack was enjoying himself inside of this hero, his fear was so tasty. He could feel his thousands of bodies tear him apart from the inside, and it was one of the most satisfying experiences of his life. However, through his thousands of eyes; he saw that the rest of his group wasn't doing as well. Hrm. The spider guy was expendable, but... That big hairy ape had his hands on his girl! That wouldn't do. Almost immediately, the wave of maggots turned and rushed Kubi.

They crawled up his legs en masse, attempting to crawl into his ears, eyes and even his nostrils. The crawled up his pant legs, snuck their way into his shirt; they found their way into his er...  less family-friendly areas and began to chew. Every one of the maggots knew what to do until finally, only a few remained off of Kubi.

That's when Jack transformed some of the outer maggots into the shape of his arm and his head. "No one touches my Kitty Kat, not even a gigantic bear pawed oaf like you." He grabbed Kitty by the shoulder and pushed down on her gently, making her intangible as she went down.

He then turned his attention towards the man fighting with the Spider-Dude. Tendrils of orange energy shot free from his fingers and wrapped around the metal man. Metal creaked under the strain of a new body being formed, soon revealing a clown with a bright orange jack o lantern on the back of its outfit. The gray metal, while still metal, took on a distinctly white coloration, except in his eyes; which took on a deep pink coloration.

"You're so gonna regret that." Screamed the floating head, before releasing a torrent of flame all around the room; catching his own maggots ablaze as the intangible arm held onto Kitty, ensuring she was safe and pushing her outside as best he could.
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INV ONLY Re: Ruining Everything

Post by Puglife43vr July 5th 2019, 8:24 am

Harry peers down at the flaming maggots, writhing on the ground as they're toasted."Really, dude? How are you going to get any cash if your burn down the whole Bank!"

Arachnadude's enhanced perception gives him an early warning about the incoming shurikens as he's mounted on the chandelier. He watches as they slam into the roof and shake the chandelier. The chandelier would fall with Arachnadude still sticking to it.

"C'mon, woman! Gotta admit it's a lil accurate!"

Arachnadude observed Gavin's power while falling on the chandelier. Hairs stood up all over his body, detecting the couch being thrown back at him by Gavin. The couch neared closer when a pillar was launched! Hm. He'd have to dodge the two objects... Or destroy one and dodge the other. Or somehow destroy both.

Harry would swiftly flip further up the falling chandelier and fire a grapple into the ceiling, gripping the chain of the chandelier as well. He'd swing chandelier using his great strength to hurl it at the incoming couch. As they collide, the couch is broken, the wooden frame splintering and cracking. The chandelier and couch would fall to the ground. Now the pillar.

Arachnadude would be hit by the pillar, but he's tougher than that. Can't show the enemy that you're weak. He'd shift up onto the pillar, getting his footing back as it flies through the sky. He'd fire out hooks from both forearms into the ground on either side of Gavin. He'd grip the coils and pull with all his might, slingshot ring the pillar back at its sender and hopping off halfway back.

"You have some fun powers! They'd probably be more fun if you knew how to use 'em, punk! And yes, I do think I can rob this place, kill people, and get away with it! I mean, there are no true heroes here capable of stopping me and my acquaintances! You're fighting a career criminal, pal. And these guys, even if they weren't career criminals, which they probably are, they have wack powers. No way in hell you guys or an ARMY of you guys can stop us. Besides, we still win as long as we escape..."

Arachnadude starts pacing while standing horizontally on the wall, explaining exactly why the heroes would lose. As he does so, he'd grapple a burning bag of cash and slap it against the wall putting it out. He'd begin loading up, putting its contents into a backpack on his back. A true multitasker.

"And that, hero, is why we will win here. Because we have a person for everything. The fear guy, the ninja, and me, the muscle or whatever. You will not win. And we will make sure of it. And thanks for the assist Pumpking."

Ruining Everything  - Page 2 HRN5OeL
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Quote : "What would you do... For a Klondike bar?"

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INV ONLY Regeneration burns

Post by FantasyBound July 10th 2019, 4:29 pm

The squirming terror that resided inside of his body was tormenting his very existence, Lucas did not wish he was dead, he had no time to even be thinking of that, besides, terror-filled his mind to the point it was virtually flowing over. The pure disgust and fear flowing in him forced his muscles to tense up, making his body held in an expression of pure terror, occasionally jerking or twitching as the muscles desired to be destroyed, but couldn’t. His body, rapidly adapting to the circumstances it was in began sealing parts of himself, but there was millions of them, so many, and his body couldn’t do anything that would slow them down. The burning sensation he was feeling was new, maybe he never noticed until now? He saw a light glow over one eye, before a bubbling sensation would run there, was that oil? No, his eye was burning. Could he comprehend this? No, comprehension was escaping from the situation he was in, and Jack gave no escape.

He felt something inside his body shudder, a shake that vibrated through each and every maggot inside of him, and with that they left his body; crawling and squirming through veins and marrow, he felt movement in the cartilage, inside the backs of his eyes and behind his nose, and through his flesh they came. His mind was no longer filled with the thunderous sounds of them crawling through his eardrums, no longer was the sensation of muscles being pulled tense. The remainder of whatever biological matter that was in his form relaxed, relieved and no longer stressed from the corroding touch. An intense burning sensation would cover him, it was unpleasantly hot, similar to if his whole body was boiling, but never combusting. He felt the reassuring motion of his regenerative tissue, crawling through holes and gaps that covered his body, muscle stretching and spinning its fibers, and the skin reaching and grasping the best it could to seal the wounds.

He felt a spinning motion, a proper gyrating sensation within his eye socket, proper as he attempted his best to focus on developing sight. His vision was blurred for a few seconds, he saw massive blurs move about rapidly, in succession he began hearing more acutely, now able to roughly determine voices. He forced the regenerative blood into his legs and back, the tissue jerking his body upwards onto his knees, he forced himself up, looking around. He saw Jack and his maggots attack Kubi, while Kubi had that crazy lady in his grasp. Lucas rolled onto his back, and with his now developed back muscles and his arm stub, he launched himself onto his feet. A lot of his skin has fallen off, and his left arm was torn off by the mass amounts of maggots and the napalm. His tank top shirt has been torn to shredded bits from the intense feeding frenzy, but his pants mostly remained, being held onto his ground up waist bone. He looked to see what condition his arms where, the right was missing all of its fingers and some of the tricep muscles have been torn right out, and his left of course mentioned before, was cut roughly off. He looked and tried to get someone's attention, but the attempted shout only left as a gurgling hiss. With the back of his fingerless hand, he stuck the back of it to his… there was no chin. When he brought it up, it simply landed on the roof of his mouth. He felt his neck, holes still pierced it throughout, there would be no way for him to communicate.

Luke saw a torrent of flames launch out from Jack’s mouth, they were going to definitely be a burden if he were to let them come in contact with his body, so he spun around and without much of a thought, pulled all his back muscles in, snapping himself backward in half. The ensuing burst of air pressure with the same force as a small car charging into anything it came in contact with, would reflect a majority of the flames away from himself and from the open windows which could have caused an even greater kill count to the powerless mortals outside. The breaking should have been enough to cause a disturbance for the fighter within.

With steam billowing from his body, Lucas would slowly raise back up as his back muscles and spine repaired itself, most of his skin now was turning a bright red from the heat of cells multiplying rapidly within his body, he would turn to see what has become of the group inside.

Current injuries: Missing Jaw, right eye is missing, the left arm is just a stub, back and ribs crunched, calves chewed up.
Time until body is fully repaired: 2 Minutes
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INV ONLY Re: Ruining Everything

Post by Katrina A. Russel October 28th 2019, 11:44 pm

Pain lanced through him, unlike anything he’s ever felt before. A million tiny daggers ripping through his flesh, interspersed by white-hot irons laid across his skin. A pain that would cause lesser men to go insane. The pain was all-consuming, all-corrupting, whiting out his vision, filling his ears with a loud ringing noise. His every nerve was numb save for the pain, every instinct screaming out to save himself from this enemy of all things living, and yet he couldn’t move, muscles frozen. He was paralyzed. A victim of this pumpkin-headed freak. A trickling feeling slowly cut its way through the numbness, followed by an intense taste of copper. Immediately, Kubi knew what it was.


It had been a long time since he smelled his own blood. Even longer since someone else made him bleed. Despite the situation, a grin spread across his face, the countless streams of blood staining his teeth red. Blood pooled in his mouth, the bitter, metallic taste filling his sense before he could spit it out. Blood from a dozen and one spots stained his suit black, dripping, dripping, dripping, the red liquid filling a pool underneath him. The black energy that had sustained him flickered like a dying light, and he sagged into the ground, his breath coming in great, heaving gasps. He was cold. So very cold. For the first time since the death of his wife, his grip on life was weakening. He welcomed it, in a way. No more struggle, no more scraping and clawing for the slightest semblance of sanity in this unforgiving, chaotic world.

The darkness parted, revealing light, and swimming in this life was the face of his wife. The pain left him, washed away into the void, pouring from him like waterfalls of blood. There was nothing now, just emptiness; he could barely muster the energy to lift his head. The phantom visage of his wife stared back, ghostly lips parting into a translucent smile. It was okay, it said. Let go, it urged. Hands cupped his face, and his own trembling digits pressed against it. He could not touch her, not really, his fingers only touching his own skin, but he felt her there nonetheless even as his fingers passed straight through her. His eyes filled with tears, blood and salty liquid mingling in rivulets of fluid down his cheeks. His heart ached for her, more than anything in this entire world he wanted to go. To throw off the earthly shackles that still bound him here and go, free, as a spirit.

And yet, he couldn’t. There was too much to do. Her killer was still on the loose, and more pressing, a crazy, psychotic killer. He had to stay, he had to suffer and fight through every day until the time did come when he could see her again, and at that point, he could die happy and move on, satisfied his task was complete. He tried to convey this a look, a single mournful gaze from his chocolate eyes. And she seemed to understand, her ethereal eyes widening in a smile that brought him back to the days of joy and wonder. His hand came from his face, straining now to reach her as she disappeared. The light was fading, and with it came the cold, and the pain, and the fear once again. Fear of failure and dejection, fear of losing everyone he’s cared to grow close to. His lips moved, half-forming silent syllables.

I miss you.
He mouthed to her, numb lips unable to complete the motions.

But she understood. She brought her hand to her lips to blow him a kiss. As the light disappeared, leaving only her face illuminated in his vision for a brief second, she spoke silent words.

I miss you too, my love.

And then she was gone, and a gasp burst from his body as life returned to his limbs, burning a path through his veins. The numbness faded, replaced by this pain. The cold, deathly pallor that had fallen over the world disappeared as well. But his vision wasn’t clear; the burning of his limbs, traveling towards his heart, burned away any semblance of pain, replaced instead with pure rage. Blood drenched his clothes, still flowing from a half dozen areas; as he moved, muscles pulled on these injuries, pain lancing through him again, but this time he ignored it. A booted foot planted on the ground, cracking the tiled floor. As he pushed, waves of wind and force pushed off him, an incredible amount of strength pouring from him. His armor returned, black as night and fully formed, masking his features behind that of the facsimile of a bear.

The slim hands of the girl wrapped around the neck of her lover, a kiss planted on him with the sort of eagerness when someone saves your life. Her wild black hair blew in the wind, streaming behind her like a pair of wings. She tried to resist being pushed underground, but the issue with being intangible is, y’know, the inability to grasp anything. It was killing her, unable to continue fighting to protect Jack, but if anyone was capable of defending themselves, it was her lover. And here, at least, he wouldn’t have to worry about protecting her-

The world exploded, earth and tile flying past and through her, only saved by the intangibility forced upon her. A scream exploded from her throat unbidden (earning her a derisive chuckle from the reflection of Katrina). Dust rose, obscuring her vision, her only sight between a massive form in the shadows of the dust cloud; she couldn’t quite make it out, but it seemed as if … she gasped. Sunlight streamed through gaps in the debris, possible mostly because it appears as if the bank had been … blown up somehow, as if a giant hand had just swatted it like a bunch of lego’s.

Her gaze fell again on the shadow in the dust, just in time to see him. And in that same split second, a wall of force cleared the dust and seemed to rip through her; and she screamed, a bloodcurdling cry as she threw her arms over her head to protect her. A vain solution, as it turns it, because she was still incorporeal. The dust fell, settling like snow over the assembled onlookers, and through bleary eyes Kitty looked up.

”This the game you wanna play?”

His knuckles cracked, the mere motion sending shockwaves skittering across the ground. His dramatic rise had blasted the ceiling free, sending debris falling; a second, almost casual, punch send this debris flying towards Jack, in the hopes of destroying him. It wouldn’t, not really, but still one hell of a demonstration. Black wisps flew free from the bear-like armor, blood poured down his skin into the ground, but both these things Kubi ignored, focusing instead on the pumpkin-headed bastard who decided to elongate the game.

”Time to crank this shit up to eleven.”

He could see it all; the waves of light splashing over the ground, the air as it moved, the parting of gasses as someone breathed. These he used to his advantage; his fist moved through the air, particle colliding against particle, and in an instant a massive explosion erupted, hundreds of feet in front of Kubi exploded, destroying like hit by a bomb. And again, and again, a flurry of blows destroying several city blocks. Rage swirled in him, flickers of red bursting through the black armor as a sign of his anger. Every fist fell with the weight of a thousand hammers, shattering and ripping and shredding through the city like a hot knife through butter.

”Before I forget, anybody still alive might wanna get out.”
Katrina A. Russel
Katrina A. Russel
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INV ONLY Re: Ruining Everything

Post by inquisitor August 31st 2020, 12:40 am

Thread is marked as concluded and inactive, because of time spent and PC changes. All participants except those who dropped out or caused thread death get full XP.
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Quote : Fellas, you can walk out of here on your own two legs, or the EMTs can wheel you out on stretchers. Make the right choice. -Gavin Clough

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Location : Being bouyed by the laughter of podlings.
Age : 34
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